HomeMy WebLinkAboutHENKINS Block 1 Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 Plat# 85-087 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: 85-087 May 24, 1985 June 4, 1985 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: A request to rezone approximately 3.5 acres from R-6 to B-3SL(special limitations prohibit certain uses). ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ~C~OM~UNI,~ WATER AVAILABLE CASE NO. RETURN COMMENTS TO: MUNICIPAL PLANNING DEPARTMENT Zoning and Platting Division Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 264-4215 A request to rezone approximately~-~,~-- acres from A request to amend Title 21 to A request for concept/final approval of a conditional use to permit a in the zone. A request for an amendment to a conditional ~se A site plan review for COMMENTS: Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing Comments Due: ~--5--~E DISTRIBUTION: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Projects) Urban Beautification Commission (Ordinance~Amendments) Municipal Attorney's Office Community Council ~ (~A~,~..~I~ Federation of Community Councils gb]/ng6 REQUEST: TOTAL AREA: LOCATION: CURRENT ZONE: ( Community Council) Federation of Community Councils) MAILOUTS COMMISSION ASSEMBLY Mailed Favor Against Unclaimed Other gbl/ng7 B-S SL/ AO 84- (2) U ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 OFFICE USE Case File NO. ~ .- Data Re~,v~. %1! ~/% ~ The undersigned hereby applies to the Municipality of Anchorage for a zoning map amendment. Amendment initiated by: check one the owner or owners of a majority of the land in the petition area for zoning map amendment Planning Commission Assembly department or agency of the Municipality- specify deparlment il. Description: (use reverse side or additional paper if necessary) Legal description of the area requested to be rezoned Lots 3~ 4, 5~ 5, 7, 8, & 9~ Henkins Sudvivision, Block 1, Section 30, Township 15N~ Range 1W Area (square feet or acres) of the petition area approximately 3,5 acres Section 21.20.015 of fbe Zoning Ordinance specifies that the area must be a minimum of 1.75 acres unless it is contiguous to a zoning district of the same classification as that being proposed) B-3(SL) ~xisting Zoning Classification: R-6 Proposed Zoning Classification: Ill. Justification for the rezoning: (use reverse side or additional paper if necessary) See Attachment "A" Explain public need and justification for the rezoning Explain the positive effect of the use district change on the property and on surrounding See Attachment "B" property The amount of undeveloped land in the general area having the same district classification as fhat requested 3.17 acres directly across from Henkins S/D, Block 1 on the west, to the comer of South Birchwood Loop on the south. Explain how the proposed map amendment will further the goals and objectives of the See Attachment "C" Comprehensive Plan In the case of map amendments involving small areas, explain how the public need will be best served by changing the use classification of the described property as compared with other available property See Attachment V. Material Submitted: (X) maps (X) photographs (X) feasibility reoorts letters & (X) other (specify) petition~ I understand that payment of the fee(s) specified is to defray the cost of ~andling and ~nvestigation of this apphcallon and the COSlS of the necessary hearings by the Planning Commission and Municipality of Anchorage Assembly, and that payment of these fee(s) does not entitle me, nor does it assure approval of thru application, and that no refund of these fees will be made. I hereby affirm that the information submitted herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also affirm lhat J am the true and legal Property Owner (or the Authorized Agent thereof) for a majority of the property subject herein. PRINT PETITIONER'S NAME "SIGaATURE(S) OF THE OWi).~R(S) OF A MAJORITY OF THE LAND IN PETITtON'AREA' ADDRESS I[ applicant is not owner of the property: S[GI~!ATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT' ' ADDRESS DATE PHONENO. DATE PNONENO. DATE PHONE NO. DATE PHONENO. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT"' ADDRESS ~iGNAT~RE(s} OF T'HE ~NERiS) OF A MAJORITY OF THE LAND IN pETIT[~ AREA' ADDRESS II applicant is no. wrier Olde prope~ ADDRESS DATE ?q$- ¢ 75'c/' PHONENO, PHONE NO,~ Vt. I understand that payment of the fee(s) specified is to defray Ihe cost of handling and investigation of t~[s application and the COSts of the necessary hearings by the Planning Commission and Municipality of Anchorage Assembly, and that payment ol these lee(s) does not entitle me, nor does it assure approval of thi,~ 3p~[.