HomeMy WebLinkAboutHERBERT Block A Lot 2A & 2B GREATER ANCHORAGE ARBA BOROUGH 104 W, NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PLAT STATUS: Final DATE: June 8, 1966 Borough Tax Assessor Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Chugach Electric Assoc., Inc. City of Anchorage Fire Marshall City of Anchorage Traffic Engineer City of Anchorage Telephone Utility City of Anchorage Public Works Dept, Charles Harvard Alaska Railroad Spenard District Alaska Dept. of Highways Central Alaska Utilities Natanuska Electric Assoc. Natanuska Telephone Assoc. Asst. Superintendent of Mails City of Anchorage Property ~anagement Agent City of Anchorage ~nicipal Light and Power Dept. Re:~ubdivision/~R~r~v~~xVa~wa~f~fl: Description of Property: Lots 2 A and 29, i{e~}ert Subdivision N 1/2,--S~ 1/4, Section 25, T13N, R4~V, Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed resubdivision of subject property. Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements..or other mequirements that your department or system may need. If we do not hear from you by June 22, 1966 assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. Our next scheduled meeting after above date will be Very truly yours, we will Planning Assistant NOTE: If you have no further use for attached plat, please return with your comments. 1/1~/66 ENGINEERS -- SURVEYORS '723 - 6TH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA June 6, 1966' Chairman Greater Anchorage Area Borough Zoning and Planning Commission 104 Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska Gentlemen: We hereby request approval of the replat of Lots 2-A and 2-B, Herbert Addition into Lots 2-D and 2-E, Herbert Addition. The purpose of this replat is to make a larger lot for future construct- ion. Water and sewer are provided by a community system. Respectfully submitted, Kenneth I. and Vesta E. Young 1307 -38th Place, Anchorage Owners William K. and Regina E. Herbert 1207 -38th Place, Anchorage Owners Bj: Ooel Lounsburj Office Manager JL/dlm 15 June i96'6 Mrs~ Co J¢ fioschouer Planning Assistant G~eater Anchorage Area Borough Planning Department 10~ Northern Lights Boulevaz, d Anchorage ¢ Alaska SUBJECT; Lots 119 129 & !3 of Lake Center Sold. - Final Ptat~ 2~ Argyle Subdivision~Finalo 3~ Terrace Heights ~ Final° 4o Mile Hi ~ Final° 5~ Nelson Smbdivision~ 6~ Herbert St~h~v'~Finat~ 7~ Hane Subdivision ~ Final. 8o Mclellan S~bdo = Final~ 9~ Jewel Lake Terrace Subd~ (Preliminamy). 10~ Blueberry Hill Subdo ~Final~ 11o Beattie SuDdivision ~ Final~ Dear Mrs~ Hoschouer: The subject plats have been reviewed by this office for sewerage disposal and water supply feasibility. Our comments are as fotlows~ Lake Cente~~ S,~f0divisiono This '~plat" does not provide sufficient ~,nzormat~on for meview~ Terrace Heir]ts Subdivision = Final° We have no information concerning soil conditions at this location° 3, ~g~le Subdivision. Mile Hi SuJ~divisiono We concut~ provided the subdivision ~strictions ' ° 'i ~ .'~pe c ~ f ~ca_.xy state that sewer and water facilities must be installed according to Borough Health Department specifications~, 6~ i-;ePJz;ePt Subd[visioa: ~.ie coricur, puovided that subdivi, sien Pes1:P.[ctiolis sp~cif:~.caiiF ,.,t.a.~. ti~t sei.~eP and ~,~at~,i-? faciiities mu.,~',t ~neet ?-)Pou,,3h i{ea'l'~-h Depar,!:ment- seeci~tlcalilo~a~ We concnr ppovided that aJ.Z sewage dispos,-~.l and wateP supply ~oc~._.~.~_tes ape constr, uc-~ed ~n ,5. coop(lance wi~l ]5oPo~.!¢~h ~ '~-'~ DepaP'tment speciP{catioes~ d~t.,..1~a~ Lake ..~-: used o.s a swimmin~.: ar'ea¢ no seepage systems s,' ou.ld be ii~s~:a.!.led ~,L[thin 100 f'e~,{- . .~ 0~{ %.]e lake shoPe ~oP c~oseP tilar~ 2 {leer aDOVe iflhe S~tP:{ace watep ~iab ie ~ We concur pPovided 'tha'k soil conditions ape adequate for' on site sewa?,e ~.J. spdsal and {u.P'[Dep pr'ov[ded LNat the sL~bd, iv[sion st:Pictior~s requi, pe the1: all sewage and ~,~0. tep sysl_em constPt~ctioh n~eet Bopo~lsh neaith 9epaPtrr:ent spec~ica~ioRs~ ,. ,. e (~ .,sas_ J)iPe crop CPJ / c c