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0// /,2 / DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AI',ID I.iNVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIOI,I Permit ti: 840834 January 31, 1985 TO: Permit Applicant SUBJECT: Lot 6 Block 1 Hidden Hills Subdivision A permit issued bt, this Department for an individual, well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as ef December 31, 1984, Permits are issued on a calendar year basis by authority of Municipal Ordinance. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system not installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the mns~a_.lat~on and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of 'the on-site sewer system, the original as~built inspection report and the yellow copy must be sent to this office for review and approval, and for documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4'720. Sincerely, Keith E. Bandt, ~sor Environmental Engineering Program KEB/ljw enc: Copy of Permit SWP/0 5 7 II"dl !l.J II~,,11 ]E C]',: ]1] II='' ~i~:z'~ I1.._ ]I;; "'IF" "~r''r KZ'.II fl::::::" ~'-::'.~ lP,JI i}IEI:;'AI:?TMI~!~NT OF I'"IIEAI....TH AND ElxlVII:;~OI'qMEIxH'AI... 825 I.... S"I"FIIEEEiTI", AIxlCH[]F/A!~]E 264,.... 47' ~?. C, F:'IERM I T IxtO: :l:)A"l"li::q I SSUIED ~ 8x1,0834. :!.0 / 0,'.:;:',/84 AI:'I:::'L. ]: CANT: A D D R E S S: C[]Iq'I"ACT I:::'I...I(]NE :: I.,..EIT !iil I ZE ',~ L. OT I....OCAT I ON ',~ SUBD ;1: V I !:J ]: ON: H ]: DDIEN H ]: SIEC'T' I ON: 9 'I"O!',INSH I F': 14994 (SD, I::'T. OR ACI:'~I!!~!~i) 633() I_OST C::IRCL.E(: LOT :: 6 BI....OCI< :: :I. A N(3 E :: 41,'.J :1: c e r' t. :i. f' y t h at :: 2,, '.1- w:i. ll :i. nstal:l, the sysrLem in ac::c:~:ar'danc~:~ w:i. tl~ all MOA c~ch.:~s and Pegulat.:i. ans:s, 3~ '.1; will. ar.:ll"~c.n~.;:.~ to all ~OA and S'l'..at.~:~ c~F Alasi<a ~c~u:i.m'~em~;:.n"rLs .l'cm 'i'.t'i~.~, :=,~.... I:)acl< d :i. st. aric,~:~s f'r'~;~m any ex :i. st :i. ng s,~.c,'.l. ]. ~, was'l'..~:~,,,.~t'l:.~t.:H'' cl :i.~s-I:~C:)sa]. sy~irL(~:.n'n ~:ar' F.,Ld:) :1 :i.c sewi.z?r~ age system tin '('..h i s C)P ~?:tl']y acJ.j ~11(zc(.}l']t C)l' Ir'i(:{~;';tl': J:]")i ]. (.lt ,, API:::'I.... I [,ANT'n R[),.':UEI::/]" G,"IIEEI,I / AI'iCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICI' OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 200 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ~IL~ SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR 274-2533 October 2, 1984 Wakon Redbird & Associates 600 W. 53rd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Waiver Horizontal Separation between Well and Septic Tank Lot 6, Hidden Hills Subdivision (8521.