~stion, and that no relund of these fees will Pe made, I hereby affirm that the informa[~cn ,~ubmitted herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. [ also affirm that I am the true and legal Proper t;' Owne' (or the Authorized A~ent thereof) for a majority Of ~/ Forest g. Burlew q/~.~ ~. Z~o.~ PRINT PETITIONER'S NAME SIGNA~Ut~-($i OF-THE OWNER(S) OF A.~iAJORITY DATE OF THE LAND IN PETITION AREA' ADDRESS PHONE NO. If applicant is not owner ol the property: SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT" DATE ADDRESS PHONE NO. · If more than one o'wn er or if more than one parcel is involved, a~tach all signatures on separate piece of paper identifying REALTORS 1021 W. 25TH AVENUE · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 ,* PHONE (907) 277.0551 LAND USE PLANNING - HENKINS SUBDIVISION February 21,1985 To Whom It May Concern: Mr. Forest Burlew who owns property fronting on the Old Glenn Highway at mile 18, has asked for my professional o~inion as a Real Estate Broker and Land Developer concerning the present and future value of his holdings in Henkins Subdivision. It is my judgemen~ that the previous municipal decision changing the zoning from unrestricted to R-6 on the small lots within the subdivision 'significantly reduced their value for a number of reasons. 1. Their present configuration as non-conforming lots in the R-6 zone create problems in both long term and construction financing availibility. 2. This is further complicated by forth coming changes in the land use permit criteria where in on site well and septic systems must be installed. This new requirement specifically requires'alternate drain field sites in the event of spetic failure. Based on my knowledge o~ problems experienced by other builders getting acceptable perk tests on lots situated immediately behind these it is extremely doubtful they will meet the new criteria. 3o It is also possible that above ground systems could effect the wells in the area due to the high water table° &. As frontage property at a key intersection with a high volume of traffic, the lots hold a high value for neighborhood business development and a corrosponding negative value as rural home sites for the same reason. 5. The entire area directly across the Old Glenn Highway is zoned B-3 and plans are currently being developed for'a neighborhood business complex. It is my professional opinion that the frontage lots in Henkins Subdivision should be zoned B-1 or B-3 thereby compensating the owners for the high costs which will be associated with development. It is also my contention that a regulated land use should not have been imposed in the first place which imposed a non conforming stigma and no viable alternatives for the present owners to project their significant property investments. ATTACHMENT "A" SUBJECT PROPERTIES are non-conforming in size to the current R-6 zoning. Each lot is approximately one-half (1/2) acre in area. Current conventional financing institutions generally do not finance improvements on non-conforming lots. (See attached letters from local banks.) Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block One (1), Henkins Subdivision are already zoned B-3 and are being utilized as a mini-storage business called "U-DO" and this makes the subject R-6 lots far less suitable for residential living and improvements. (See attached letters from real estate companies.) The land directly on the west side of the Old Glenn Highway and that of the Petitioner's area on the east side of the Old Glenn Highway, as well as the land directly to the north is already zoned B-3 and/or B-3(SL) . Chugiak Texaco Service Station, Body Shop and Garage, Grayling Boat Works, a gravel pit, a mobile home court and U-DO Mini-Storage. The ?etition- er's area would then be part of a contiguous cluster business area providing the surrounding residential area with convenience for shopping and provision of services. In the past three years the surrounding area has grown 88%, the Old Glenn Highway upon which the petitioned property abuts, is slated to be expanded from a two to either a three or four lane street because of the increased traffic flow. The area is fast becoming a major business area making the area abutting this section of the Old Glenn Highway far less desir- able for residential use because of both traffic and noise levels. The physical location of these properties, if rezoned from R-6 to B-3(SL) would provide convenient locations for meeting the local residents' needs and convenience. (See map and photos attached.) February 11, 1985 To Whom it May Concern: Mr. Forest E. Burlew, SR 1, Box 1014, Chugiak, Alaska 99567 has asked me to cou~L~en~ on what effect a recent zoning action has had on the market