HomeMy WebLinkAboutHILLCREST BLK 3 LT 1 02/23/2011 —21:27 ALPINE DRILLD-i(7 PAGE 01/01 MUNICIPALITY FANCHORA.tea GE ell, DWELOPMENT SERVICES DEP&R-ftllf 14T oil -site water and Wastewater saction Fax: M3 t99?' WON Lel Addraz1W. Block R Lot-- 5VO-1 u3ntr dr$ performing U* well Name" Vvatf diAo Locaturc uss the space 40.1m, to rfvokk).3 dr wring oft rt *whiiV the Notill arrow well 1coatinil tr LooRIAM of oth-el mW Wdis an Ilia pmmiv Two serrate uvving-be for each wfAl &hrem or; the drawing Nota;:: fibs SV&.U-tt d;6UMOa 15 W11 I L'a Tymm rsr ed from r4 LhaT pe -tin a non ( swwlu ma cw the pft4'& r tv comers. and LA,dt� ~Permit ~: 82099'7 January 31, 1983 TO: Permit Applicant Subject: Lot 1 Block 3 Hill.crest Subdivisien A permit issued by this department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as ef December 3l, 1982. Permits are issued ena calendar year basis, as stated en the permit, by authority of Hunicipal Ordinance. If yeu have drilled the weal, a well log needs to be sent to this department for decumentatien of the instal, latien date and te clese the'permit. If a private engineer inspected the instaAlatien of the on-site sewer system, p~ease have them send us the as-builts ~or eur files and decumentation. If there are any ~urther questions, please ca~l this o£~ice at 264-4720. Sincerely) Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Acting Program Manager Sewer and Wa'her Program RCP/ljw enc: Cepy ef Permit SWP/057 PERMIT NO. DEPFIRTME},IT OF FIERL. TFI FIND EN'v'IRONMEI'.,FFFIL F'ROTE:CTION 825 '"L'" STREET., RNC:HORFIGE., FIK. 9950± 264-4720 iL.I E- L. L IF' E£ E: IPl I 'T ,.': :::;C"0997 ) RPF'L I CFINT LOCRT I ON LEGRL O"r'RL TFIOMPSON LIB.--'.': H ILLCREST 7700 DUBEN ST 99504 LOT SIZE 999999 SQURRE FEE7' MIblIMLIM [:,ISTflNCE E:ETb.IEEN R HELL RN[:, FIN'Y AN-SITE SEb. IFIGE [:,I'SF'OSRL S'T'STEM 100 FEET FOR ~ PRI',/RTE NELL OR i50 TO 2AA FEET FRUH R PI IE:LIF: NELL [:,EF'EN[:,ING UPON THE T'¢PE OF PUE:LIC HELL. HINIMUM DIST~NCE FROM FI F'R.I'v'~TE WELL TO R FRI~TE' ' ,' ' SENER. LINE IS 25 FEET FIN[:, TO P] COMMUNIT'¢ SEWER LINE IS 75 FEET. WELL LOG'S RRE REQUIRED FIN[:, t,tlI'qT... BE RETURNED TO THE [.EFHRTMENF', ,- OF THE WELL C:OMPLETION. OTHER RE: JIREIdENT=, MR'¢ RPPL¥. SF:'EC:IFIC:RTIONS RN[:, CONSTRJCTION DIFIGRFIMS FiRE RVRILRBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTflL. LRTION. I CERTIF'¢ "FHRT t.: I Bfq FFIMILIRR I.,JITFI THE REQUIREMENTS FOF.: ON-?,ITE S, EI.,4ERS laND HELLS FiS C;ET FORTH B'Y THE MUNICIPRLIT'Y OF RNCHORRGE. L-I: I WILL INSTRLL THE SYSTEM IN FtCCOR[:,RNCE HITH THE C:ODEL=;. 'v'4. 0