-WA-042) Dear Sir: The Department has reviewed the subject waiver request and hereby waives ti~e horizontal set)aration between the well and septic tank to 90 feet on the subject property for a 3 bedroom single fal,vily residence only. Sincerely, :. Erickson Environmental Engineer BEE/rosin cc: Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION PHONE NO. OF BEDROOMS Dwelling L o s7 k: Well Absorption area ~.. ~ Manufactu 'er ,. - . ~ ILiq capac ty n ga o qs ;~ Inside ength /'O~)~J) IF HOMEMADE: =,ST..O..o:Iw"'' ~ M~nuf~tu~ - '~l ~'- [~ell Foundation / ~ ~ ~ ~ No. of lines ~Length of each hne Tatal length of I nes ~ [ Length Width Depth ~ CE TO Well Building foundation ~ J~ass Depth Driller ~ / ~ST~cE ~O ~uilding foundation Sewer line Material Width Material I Nearest lot Trench width ~ ,.~'e' inches 7L'~J inches PERMIT NO. No. of compartments Liquid depth PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons PERMIT NO. Distance between lines Total effective absorption area PERMIT NO. Total effective absorption area Nearest lot line Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. Septic tank Absorption area(s) [] NEW ~;J'O'P G R A D E OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER DATE APPROVED LEGAL I}EF'I::IRTHENT OF HEFIL. TIq FINI:)13%,'II:;itONMEHTFtL F'ROTECTiEd",I 6',;2D '"L."' STREET., FINCHOFd:::iGE., FII<. 9956):1. < il..,,..il E¥-' L.... Li ~:::::~ !i"ql E::, C:u fcql ..... :~j;;, ][ -IF' EE :E!5 E: Ib,.lt IE!:: PERi'II'F i'.,IO. ,:: ',-?,3E~G?Ii I::iF'F'L Z E:Fti',FF RO[:',ERT GREEN Eib:=.:: 4..- ,:: .... _... Flh,l(::lq. Ffi<. L i E:FTI' 101",1 LOST (:: ~ Fb3LE i_.I:EGFil .... L 6 E: :k HI[.,L":,EN HIL.LS LOT SIZE 'l"'.r'PE OF SOIl_ FIE:SORF'"FZOH .:, ::,"fEi' IS: 'TF.':Ei'.iE:H i'IFI;>:;IHUt'I ?.,IiJt'IBER OF' BEH:,ROEfl'"IS = RFI'I .[ t .l[a _ SOIl_ '"'. '"' "i"I-.IEE I:~:E'Z.,LilF.:E[., E;iZE "'iF' THE SOl'l_ F:IFSORF'TtOI"4 :,~:,tE:.II "i"HE L.IEhlG'/"H [., ]1HEi',IS i IiSi ]1S THE LENIiTH ,:1 i I",1 FEEIET 1:, f'3F' THE TF~:ENE:H OR I]:,f;;tFl I I'qF t EiL[Z:,. THE DEF'TH OF Fd TRENCH OR F'IT ~S THE E:,~STFINCE E:ETHEEN ]"HE '~URFI::I(3E }F' THE TFIERE IS bio SET HI E.,TH F'OR TF:Ei'.~CHES. THE . I.h ,f:l... E:,E:F'TH IS THE I,IZNZI'ilJM [)EPTH OF GRFI',,,'EL.. E:ETI.,.tEEt',I THE OLITFF:ILJ... F:'IF'E FINE:, TFtE BOTTOH OF' THE 6'::.:: i:R',/RT 101'.4 ,:: F'EF?.HZT RF'F'L. Im3FINT Hm::IS THE Rb.:,FJ ,I:,ZE, Zt...ZI~. TO INFORf'I 'l"HI'.5 E:,EF'FIFqTME:NT E, R:I:I',K:~ THE iH:EN]SlLL.FFF]: ')H INSF'EC%ZONS OF FIN"r' HE[...L:5 FtDJFICENT TO TbI:[S PF;;'m3F'EF'T .... FIND THE NUMBER OF' RES Z[[)E:h,ICE!~; THFI"I' THE HEll. H ZLI... :,b.k, E.. E, T H I BFIE:KF I L.L. i NG OF FII'.,I'.¢ .:,, ::,Tb:l I I.,.I t TH ::'! tT F'I NFiL ~ HSPECT ~ r'U'.4 FIN[:, FIPPI:~'.O',,,'FtL. DEPFIR"FMEI',FF H ILL. E:E 5.. E .TECT T"'* PROSEf/LIT'[ '" ~', H I N :[ i'iUi'~ [::, I S:;]"FIt'.,ICE LE~E't".klEEI',I Fi HELL. FIN[:, F:ll",t"r' OI",I'-:'!; I TE SEHFIGE: [::' t SF:'OSFII... S'¢S'T'EM I S; :l.I;~iE1 F'EET I:;:01;i: I::1 PRI',,,'FITE: HELL. OR :1.5E~ TO 200 F'EET I:::'f~tOH R F'LIBLIC HEL.L E:,EF'EN[:,ZI",IG UF'ON THE T"r'F:'E O1::' F'IJBLZC 1.4ELL. iqZi',ilHUH [:,ZSTRi',iE:E FROH FI I::'RI',/FFFE IAELL TO lq F:'I~:I',,,'I:¥t"E :SE].,.IER L:[i"4E IS 2:!:5 FEE]" Rt",ID "l"FI I:::I E:OMHUNIT"r' $EHEF.: L. I I",IE IS ?"5 FEET. HELL. LO(~i:5 fiRE REE:!UIREE.' R?',IE:' MUST E:E F.:E]"URNEi} TO THE [:,EPI::IRTHENT HITHIH i:E~ Dt::l"r'::i; OF ]"HE HEL. L. COHPLETION. ~.F3TFIIER RE[.:!U ! F::EHENT::'-:; MFl"r' FIF'F'I....'¢. :~'SF'EC I F' :t: E:FI'f;t!iU",tS !::II",iE:' O~NS'T'F:UCT I Oht I} I F(GRFH"'tS. :,,.,,,:, ':',"'. z/o_ :I: ' "' _.ER . F r 'THi::FI" i: I I:IH FI:::IHIL. tFIF;: HITH THE F.:EQI..LIREHE"]",ITS FOR OI'.,F.:.S):"r'IE SEiI.,.iERS FIND HEL. i_S FIS :SE'T' F[iI:;i:]'H E',¥ ]"HE i,lUN i C Z PI::II_ ]: T"r' OF Fti'.,tCHOf;..tFIGE:. :-i:' I HILJ... INSTI::II...L. THE !'~';'T':5]'EM IN FICCOF.:DFIHf":E HtTH THE: COC, ES. 2.:: i Ut',fDERSTFIN[:, THF/]' THIE ON-SITE SEI.,.II:-.Iq: .::,?:, I EI'I Ml::f'," PE":' ]'RE ENI....F:IRGEMENT IF: THE RESt[:'ENCE I:L:; REHIi,[;;,['EL. ED TO :[NCLJJ[:'E I'/OI~:I:Z "FHFIH ]: E:EE:'F.:(]()M'::~;. ~ FH::'F'I_ I CFIt',H' REIE:ER]" GF..:EIEN MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department "Health and Environmenta. ~rotection 825 ~ Street, Anchorage, AK. ~9501 264-4720 * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * (~Z)(:J]]>~ WELL AND/OR ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT Permit Appl. icant: ~,~ ~,~ ~ Mailing Address:-~ ~ CI ~/<~_~ Phone Number: Location: Legal Description: ~ ~ ~/~/ Type of Soil Absorption System Is: Trench: ~ Drainfield: MaxJ. mum Number of Bedrooms: Seepage Bed: Holding Tank: Soil Rating(sq.ft/br) ~ The Required Size of the Soil Absorption System Is: DEPTH Iq/. LENGTH ,~ GRAVEL DEPTH (.9, ~ WIDTH The length dimension is the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfield. The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). * * REQUIRED SEPTIC(HOLDING) TANK SIZE = /(Y-)© GALLONS * * Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of residences that the well will serve. * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED * * * Backfilling of any system without final~insp, ec~iQn ~nd approval ~y this ~department will be subje~ct to prosecution. ~ O,~~~_x~ L4~/~ ~ ~a~.~ ~ ~ ~o~'~, ~,~~~;m-,is 10 feet Minimum d~tance 'betgeen-A ~1 an~ any ~n-szte sq~age d-i~pos~l s~stem i 0 for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion. Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams are available to insure proper installation. * * * ,PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31~ I certify that: 1) I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. 2) I will install the system in accordance with codes. 3) I understand that the on-site sewer system may require enlargement if t~e~e~idence is remodeled to include more that 3 bedrooms. Issued by:/~ Date: POUCH b-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION July 20, 1983 The well that is to be abandoned has had fifty(50) feet of casing pulled and that fifty(50) feet has been filled with cement. This will be acceptable with this department providing the remaining casing is filled with cement and the casing cut out at ground level. The new sewer system shall not be placed any closer than twenty-five(25) feet from the well that will be abandoned. January 3, ].978 Robert Green Post Or._ic.e Box ~.-~753 ~ohora~3e, 2tlaska 99508 .__~/~P I Subject¢ Lot ~ Hi~den Hills Subdivision Permit t~77700 A permit issued by this department :for well and/er sewer system has expired. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis~ as stated on the permit~ by authority of Municipal ordinance. I.f you have drilled the well~ a well lo9 should be sent' to this department to document 'the installation date. tf there are any furtl~er questions~ please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely~ Health and Environmental Protect, ion Sewer and Water Section f ]: C:t!!i:I~'.T :1: F"r' 'T'HI':I'T' :1..: ]: 1::It"'1 I:::'l:::fH:[I..:l:f::tl:;i'. 14:["t'H TH[ii: I:;?.[~:[i.~I...I]:~:I::~:HI!ii:t",HS F:'Ot;..' C~l",l"":!.i;]:"l'l/i: :ii!;Eil4t:ii:l:;i:'.!!i; FINE:' I.,.Ili~:L..LS I::lliill SI!i!:T I::'OI:;.'.TH [~Fr' 'THI:~!: HLII",I :[ I:.:: :I I::'1::11.. :1: "1'¥ 1:31:::' i:::li'.,Ir:::H(:][?.l:::lC, il!ii:. ;~.!:: ]: .L,.1:1: LI~ :t: I'.~S"I'I::II....t... THE :.:.':: 3: 111'.4[::,t!~:I.;i!?!:i;'T'FII'.,I[:.', I"HF:I'[' "IHE (::lf',t"-".i!i;]:~l[ii: '.ii.;[ii:l.,.IE:l:?. '.'.:J'.?'.iE]'liiff"t I'qFl"r' I;~'.liii:L.:!l...l:[l:;i'.l!!: EI",II...I:::II:;ii(]Iii::H[:~:I",I'I~ ]:1:::' 't"Htli: I:',i'.IE!(~ :1: I:::'[~:l",lC:lili: ]: '.!:i; I~:'.I:::HCH)I~:':I...lili:D TCI Itl I I I 11141 I I I I I ~ I :: :::':::' :: T::;: ' - ;i' ,:: ,:I ' ,:',::: :: ", [] SOILS LOG . MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTNiENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONN1ENTAL PROTECTION ~J ' PERCOLATION TEST Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, Alaska 99B02 276-222~' SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: ' r'~;-~. ~ ~ ~ SITE P [.A~-~ ~ : ~ ~ ~1 ~' 8 10 " 11 ,, WAS GROUND WATER ," ENCOUNTE"ED? ~ L 0 12 , ~ E i 13 I X,( DEPTH? Gross Ne, ~:~"~ Net Reading Date Time Time ~ ~. ~ e/~.~'~ Drop / / 14 15 16 17 18- 19- 20 - .~ ~--./,;.. .r,, ,, PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN ~¢¢ FT AND Z/ F/f;,~¢~,'-' '~, ; , COMMENTS PERFORME~.~, .~-~ ~',~;2~. CERTIFIE~/ ~~-~,~DA:~: ~d'~,~ .~n 72 008 (7/76) ~%~;~:~ ,;.~. ~,:,: