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April 24, 1972
Mr. L. Oo Mathis
Yukon Development Corporation
645 G Street, Suite 201
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Dear Mr o Mathis:
The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for those
features with which this Department is concerned.
Yours truly,
Kyle Uo Cherry
Regional Environmental Engineer
cc: GAAB--DEQv''
E~ -~f.Z~NN 1 ~'~I~ F D EP-A~ ENT-
April 18, 1972
Mr. L.O. Mathis
Yukon Development Corporation
645 "G" Street, Suite 201
~m~orage, Alaska 99501
Dear Mr. Mathis~
Mrs. Sturgulewski has asked that I reply in her behalf regarding the above
mentioned letter.
As you have already been notified', the Plam.~]ng and Zoning Commission will
be holding a public hearing on April 27, 1972 to consider what is commonly
called the Area "G" zoning program, wherein your property is proposed for
R-6 zoning along with a majority of other properties in the same vicinity.
The Planning Commi'ssion's action in initiating an extensive amount of R-6
and some R-7 zoning in Area "G" was prompted, in part, by new information
and standards regarding the public health needs associated with on site
sewer and/or water facilities.
I am certain the members of the Planning Commission were unaware of the
events that have taken place regarding a public water supply to serve your
subdivision at the time.it was initiated for R-6 zoning. Therefore, I
would request that you appear at the hearing on April 27th and personally
make these facts known to the Commission. in addition,. I would suggest
'that you-discuss this matter with the Borough Department of Environmental
Quality so that they can provide the Commission with a recommendation
regarding any environmental health hazards associated with the development
of each lot in Heritage H.~ights Subdiyjsion with an on site sewage disposal
Since the purpose of the Planning Commission's hearing on the 27th is to
determine whether or not the zoning distmicts proposed are appropriate for
each specific parcel of property, it is reasonable to assume that the
Commission may make changes in the Area "G" proposal, provided facts can be
presented to justify these changes.
Mr~ L.0. Mathis
Page 2
April 18, 1972
Once the Planning Commission has concluded its hearing, it will then
forward its recommendation on Area "G" to the Borough Assembly. The
Assembly, like the Planning Commission, will also hold a oublic hearing
on this zoning program prior to adopting an ordinance. If you are not in
agreement with the Planning Commission's recommendation to the Assembly,
you may file, by letter, a formal protest to that recommendation. If
20% or more of those persons who o~ proposed R-6 property within the G-2
Area.actually protest the proposed R-6 zoning, then it will require a
3/4 majority vote of the Assembly rather than a simple majority vote to adopt
.the R-6 zoning within G-2.
I hope this information satisfactorily answers your inquiry. Please do
not hesitate to contact myself or Mr. Dean Blount of the Planning Office
if you have any further questions.
Sincerely yours,
Donald G. Beckord
Current. Planning Administrator
· cc: Mrs. Arliss Sturgul~wski
Department of Environmental Quality
Mrs. Arli~s Sturgulewski
Chairman Planning Commission
Greater Anchorage Area Borough
3500 Tudor Road
Anchorage, Alaska
Dear Mrs. Sturgulewski:
I .am very concerned to find that the Ileritag_~Heights Subdivision located' on tile
southeast corner of the intersection of Bi-----~ch-an--~--A-bbott Roads is proposed to be
zoned R-6. This would negate all the 'work that has beeh accomplished on tile sub-
division to date.
It has taken me nearly two years to conclude arr'angements to obtain a public water
supply from Central Alaska Utilities using the water sys'tem which is located at the
Hanshew School. Although the delay has been costly, we determined that a p~blic
water supply should be provided in order to properly develop the subdivision. The
street right-of-ways have been cleared and stripped of frost susceptible material.
Seven test pits were dug and percolation tests were made to assure that no prob-
lems would be encountered in designing proper septic tanks and leaching pits. The
design oF the streets has been completed and includes not only asphalt paving but
curb and gutter as well ~ire hydr~n.ts !las
· ' "~~rnund e ectrical
-nd telephone serv~d$¥ ,n-li The excess timber has been hand cuz Trom
most of the lots in order to preserve the existing ground cover. The lot sizes
range from 16,752 square feet to 22,645 square feet and with the encountered so'il
conditions are more than adequate for septic sewage systems when used in conjunc-
tion with a public water supply system. In other words, no effort was spared to
develop a quality subf]ivision even though the existing Borough regulations were
less stringent.
Within the past month, after learning that I could count on a public water supply
this construction season, I }lave presold four of the lots contingent on providing
the utili~ies by August 31, 1972. I am presently negotiating for a land development
loan which t hope will not be adversely affected.by this proposed zoning change.
From the Zoning Implementation Program, Flap G-l, I notice that subdivisions located
to the. south of Abbott and west of Birch Road are zoned R-lA. This is tile zoning
· which was originally proposed and later shown on your maps for the Heritage Heights
Subdivision. I'would appreciate learning why Heritage Heights was not included in
this zoning this time.
If there is any way that I can remove this complication immediately~ I would
appreciate knowing the procedure because I am afraid that this will adversely
affect my application for a land development loan.
Your prompt attention on this matter will be appreciated.
Sincerely you rs ~2 ~
,_. o.
Yukon Development Corporation
;Ir. Jack 5!ertl.5
Fcde. rM. h'ousin~ A6%inistration
SUBJECT: Heri1:a~ ~oights Subdivision, Corner o{ Bird~
The dovcloF~r o{ thc subject area ires approachcd this
with prcli~,4naty soil test. data and parcolation tests.
~>rc:.blc~,:, Fubli. c sever, ~ncludbt.,. a lift statim~, at this p(~rti-
~tdar location, is not econo~&ollly feasil~le. ~t,e. public sc~-.er
cc: L,O. 5iathis
645 G Street, Suite 201
Anchorage, Alaska
September 29, 1970
Mr. Rolf Strickland, R. S.
Environmental Heal th Supervi scm~ml hill bl~~~ w~ii~~p
Greater Anchorage Area Borough
Health Department
327 Eagle Street
Anchorage, Alaska
Dear Mr. Strickland:
Recently, I completed the study to ~e ne w o s
encounter in designing seepage pits for¢,: Heritage Heights Subdlvlsion_~_~_~x/.
Enclosed please find a "Preliminary Subdivi~ion~ch shows the loca-
tion and logs for seven test pits. Percolation tests were run in four of
the test pits with varying results from 2.5 minutes/inch to 16 minutes/inch.
In my opinion, the fact that the material permeability varies widely confirms
our earlier conversation in which we discussed the adviseability of digging
the core of the pit and then, by field inspection, determining what percola-
tion area is required. This is the procedure that I propose to utilize in assur-
ing that the residences in Heritage Heights have pits with adequate percolation
As you will recall, I investigated the possibility of connecting the
Heritage Heights Sewer into the system of the Hanshew School Complex. Since
the line to the school was sized as a lateral to pick up only the school
facility, and since a deep draw runs between the school complex and Heritage
Heights, over 3000 feet of line and a lift station would have been required to
make this connection. Obviously, economics dictate that this is not feasible
for a fifteen acre subdivision.
F. lt. A. has requested that I obtain a letter from you discussing your
opinion as to the feasibility of connecting the Heritage Heights Subdivision
to a public sewer. Also, if you concur with my proposal to base the seepage
pits design on field inspection and avoid many costly percolation tests, I
would appreciate your including a statement of this fact in your letter.
Your consideration and opinions will be appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
L. O. Mathis, P, E. 1872-E
Chief Engineer
TELEPHONE (907) 272-91~1
%ebruary' 20, 1973
Mr. Jerry Reinwand
Department of Environmental Conservation
Pouch 0
State of Alaska
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Dear Mr. Reinwand:
Enclosed please find a record plat of the Heritage Heights Subdivision which
was approved on January 20, 1970 by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough. The
average size of these lots is slightly over 19,000 square feet.
The subdivision has a public water system which is operated by the Central
Alaska Utility Company using the well at the Service Hanshew School as a
water source. This distribution system was installed last summer and was
approved by both the GAAB and your local state office. Although I attempted
to connect into the sewer line serving the school complex, this was not poss-
ible because the lateral to the school was sized only for the school load
and a ravine between the subdivision and the school would have required a
lift station. The size of this subdivision would not support the cost of a
long main and the lift station. Also, because of the numerous test pits
which I dug on the property, I was sure that the soil conditions were satis-
factory for on site sewage systems.
During the construction of the water system, the ditches were excavated 12
feet below the road grades which in some cases were more than 10 feet below
the original ground. In the entire ditch length which forms a loop around
the center of the subdivision, not a drop of ground water was encountered.
Although there are a few small pockets of wind blown silt, generally the
subdivision is underlain with coarse gravel which provides excellent under-
ground drainage, The terrain slopes down to the north and west at an aver-
age grade of approximately 6%. The 100 foot road right-of-ways located to
the west and north of the property provide additional absorption area for the
subdivision. A 500 acre park is located to the north of the subdivision.
The lots located to the south of the subdivision are 45,000 square feet lots
having both on site water and sewage systems. Therefo~ this area will never
be a high density location.
To my knowledge, Heritage Heights is the only subdivision in this immediate
area which has a public water system, natural gas, underground electrical,
paved streets, and curb and gutter. The subdivision is approved by FHA.
All but six of the lots have been sold, mostly to individuals planning their
own residence. The price range of the houses will run $65,000 and up, Lots
13, 20, and 23 have houses under construction at the present time. A house for
.Lot 22 was being processed for a loan prior to your emergency regulation. Con-
struction was planned on practically all the lots for the coming construction
February 20, 1973
Mr. Jerry Reinwand
Your emergency regulation has stopped the planning for construction on 12 lots
that I know of. Since it is very desireable to complete house plans, obtain
loans, select contractors, and apply for building permits well before the
Spring breakup, I respectfully request a variance for this subdivision which in
my opinion does not have a problem for on site sewage systems now nor when it
was planned over three years ago.
Your prompt attention on this request will be appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
L. O. Mathis, P.E.
Yukon Development Corporation
Mr. Rolf Strickland
Mr. Kyle Cherry
Hr. L. O. g~thts, P. E.
Yukon t~evelopmnt ~orporatlon
645 "G' Steer Sutte 201
~c~mre~, Alask& 99501
Subject: Publtc Water System for Herltag~ Heights Subdivision
i~er ~r. ~thls:
The Greater Anchorag~ Area Borough, ~epart~nt of Envfronmntal
offtce. These plus are app~ved for ~ose featu~s vlth ~fch ~fs
~nt ts c~ce~ed.
We would cautton you, floweret, prlor to construction of thls project
or letting of bids, stmilar sat of plans be submitted to Y~yle Cherry
of the State ~ep~rtment of £nvtronmnt&l ~onservatfon for hfs review
and approve].
Should you have any qleSttons regarding our r~vlew of the plans,
please contact th~ undersigned,
Roll Strtckland
Assistant ~trector
cc~ Kyle Chert7
April 20, 1972
Mr. John Lee
Department of Environmental Quality
Greater Anchorage Area Borough
3500 Tudor Road
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
Dear Mr. Lee:
Inclosed please find one (1) set of the drawings and specifications for the
water system which will be installed in the Heritage Heights Subdivision,
located in the Greater Anchorage Area Borough]-~ ..................................~ ................
You will note that the plans have been approved by Cental Alaska Utilities
which will be the utility furnishing the potable water and operating the
Sincerely yours,
I. O. Mathis
Yukon Development Corporation
645 "G" STREET
SUIT~ 201
I. List of Drawings
II. General Conditions
III. Special Conditions
IV. Cost Schedule
V. Technicai Soecificatinns
Secti on A
Secti on B
Secti on C
Secti o~1 D
Section E
Secti on F
Secti on G.
