HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIDEAWAY HILLS BLK 1 LT 7 ' MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division . 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT DISTANCES ~) O ~. ~, ~ A -O? ,ar~e///,~/~/~. ~5-/~ o'f/' SEPTIC ABSORPTION ,ddre~ ~ TANK FIELD WELL LEGAL DESCRIPTION t i..oc,/ ~t ~ ~"'/ FOUNDATION Township, Range, Section / AS-BUJLT DIAGRAM (Show location of welD, septic system, properly lines, foundation, ~ SEPTIC ~1~"~7 ~ HOLDING / ~1'1 ..J~ ~/~A~ Manufacturer Capacity in gallons Material / No. ol Compa~ments / /~ )~ ~ . TYPE OF 8YSTE~ _ ~TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER Depth to pipe bottom from Total depth from original grade ;ill added above original grade Gravel depth ~neath pipe GrAvel length//~ FT Gravel width ~ FT Total absorption area Distance between lines ~ SQFT ~/" FT o '- / I11 Installer ~ ~g~ -~ 'Z?~ Date Installed ~ Ot~~ WELLS Classification (A,B.C) / ~ FTiI Cased ,o FT In )ato In*tallo~: Scale: ENGINEER'S SEAL i ~' ~ ~ ce~ffy Iha~ lhis inspe~ion was pedormed accordina ~o ~11 Mu.icipa~ and State guidelin~ in effect en this da/e: /~1~1~ p : .... Date: ~ ~ Q 0 / 72-013 (3/85) water su~ly, either public dr private. (c) All sewage treatment plants should be provided with at least · minimum of la~oratory equiDncnt should be ~3~clud~,d in the specifica- tions, as well as incorporat~ng space on the plans of the control building or other suitable building at the plant. '(d) The sewage plant layout should ~clude adequate control ~-~n~o!es s-.~d unit by-pass~e to facilitate maintenance and operation. ~ner~%~er practicabl~ each treat;u~nt unit ~hou!d bs provided with a by-pcss ~zou~d ~he unit to t'~sure at l~ast partial treatment of the s~ d~L-~ p~ritds '~en ~lits zust be taken out of se~,ice for ~L~n~c~ or rspuir. (e) Eve~ consideration should be given to the design of the ~ trs~ent pl~t for th~ el~tion of possible asphyxiation, 9~lomion ~ physical haza~]s in ~d about the plant, includh~ first- a~ kit~, gas ~sks, ~ other s~ety appl~ces. f 331. Et~-~rdm U~c~ In Evaluation Of Adequacy Of Suppli~d ~aeili%i~ ~ Servica~. The foll~,.~ing mmmuais of se~ge and' industrial wastez practice ..... C,, fac'ilit ie~ b~ u~¢d f~r evaluation .of thc ~dequ~ .~ of and ~ervices are avaJ]sblo from the Federation of Sewage and Industrial Wastes As~c~tions, ~35 WisconsL~ Averred, N. W.~ h'a~h~ton, 16~ D~ C. : Title Price ~afety in Wa~t~water %{orks $1o50 ~uuicipal Sewer Ordin~mcss 1.50 ChlorL~ation of Scw~ and Industrial Waotes 1,25 A~ D~ion ~ S~wage Works 1,25 ~it~ of ~r~o~ion for Waste ~d ~ao'b~ Treatment ~50 ~ew~ge %~atm~nt Pl~t Dssi~ 7~ De~ ~d C~nst~ctlon of Sanitax~f smd Sto~ S~rs 7~00 ~s fo~L%~ ~tandards m~T also be used s~'~ are avai!~bl~ from ~ ~riczu ~i~ty for Tes~ Re~ Prmctics for In~ta~L~ Clay 8~wer Pipe $~a~ S~c~icatione for Oaot Iron So~ Pipe and FittinSs St~a~ Sp,:c~'ic~tion~ for E~orood ~on~y,~'~o S~w~? Pipe ~ic-T~k ~actico~'~ U. S. Dcp~rtmont of H~alth~ ~LntLug ~ffioe~ Wa:~n~[;ton ~licit~n ~f~. ~2,]~ zn official r~porb of tho Nation~l effectively. Underground pollution direction as the normal movement Ground water moves in the direc- '. water table, i.e., from the area of : water table. In general, the water the ground surface. For this reason, ~hill from wells or springs. Sewage contatninate wells having higher elevations of disposal systems are . of water in such wells as may be · om a disposal system on a lower wnward to the water bearing stra- It is necessary, therefore, to rely ~rces wi~h lower surface elevations. ', distances for protection. Tanks from any source of water supply; 'here possible. ~ted within 5 feet of any building, ring construction or seepage may t not be located in swampy areas, eneral, the tank should be located be available for the disposal field. ~ the location from the standpoint public sewers may be installed at a~ade in the household plumbing Efftuent.