value an~ marketability of his lots. It is my understanding that he owns lots 5,6 & 7 block 1 Henkins Subdivision. These lots have frontage on the east side of the Old Glenn Highway and are directly across the street from the Texaco gasolin~ station and garage and the Grayling Boat Works on the west side° To the north just two lots from Mr. 5uriew's lots and on the same side of the street, is a Mini Storage business° It is also my understanding that Mr. Burlew has operated a business from this location for the last 13 years. Prior to the recent zoing action, the property was zoned unrestricnedo Recently, all the property directly across the street on the wes~ and the Mini Storage business property on the east side of the street was zoned B3, while the Henkins lots on the east side of the street inc!udiag those belongiag to Mr. Burlew were zoned R-6. This R-6 zoning calls for residential lots of a ninium size of 1 1/4 acre. Since all of the Henkins lots are cf approximately 1/2 acre, the z~ning automatically makes them non-conformi~g with the requiremenns of Title 21~ In addition, i~ also makes his business non-conforming, since the proper zoning for the business should be BI or B3~ The effect of ~his zoning on the market value and the marketabilit7 of Mr~ Burlew's lots has aot been good. The boat manufacturing, garage a~d gasoline station across the street dees non make it a desirable residennial area. The R-6 zoning will not allow him to expand, develop or enlarge his buisiness which has been in operation for 13 years. Either way, his property is of less value thaa when it was zoned unrestricted° If he should have t~ sell now for some compelling reason, his property would be difficult to market and would aot have the value that it had previously° in my opinion, it should have been zoned the same as the property across the street, which was B3. ~"~.~4 1~of engle river, inc. post office box 772849 eagle river, alaska 99577 I currently hold no business or financial interests in any of the properties in Henkins Subdivision. I do have an ownership interest in BLM Lot 35A directly across the street and would be seriously damaged by any bacterial contamination of the water table. Broker Target Inc., Realtors .% ~o %6 'sa~X %0I ~o~ 2u~ ~n~2s~ I~= p~su~oJI w u~q ~A~R I 'uoIuIdo s!q~ ~o~ p~2~su~dmoo u~q 2ou ~A~q I 2~q~ pup 'X2a~doad ~q2 u7 ~s~u7 I~7~u~uT~ ao Iwuosa~d ou ~a~q I ~wq~ X~7~I~o Xq~a~q I ATTACHMENT "C" Proposed B-3(SL) zoning would better insure compliance with the Comprehensive Plan's plans, goals and objectives, which Plan has previously slated this area for zoning as commercial. The current R-6 zoning does not meet the current objectives and goals of the Comprehensive Plan in that the intent of R-6 zoning states: "The R-6 district is intended for those land areas where large lots or acreage development is desirable as an adjunct to more typical urban and suburban residential zoning districts. The R-6 district is designed to encourage low density residential developments, while at the same time protecting and enhancing those physical and environmental features which add to the desirability of suburban residential living." These lots fail to meet the customary area requirements for R-6 zoning under the current zoning guidelines and granting of the request for rezoning would eliminate a deviation from the Comprehensive Plan. ATTACHMENT "B" B-3(SL) would be more conducive and beneficial for property abutting highway frontage for this particular location given the increased traffic flow. B-3(SL) would impact posi- tively on the other properties in the area by restricting hazardous uses, yet providing a service area for goods and services supporting the living needs of the surrounding residen- tial neighborhoods. ALASKA MUTUAL BANK Eagle River Branch P.O. Box 771068 ~ Eagle River, Alaska 99577 April 197 1985 Forest E. Burlew St. R~ 1, Box 1014 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Mr. Burlew, Alaska Mutual Banks loan policy would restrict the bank from extending credit on properties which were determined to be non- conforming. It is the banks policy to finance only those'projects which can then be sold to a secondary investor° -Any property which is judged to be non-conforming would create a situation that is virtually impossible to finance under such a policy. It appears that your property under the current zoning is not able to realize its "highest and best use"° At such time as the zoning classification of the property is determined to be conforming, financing could then be considered. Vice President ATTACHMENT "D" The subject properties are already surrounded on the west, southwest and the north by B-3 or B-3(SL) zoned prop- erties. Most of the