Secti on H.
General Provisions.
Trench F_xcavation~ Backfill and Compaction.
Trench Excavation, Backfill and Compaction
for Service Connections.
Replacing Existing Pavement.
Furnish and Install Pipe,
Furnish and Install Gate Valves.
Furnish and Install FireHydrants.
Water Service Connections.
Sheet Number
Plans Water Distribution System,
Heritage Heights Subdivision
Plan-Profile, i,Iater Distribution System,
Heritage Heights Subdivision
A. 1.01 Examination of Drawings, Specifications~ and Site.
Before submitting his pro[)osa!, tile [;idder shall examine the Contract
Documents and the site of tile work and ascertain for himself all the
conditions relating ttlereto which can in any way affect the work or the
cost thereof under this Contract. The Bidder further acknowledges thac
i~e has satisfied hims'elf as to the character, quality, and quantity of
surface and subsurface nlaterials to be encountered and of materials and
service to be rendered. Failure of the Bidder to acquaint hi:%elf with
the necessary information will not relieve him from responsibility for
estil~ating properly the difficulty or cost oF successfully performing the
work. The Owner assumes no responsibility for any interpretations or
representations made by any of its officers or agents during or prior to
the execution of this Contract, unless
1. Such interl)rctations or representations are expressly stated i~
the Contract.
2. The Contract expressly provides that the responsibility therefore
is assumed by t?.e Owner.
Representations ma~:e but net expressly stated and for which liability is
not expressly assumud l,v tqe Owner in the Contract shall be deenled only
for the in, formation Ol ~?~ Fidder.
A. 1.02 Interzoretation of Contract DocumenLs
The Contract Documents are complimentary, and items called for by one
si/all be binding as if called for by ail. The intent of the documents
it, Co define the work required to COlnplete tile Contract. In case of
conflict the specifications will take precedence over drawings; large
scale drawings over small scale drawincjs; written dimensions over
scaled dimensions; Special Provisions over Technical Provisions; and
Technical Provisions over General Provisions.
Any Bidder in dnubt as to the true meaning of any part of the plans,
specifications, or other documents may submit to the Owner a written
request for an interpretation thereof. The Bidder submi~ti~g the reeuest
will be responsible for its prompt delivery not less than five (5) working
days prior to the date set for opening of proposals.
A. 1.03 Quantities for Unit Prices
The quantities for which unit pri,ces are requested in the proposal form
are approximate only and do not constitute a warranty or guarantee by the
(~vner as to the actual quanitities involved in the work. Such quantities
are to be used for the purpose of comparison of proposals and determination
of the Contract amoun, t.
A. 1,04 (jualification of Bidders
The Bidder may be required to submit a statement of facts in detail as
to his previous experience in performing similar or comparable work, and '
of his business and technical organization, financial resources, and plant
A. 1.04
A. 1.05
A. 1.06
A. 1.07
A. 1.08
quaii ficatio
available for use in performing tile contemplated work, in determining the
qualifications of a bidder, the Owner reserves the rig'nt to consider his
record on previous contracts with the Owner or other agencies. If, in the
opinion of the Engineer, a Bidder is not qualified or a responsible Bidder,
the Owner may reject his proposal.
Familiari~kwith Laws and Ordinances
It is the !~idder's responsibility to be familiar with all Federal, State,
borough~ and City laws and ordinances, including regulations, which in
any manner affects the work. The Contractor shall not be excused ill the
performance~of the work or any part thereof because of the Contractor's
misunderstanding or lack of familiarity with such laws.
"Or Eq u_ a lj'__Ij]_t?p re ~ a ~i on
Whenever a material, article, or piece of equipment is identified on the
plans or in ~he specifications by reference to manufacturers' or vendors'
names, trade names, catalogue numbers, etc., it is intended merely to
establish a standard; and any material, article, or equipment of other
manufacturers and vendors which will perform adequately the duties imposed
by the general design will be considered equally acceptable provided the
n~aterial, article, or equipment so proposed, is~ in the opinion of the
Engineer, of equal substance and function.
Contract P~rformance and Pa~vment Dond
If required, the Contractor agrees to furnish oil a form provided by tile
Owner, contract performance and payment bond for the full amount of the
Coutract, with good and sufficient surety, or sureties, qualified to do
business in the State, and acceptable to the Owner.
All alterations, extensions 6f time, extra and additional work, and other
changes authorized by the Contract Documents may be made without securing
the consent of the surety, or sureties, of the contract bond.
! ns u rance
General: The Contractor shall not commence work until he has
obtained all insurance required under this section or until he
has satisfied the Owner in this respect; nor shall he allow any
subcontractor to commence work until he also has obtained
similar insurance which is applicable to his work. The Contractor
shall maintain insurance throughout the life oF tilis Contract as will
ilold the Owner harmless and shall indemnify the Owner for any losses
arising out of the Contractor's operations, or his subcontractor's
operations, including any contingent liability arising therefrom.
Workmens Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall obtain and
maintain during the life of this Contract, workmens compensation
accident insurance for all employees who will work on this project,
and if any work is sublet, the Contractor shall require the sub-.
contractor similarly to provide such insurance for all of the latter's
employees unless they are included under the protection afforded by
the Contractor. It' employees engaged in hazardous work are not
protected under the AS23.30, by workmeqs compensation insurance, the
Contractor and any subcontractor who is affected must provid~
A. 1.09
A. 1.lO
A. 1.11
Workmc Compensation Insurance' (_C~opti£ !~
compensati on insurance wi th a private company which i n amount
shall be equivalent to that provided by the Alaska workmens
compensation insurance for the protection of employees who are not
so engaged,
(c) Public Liabili_tS and Pro_~_9~rty _D~9_a~e_In_s_u_r_a_ll.c_e: The Contractor
shall obtain and maintain ]n force during the life o'F this Contract
suct~ public liability and property-damage insurance as si~all protect
the Owner and the Contractor against losses which may result from
claims for damages for personal injury, includinQ accidental death~
as well as from claims for property damages, which may arise from any
operations under this Contract, whether such operations be those of
the Contractor: a subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly
employed by either of them and the amount of such insurance shall
be as follows unless modified by the Special Provision of these
Public Liability Insurance shall be an amount not less than
Two Hundred Fi ft~y Thousand Dollars ($250,000) for injuries,
including accidental death to any one person, and subject to
the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than
Five Hundred Tt]ousand Dollars ($500,000) on account of one
accident', Property Damage Insurance sh$.ll be in an amount not
less than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) for any one accident
and subject to that limit per accident a total (or aggregate)
limit of not tess than One Hundred Thousand Dollars (S100,000)
for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of
property during the policy period.
The Owner, its officers, agents (including the Engineer) and employees,
shall be named as an additional interest under said policy or ~olicies
and a certificate(s) of insurance shall be filed with and approved
by the Owner prior to commencementof work. The certificate shall
indicate that the policy (policies) will not be cancelled without 30
days prior notice to the Owner.
Assio~nment of Contract
Neither party to the Contract shall assign the Contract nor sublet it as
a whole without the written consent of the other, nor shall the Contractor
assign any monies due or to become due to him hereunder without the previous
consent of the Owner. This provision shall not preclude the Contractor
from subletting parts of the work as herein provided.
Intent of_C2ntract
The Contractor shall provide and pay for all materials, labor, services,
and facilities of every nature whatsoever necessary to complete the work
in accordance with the explicit and implied intent of the Contract
_Assumption of Conditions of Work
(a) Work: The Contractor shall take all responsibility for the work,
shall bear all losses resul.ting to him on account of the amount or
character of the work, or because the nature of the lm~d in or on
/',,, 1,11
A. 1 12
A. 113
, bOntl nueo
Assunrotion r Sonditicns of Uerk (~ ' ')
which the work is done is different from what was assumed or
expected or on account of tile weather, floods, or other causes.
Claims for Weather: The Contractor shall have no claims against the
Owner for damages -For any injur,/ to the work, materials~ or enuipm, ent,
due to or resulting from the action of the elements. If, however, in
theopinionof the Engineer, the Contractor has made all reasonable
efforts to protect thematerials, equipment and work, he may be granted
reasonable time to make !)roper repairs, renewals and replacements of
the work, materials or equipment damages. The Contractor shall bear
all exp'ense thus incurred,
Disclaimer of Limi tat ions
The Contractor shall perform all work in accordance with these Contract
Documents, but the Contract Documents shall not be construed in any way
as limiting the Contractor's responsibility'to perform ti~e work completely,
as determined by the Owner, nor shall any prior customs or practices be
held to constitute a waiver of these Contract Documents or any protion
(a) Ownership_: Except tile Contractor's executed set, all drawings and-
C-o~iract Documents shall remain the propert,/ of the Owner. The
Engineer will furnish the Contractor, without charge, necessary sets
of drawinqs and specifications. Said drawings are not to be used on
other wor~, and all sets shall be returned to the Engineer, upon
request, at the completion or cessation of the work or termination.
of ~he contract. All models will be the property of the Owner.
(b) S~op~e of Work: The general character and scope of tt~ work is
illustrated by the drawings listed in the Contract Documents. Such
additional detail drawings as the Engineer may deem necessary will
be furnished to the Contractor as required by the work.
(c) Conforlfity_!~ith Draining%: All finished construction shall conform
to tile lines, grades, sections and dimensiohs shown on the approved
drawings, unless due to the exigencies of construction, or other
reasons, it is found desirable to make chailges. The necessity or
desirability of any such changes will, in all cases, be determined
by the Engineer.
(d) Similar: Where the ,,,lord "similar" occurs on drawings, it shall be
interpreted in its general sense and not as meaning identical. All
details si~all be worked out in relation to their location and their
connection to other parts of the work.
(e) Details: Where on any of the drawings a portion of the work is drawn
ou~'~-n~- the remainder is indicated in outline, the Darts drawn out
shall apply also to all other like portions of the work. Where
ornament or other detail i's indicated by starting only, such detail
shall be continued throughout the courses or parts in which it occurs
and shall also applv to all other similar Darts in the work, unless
otherwise indicated.
A. 1.14
Authori~qy_._of the Engineer
'All the work shall be under the technical supervision of the
Engineer. The Engineer shall decide all questions of fact
may arise as to the prosecution of worx.
The work is subject to inspection by the Engineer or his appointed
inspectors to insure strict compliance with the terms of the contract
documents. Iio inspector is authorized to chanae any orovision of the
plans or specifications without wrStteo authority o~ ~he Engineer,
nor shall the presence or absence of an inspector relieve the Contracter
from any requirements of the Contract Documents.
c) The Engineer shall furnish additional instructions consistent with
the Contract Documents that may be necessary for the proper execution
of the work. The Engineer shall have authority to make ci~anges in
the work not involving extra cost and to order il.at extra work be donq.
(d) The Engineer shall have authority to suspend the work wholly, or ir!
part, for such oeriod or periods'as he may deem necessary. The
Contractor shall not suspend the work without authority From the
Engineer, and shall proceed with the work promptly when notified
tile Engineer to resume operatiens.
The Engineer and his representatives shall, at all times, have acces::
to the work, wherever it is in preparation or in progress, and the
Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and
The authority of ti~e Engineer to require departure from qormal or
specified procedures shall in no case be construed as creating an
obligation on the Engineer's mart to issue such orders and failure
to exercise such autherity sh~ll not relieve the Contractor from
liability for any damage to property or persons arising from or
occasioned by the neg!igence, or otherwise growing out of failure on
the part of the Contractor to depart from normal practice in such
Coolie r~a t__ig~__bs__Cg, n tra ct o r
The Owner may undertake or award other Contracts for additional work, and
the Contractor sl]all fully cooperate with such other Contractors and Owner's
employees and careFuily fi~ his own work or such additional work as may be
directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not commit or permit any
act whici] will interfere with the performance of work by any other Contractor
or by Owner employees.