--Contrary to popular belief, septic tanks do not accomplish a high degree of bacteria removal. Although the sewage undergoes treatment in passing through the tank, this does not mean that infecti- ous agents will be removed; hence, septic tank effluents cannot be considered safe. The liquid that is discharged from a tank is, in some respects, more objectionable than that which goes in; it is septic and malodorous. This, fiowever, does not detract from the value of the tank. As previously explained, its primary purpose is to condition the sewage so that it will cause less clogging of the disposal field. Further treatment of the effluent, including the removal of patho- gens, is effected by percolation through the soil. Disease producing bacteria will, in time, die out in the unfavorable environment afforded by soil. In addition, bacteria are ~lso removed by certain physical forces during filtration. This combination of factors results in the eventual purification of the sewage effluent. Capacity.--Capacity is one of the most important considerations in septic tank design. Studies have proved that liberal tank capacity is not only important from a fimctional standpoint, but is also good economy. The liquid capacities recommended in Table 5 allow for the use of all household appliances, including garbage grinders. Table &--Liquid capacity of tank (gallons) [Provides for use of garbage grinders, automatic clothes washers, and other honsehold appliances] Number of bedrooms 2 or less .................................... Recommended ~ninimtlm tank capacity 750 9O0 Equivalent capacity per bedromn 37,5 300 250 For each additional bedroom, add 250 gallons. Specifications for Septic Tanks Materials.--Septic tanks shoulci be watertight and constructed of materials not subject to excessive corrosion or decay, such as concrete, coated metal, vitrified clay, heavyweight concrete blocks, or hard burned bricks. Properly cured precast and cast-in-place reinforced con- crete tanks are believed to be acceptable everywhere. Steel tanks meet-, lng Commercial Standard 177-62 of the U. S. Department of Commerce are generally acceptable. Special attention should be given to job built tanks to insure water tightness. Heavyweight concrete block should be /aid on a solid foundation and mortar joints should be well filled. The interior of the tank should be surfaced with two ¼ inch thick coats of 29 (~!Y'I ' :t: i'"I [. I~:il "!" !"!!iii: N'T' I::'1::;: N!T'I' fcH"'Ll'i by t.l"~(e ?h,.u~.c:ii:i,~zll.:i.'Ly ~:~t' ~'~n~::l~Ic:m~,.(:j~;' (kl(:)f~')aFid 't.!'~(~) B'i'.~t.¢~ c:~f' ;~;~,, ]: ~J. 11. '.i. :i. ns'l:.a]. ]. '['..l'l(.:.:.) ~iy!~yi'..i.:.;.~M :i. rl ac;;(;:;i;;)Pd[~l"ic::e) ~:['l'..h a:i. 11. ~'II]F~ (:::(::ll::l~s and ;3,: 1t: v,~:i.].l a(:;ll'~¢-:.~)i"e .1:..(::~ al.I. FIC}~.~ arid[~kLa'i:.[.;~ c~t' f~].a~i!.:;a. PeClLi:i.r'i~}~mi~.)l"it.~;, i'(:ii" t.h('.:.:, ~ii.?.rL b?~i:::l-:: ~:~u(.}:.)l.~al;:!(::~ ~iliy~i'Li~am I::,n 't.h:i.~ (:ir any ac!.jac:e~n'L c.m n(.:.:.~ai"i::)y ].(:;)t.,, ~].~iii(::) Lu-'~cl(ar~;rLa[~nc:l 'Lh,?:d:. 'Lh,:.:e c:a[;)~,'~(::::i.'Ly (::)¢ 'Lf'~(~ 'L(~'La]. ~[~ys?L(.:em :i.~il 4 l::)(.):.)(::iJ"(::i(::irii~i5 ar'id ~.~::,,..~,~:,~ ~ x,~ A~~_~ ./~ -..:~,...,,~,.....,-. ....... z~.r.,...~.,,.::..e.~ ...~~,,...~~ ........ ~.~.:_~ ...................... '/~~~ ...,.~~ .......................... , . IiJ ALASKA E FIUIROFImfflTAL COFITROL SE!RUIC6$, IFIC. ~n~in~rin~I F~ I~.uironmcnl~l Stu~lics SPECIFICATIONS FOR A TRENCH-TYPE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 7, BLOCK 1, BIDEAWAY HILLS SUBDIVISION 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 The Drawings, sheets 1 thru 4, shall be a part of this specification. 1.2 All materials and workmanship shall meet the requirements of the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS), the conditions of the permit, and all applicable rules and regulations currently in effect. 1.3 All elevations and depths are advisory, and are to be verified or modified in the field by the engineer or inspecting agency. 1.4 It is the responsibility of the property owner or installer to adhere to approved designs for installation, maintain the specified separation distances, and have the appropriate inspections. 1.5 It is the responsibility of the property owner or installer to report to the engineer any observed conditions which would put the sytem in violation of state or Municipal regulations. 1.6 If the installation is not inspected by an AECS engineer, AECS will not be responsible for the installed system. An engineer at AECS should be consulted prior to construction to determine the number of inspections that will be required and to explain what these inspections will involve. 