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HILLCREST Water Supply Information
FROM: TO: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT: REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE ~INFORMATION ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OTHER DATE OF MEMO: '~ -/,,g ~ ,~'~- DATE ANSWER REQUESTED: PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION ~',r. Odin Terry H.O. iiox 8215 /\!1c]~o1"a~),2 ~ /',,10,5 .Subject: i~ater Supl)ly in I',illcr(~st subdivision iJcar Zr. Terry: On ;'lovember 5, 1979 you wer~ Fimud 'for engi nderi ng oi1 any wa ~er' Jt sCri bu ~i oFi s5's ~elis ~)av't,)~ u~oY'e ~hart ~vlu CO~)l~ectiulis. W~ )t~w JldV(~ uvidence ~o indicate Chat water dlstribu~i~:,ltnes are bein9 r~xt. ended within Hill(';rest Subdivision wi~;h~ut ,)n~jineering approval from this L;apari;men~; or ,the Stat;a ~eparth,~nt of Environmental Conserva~iuF~. If ~his situation ls not rac~ii"icd by October 2, 1972~ ~;his Uepartn~ent will commence 't~.~,jaI uction. Your coopt, ration is this Si ncu r~:ly, John ~i. Environmental Sarvi rub D~tPT. OF ~,NVIIRONMENT,~kL CONSERV/kT~ON JAY $. HAMMOND, Cover.or SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE MACKAY BLDG. 33B DENALI STREET ANCHORAGE 99501 July 29, 1975 Dr. Leroy Reid, P.E., Director Department of Environmental Quality GAAB 330 "C" Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Subject: Hillcrest Subdivision (Terry and Emerson) Dear Dr. Reid: We have received a request from a Mrs. Emerson to serve two trailers from a single well in Hillcrest Subdivision. She stated that a Mrs. Terry had received a waiver from us to do the same thing in the subdivision. With your personnel's aid the letter in question was discovered and is attached. Since the September 6, 1974 letter to Mrs. Terry I have re~ ceived an interpretation of 18 AAC 72.020 (C) (1) and 18 AAC 72.100 (10). I made an error with the letter of non objection to Mrs. Terry. As this is my mistake, if you desire I will in- form Mrs. Terry that she has a reasonable length of time to comply with 18 AAC 72.020 (C) (1). Mrs. Emerson will be informed that waivers are not possible for the situation involved. Let me know your desires in this matter. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused your stafE. Very truly yours, Regional Environmental Supervisor Attachment DIEPT. OF ~N~V]RONMENT~L JAY $. HAMMOND, GOVernor 338 I~ENAI_tSTREET I~A£KA Y BUI ~DIN~ ROOM 85O AN£1qORAGE 995~ Mr. Roll Strickland, Chief Sanitarian GAAB .- DEQ ~3J0 C Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Subject: Lots l-S, Blk 5; Lots 1-2, Block 1~ and Lot 6, Blk S- EJillcrest Subdivision Dear Mr, Strickland: This office has no objection to the use of ho]ding tanks on the subject lots if the conditions below are met~ 1. The subdivision has bad a previous ]~Js'tory of develop~ ment on holding tanks. 2. Nc, problems have been experienced with msinte]~ance of the holding tanks in the subdivision. 3. The ~umpings must be disposed of at an approved I ~': ~ oca L &OD , Yours tru] y, Kyle J. , try, r.~, Regional Environmental Supervisor cc: Richard Marx November 5~ 1970 Mr. Odin P. O. ]{ox Anchorage, Alaska 9950~ SUb ' JLC Dear llr. Terry: Statn policy ~'cquires that complet(~ enaineepin~, bo. mibmi'bted on all wa'tap ssi)plies 'that have ~hrea or mo~o connaction:~. The purpose of be con~;tpuctcd in a satisfactory manner and acceding to S'tacc; Codes. This is a pr'oteotiw~ meaaupo fop you as if the people that utillzlnf; your wc].l c~vez, have dtfficult:f~$ o~ ti~e well bacomea con'taminated an<i a (IOllStlUler becomes ill you could bo held pespon-. ail;la , . Dzf.fJ, Ctl].%les may a].~o arise i:f the w,i'~er, is Stl~Dlied lot othep '~h4rl tho oar pPeGor:'~j.y boin;~j served as you will be put ill the position Of people sayin~z to you, "That loi. there is aupely yell c~t~l .~epve mF lot TI]ia Oepartmc:nt tvould r;.rthc:p :;ce one well serve ~1 subdivision rather l:hari ~! art:left of indiv,idud2. ~,~elJ. s 1)lit as ppot,~ct:[on to you fie would suggc:rt ~hat you develop youp wctl ,~nd ~,et cmgineering appl'ovdl op Just us~ the well fop the two tra:[lapg on Lot l, Block l~, t{tllcpest Subdi vis ion. Thank you w, py Stncc, rely ~ Joim ',~, Lac., R.S. Sanitarian 0 0 oo ~ ~2 © o oJ _<2 ,k'~N~H 9IH O;~V~3S ~3N M3N