If any part of the Contractor's work depends upon the proper execution or
upon tim work of any other Contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and
promptly report to the Engineer any '
· dcfecus in such work that renders it
unsuitable for his work materials or purposes. His failure to so inspect
and report such defects shall constitute an acceptance on his part of the
other Contractor~ work as being fit and proper for the reception of his
work, except as to defects which may develop in the other Contractor's
work af,.~r the execution of his work.
A. 1.17
A~ 1.18
Unusual Worki ng?_Lo_u_r_s-
The Contractor shall give the Engineer forty-eight (48) hours advance
notice of hi~s intention to work overtime, nights, Sundays or holidays,
or any time outside the usual working irours. In no case will the Con-
tractor do any such work without first notifying the Engineer to permit
arrangements for proper inspection. The Contractor shall reimburse the
Owner for overtime work requiring double-time pay for employees of the
Owner, such reimbursement shall include all costs to time Owner.
_S__ur_v. ey _C~o
Necessary stakes for completion of tire work will be placed initially by
the Engineer to show the location and grade of the work. Detail of stakes
to be placed by the Engineer will be given in the snecial or technical
provisions for each type of construction. The Contractor shall give the
Engineer forty--eight (48) hours notice (not including Sat:_}rdavs, Sundays,
or holidays) of stakes required. The Contractor shall Drovid~ reasonable
and necessary opportunities and facilities for the ~Fngineer to set points
and make measurements. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to
insure that all work is being done in strict conformity with these'points
and that these reference points, stakes, bench marks, or sucir, be carefully
preserved, in case of their willful or careless disturbance or destruction
after once having been established for any portion of the work, they may
be replaced by the Engineer at his discretion. The expense of replacement
will be duducted from any amounts due or to become duc- that Contractor,
and the Contractor !,Jill be held res:~onsible for an.7 mistakes arising from
their unnecessary loss or disturbance.
Underground utilities of record will be shown on the construction plans
insofar as "it is possible to do. These, however, arc shown For convenience
only; and the Owner assumes no responsibility for improper location or
failure te show utility locations on the construction plans. The Contractor
shall take adequate and proper measure to inform himself as to the existence
and location of airy and all underground utilities apt to be encountered
during his operation and shall protect the same against damage.
If any oi,pes~ conduits, poles, wires, or apparatus are damaged, the Contractor
shall inm~.diately notify the Engineer and the utility compaq'if involved. The
damage shall be repaired by the authorities having control of same at the
Contractor's expense.
Whenever the construction is within the area of other public utilities
(water, sewer, electrical, telephone, or gas, overhead or underground)
shown on the plans and the utility has to be temporarily raised, lowered,
guyed, shored or braced, or otheri~ise protected during construction, it
shall be done at the exmense of the Contractor and shall be included in
the Contractor's bid price for that item of work in place. If construction
endangers support of telephone or power poles, the agency having jurisdiction
shall be notified and the poles shall be adequately protected by the utility
at the expense of the Contractor, before construction is started. The
utility company will make available to the Contractor charges that will be
made for shoring and guying poles and these charges will be considered by
the Contractor in the preparatio~ of his bid.
A. 1.18
A. 1.19
A. 1.20
U_t_i_l ]_t_i_e_s
lh,enever any underground utility is to be exuosed aqd the exact location
and depth is not known, the utility comnanv shall be ~otified and excavati m
by the Contractor shall not commence un~il"a representativo of tile utility
company is present to aid the Contractor in the location of the utility.
!!nenever a utility is exposed by tr~nci~i~]g, it saali be !land b~ckfilled wiLb
material s~)ecified by the utility and cc, n?acted iq a manner ~'pprovcd by the
Engineer prior to machine backfi'llin9
Whenever the plans and specifications reeuire connections to be Inade to
public or private utilit~ lines or services, thn Contractor si}all be
responsible for making any necessary arrangements with such utflity companies.
Tile requirements and insCructions given in the rer.!aining suo-~]aragrapns of
this Paragraph A. 1.18 shall apply only to work performed in a public right-
of--way or easement and shall not apply to work clone on a building site of
a structure.
Prior to awardinq the contract, the Owner .rill notify all affected Jtilities
to move such of ~heir installations as would be '.,ith~in the confines of ti~e
finished improvement. This kind of work by lhe utilities will noFmall7 have
~een accomplished in most instances before the Contractor is worki~]g at
points affected. Under some circumstances, however, the work of the utilities
may have to be performed during the construction. It shall be the responsi-
bility of the Contractor to coordinate his work with that of the utilities ~
in such a manner as to cause the least possible interference.
It is the intent of the plans that no utility,, public or private, witi~in
right-of-way or easements shall be moved to accommodate the Contractor's
equipment or his method of operation when such utility does not interfere
with the improvement under construction unless the cost of such removal and
replacement shall be at the expense of the Contractor. T~e Engineer shall
deter!nine if an existing u~ility must be moved and the utility would then
be moved by the utility conpany having jurisdiction over the same at no
charge to the Contractor. The EnQineer will not determine that an existing
utility must be moved unless it cannot be quved shored braced or bypassed
by ordinary procedures. - .... ,
Method of Servi
Any written notice to the Contractor which may be requisite under these
specifications may be served on hii~!~ either personally, or by mailing, or
by leaving at his last address known to tile Owner.
Any written notice to the Owner which may be requisite under these specifica-
tions may be served on the Engineer, either personally or by certified mail.
Final Insp_ection
Upon completion of the work covered by the contract, the Contractor shall
notify .tl?~ Engineer in writisg that the work is complete. The Engineer
shal .w~nin ten (10) days a ter such notification, make his final inspec-
tion. If the work is found to be acceptable to the Engineer and complete in
accordance with the plans and specifications, the Engineer will so report
to the Owner recommending acceptance of the work and payment to the Contractor
of the amounts due him in accordance with the terms of the Contract. If the
A. 1.20
A. 1.21
A. 1.22
A. 1,23
A. 1.24
work is noL acceptable to the Engineer, he shall advise the Contractor
as to 'the i)artic:~lar d~,fe(:ts to be remedied and the Contractor si~all
forthwith make good such defects or defective or incom~nlete work in a
manner acceptable to and subject to the approval of the Engineer. ~iothing
herein shall be construed to preclude a subsequent inspection by the Owner.
Protection of Material and Work
Tile Contractor shall at all times protect and preserve all materials,
supplies and equiplnent of every description including ?ronerty which may
be furnished by the Owner and all work performed.. All instructions by
the Engineer to enclose or specially protect or to insure such property
or work shall be complied with. If, as determined b\' the Engineer, material,
equipment, supplies, and work performed are not adequately protected by the
Contractor, such property ~a.y be protected by the Owner and the cost thereof
may..be charged to the Contractor or deducted from any F~ay;nents due him.
Unless otherwise provided elsewhere in the Contract Documents, t~e Contract
shall include a guarantee by the Contractor that the materials, workmanship,
and performance of the materials and accessories furnished by him will be
as specified and that they and the installation of them will be satisfactory
to the Owner for the purpose intended for a period of one year after tile
final acceptance of the Contract. No provision in the Contract Documents,
approval of the final pay estimate, or partial or entire use or occupancy
of the premises by the Owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not
done in accordance with ~he Contract Documents, nor shall it relieve ti~e
Contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties or responsi--
bility for faulty materials or workmanship.
~9~}ervision ~y Contractor
The Contractor shall give his personal superintendence to the work or have
a competent foremen or superintendent~ satisfactory to the Engineer, on the
jobsite at all times .during 9rogress of the work. The superintendent shall
represent the Contractor in his absence, and shall have authority to act
for him. The superintendent silall not be changed until advance notice has
been given the Engineer. On)y competent and responsible suF, erintendents,
foremen and workmen shall be employed.
The Engineer may demand the dismissal of any person or persons employed by
the Contractor in, about, or upon the work who shall misconduct himself, be
incompetent, or negligent in the due and proper performance of his or their
duties, or who neglects or refuses to comply with the directions given,
or whose continued employment in the opinion of the Engineer, may be detri-
mental to the Owner. Any such person shall not be re-employed on the work
without the written consent of the Engineer.
Subcontractors: The Contractors shall not award any work to any sub..
contractors without prior written approval o'F the Engineer. The
Contractor shall notify the Engineer, in writing, of the names of all
subcontracl~ors, together with a summary of the extent and character
of the w~rk to be done by each subcontractor and to provide a copy
A. 1
A. 1.25
A. ].26
A. 1.27
24 ~2.~sg_ntract~=_=(Continued)
of the executed contract. If at any time during the progress of the
work, the Engineer determines that any subcontractor is i'ncom~etent
or undesirable, he will notify the Coqtractor accordingly and immediate
steps by the Contractor will be taken for cancellation of such sub-~
contract. Sul~letting by subcontractors shall be uojected to the
same regulations.
(b) Res~]onsibilit_~_For Subcontractor: The Contractor shall be fully
resl)oosible~to-th--~ Owner for the acts'and omissions of bis subcontractors
and of persons either directly or indirectly employed bv then; as he is
for the acts and omissions of persons directly employed~by bio.
(c) Provisions in Subcontracts: The Contractor shall cause appropriate
provisi-~n~s-~t~-~-F-f'~s-~-~-e~in all subcontracts relative ~o the work to
bind subcontractors to the contractor by the terms of '~
t~ e coqtract
documents insofar as applicable to the ~ork of subcontractors and to
give the Contractor the same power as regards terminatinm any sub-
contract that the Owner may exercise over the Contractor~under any
provision of the Contract Documents.
(d) Contractual Relationship: Nothing contained in the~contract documents
shall create any contractual relation between any subcontractor and
the O~ner.
Permits and Licenses
The Contractor and/or Subcontractors shall procure and pay for all permits
and l'
lce,,ses necessary for the prosecution of the work. It shall be the
Contractor's responsibility to insure that all permits and licenses re.-
quired of him and i~is subcontractors are obtained.
Patents and
The C'ontractor agrees to indemnify the Owner and its officers, agents and
employees against liability, including costs and expenses, for infringe-
ment upon any letter Patent of the United States, arising out of the per--
formance of this contract, or out of the use or disposal by nr for the
account of the Owner of supplies furnished or construction work performed
If the Contractor has infor~:~tion that the process or articles specified
is an infringement of a patent, he shall be responsible ~or any such loss
unless he promF~tly gives such information to the Engineer.
Work on Rio~]__t_--of-wa~
Work on Alaska Railroad, State Highway, or any public right--of-way shall
be performed in conformance with the requirement of the Agency having
jurisdiction over the right~of-way. It will be the Contractor's responsi-
bility to notify the Engineer and said Agency before beginning work on the
right-of-way and to ascertain that the schedule and manner of proposed
operations is approved.
Property lines, lira:ts of easements and 'limits of construction permits
are indicated on the plans, and it shall be the Contractor's responsibility
to confine bis construction within these limits. Any damage resulting
A. 1.27
/t. 1.28
A. 1.29
to persons or property by encroachment beyond these limits shall be the
sole responsibility of the Contractor. Shonld the Contractor desire to
go outside the right-of-way or easements to operate I~is e~ui?ment, stock..,
pile material, or intrude on private property with any phase of construe.
tion, he shall provide the Engineer with written permission from the
property owner. The written permission shall specifically state that the
property o!,,ner will not look to tile Owner for compensation for use of or
damage to !lis property.
The Contractor shall be responsfble for the preservation of all public
and private property, trees, shrubs, monuments, and other property along
and adjacent to the work and shall use every precaution to ?revent injury
and damage thereto. He shall ~se suitable L]recaution necessary to prevent
damage to existing utility facilities both above and below ground.
The Contractor shall carefully protect fro~'~ disturbance or damage all
land monuments or property markers, if deemed necessary by the En2ineer,
monuments and markers may bR removed, but onlN' under the direction of
the Engineer~ and after proper witness and refe?ence points have been set.
The Contractor shall not injure, des'troy, or damage any DrO~_)erty without
obtaining ~)roper authorization. When or where a~nv direct o~ indirect
damage is done to public or t~rivate proo~rty by o~ on account of any act,
omission, neglect or misconduct in the execution of the work, or in
consequence of the. nonexecution thereof on the part of the Contractor,
such property shall be restored b,., t!~e C)ntractor at his awn expense to a
condition similar or equa] to that e~isting before such injury was do~e,
by repairing, rebuildinq, or otherwise restorinc~ the same, or he shall
make good such damage o~ injury in a maF~ner acceptable to the Engineer.
retention and Ret?_l_a_c?~s~t: Care shall be taken to protect uncovered tree
roots by keeping them covered with moist sacks while expose(! to the air.
Grass, sod, shrubs, and plants on public and private property shall, before
excavation, be carefully removed and replaced on completion of backfill.
Care si~all be taken by the Contractor in felling trees authorized for
removal to avoid unnecessary damage to Vegetation that is to remain in
place. Any limbs or ranches of trees broken during such operations shall
b '
be trilnmed with a clean cut, and painted with an approved tree pruning
compound, if required Py the Engineer. The Contractor will be liable
.for and ma~,~ be required to replace or restore, at his own expense, all
vegetation not protected and preserved as required herein that may be
'destroyed or damaged,
P_i s_p os a 1 Area
Unless and except as may otherwise be stated in the specificati~)ns, the
Contractor shall make i~is own arrangements for and shall assume all costs
in connection with disposal sites or areas. Any and all disposal sites or
areas shall be in such locations and so ~ainCained, that they shall be
neither offensive m~r !)ecome a menace to public health and welfare. All
disposal sites are to be approved by the Engineer.
A. 1.30
A: 1.31
C1 ea nu]]_
From time to time or as may be directed by the Engineer and immediately
after completion of the work, the Contractor shall at his own expense
cleanup and remove all refuse and un, used materials of any kind resulting
From the work. At any time during the progress of the work if in the
opinion of the Engineer the cleanup is not keeping pace with the excavation
or installation work, the Contractor shall at the direction of the Engineer
suspeF, d all excavation or installation work until the premises are cleaned
up to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Any additional expenses involved
will be the sole responsibility of the Contractor., and t~e Owner will not
be' held liable for any additional expense involved.
Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall remove all his equipment
and put the area of the work in a neat and clean condition and do all
other cleani/'~] required to complete the work in a workmanlike manner,
ready for use and satisfactory to tne En<]ineer. Upon failure to complete
the cleanup to the satisfaction of the Engineer within the time specified
in a written notice to ~he Contractor, the cleanup may be done by tile Owner
and the cost thereof be charged to the Contractor and deducted from his
final pay estimate.
All cleanup work shall be considered incidental to the construction of
the work. ,
Forfeiture of Contract
Should the Contractor at any time refuse or neglect to supply a sufficiency
of properly skilled workmen or material of the proper quality, or fail in
any respect to nrosecute the work with promptness and diligence, or fail in
~he ?erformance of any of the agreementq herein contained, the Owner may at
his (~ution, af~(~r giving forty eight (q3) hours ~..ritten notice to the
Contractor, !)revide such sufficiency of labor or materials and deduct the
cost thereof from any monies due or thereafter to become due under this
In the event of such refusal, neglect, or failure, the Owner may, by
written notice to the Con~ractor and his surety or his representative, or,
if the Contractor abandons ti~e work undertaken under the Contract, tile Owner
may, at his option with suci~ written notice to the surety and without any
written notice to the Contractor, transfer the employment of said work from
the Contractor to the surety.
Upon receipt of such notice~, the surety shall enter upon the premises and
take possession of all materials, tools, and appliances thereo~f for the
purpose of completing the work included under this contract, and employ by
contract or otherwise, any person or persons to finish the work and provide
the material therefor, without termination of the continuing full force and
effect of the Contract.
In case of such transfer of em21oyment to the surety, the surety shall be
paid in its'own name on estimates covering the work subsequently performed
under the terms of the Contract and according'to the terms hereof, without
any right of the Contractor to make any claim for the same or any part
~etfc~ture o~=Contract (Coqt~nued~
thereof. In lieu of the forea, ainq if the Owner so elects he may
terminate the emolo,yment of the CGntractor for said work and enter upon
the premises and' take possession of ail materials, tools and equipment
thereon for the purpose of completing the work or otherwise, any person
or persons to finish the work and provide the materials therefor.
In case of the discontinuance of employment by the Owner as aforesaid the
ontrac~or shall not be entitled to ~eceive any Further balance of the
amount to be paid under this Contract until the work shall have been
fully finished. At this time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be
pai~ under this contract exceeds the expense incurred by'the Owner in
finishing the work, ~d all damages sustained or which may be sustained by
the Owner by reason of such refusal, neglect, failure, or discontinuance
of employment, such excess shall be paid bN the Ownor to-the Contractor.
If such expense and damages shall exceed t~]e unpaid balance, the Contractor
and his surety and each thereof shall be jointly and severally liable
therefor to the Owner and sball pay the difference to the (?~,.~ner.
A. 1.32 ~_f~UJ??e~]~_ f~f~B~ment
The measurement of quantities of work )erformed, ,'' ·
. - ,yucca are used in the
calcu]ation of payment to the Contractor, shall be in accordance with
the instruction of the Engineer and s ~',
uoject to verification by the Owner.
A. 1.33 Scope of Payment ~
Ti~e Contractor shall accept the COlnpensation, as herein provided, in full
payment for furnishing all materials, libor, tools, and equipment necessary
to the completed work and for perforl~ing all work contemplated and embraced
under the contract; also for loss or dama~le arising from' the nature of the
work, or from the action of the elemen~s, or from any unforeseen dif. ficul-
ties which may be encountered durinq th~ prosec~ltion of the work until th~.~
final acceptance bv the Owner, and ~or all ri Ls of ewry ur. scr~ption
connected with ~he prosecution of the wurk; also for all expenses incurred
in consequence of tile suspension or discontinuance of the work as herein
specified; and for completing the work accordina to the ~la]s and specifica--
tions. ' ' .,
Neither the payment of any estimate nor- of any retained ~)ercentage shall
relieve the Contractor of any obligation 'to n~ke ar*od an~ defective work
or material. Payment will be made only for ,~aterials actually incorporated
in the work. . .
A. 1.34 .payment for Extra Work
Adjustments> if any~ in the amounts to be paid the Contractor by reason
of any change, addition, or deduction shall be determined by one or more
of the following methods as determined by the Owner.
(1.) i~y an acceDtable lump sum proposal from the Contractor.'
(2.) ~y unit ~)rices contained in the Bid Proposal.
(4.) Dy
unit prices mutually agreed upon by the Contractor and the Owner.
unit prices as required in the Special Provisions.
a cost-plus metilod ~' ~
con. Isling of the following:
Labor including forumeq supervision at the c[rrent local rate
of wages agreed upon prior to the start of work Health and
welfare ~...n~f~ts, ~ravei Lime, and other fringe benefits will
be considered wages.
A. 1.34
A. 1.35
(b) Materials entering oermanmntly into the work.
(c/ Rental of power tools or equipment which are lecessarw For
the proper prosecution oF the work. The rates shall be
' d
determine in advat~ce and shall include and be full compen~
sa~ion for furnishing all fuel, lubrication, repairs: main-
tenance, insurance, and incidental expenses except labor for
operation thereof. If the necessary equipment is no2 on ~he
site of the project and i2 is no[ anticipated ~hat it wo~lld
be required for the oerformance of work under the terms of
~he contract, the Co~tractor shall l)e ~)aid an agreed u~on
amour~t for the necessary transportation of the equipme~tt in
and out.
(d) To the foregoing (a,b,c), there shall be added a fixed fee
agreed ur~on but not to exceed fifteen (15) percent of the
actual cost. The fee shall be compensation to cover the
cost cf supeFvision, overhead, bond: profit, and any other
genF:ral ex',]enses.
(e) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer three (3) copies
of an itemized breakdown of labor, material, and equipment
withi*~ t,-o weeks after the completion of the extra work.
It shail be the re;po?ibiiity of the Contractor before proceeding with an.'/
chancre te satisfy hi~"$el= t~at the change has been properly authorized i~,
be. half of the Owner. '~o charge for extra work or any other change in the
contract will be allowed ~nless the extra work or change has been author--
i:ed in writing by the Ow~or, and the compensation or method thereof is
stated in such written authority.
P rpljr~.s2 ~l~]en ts
The ConLractor s~al~ bm entitled to monthly progress payments for work
done quring the ;.r~ce'~ing calendar n~onth. Requests for progress payments
will be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer on or
before the fifL: (Sth) c~lendar day of each month. Such reports shall be
, ~ ,. /ripl'" ~ unless otherwise specified on a form provided by
submi,tcd ~q l~ac(, ,
the Engineer. :'he progre[~s payments shall be based u?on the euantities of
work c.o~21eted.
Quantities used for progress payments shall be considered only as approxi-
mate and provisional and shall be subject to recalculation, adjustment, and
correction in subsequent progress payments or the final payment. Inclusion
of any Quantities in progress payments mr failure to disapprove the work
at the time of progress payment shall not be construed as acceptance of the
corresponding work or materials.
Cost of materials m~operlv scored, protected, and insured at the site of
the work may be paid on progress payment. In preparing the progress pay-
ments, adva~cement will ~e ;~:a~e therein for ninety (90) percent of the cost
of such materials as evidenced h~/ ~.aid invoices. Advancements will not
be made for any item of material a~nounting to less than one thousand doll~rs
($1000). Advancement for materials will not constitute acceptance and alL)~
faulty material wi ii be co~ o._ ,ned although advancement may have been made.
Deductions at the same races and equal in aI~ount to the advancements will
made on the payn~nt as the material is used.
A. l~35
A, 1.36
A. 1,37
The Owner may withhold or nulli ;Sr the whole el~ part of any payment due
the Contractor to such an extent as nr~ty be necessary to protect itself
from loss on account of:
(1) Defective work not remedied.
(2) Claims as herein provided,
(3) A reasonable dbubt that the Contract can be completed for the
balance then unpaid.
(4) /)amage to a~other Contractor.
(5) Any breach of provisions, requirer~e~,ts, and conditions of
the Contract Documents.
The Owner may, at his option and at any ti:re retain out of any amount due
the ConBractor fiums sufficient to cower any um~aid claim, provided that
sworn statements of said claim have been filed with the Owner and the
[ngi neer.
Retained Percenta~?..
All pay~ents orl monthly progress estimates shall not exceed ninety percent
(90'Z) of the an/ou~}t due the Contractor for the work itelnized on i]is request
for payment.
Labor and Material: Before the final acceptance of the work and
tn~ Contractor shall
~ayment of ti~e percentage retained by the Owner, '~
furnish evidence.satisfactory to the Owner that all claims for laber
and material employed or used in the construction of said work have
been settled, and that there is no legal basis for any claim against
~he Owner for such labor or materials.
Other Contractors: If, through acts of neglect on the part of the
Contractor, any other Contractor or any subcontractor shall suffer
loss or damage on the work, the Contractor agrees to settle with such
etcher Contractor by agreement, or arbitration, if such other Contractor
or subcontractor shall assert any claim agai'nst the Ovmer on account
of any damage alleged to have been sustained, the Owner shall notify
the Contractor, who shall indemqify and save harmless the Owner
against any such claims.
~ruct]on~ b.r drawings
_E_x_L_ra~_gos__t_.: if the Contractor claimsr that any ins
or otherwise involve extra cost or an extension of time, he shall
notify the Engineer in writing witbiu ten (10) days after the receipt
of such instructions and in any c'vent before proceeding to execute
the ~ '
w:,r.. Thereafter the procedure shall be the same as that described
in Section ii A, 1.34 for chauge~ in work. No such claim shall be
valid Unless made in accordance with the terms of this section.
A.l.O1 Utilities
i,~o utilities are available at the site, The Contractor shall make his
own arrangements with applicable utility companies for any services which
he may require.
A. 1.02 Sanitary Facilities
' If required ~y Borough, City~ or State regulations, temporary sanitary
services shall be furnished and maintained by the Contractor.
A. 1.03
The Contractor shall compl,/ with all applicable Borough, State, and
Federal safety laws and regulaLions pertaining to this projmct.
A, 1.04 Shop. Drawl n~.~
Shop Drawings 'For all items, ,~hcn required, shall be submitted, in trip-
licate for approval of ~he Pan A~erican Consulting Engineers. After
corrections h~ve been ~ame, submit 5 final copies for distribution and file.
Any fabrication done ~]rior to the apmroval of shop drawings by the Pan
American Consulting EF, gineers shall be done at the Contractor's risk.
'[he Contractor shall check all shop drawings prior to submitting them to
the Pan American Consulting Engineers.
The approval of th~ s~]op drawings by ti~e Pan American Consulting Engineers
shall be of a general naturm and sh~ll not relieve the Contractor of the
necessity of furnishing materials a~d workmanship required by the Construc---
tion drawing and specifications, nor of the responsibility of checking job
A. 1,05
The Contractor shall provide to the Owner one (1) reproducible copy of
drawings which will accurately portray "As Built" conditions of all
construction items within this Contract.
These drawins,~ will be delivered to the Owner within two (2)..weeks after
completion cf ~onstruction and shall be subject to approval by the Owner.
Special attention shall be given to accurate dimensions and elevations of
underground utilities. The Owner will furnish the Co~tractor one (1) set
of reproducibles of the centract drak, il~gs to assist him in fulfilling
this requirement.
A. Bid Items
I tam
Trenci~ing and ~]ackfill
Furnishing and Installing 6" C.I.P.
Furnishing and Installing 6" Gate Valves
Furnishing and instal ling Fire ?drants
Total Price
l. 06
Furnishing and Installing 3/4" S
Cot?orations and .Service Line~
Hiscel laneous
Total of Above I,~en,s S
Uni t,Costs
I tern
] .02
The following unit prices shall be used to determine the cost of
additions or deletions to tile sco~oe ef work. All unit prices shall
include the Contractor's o~erhead and prof]L,
D~_s c_ri i_~Zt] ?j)_ U_ni_t Un_i t.
Trenching and ISackfilling~ Per L.F. $
10.5' Deep Trench
Furnish and Install 6" C.i.p.
Furnish and Instal] 6" Gate
Per L.F.
Per Each
l .04
Furnish and Install Fire
ttydrant, Complete
Furnish, P]ace, and Corn?act
Gravel Backfill
Per Each $
Per C.Y. S
Furnish and Install 3/4" Per Each
Cormoration and Corporation Stop
Furnish and Instal] 3/4" Service Per L,F.
Thrust Blocks l'6" X 1'6" X 8" Per Each
Replace Existing Pavement
Remove Unstable I'laterial and
Rep.lace with Suitable Material
F~en~ow~] a~d Disposal of Unsuit-.
able ~s~a'{:erial ancf,"(~ qL~r!;]us
Per S.Y.
Per C.Y.
S'er C,Y~
A. General Provisions
The Contractor shall furnish all material, labor and equipment necessary.,
to excavate, install and backfill for water pipe lines and appurtenances,
and to make connections to existinq water mains where indicated on the
Special conditions, provided wit!l each mre,~cct contract, will contain
additional specifications on construction :lelhods and materials not
covered in this Section.
1.02 r_v_eZ
Tl~e Engi-neer :.;ill lay cut in the field the alif~nment and grade of work
to be done under the Contract. Wh~n once so laid out, tke Contractor
shall be responsible for the ;resevv,~kion of all line stakes, grade
stakes and hubs, Ir~ the ew;nt of their loss or destruction, the Contractor
shall pay all costs for their prnper replacement. The line and grade for
pipe lines will be given from hus se~ every 'Fifty (50') Feet on a lille
parallel to and at a uniform distance ~rom the line of pipe. The Contractor
shall be responsible for~ and pay all costs for th( transfer of the control
· points from the reference hubs te such hubs or string lines as he may
desire or need for th~ prose<~ti~m of the work. The qround line profile
refers to the elevation of thr* ground Jirectl¥, above ~he centerline of
pipe and grade line refers to thc elevation of the bottom of ?iDe, except
wi~ere otherwise noted. The Contractnr will give the Engineer d8 hours
notice, in writing, when reeuestin9 surveys.
1,03 Excavation
All excavation shall be unclassified and the Contractor shall do all
excavation of wi~atever ~uostanccs encountered, including rock and froz.~,~
ground, to the depth shown on the plans.
AFter all other work embraced in the contract is completed and before
final acceptance of the contract, the entire roadway including the roadImd,
parking sidewalk areas, simulders, driveways, alley and side street
approaches, slop£s, ditches, utility trenches~ and construction areas
shall be neatly finished to their o~iginal condition.
Slopes, sidewalk areas, parking areas, and roadway shall be smoothed
and finished to their original condition and grade by means of a mrading
machine insofar as it is possible to do so without damaging existing
in~provep4ents, trees, and shrubs. Machine dressinc shall be supplemented
by hand work to meet requirements outlined herein~ to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.
Upon completion of the cleaning and dressing the project shall appear
uniform in all respects ?.tl graded areas shall be true to line and
grade where shown on the ~/p~cal sections or as required by the Enqineer.
Where the existing !)arking is below sidewalk and curb, the area shi~ill be
filled and ' ~
ur~ssed out to the walk regardless of limits shown on the plans
Wherever fill material is required in the parking area it shall be le~t
higi~ enough to allow For final settlement but, nevertheless, the raised
surface shall present a uniform appearance.
All windrows of earth at the outer lateral limits of the project shall
be removed entirely/. Trash of all kinds resulting from clearing and grubbin~
or grading operations shall be removed and not placed in areas adjacent to
the pro.iect. Where machine operations have broken down brush and trees
beyond the lateral limits of the project, the Contractor shall remove and
dispose of sanle at !;is own expense.
Drainage facilities such as inlets, catch basins, culverts, and
open ditches shall be cleaned of all debris which is the result of the
Contractor's operations, unless the specifications of any particular
section or the Sp~ial Provisions provide otherwise.
Where, by permission, ~poil is dumped on orivate proper~y, the Contractor
will not be required to perferm an.y work ~)eyond that described in tile
Special provisions.
The Contractor shall rem, ye and'dispose of ail construction stakes,
The Contractor shall flt~sh the street, driveways? or any other paved
areas at the conclu3ion of the work unles~ otherwise provided in the
Special Provisions. Flusher shall be of a pressure type and approved
by the Engineer. SiJewalks shall be hand broomed.
On water distribution pro,lects where all or portions of the construction
are in undevelope,g areas, the entire area which has been disturbed by the
construction shall be shaped so that upon completion the area will present
a uniform appearance, blendiqfi into the contour of the adjacent properties.
All other requirements outlined preCiously shall be met, except that it
will not be necessa.ry to pick up rocks unless so provided in the Special
Provisions. All clean-up work shall be considered as incidental to the
construction of the project and all costs thereof shall be included by
~he Contractor in other items of work. All clean-up work, as described
herein will be completed within five (5) working days after acceptance of
the project.
]. o 5 P_u_b f_.e__tZ
In the event the Engineer determines that an excavation constitutes a
hazard to.public safety, the [ngin~r~ ~m=ll direct the Contractor, at no
additional expense to the Owner, to eliminate the hazard. Such condition
may be remedied by backfilling at the end of the working shift and re-ex-
· cavating at the beginning of tile next working shift, or by posting a
continuous competent watchman and pedestrian walks, fences, barricades,
or by any other method tile Engineer may deem necessary.
1.06 Measurement and P%vment
The' Contract price for each bid item shall constitute full compensation
1 06 ~teasuremen~. nd P.a~nl~e?t_ .... _' ......
· _ ..........._. ,~ , y (Continued)
for furnishing all plant, labor, equipment, appliances and materials,
and performing all operations necessary to construct and complete the
section in accordance with the requirements of the specifica'tions
applicable drawings. Payment for each bid item shall be considered as
full COlnpensation for that item, notwithstan.ding that n'.inor features o
work to complete the section may not be mentioned. Ho separate paymen~
shall be made for ti~e furnishing and installation of tees, spools,
reducers, increasers and special couplings. Deviatinn in the actual
quantities either above or below the estimated quantities shown for each
item shall not be made a basis for adjustment i~ any of the contract
unit prices, exceFt as otherwise specified in the General Provisions.
Work paid for under one item will not be paid for under another item.
Properties not indicated on the plans as being easements, construction
i)err.~its, right.-of-way, State, Doreugh, or Federal permits, or bel]nging
to the Owner in some mann,)r will be considered "Private Property". Prior
to uLilizing private property for anv purpose, (parkinq equipment, stacking
dirt, etc.) the 'Contractor will firs~ obtain written p~rmission from the
owner and submit this letter to the Engineer
B, Trenc~ Excavation, ;$acXfill and Co,'l~:action
This work sh,~ll consist o~ all excavation, backfill and compaction
rnquir(d for pipe line i,'~tall., a~"~)n and all other niiscellaueous items
as specified in this section.
Information pertaining to subs'~rface exploration, borings, test pit
loca~iens, details and dimensions of existing features, and other
pretimi ~arv investigation may appear on the plans or in tile Special
Proviz;ions or be available at selected locations for review by the
bidder. While such data will have been collected with reasonable care,
there is no expressed or implied guaranty that conditions so indicated are
exact or entirely representative of those actually existing. The bidder
shall put his own interpretation on results of such investigations and
satisfy l~imself as to the copditiens to be encountered.
In unstable areas the Engineer may require the Contractor to excavate
below grade and backfill ;vitb pit run aravel to plan grade. These items
will be paid for as set forth in SectiOn A.
1.02 Clearing__and Gruhbi~_ .
The Contractor shall clear ali brush, trees, debris, trash, garbage,
etc., from the right-of-way or easement areas as is necessary to accom-
plish the wa~er line construction and to prevent such extraneous material
from being utilized in the backfill.
Within these areas all vegetable growth such as trees, brush, logs,
stumps, and roots shall be removed from the right-of-way or easement
unless otherwise provided f6-F ~5 ~he Special Provisions. All trees shall
be felled within the area to be cleared, unless otherwise directed. No
fires, or burning will be allowed unless authorized by the Engineer and
other authorities concerned.
1.03 Relocation of Fences
I .04
At locations where fences are shown on the plans, the Contractor shall
remove the fences located in the existing right-of-way or easement areas
and replace these fences at locations as staked by the Engineer. Fences
shall be plac~d in the new location in such a manner as to produce a
fence of equal construction quality to that of the fence moved.
Removing Existing Structures and FAvelling Units, Usable Oil Barrels,
Machinery, Automobiles and Miscellaneous Personal Property from Rights--
o_f_-].~.a_~v, or Easements.
At locations where trailers, sneds,d,.velling units, oil barrels, machinery,
automobiles and miscellaneous uersonal property are presently occupying
space within rights-of-way or ~_~asement lines, the Contractor may exercise
the option of removing these structures from the right.~of~-:,:ay to the
property o:vner's lot; or the Contractor may do such bracing and shoring
as is necessary to protect these sLructur.~s and to perform the work
required. In the case of mlbvement of oil barrels, dwelling units, per-
sonal property, etc., the Contractor shall exercise care so that th~
property owner is inconvenienced as little as possible. In the cases of
interrupting fuel services fro~ oil barrelq, service shall be restored
to the property owner immediah,ly ~ter moving the barrels.
1.05 _R._el2]gva~l._aL~_d_:R_e? 1 acement of Cu ] .~erts
All culverts located within the right-of-way or construction easement
shall be removed or shored un as directed by the Engineer. Culverts
temporarily removed will be rcturrmd to their original position. Any
damage to culverts as a result of construction under this contract will
be repaired or the culverts replaced in kind by the Contractor as direct-
ed by the Engineer. The culverts affected as described above will be
left fre~ of debris as directed by the Engineer. All £ulverts replaced
will meet City, Borough and/or State or other agencies specifications.
1.06 Removal and Disposal of Abandoned Pipe and Fittings Encountered in
When pipe and fittings which are abandoned or are to be replaced are
encountered i,; the excavation foF water line or appurtenances, they are -
to be removed and disposed of at disposal sites approved by tile Engineer.
Care shall be used in excavating material deemed salvageable by the
F_'ngineer. The material shall be transported to the Water Utility yard or
other place designated bw the Engiqeer.
1.07 Removal of Existing Paving
Where the plans indicate the removal of existing concrete or asphalt
paving for installation of the water lines, paving shall be removed
in a manner that will produce a straight, uniform edge along the
section removed. Method of producing the straight edge shal~ be by
cutting the section to be removed with a saw, or by other methods
approved by the Engineer. Pavement that has been removed will be
haul-ed away and not mixed with the material_excava~ed from the ditch.
(b) After the trench has been backfilled and compacted and prior to
replacement of the mavenent, when asphaltic concrete pavement is to
1,07 (b)
Remova )f Existing Pavi~ (Contimled)
tie replaced, an additional six (6) inches minimur,~ (see Standard
Details) will be cut From each edge of the original cu~. Pavement
removed beyond the li~dts shewn on the plans or as directed by the
Engineer, shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense.
All pavement removed will be replaced in five (5) days or as ,re_tea
. d~ ~r '
by the Engineer.
1.08 Utilization of Excavated Material
Unsuitable material removed from the excavation shall be cast aside and
separated from useablematerial durinq excavation. I~seable material
moved from excavation shall be kept ~eparate from unsuitable material
and shall be used where practical for fill and backfill as directed by
the Engineer.
Unsuitable material shall then be placed in the trench over such depths
of suitable fill and backfill as described above as the Engineer shall
direct. Excavated material hauled less than three hundred (300) feet will
be incidental to Trench Excavation, Backfill and Compaction. Material
hauled greater than three- hundred (300) feet ,,,,ill b'e paid for under the
pay item "Removal and Disposal of Unsuitable Material and/ or Surplus"
1.09 Trench Section
Trench depth shall be as si~own on the olans an~ asstaked in the field.
Unless otherwise approved by the Enqin~er, the Iraximum trench width at
the trench bottom For pipe up to th{rty-three (33) inch diameter shall be
O'.D. + 18 inches; -For pipe over thirtb--three (33) inch diameter, the
maximum shall be O.D. + 24 inches (see Standard Details). Width of trench
shall be six (6) inches minimum each side of the pipe joint.
1.lO Excavation for Joint ltoles
Excav]tion for i oint holes shall be in accordance wiCh the manufacturer's
recommendations or as directed by the Engineer.
1.1] Unauthorized Excess E'<~2ti~n
All excavaCioh below the r(quired grade shall be backfilled with Pit--Run
?ayel or select gravel and thoroughly compacted as directed by the
Lng]ricer. All unauLhorized excess excavation and backfill shall be at
the expense of the Contractor. Approval must be obtained from the
Engineer before excavating below the proposed grade of pipe.
Ground adjacent ~co the excavations shall be graded to prevent water from
running into the trench. The Contractor shall remove, bv oumping or other
means approved by the Engineer, any water accumulated in-ti~e excavation
which in the opinion of the Engineer is detrimental to the proposed install-
ation of the water line, appurtenances and structures. The specifications
covering a dewatered trench will be strictly adhered to where the water
table is above the bottom of the trench. The Contractor shall submit to
the Engineer for approval his proposal for dealing with the trench water
problem prior to beginning construction. In the event that tills proposal
proves to be unsatisfactory, the Contractor shall immediately seek an
alternate method to fulfill his responsibility to the contract.
1 13 ~ra~in and Shoring
The Contractor shall, at his own expense, do all bracing, sheathing,
shoring and underpinning as may be necessary to perform and protect
· all excavations as required for safety to workmen, to work being performed,
to exuosed or unexposed existing installations or nearby structures, or to
conform to governing la~.:~s and/or ordinances. The Engineer may direct the
Contractor to brace, sheath and shore trenches and other excavations where;
in his opinion, proper precautions are not being taken.
Sheeting left in place at the discretion of the Engineer will be paid
for by negotiation. Such payment shall be full compensation for the
material, labor, and equipment required to cut off that portion of the
si/eeting not intended to be left in place and to make satisfactory
disposal of it.
1.14 ~z~R.!~f~_i_l ling_ of Trench
AL such times as the Engineer may direct, but only after the pipe lines
and appurtenances have been properly completed and inspected, the trenches
or other excavations shall be backfilled. Prior to backfilling, all form
luncher and debris shall be removed from the trench. The pipe shall be
bedewed immediately after laying unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer.
Any trenches inlproperly filled, regardless of how many additional lifts
have· been completed or regardless of ho~',, it ~,~ill inconvenience the Contrac-
tor, shall be reopened to the depth required for proper compaction, then
refilled and compacted at the Contractor's expense.
i~ackfilling in roadways, street, alleys, private property or easements
shall be performed in such a manner as to restore the surface as nearly
as possible to its oriqinal surface elevation and condition. All backfill
material, above three (3) feet over the top ef the pipe, will be placed
in the trench in horizontal lifts not exceedinq one (1) foot in thickness
and mechanically compacted to 85 nercent maximum density except that 'the
top four (4) feet shall be r,echanically coI~pacted to 95 percent of maxinlum
dens~ty as determined b.;, AASFiO T-99-57 (standard method of test for
comoaction and density of soils·). In areas where existinn paving has been
disturbed, or in State P. qad Prisms, all one (1) foot lift~ will be compacted
to 95 percent o~ maxin:~.m~ Jensity. ~'~ater co~npaction will not be allowed.
C. Trench Excavation, Backfill and Con, action for Service Connections
1.O1 Excavation
Excavation for service connections shall be unclassified, and the
Contractor shall excavate. ~-,,hatever substances that are encountered to
the depth required for the connections. Depth for water service
connections will be ten (10) feet below proposed street grade. Variations
in depth from the depth stated above will not be grounds for additional
payment. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to familiarize
himself ~ith the depth of water mains for the ~roject. That portion of
the right-of-way that extends from the main to' the key box (c[Irb stop),
1.01 Excavatio~ <Continued)
will be excavated in such a manner that will allow the service
connection to be installed horizontally (no slope).
Trenches shall be of sufficient width at the bottom to allow for laying
of the particular service (minimum two and one-half (2~) feet for sinqle
service). L'ual service connections shall be two services laid in the'same
two and one-half (2=~) foot trencil with a minimum of four (4) feet of separ--
ation between the service connections at the main and a minimum of five (5)
feet of separation between each key box and the property corner at the
property line. lie distinction shall be made between single and dual
service connections over fifty (5~) feet for that portion of the service
connection over fifty (50) feet. The banks of trenches shall be sloped
to insure safe working conditions as determined by the Contractor or'as
directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall excavate all fill material
from the trench opening that was pr(~_viously excavated when the water
n~in was installed. Excavation of all fill materials to virgin ground is
required to provide safety for workmen utilizing the trench.
The Contractor shall exmos~ the nlains ~o be tapped for a distance of four
(4) feet in length. Excavation on both sides of tile pipe shall be carried
to the bottom of ti~e pipe. Excess excavation below required level si~all
be backfilled and compacted witil sand or gravel at the Contractor's expense
as directec b'/ the Engineer. Where four (4) taps are to be made ill one
bell hole, eight (8) feet of the main will be exposed.
'Ti~e Contracb~r shall excaw~te for water connections in such a manner that
the excaw~tion is 90 degrees to the street line, whenever possible. The
ditch shall be lent,, enough to allow tile keybox to be set at the property
Ho water service shall be witi~in a distance of ten (10) feet from the
sewer service unless authorized by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall be r~snonsible for, and shall bear the expenses
incurred, il~ the event ti!a~ a main should be damaged during excavation
or backfilling. The Ensineer will deLermine the length of main which
required remlacement because of d~mage by the Contractor. Tile Contractor
shall excavate for the length of main to be replaced and shall backfill
after repairs have been maJe. Ail excavation and backfill necessary to
accomplish repairs of $ damaged main shall be performed by t~le Contractor.
Ground adjacent to the £xcavations shall be graded to prevent water From
running ill. Tile Contraccor shall remove by pumping or other means
approved by the Engineer, any water in the trench whicii, in the opinion
of the Engineer, is detri~qental to the propose~ installation of the
connection, appurtenances and structures.
Disposal of unstable soil and replacement and stabilization of the trench
with gravel shall be accomplished by the Contractor, as directed by the
Engineer in writing with an accompanying sketch showing quantities to be
removec~ and replaced. The Contractor will be F..,~id for disposal of unstable
material and replacement with a suitable material.
1.02 Backfill
At such time as the Engineer may direct, but only a~ter the service lines
and appurtenances have been properly completed and inspected, tile trenches
and appurtenant structures shall be backfilled. The backfill material,
free from large clods or stones, shall be placed by the Contractor. Back-
fill shall be placed and compacted in conformance with Section V--B,
The Contractor shall exercise due care ill backfilling to keep the service
box and thaw wire vertical and in place. In the event the service box
or thaw wire is displaced, the Contractor ;,;ill be required to excavate
and r~store the service box and ti~avl wire to proper position, ~'~n.y wer~:
qecc:ss~ry Lo restor~ C:',e ~,:rvicc :o~ (r cqaw ~,,,i~-,~ to pre:](r ,?s['.i,m
~ ~?2)~L~_ Exi s ti ~ ~} vg~Ec2~t'
1,01 General
All construction practices, test'~ and other controls shall conform to the
requirements of the agency having jurisdiction over the paving.
Asphaltic concrete paving replacement will be performed by utilizing a
mechanical spreader and will be compacted by a mechanical roller weighing
not less than ten (1~) tons~ except that whet., the area of the asphalt
replacement patcil is less than three-hundred (3~0) square feet, a
mechanical spread;~r need not be emrlo.yed.
Small areas inaccessiY..le to rollers st~a]l t-,e tamped to produce a compression
and surface texture mquivalent to that produced by tile specified rolling.
iland tampers shall have a maximum tami iqg lace of fifty (50) square inches
and a mini~;um weight of twenty.-five (2!i) : u',ds.
Before final acceptance of the work, if ,,,~y honeycoml-,,ed, broken, or
otilerwise defective areas appear in the pave~L~mt, such areas shall be
removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense to conform in uniformity
with adjacent sound pavement.
1. O1
Cast-iron pipe and fittings shall conform to A.W.W.A. Specification
C106-62, Thickness ¢la~s 22, with cerent mcrtar-lining conforming to
A.W.W.A. Specification CI34--6fi, u~less ad;erwise specified on the plans
or in the "Special Provisions". Cast-iron fittings shall be all bell,
unless otherwise indicated on the plans or called for in the Specifications,
conforming to A.W.W.A, Specification C100.-.55 for Class "D" fittings except
that so-called "short-body" fittings, otherwise meeting said A,W,W.A. Speo-
ifications may be used. Rubber gasket joints for cast-iron pipe and
fittings shall conform to A.W.W.~',.. Specification Cl11-64.
1.02 _C_o_9~e_r__:S_e?_~_v.
Pipe used under this Specification shall be cold-drawn, seamless,
annealed copper pipe suitable for use as undermround service water
connections for general plumbing purposes and shall comply with ASTM
Specification B$8~55 for Class "K' soft copper pipe, as manufactured by
tile American Brass Company or equal,
1.03 Flanqe Connections
Wherever flange connections are shown on the plans, called for in the
Specifications, or required in the work, the flanqes and fittin~m shall
conform to American Standards Association practic~ for one hundred and
twenty-five (125) psi pressure. Gaskets shall be Rainbor, Durable
Garlock, or approved equal. Gaskets eight (8) inches in diameter shall be
three thirty-seconds (3/32) inches thick. ,3olts shall have rough, square
heads and hexagonal nuts made to American Standard rough dimensions and
shall be chamfered and trimmed.
Pipe and accessories shall be handled in such a manner as to insure
delivel?/ to tile trench in sound, undamaged condition. Particular
care shall be taken not to injure the nipe coatin(~. If the coati,~!,
or lining of an.y type of pipe or fitting is damaged, the repair
shall be ~ede b,, the Contractor at his expense and in a satisfact-orv
manner. Pipe s~all be carried into position and riot dragged. Use
of pinch bars and tongs for aligning or turt~ing the pipe will be
permitted only on the bare ends of the pipe. The interior of the
nipe and accessories shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter
before being lowered into the trench arl~ shall~be kept clean during
laying operations by plugging or other approved methods, lJefore
installation, the pipe shall be inspected for defects and, where
required by the Engineer, shall be tapped with a light hammer to
detect cracks. Material found to be defpctive before or after ]a.ving
shall u~ replaced with sound material without additional expen.~e to
the Owner. !lubber gaskets that are not tn be installed immediately!
shall be stored in a cool dark place and e~t of the direct rays of
~rl~ SLlll.
Cutting of ,uipe shall he. done in a neat and workmanlike manner
without Jamase to the ~ipe. ~Jnless .... '
c ~nurw] se a uthori zed ,)v the
Engineer or recommended bv the manufactur`or, .ursine snall~b( aerie
w ~n tn apl:roved-type mechanical cutter, ln]~o~ c ~
used when practicable. , ..... Jrt_rs shall be
,,heru the location of the water pipe is not clearly defined by
dimensions on the drawings~ the water pioe shall b~ kept at l~ast
ten (lO) feet horizontally from any sewer. Where the drawings show
sanitary sewers and water lines closer than ten (10) feet the sewer
sb,~lt be encased. '
Maximum allowable deflections f~om a straight line or arade, as
required by vertical curves, horizontal curves; or off'ets, shall
be recommended by the manufacturer. If the alignment requires
deflections in excess of the above limitations> seecial bends or a
sufficient number of shorter lenqths ,of pipe shali be furn~oned
to provide angular deflections w{thin tile limits allowable. Short..
radius curves and closures shall be formed by shorter lengths of
pipe, bevels, or fabricated specials.
Grades shall be carried by means of a test r/fade ,..ire or string
line firmly supported by post or rod not more ti]an fifty (50) feet
apart. ,qot less than three (3) shall be in use at one time. (ira. des shall
be checked constantly and whenever the string line shows a discre)ancy in
grade, all v:ork shall be stopped and the Engineer notified so that tile
error can be corrected before proceeding with the work. Alternate metl~oc!s
of carrying grade may be approved by the Engineer.
The pipe shall be so laid ill the trench that after the line is completed
the interior surface thereof conforms accurately to the gra'des and alignment
given by the Engineer. A maximum three-tenth (3/10) foot deviation from
design elevation will be allowed. A maximum five-tenths (5/10) feet fro~]~
design alignment will be allowed; however, the pipe shall be eenerally
straight to the eye, unless otherwise called For on the plans]
All ad.justments to line and grade shall be done by scraping away or
filing the earth under the body of the pipe and not by blocking or
wedging up.
1.06 Placi
In instances'where tile "string line method" of obtaining line and grade
is not practical, the Engineer will require the Contractor to furnisi~
a qualified surveyor for this puroose.
Not more than four-hundred (400) feet of trench will be kept open at
any one time, or one street, unless otherwise specified in the Special
Conditions or approved by the Engineer. The pipe will not be strung out
along the shoulders of the road for long distances so as to cause a
i}azard to traffic. The amount of pipe laid out at the job site in this
manner will be left to the discretion of the EncHneer. "Open trench" is
here defined as the excavation required to inst$11 pipe'~ however, in the
safety sense, ':open trench" would refer to any excavation performed on
the project.
Concrete thrust blocks silall be installed ~.~here the pipe line changes
alignnlent, utilizing a tee, cross, bend, or similar fittinq. Concrete shall
test two-thousand (2000) pounds per square inci] compressive strength after
, twenty-eigh~ (28) days. The minimum bags of cement (Class I Portland) will
be five and one-!lair (5~.) bags Der cubic yard of concrete with a maximum
slump of three (3) inches.
Pipe and accessories shall be carefully lower'ual iht:. '::he trench by means
of dewrick, ropes, belt slings, or other suitaule e~tulp,,,ent. Under no
circumstances shall any of the water main's materials be dropped or
dumped into the trench. Care shall be taken to avoid abraision of the
pipe coating. Poles used as levers or skids shall be of wood and shall
have broad, flat faces to prevent damage to the pipe or coating. The full
length of each section shall rest solidly upon the pipe bed with recesses
excavated to accomodate the joints. Pipe that has the grade or joint
disturbed after laying shall be taken up and relaid. Pipe sl~all not be
laid in water or when trench conditions are unsuitable for the work.
[.~ater shall be kept out of the trench until the jointing is completed.
When work is not in progress, open ends of pipe, fittings, and valves
shall be securely closed so that no trench water, earth, or other sub-
stances will enter the pipes or fittings. Where any part of the coating
or lining is damaged, the repair shall be made by the Contractor at his
expense and in a satisfactory manner. PiPe ends left for future connec-
tions shall be valveJ, plugged or capped,' and anchored as shown on the
plans or as directed by the F_ngineer. Where connections are
made between new work and existing mains, the connections shall
be made by using specials and/or fittinas to suit actual conditions.
Where made under pressure, these ceqnections shall be installed
according to the recomr.~endations of the manufacturer of ti~e pipe
being tapped.
1,07 J_gJ nti nj
(a) Cast-Iron and Ductile-Iron Pipe. All jointing shall be in con-
formance with A.W.W.A. Specifications C600-64, Section 9.
If mechanical-joint, cast-iron pipe is used, joints shall be
made using lead-tipped, rubber gaskets conforming to AoW.W.A.
Specification Clll-64. If push-on joints are nsed, two
silicone-bronze wedges (as furnished by U.S. Pipe Company or
equal) shall be inserted at each joint to establish electrical
conductivity across the joint for the purpose of thawing the
line, if necessary. Periodic electrical-conductivity test will
be performed by the Engineer or his representative.
Poured Joints. Where adaptors are used to make connection to
castriron Class "D" fittings, valves, and/or hydrants, the
joint shall be caulked with lead. The spigot end si~all be
accurately centered in the bell and the rear position of the
annular space shall be tightly packed with square, braided he'np
or untarred, twisted jute leaving a space not less than two
and one-half (2!~) inches in depth for the lead or joint compound.
Lead for caulking shall be common desilverized lead conforn,in?
to A.S.T.M. Specification [~29-40T. After tile joint is poured
and when lead has cooled to tile temoerature of the pipe, the
lead shall be caulked until thorougi]ly compacted making a
watertight joint without straining the pipe or bells.
Cast-Iron and Ductile-Iron Fittinqs. All pipe to fitting joints
shall' be made with all bell mechanical-joint fittings unless other-.
wise indicated on the plans or called for ill the Specification, con.
forming to A.!.!.!-!.A. Specification CIO0-.S5 for Class "D" fittings.
Joints shall be made using lead-tipped rubber gaskets conformi~g to
A.W.W.Ao Specification Cl11.64.
1.08 Hydrostatic Tests
General. After backfilling or after twenty-four (24)_ hour notice by
the Engineer, all newly laid water mains shall be subjected to pressure
and, if applicable, leakage test. Equipment for testing and all cost
for labor, material, and supplies shall be furnished by the Contracter
at his own expense and no extra payment will be made therefore. Test
gauges will be furnished by the Engineer. Where any section of a
main is provided with concrete thrust blocks for fittings or hTdrants~
the hydrostatic test shall not be made until at least five (5) days
after installation of tile thrust blocks unless otherwise approved.
The Contractor shall suitably valve-off or plug the outlet to tile
existing or previously tested water main~ at his own expense, prior
to making the required hydrostatic test. Hydrostatic tes~will be
1.08 ',lydrostatic ~sts (Continued)
performed on every 1,O00 foot section of newly constucted water line
or to~ the nearest valve within or beyond this distance.
(b) _Pr~es_s_u_rg__T?~s_t_. Before applying the specified test pressure, all
air shall be expelled from the pipe. If oermanent air vents are not
located at all high points, the Contractor shall install corporation
cocks at such points so the air can be ex[)elled as the line is
filled with water. The newly laid piping, or any valve_d sectioa
thereof shall be subjected to hydrostatic ?ressure test of one hundred
and fifty (150) pounds per square inch. After the required test
pressure has been reached, the pumping will be terminated. If the
pressure (150 psi) remains constant for fifteen (15) minutes without
the aid of a pump, the water line will not be subjected to any
further hydrostatic test, If the pressure (150 psi) does not remain
constant for fifteen (15) minutes, a leakage test will follow. All
valves within the section of line being tested will be closed and
reopened as directed by the Engineer, after the required pressure
(150 psi) has been obtained and prior to the fifteen (15) minute
constant pressure test.
(c) Leaka~._e' Test. Tile duration of each leakage test shall be at least
~-o--(-~] hours; and during the test, the main shall be subjected to
a constant pressure of 150 pounds per square inch for two (2) hours.