other land in the area is already zoned R-6 and does not abut the Old Glenn Highway and is more suitable for urban residential living, in opposition to that of the peti- tioned area. Furthermore, the petitioned area if rezoned would be part of a clustered commercial area of mixed B-3 and B-3(SL) properties, thus the public need would be better served by affording logical, commercial expansion to support the area's residential needs by not causing strip development which would be antithetical to the surrounding residents and not cause the need to rezone other residential lots in the area that meet R-6 classifications for zoning in every regard. As stated previous- ly, the current R-6 zoning is inappropriate because of the size of the lots in the petitioned area, each being approximately 1/2 acre in area, in opposition to normal R-6 area requirements of 1 1/4 acres. By providing a natural growth buffer a B-3(SL) classification would upgrade the visual esthetics of the sur- rounding residential neighborhoods. Planning staff analysis report on Case No. ZP82-57 page 2, paragraphs 2 and 3, dated May 24, 1982, states: Staff cannot support making Henkins Subdivi- sion, Block 1, non-conforming use and size when the area has been designated as commercial in the Comprehensive Plan. Since the original classification to R-6, many changed circumstances have occurred in the general area which necessitate more commer- cial property to support the increasing numbers of residential subdivisions in the area. Therefore the Petitioner respectfully requests that the rezoning to B-3(SL) be approved. Over 50% of the properties within a 500 foot radius do not object to rezoning the subject area. (See Petition of Non-objection to Rezoning.) 80% of the landowners in petitioned area desire rezoning from R-6 to B-3(SL). (See zoning petition and proposed B-3(SL) restrictions.) The First National Bank of Anchorage February 4, 1985 Forest E. Burlew Mile 18, Old Glenn ~wy Eagle River, Ak. 99577 Dear Mr. Burlew: In our conversation (January 31, 1985), the question was posed about the possibility of being awarded a loan for the purpose of building a single family home on a non conforming lot size. The specific facts in this case include building a single family home 6n a half acre lot (zoned R-6), a zone that traditionally requires a full 1¼ acre lot size. The home would, potentially, be built for resale. In answer to this question, the bank would not loan money' where the intent is to build a structure on a piece of pro- perty that is in non-conformance with the zoning lawso It is possible, I suppose, to get a waiver variance from the Zoning Enforcement and'Planning Department, however; this would have to be a condition met before any loan request would be considered. Sincerely, Stuart R. Adair Loan Department SRA: fr P.O. Box 548 · Eagle River, Alaska 9957%0548 .L HENKINS S~rBDIVISION, BLOCX 1, LOTS 3. THROUGH 8~ ~ The owners of the ~roperties of Henkins subdivision, Block 1, lots 3 through 8, respectively reauest that these ~ro~erties be rezoned to B-3 SL. Due to the location of the adjacent South Birchwood inter- section, rapid growth, increased traffic and noise, end B-3 proper- ties already adjacent to the frontage lots, B-3 S~ would be more conducive, beneficial and compatible to development and existing use. These oroperties are nonconforming in size,(1/2 acre each) and lots 5-6-7 are nonconformin~ in use. At the time these ~ro~erties were zoned, PIANING STAFF A~ALYSIS' REPORT ON CASE ~ ZP 82-57, page 2, oar. 2 & 3, DATED, MAY 31,1982, STATED "2TAFF CANNOT SUPPORT MAKING ~?~SE LOTS N0~(CONFORMING IN USE AND SIZE, WHEN THE COMPREHE~ISIVE PLAN DESIGNATED THE BREA CO~2~RCIA~''. With careful consideration of the adjacent prooerties and an ex- olanation of our desires to protect their neighborhood, environment or life style, the adjacent property owners have exoressed the know- !e~e, that the HIG~AY FRONTAGE PROPERTIES ~RE NOT A ~ESiRABLE LOCATION FOR RESIDENTIAL USE. Therefore, they here no objection to B-3 SL, as one can see by the number of signatures we have in supnort. I, F.E. Burlew was told by my assembi~an, Gerry O'Connor, in 1981, that these orooerties would be zoned business, as the Comprehens£ve Plan had be~n approved by the Assembly and as soon as it came up t.hrou~h the area wide zoninE, it would be zoned commercis!, of course he couldn't forsee any oroblems that would prevent it From being zoned commercial and we couldn't either. Lots 1 & 2, the U-Do Mini Storage is ~resentlv zoned B-3 ~ d the owners s_re very much in support of our reauest for the B-3 zoning. The physical location of these vro~erties is in very close ~rox- imity of existing B-3 commercial developments, Chugiak Texaco Service Station with a body shop and garage, Grayling Boat ~*forks, a ~rave! mit and a Mobile Home Court are directly across the road. With the recuested rezoning there would not be a oroblem with undesirable activity on these properties, as B-3 SL, anp deve!o~ment would be strictly controled under the zoning codes and reCuiations of the Municipality. Considering the growth of the area in the past 3 years of ~o:~, the planned upgr.ac~n~ of the Old Glenn Highway to ~ or ~ lane, the area is Fast becoming a ~ajor business area,"~AIN STREET!" Without the oroper zonin~ For these frontage lots,it would devalue them as it's Sbvious they~are not desirable ~s Residential. '~'~ know there was a tremendous amount of work and study involved when the Municipality formulated the Comprehensive Plan and that it ~-~'~ DESIRE TO CONSIDER FUTURE GROWTH AND DEV'EL- was the ~,~.':~-~ ~ OPM~NT. We believe having a vision o£ our area's future and the needs of our community and the facts stated in this petition, you will agree that the request for B-3 SL is justifiable for these frontage !$ts. Once a~ain ~e resmectably reeuest that our rezoning to B-$ St. be approved. I, Maryann C. Yoakum, owner of lot 8, Block l, Henkins Subdivision, Reeuest that my property be rezoned to B-3 SL. The prooerty directly across the road, Grayling Boat Works, Texaco Gas Station, body shop, and Garage, a Gravel Pit and a Mobile Home Court, is zoned $-~, as is the property directly to the north of me, the U-Do Mini ~torage and Fergusons Subdivision, lot 4. I feel keeping B-3 in a block sized area would be to the community a value. From all the information I've been able to gather, R-6 is nonconforming. My lot size is one half acre, as I believe all the the others are, alsQ. Even if B.L.M. grants the Highway Frontage to present day owners the lot size would only be, three fourths an acre or less, which still does not conform with R-6. When you consider Block 1, of Henkins Subdivision is already zoned part B-3, and part R-6, I firmly believe you will see the CONFUSION that's already been cre~ted! Once again, I sincerely reeuest that my property be rezoned to B-~ SL, which would therefore conform to the Eagle River- Chugiak Comprehensive Plan. M-iRYA~N C. ¥0AEUM S.R. 1, BOX 1015 CHUGIAE, AK 99567 Henkins Subdivision, Block 1,lot 8 April 29, 1985 We, Dw].ght arid Shirley White, owners o+ Lot 3, b].ocl:: 1,, ,L!enl-;:in':.~ Sul::,d:~v:L?.:Lori request texan:Lng o~ tlnis lot is.c) B-3 SI ..... The proper'by is on ~.he O].d Glenn Hi;jh~,~ay, mile 18. OL.~r nortlneast pr'oper't':,' ]:ine :Ls abutted by tine U-Do Mini Storage whic:h has b~?en zon~,:~d B-3.. DJ. rec:'~.ly acr'oss the higlnway -From us is I:he Cl"~ucji.al.:: "Kexacc, gas station, .Formerly The Wheel-Her-ln '1'fuel(stop. The rJe:ighl::~ors I::c) the sc)u'l:'.l'l~.~esl;, I-lar'~ald and Margo Jor~]enson, are a].s(o requesting B-3 SL zoning. []Ltr' l~::)'~.l was zoned R.-6 a~: a time when I was rec..'.')vering Yrom a cervical ~racture/disloca'Lion, and at that time I had absolutely rio inter'est in ar/ything other than physical ther'apy and tryin[~ to r"ega:in some o.F tine bodily ~unct:ic, ns I had :Lost. Now 'LhaL ! am bac:l:, into a more normal dai].y li-Fe, ]: wahl to use our" !:::,r oper t y. yard ~s provided, it shall be not I~.ss than five feet. the purpose being lhat ~ldjoinir~g com- mercial buildings shall either dir(;ctly abut or shall maintain a minimum of five feet between such buildings; 3. rear yard: none. H. Maximum coverage of all buildings: unre- stricted. I. Maximum height or structures: unrestricted, except that structures shall not interfere with Federal Aviation Administration Regulations on airport aproaches. J. Signs. Signs may be allowed in connection with any permitted use, subject to the provisions of the supplementary district regulations. K. Parking. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided in connection with any permitted use, the minimum for each use to be: 1. residential uses: one vehicular parking space for each dwelling unit; 2. all other permitted uses: as provided in the supplementary district regulations. L. Loading. Where applicable, off-street loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of. the supplementary district regulations. M. Ground cover. All areas not devoted to build- ings, structures, drives, walks, off-street parking facilities; or other authorized installations shall be covered with one or more of the following: concrete or asphaltic compound, g{avel, lawn grass, shrubbery, trees, or other suitable ground cover materials. (Adapted from GAAB 21,05 .050M, am AC 78-28, AC 80-57, AC 80-132, AC 81-67S). 21.40.190 B-4--Rural Business District. The following statement of intent and use regula- tions shall apply in the B-4 district: A. The B-4 district is intended to serve the needs of rural residential areas for commercial goods and services. The district is designed for areas around major arterial intersections where resi- dential development may not be appropriate. The B-4 district is not intended as a strip com- mercial district. B. Permitted principal uses and structures: 1, commercial-wholesale. a. wholesaling and distribution opt!ra- tions, inchJding incld(~ntal rn;inuf;iclur- mg or processing of goods for sal(: at Jotail or wholesale on th(: pr(;m~sos, /)ut not to include yards for storage or dis- play of any scrap, junk. salvaged or secondhand materials or for any scrap or salvage operations; b. business offices for mercantile establish- ments. commercial-retail. a. general merchandise and dry goods stores; b. men's, women's, and children's clothing and shoe stores; c. furriers; d. furniture and home furnishing stores; e. radio, television and music stores; f. household appliance stores; g. hardware and variety stores; h. sporting'goods stores and bicycle shops; i. drugstores; bookstores and stationery stores; k. retail food stores and liquor stores;' I. restaurants, cafes and et her places serv- ing food and beverages;' m. catalog sales stores; n. gift, novelty and souvenir shops; o. photographers; p. laundry and dry cleaning establish- ments; q. beauty shops and barbershops; r. shoe repair shops and tailors; s. small appliance repair shops; t. auditoriums, libraries, museums;histor- ical and cultural exhibits and the like; u. motion picture theaters, drive-in thea- ters; v. insurance and real estate offices;, w. banking and financial institutions; x. medical, health and legal services; bike racks canopy over sidewalk 1 pt. per 5 storage units (maximum accumumlation of 4 pts.) 1 pt. per 85 sq. ft. (w/heating) 1 pt. per 100 sq. ft. (w/o heating) Loading. Where applicable, off-street loading facilities shall be provided m accordance with the provisions of the supplementary distrmt regulahons (Adapled from GAAB 21.05.050Y. am AC 80-37, AC 81-67S, AC 81-72). covered arcade 1 pt. per 60 sq. ft. (w/heating) I pt. per 75 sq. ft. (w/o heating) 21.40.180 B-3-- General and Strip Commercial Business District. The following statement of intent and use regula- tions shall apply in the B-3 district: open-air plaza, landscaped parks, or preservation of natural areas public restrooms at ground level climate-controlle,~ public plaza or court (galleria) interior shopping mall I pt. per 80 sq. ft. 1 pt. per 70 sq. ft. 1 pt. per 55 sq. ft. 1 pt. per 200 sq. ft. The B-3 district includes those areas which are heavily exposed to automobile traffic and which have been developed with general commercial uses. The district is intended specifically for those areas surrounding major arterial inter- sections where personal services, convenience goods, and auto-related service facilities are desirable and appropriate land uses. The ex- tension of the B-3 district commercial uses along arterials in a "strip" fashion is to be discouraged. shops facing street at ground level 1 pt. per 130 sq. ft. B. Permitted principal uses and structures: 1. commercial-wholesale. public "developed," "rec- reation'' area on the roof or public viewing deck 1 pt. per 150 sq. ft. apartment housing hotels enclosed parking 2 pts. per 400 sq. ft. of housing I pt. per 400 sq. ft. of area devoted to hotel rooms 11 pts. per space (above or on grade) 13 pts. per space (below grade) Amenities for which bonus points have been granted must be maintained after construction of a project, provided, however, that amenities can be eliminated and others substituted on a point-for-point basis and provided further that amenities for which points have been granted can be eliminated entirely upon approval by the Planning Commission. Signs, Signs shall be allowed-in connection with any permitted use, subject to the provisions of the supplementary district regulations. a. wholesaling and distrib(Jtion opera lions, including incidental manufactur- ing or processing of goods for sale at retail or wholesale on the premises, but not to include yards for storage or display of any scrap, junk. salvaged or secondhand materials or for any scrap or salvage operations; b. business offices for mercantile establish- ments. commercial-retail. a. department stores, general merchan- dise and dry goods stores; b. men's, women's and children's clothing and apparel and shoe stores; c. miscellaneous apparel and accessory shops; d. furriers; e. jewelry stores; f. furniture and home furnishing stores; g. radio, television and music stores: h. household appliance stores; L. Parking; unrestricted, i. hardware and var~etystores: