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HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIDDEN HILLS BLK 1 LT 24 LU Lu to to to CD 0 < in i7. iu 0 < In Z7 A to cr o 0 m In LD 3C.) 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Anchorage. Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT LEGAL DESCRIPTION TANKS TYPE OF SYSTEM j~TRENCH ,] BED [, W. DRAIN ~ OTHER _~j) FT C~ ;~ei'!er, g~d~' ........ ]ravel Width WELLS ~.. 5 et ~ FT PRIVATE OTHER (Identify) REMARKS: WELL DISTANCES 8EPTIC TANK LOT LINE I/.= FOUNDATION .~ ABSORPTION FIELD WELL 25___ 7' AS-BUILT DIAGRAM IShow IocaDon of well 5ephc syslem, property hne$, IounOahon. driveway, water bodies, ere i Municipal and Slate gumeH{ms in eflecl on tm~ ~]am Date cerlily thai this inspection ,,','as peflDrnled accerding to all . ENGINEERS SEAL No. 22? 5~r iv:.: .....;~ ',: '.:" ;I. ;;7:hi I::;;(:~N E) EZ i: d. " .- .Il' C)i"I '"~i~:J.'].'.(,:.) !i!i(.:.,.)l!..J(.}2V'!:i. ,:':{ll"iC] ~,...J(.:.;,:,] ~" .~:',~:~ :; f cm't:.h by'" "~ ... hh.u"l :i.c: :i.l:::,a]. J.l'.y c:*f' (.iric:l"wH',ac ~* (HC)(h) and 'Lh~.:~,::~t:..:.vL¢.:.> ¢',~: /.~[ ...... .... ;::::,, ]: *,,¢:i.].:t. :i.n~:'La] I. 'Lb(:-:.: ~'~,'!~'i.:.(:.:.:,lf1 :i.]'~ *':';t C: C:: E) r" (::h':':U"H::: E:, ~*~:i.l'.h a:l.]. }"l(;~(.t~ i:::(::)(::l(~.:,~; ,:::u~(.1 ~'c:~gu >',t .......... ' , ' .... r .... (.. ! ~ E:' :~ (:.:.) t. b~ ~':)~,,~(.::) i' *:;'~ Ci (:':') ~;; ¥ % '1 .;. E) I"~ L [) J. fi;~ C) I" a:t i'l ~,' a':~CI ,.'j a'.'* C: ('::)i'~ 'k (::) i' I~ (:e) Et i~ [:) ¥ }. ':::i t Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 17 18 20- .,~ ; i(ENGINE~R'$,SEAL) DATE PERFORMED:. L ~'"'~,-.~ .t .~,~/. ~ //~/.n/~..¢/17////, ~Township, Range, SectiOn:sLOPE I'~/~/\/'S'~E/~<~PLAN ~ WAS GROUND WATER // ENCOUNTERED? COMMENTS ~'~ S L IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? ~ 0 P Oepth to Water After. _ Monitoring? /~,/~)~J ~ Date: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop __,. _ /,, i1'~¢~,~t %0¢ ' ¢~'~2 I~ ,, PERCOLATION RATE ~ ;2../1~ (m,nutes/mch} PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~ ,,I '~ '~.11 I TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FT AND 7 FT PERFORMED CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACOORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES I~ EF/ECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~"~' ~"~, ~/¢~) 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) GREA._ ANCHORAGE AREA BORL. Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME_ "'- T~'~;~, I LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS 120/~(___~ '( O"i-~/'~' PHONE ~-'7¢1 '~ ~" ~'-O ~,/O SEPTIC TANK.:' · DISTANCE ,..~ ~. FROM WELL ~' MANUFACTURER_/ - ' ' '~,f~'kO -Zd,',. MATERIAL INSIDE LENGTH ~ INSIDE WIDTH '- LIQUID DEPTH NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS LIQUID CAPACITYI'00[~ GALLONS. DISTANCE FROM WELL NUMBER OF LINES l ABSORPTION AREA DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISN GRADE FOUNDATION NEAREST LOT LINE TOTAL LENGTH OF LINES DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES ~"~ ""')' SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE __ DEPTFt OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE TRENCH WIDTH~i~ ~IF~:~' IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE .1~. ABOVE TILE ('t IN. WELL: BUILDING FOUNDATION __ _CONSTRUCTION NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC LOT LINE SEWER LINE , TANK CESSPOOL ____, OTFIER SOURCES APPROVED DISAPPROVED REMARKS DEPTH SEEPAGE SYSTEM DISTANCE FROM: DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: Form LQ-032 DIAGRAM OF: SYSTEM DATE <APPROVED G.A.A.B. Vgell Owner ~ JV1-W DRILLING, Inc. P.O. Box4*1224 · 1310C International Airport Road (907) 274-4611 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 DRILLING LOG ,.