Leakage for any newly laid pipe or any valved section thereof is
defined as tile quantity of water that is necessary to maintain the
specified leakage test pressure after the pipe has been filled with
water and the air is expelled. No piping installation will be
accepted until the leakage is less than tile number of gallons per
hour as determined by the formula: L = 0.00027 ND ~'-~-- which
equals the allowable leakage in gallons per hour per 100 feet at 150
pounds per square inch test pressure and shall be as follows:
P_ij~_~ia. me.t_e_r (_I.!~!~_es) Gal 1 ons Per Hour
6 O.1191
8 O. 1588
l0 0.1986
12 O. 2383
14 O. 2780
16 0.3177
18 0.3574
20 0.3972
Leakage test on asbestos-cement pioe shall be done only
Iipe has been filled witll water for a minimum period of
24) hours.
after the
twe n ty- four
Failure of Pressure and Leaka~_.~s~. Cracked or defective pipe,
gaskets, mechanical joints~ fittings, valves, or hydrants discovered
as a consequence of the hydrostatic tests shall be removed and
replaced with sound material at the Contractor's expense. The test
shall then be repeated until the results are satisfactory.
1.09 Sterilization of Pipe Lines
(a) General. After pressure and leakage te~ts and before being placed
~-~-~-'~'rvice, all n?~ly laid \,later mains shall be thoroughly flushed
',.!-- 1 2
1.09 ~_t_e.r_iliza,.=..~n of ?i!)e Lines (Continued)
to remove any foreign matter. The mains shall be sterilized after
flusifing. " , ',
Open-bore flushinc~ !./ill be accomplished at the end of
the main with ?ipe furnished b.~ the Contractor. All flushing of
newly constructed lines will be done between the hours of 4:00 a.m.
and 6:00 a.m. at no cost to the Owner, unless otherwise approved by
the llater Utility. Flushino tilrou_qh hydrants will not be permitted.
Flushing will be closel7 co(~rdinat~d with the Engineer.
Method of Steriliz_~_t_i...)L~. Chlorine shall be used for sterilization.
Chlorine may be applied by ally mf the followino metilods: (1) liquid
chlorine gas-water mixture, (2) direct chlorin~ gas feed or (3)
calcium hypochlorite and water mixture. The chlorinati]q agent
shall be applied at the beginning of the section adjacen~ to the
feeder conpection and shall be injected through a corporation cock,
hydrant, or other connection insurinn treatment oF the entire line.
Water shall be fed slowly into the n~w line with chlorine applied
in amounts to produce a dosage of forty ~40) ppm to fifty (50) ppm.
Mains ?reviously filled shall be treated to a concentrated dosag~e at
intervals along the line and retained for a De'iod of einht (8)
hours or more. A residual of not less than five (5) ppm, chlorine
shall be produced in all Darts of the line. During the chlorination
process, all intermediate'valves and accessories shall be operated.
Valves shall be manipulated so that the strong chlorine solution
in the line being treated will not flow back into the line suuplying
the water. After chlorination, the water shall be flusi)ed fr~)m
the line at its extremities until the replacement water tests are
equal chemically and bacteriologically to those of tile permanent
source of supply. ~ '
A}]jolication of Chlorine Solution. Chlorine gas-water mixture shall
be applied by means oF a solution-feed chlorinating device. Chlorine
gas shall be fed directly from a chlorine cylinder equipped with a
suitable device For regulating the rate of flow and the effective
diffusion of gas within the pipe. Calcium hvpochlorite shall be
comparable to commercial products known as ,H]~.H., Perchloren and
Machochlor. A solution consisting of five (5) percent of powder
to hyoochl~rine and ',later mixture first made into a paste and then
thinned to a slurry shall be injected or pumped into a newly laid
line under the conditions specified above.
F. Furnish apd Install Gate Valves
This work shall consist of installing valves, complete with valve boxes
and marker posts of the classes and sizes required on the plans. They
shall be furnished and installed in accordance with these specifications
at such locations as designated on the plans unless the Engineer directs
1.02 Gate Valves
Gate valves shall be iron body, fully bronze mounted, double disc,
parallel seat valves as manufactured by Mue]ler Company or equal and
in ~ccordance with A.W.'.I.A.S.~ecification C500~61, "Gate Valves for
Ordinary [~ater Works Service"' All valves shall be non-rising stem
F. 1.02 G_a.te Valve~' ('Continued)
type with two (2) inch souare operati~g nuts and silall open counter-
clockwise. Valves shall 'have mechanical-joint ends.
1,03 Valve Boxes
Valve boxes shall be cast iron of sliding, adjustable-height type with
round or oval bottom hood sections to fit over the top of the valve.
The top section shall be recessed to receive a closed fitting "eared"
lid with the work "Water" cast into it. Internal diameter of the small.-
est section shall not be less than five (S) inches. Minimum thickness
of the metal shall be not less than five-sixteenths (5/16) inch. Castings
shall be smooth and tile workmanship shall be first class. Valve box
sections shall be dipped in coal--tar pitch. Valve boxes shall be of
sufficient lengtti for the pipe cover depth shown on the orofile drawings.
After installation, saw dust will be po~red directly ove~ the valve lid
for easy location.
1.04 Markers
Valve boxes~shall be marked with markers consisting of two and one-half (2~.~)
inch 0. D. galvanized steel pipe sections, seven (7) feet in lenuth, with
three (3) feet embedded. Markers shall be shop painted "Caterpillar
Yellow" and marked with black numeral~ showing the appropriate references.
Markers shall be located on property line, due north, south, east, or west
of the valve at a minimum distance of ten (10) feet and a maximum distance
of fifty (50) feet, unless othem,vise directed by the Engineer. Markers
will carry the notation "V~ ..... '
. feet-di rection.
1.05 _I n~s~t_~_l_l_a_t i~o!]
Valves and valve boxes shall be installed where shown on the plans.
Valves shall i;ave tile interiors cleaned of all foreigh matter before
installation. If the valve is at [he end of the line, it shall be
plugged prior to backfilling. Tile valve should be insoected in the open
and closed position to insure that all Darts are in workino condition.
The valve box assembly shall be truly i}lum and accurately ~entered over
the valve nut. The top section shall be so set as to Dernit vertical
adjustment above or below f' ' '~
~n]sn~d grade. On gravel streets the ton
of the valve box shall be set three (3) inches below the surface anal on
paved streets one-fourth (~) inch below finis:-~ed grade. Earth fill
shall be carefully tamped around each valve box. Burlap or rubber will
be wrapped around the base of the valve box when required by the
Engineer. The following applies to the particular types of valves:
(a) Gate Valves. Stuffinu boxes shall be tightened prior to installation.
The base of the hood ~ection shall rest on compacted 'Fill and should
be approximately two(2) inches above the flanQed joints of the valve
dome. ~
G. Furnish and Install Fire Hydrants
1.01 General
This ~ork shall consist of furnishing and installing fire hydrants at
such locations as designated by the Engineer and as shown on the plans
in accordance to these specificatiol~s. This item shall include furnishing
all material and performing all work specified in this ~e~t~on.
Fire tiydrants shall conform to A.W.W.A. Specifications C502-.64, "Fire
Hydrants for Ordinary Water Works Service". All hydrants shall be
inch A.S.A. Class 125 Standard nlechanical--joint hub end for connect-
ing to the auxiliary gate valve. Fire hydrants shall be I"tu,.,11er Improved
and equipped with an auxiliary gate valve and valve box as shown on the
Standard Detail, All connections will be mechanical joint unless other--.
wise approved by the Engineer. Fire hydrants shall be furnished as
~ndicated on the drawings and bid schedule with tile following types of
hose connections:
(a) All hydrants shall have TWO-two and one--half (2!~) inch hose
connections and ONE-four and one-i~alf (4L~) inch pumper connection.
All hose threads shall be National Standard threads. Standard fire
hydrants shall be furnished with a ten (lO) foot bury. The working
parts of all hydrants shall be bronze or non-corrodible metal.
Painting and coating shall be in accordance with cited A.W.W.A.
Specifications. Color of paint shall be "Caterpillar Yellow".
(c) The direction of opening for all hydrants shall be "clockwise".
Auxiliary gate valves will be iron body, fully bronze mounted, non-
rising stem type with two (2) inch square operating nuts and shall
open counter-clockwise. Valves shall have mechanical-joint ends
with lugs or 'tie..back-ears' on one side and "0" ring seals, Mueller
Company or equal.
1.02 Steam Thawiu9 Pip_e
Steam thawinu :)Joe installations shall be of galvanized iron pipe,
malleable fittings, and shall be installed at each hydrant. The steam
thawing pipe i'~ defined as a three-fourth (3/~) inch galvanized pipe
fabricated to an "l_" shape. The vertical portion shall be one (1) foot
to the side and one (1).foot to the rear of the hydrant. The horizontal
portion shall be one (1) foot above and one (1) foot to the side of the
length of the hydrant l~a,.i. The horizontal portion shall be perforated
to direct steam coward the lead. Refer to the city of Anchorage Standard
Details for steam thawing Nipes.
Znstal lation
~E=x-c-m_~'t-mvll'¥Fe otherwise approved, the backfi 11 around hydrants shal 1 be
thoroughly compacted to the finished grade line in~ediately after
testing. Valves and valve boxes shall be installed where shown and set
plumb. Valve boxes shall be centered on the valve. Earth fill shall be
carefully tamped around each valve ~]ox to a radius of four (4) feet or
to the undisturbed trench face if less than four (4) feet. Steam thaw
pipes shall be installed as shown in Standard Construction Details. Ti~e
Contractor shall install hydrants in accordance with Standard Details.
ilydrants installed but not available for use shall be covered with burlap
or equal material and securely wired or tied down.
1.04 .F_i~r_e._[l,s_dr_a._.n_t_ A~ssem_ b_l_y
Fire hydrant assembly shall include the hydrant, 6" lead to the main, steam
thawing pipe, auxiliary gate valve, a]cnorino coupling, valve box and any
other fittings required for the hydrant to function.
Two (2) service lines will be installed in a conlmon trench and will be
located as shown on the contract drawings. The lines will terminate
at the property lines and will be separated at the main and at the
property corners in accordance with Section C, 1.O1 Excavation. Each
service line will consist of a Hueller Corporation stop, No. 15000 or
equaJ; a type "K", soft cooper 3/4" line to the property line~ a Hueller
Curb Stop No. 15210 or equal; and a Mueller Service Box No. 10308 or
equal; all installed in accordance to the "Standard Details" of the City
of Anchorage.
Service pipe three.-quarter (3/4) inch through two (2) inch diameter
shall be copper, Type K. Three (3) inch and four (4) inch services
shall be galvanized wrought-iro,~ of ouality called for in these
soecifications. Services over four (4) inches shall be cast iron of
t~e quality called for in these specifications.
1.03 .~o_ ri)ora ti on__S_tt9!~_s
Corporations stops shall be Mueller H15000 or equal for steel pipe,
asbestes-cement pipe, or cast-iron pipe.
(a) ~
Cast-iron °ioe. ,"laximum size cor?oration stops when inserted
d]-rectl~'-]-]{t'O the water niain shall bo ~ne (l) inch. Double
flat-strap service clamps, as manufactured by Mueller Corporation
or equal, shall be used for one and one-half 1.~) inch. taps and
two (2) inch taps, Special tappin~ sleeves, as manufactured by
Mueller Corporation or equal, shall be used when service connections
to water mains are three (3) inch and larger.
1.04 Thaw Wire Connections
Included in the work to be performed under "Service Connections" is
the installation at each service connection of a "thaw wire connection"
to be made up and installed in accordance to the "Standard Details" of
ti~e City of Anchorage. The thaw line will be a No. 2 rubber coate~ wire,
Tyrex or equal,
V--I 6