×/ 'i'om ¢: ......... Use of Wel Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known~ or distance main road [.2A~ Blk 1~ Hidden ' ' ' "Size of casing, d" .Depth of Hole ......... Static water level l& :) ' ft. (i~biJ~¢%') (below Screen ( ); Perforated ( ). Describe screen or perforation [k n? Well pumping test at 'LO gallons per (hbUr) of drawdown from static level. Date of completion ? A:.,q, 197:; feet Cased to .... ~ feet land surface. Finish of well (check one) open end ( :: ); (minute) for_ !. hours with '~ )~ , r ft. WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated size of material, color and hardness Si ]_ ~v 'f/ ?J'5 .TO 4O 4O .TO 6O 6O .TO. '79 · 7.~ ' .TO. ,lei: .TO,. 104 104..TO. 111 Ill TO ! 1 d TO 1 ~:~.~ '' 'q TO " TO__ Sil'ty : Gravel Loose NWWA Cerdfied Con~cto[ '] Certificate No's. ~J14 k 9q3. ~ 2 -- STATE GRk'ATE! NCHORAGFL AREA F3OIZ~O'L]F'' INSTALLATION LOCATION FINANCED THROUGH " TO BE INSTAl. LED SOIL TEST RESULqS (/ CC _ -~j~:~,'~ ..... NOTI~': THI~ PEI~IT 1¢ NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIb T~T COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED FINAL INSPECTION: Z4 HOUR NO"FlOE REQtJIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM W{THOU'[' FINAL INSPECTION BY THE '~..c.. / r- - WATER ~AIN 'ro S=PT,C TANK _ SEPTIC TANK, _~._--_, SEEPAGE GRAVEl. CONFORM TO BOROUGN REGtJLAT[ONB IiEGARDINOAS'I'AI.LA'I'ION. OR CERTIFY TllAT I AM FAMII.IAB WITH THE REQ"IREMENTS OP ~REATER ANCHORAGE--/(I~ ~OUGH ORDINANCE 'O. 28-68 AND THAT TH" ABOVE DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CODE. ~ / '"EATER ANCUORAGE AREA BOROUGH ~ q~drtment of Environmenl;al Quali 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PF, ROLATION TEST legal Description.~7_~_.~ g2 ~ ~---=--~/.~,! _ ,-~/,,~_~ ~-., · orll r_po~s: 3oi/sL IOg_~ Percolation test D e p t h Feet / Was ground water encountered? ____~_~_ .... If yes, at what depth? !?a~d?_g_ ............. D_a..t__e_ .... G~r_~_S_s_l_'],~_~e__ ........ Net Time _~?_t_l]_~t__o_W~]t__?~_ Net Drop .]1712._-i___--_7 ...................................... Percolation rate minute. Proposed installation: ~eepage Pit Drain Field [~epth of Inlet Depth to bottom of pit or [rench COH~I[[I'FS: EQ 040 (6/74) P.O. BL)X 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 995'19-6650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES September 9, ].986 Tobben Spurkland, P.E. 203 West 15th Avenue C Suite 203 Anchorage, Alska 99501 Subject: Lot 24 Block 1 Hidden Hills Subdivision Waiver Request, WR86-130 Dear Mr. Spurkland: Your request for a waiver of the 100 foot separation distance required between a proposed leachfield upgrade and an existing well on the subject lot has been denied. Your request was for a waiver that would allow the nearest portion of the leachfield to be installed 75 feet front the well. This waiver was denied because the submitted risk analysis does not meet the minimum criteria necessary for waiving separation distances for continuous sources of contamination such as a leachfield. Sincerely, Stephen S. Morris Civil Engineer On-site Services SSM/ljw DI~P1~, OF H~ALTH ~ ENVIROnMeNtAL p~O~E~ON RECEIVED MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES P.O.BOX 6-6650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 203 W, 15th AVE "C" SUITE 203 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 TELEPHONE: (907) 279-3916 SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 Subject: Health Complaint, overflowing septic tank 6420 Quiet Circle WAIVER REQUEST Gentlemen; We investigated the the cause for the complaint received from the Department of Health and Human Services by our client. Mr. Tom Green. According to records obtained from the Department of Health and Human Services, the septic system was installed in July 1975, and was inspected and approved by the Municipal Health Department at that time. The records showed that the trench was 11 feet deep, with 8 feet of sewer rock and 37 feet long. When we excavated the trench on August 28, 1986 we found that the total depth of sewer rock was less than 18 inches. Obviously, the installer had backfilled the trench with less rock than was required. The material below the gravel was saturated and contaminated by organics from the septic effluent for more than four feet. AcCording to our field measurements the existing system was installed within the 100 feet well radius as shown on the attached siteplan and from 8 to 16 feet from the edge of the road. This lot is very steep and the only location for a seepage trench is within the 100 foot well radius. The attached risk analysis shows that the potential for groundwater contamination is minimal. Yours Tobbe~ CONSULTING ENGINEER 203 W. 15th AVE "C" SUITE 203 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 TELEPHONE: (907) 279-3916 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES P.O. BOX 6-6650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 SEPTEMBER 5, 1986 SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR PRIVATE WELL. LOT 24 y BLOCK 1, HIDDEN HILLS Gentlemen; We are submitting a request for waivers from the separation distances stated in Title 18, Alaska Administrative Code Chapter 80.020 This submittal follows the format outlined in a Memorandum dated January 3, 1985 on the subject of "Separation Distance Waiver Guidelines for SCRO", prepared by Mr. Bruce Erickson, District Office Coordinator. State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation. This Memorandum outlines a procedure to be used in the evaluation of waiver requests by assigning number values to geological features addressed in the waiver request. In this request I have followed this procedure and assigned values to the pertinent features as follows: ( All pertinent data is obtained from the well log for the well on the property.) Vertical Distance Between Sewage System and Ground Water. More than 200 feet. Point value assigned 7.50 2. Soil Absorption. 97 feet of the soil depth is identified as loose his portion of the soil depth must be disregarded. gravel. T Loose Gravel 97/200 x 0 = 0 Sand and Gravels 48/200 x 1.5 = 0.36 Silt 55/200 x 3.5 = 0°96 Clay 3/200 x 6 = 0,09 Total Points 1.41 1.41 3. Permability: 50 % of the material described in the well log is silty gravel. The remainder is clean gravel. sandy Point value assigned 0.50 Tobben Spurkland P,E. Waiver Request Lot 24, Block 1 Hidden Hills September 5, 1986 Page 2 4. Water Table Gradient. This is a confined aquifer with 43 feet of pressure: head. At maximum drawdown the gradient of the water table will be 0%. less than maximum drawdown the gradient will be positive. Point value assigned 3.00 Horizontal Separation From well to ~.~c t~k 75 ft. Point values assigned For septic tank 2.00 At TOTAL POINTS 14.41 This total shows that no bacteriological contamination is possible and that chemical contamination is unlikely . Cast iron was used in the construction of the system. Septic tank has water 'tight couplings. Water sample taken during the operation of the system have not shown any contamination. I request that a waiver be issued for this property. Yours T~P.E. poe ~c / IN,ST/kb 'NP,V 151.. -I:',%t'P-C~"IW l,t/IfHIN IOd c~' :NoTg.5 1, Nc:, I~?F~f-~kil'5 LOc~frxp ApF{9 I. ltq,%, tki6ll',i~R OF YARI~tL~'E_, C,~,I4u ~-1-~ OkL5; J"e-~'klckl L(tq~'i'Pr 3o'..,,,~----.-