2.0 SEPTIC TANK 2.1 If there is an existing septic tank, it may be used it if meets the capacity requirement for the residence and the approval of the MOA. 2.2 The septic tank shall be a UPC-approved two-compartment tank, constructed of 12 gauge steel with bitumastic coating and set level on undisturbed soil. If the tank is buried at a depth of 4 feet or less, it must be insulated with an overlying layer of 2 inch burial type polystyrene rigid board insulation. 2.3 The septic tank and trench shall be a minimum of 1412 ~V(~s'~ 331~b c~vcnu6 · Ancho~zG6, A[zskz 99503 · (907) 279-5553 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 100 feet from any private well or body of water, 180 feet from Class "C" wells, and 200 feet from Class "A" or "B" wells, unless otherwise specified. Less than the required separation distance must have prior approval or waiver by ADEC or MOA. The septic tank shall be a minimum of 5 feet from the house foundation, and a minimum of 5 feet from the absorption area. Piping shall be fitted with a mechanical watertight calder coupling on the outlet and inlet of the septic tank. Piping shall be 4 inch solid PVC ASTM D-3034 or cast iron, sloped a minimum of 1/4 inch per lineal foot. If the piping is buried at a depth of 4 feet or less, it must be insulated with an overlying layer of 2 inch burial type polystyrene rigid board insulation. Cleanouts shall be installed as designated and capped with air-tight rain caps (Jim Caps or equivalent), and extended a minimum of 1 foot above ground level. If a lift station is required it shall be a combination lift station septic tank per Anchorage Tank and Welding, Inc. design. Specifications and design drawings are on file with the Municipality and the engineer, 3.0 ABSORPTION AREA 3.1 The gravel for the trench shall be 0.5 to 2.5 inch, screened rock with less than 8 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. All substitutes must have prior DHHS approval. 3.2 The bottom and sides of the excavation shall be raked with the backhoe blade to ensure that it has not been compacted during excavation. The bottom elevation shall be level. 3.3 Monitor standpipe(s) shall be placed as shown in the drawings, and shall be 4 inch rigid PVC ASTM D-3034, or cast iron. The section shown with holes may be 0.§ inch holes drilled on 6 inch centers on opposing sides of the pipe, or a regular section of perforated sewer pipe clamped to a solid section with either a no hub coupling or a solvent jolnt. A rubber rain cap (Jim Cap or 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 equivalent) shall' be installed over the top of the pipe. The distribution pipe shall be perforated 4 inch PVC with a minimum crush strength of 1500 pounds and shall meet the approval of DHHS for use as drainfield pipe. Ail distribution pipes shall be laid level. Trenches may be paralleled, but must have a minimum separation distance between the trenches of 10 feet or 2 times the gravel depth (which ever is greater). 75 feet is the maximum allowed linear length of any trench. If the final grade over the trench is less than 4 feet above gravel, insulation is required, using burial type polystyrene rigid board insulation. There shall be I inch of insulation for every foot of soil less than the required 4 feet of cover, but there must be at least 24 inches of soil cover even though insulation is used. The solid pipe extending from the septic tank to the drainfield shall also have a minimum of 4 feet of cover or an equivalent layer of insulation to prevent freezing of the line. If insulation is not necessary, the gravel shall be covered with a layer of nonwoven 6eotextile fabric (such as Mirafai, Fibretex 200 grade, Poly Filter X or equivalent). 4.0 INSPECTIONS 4.1 A minimum of two inspections are required for the installation of the trench. The first inspection will be of the open excavation to assure that the system is installed in the proper soil strata, correct depth and meet minimum specified design parameters. 4.2 The second inspection will be after placement of the gravel, monitor standpipe and distribution pipe to verify proper installation and position prior to backfill. 4.3 The inspection of the septic tank installation can be incorporated with any one of the above listed inspections. 4.4 The lift station will require either an MOA electrical inspection or certification by a licensed electrician, depending on whether the building code applies to this part of the city, ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 CHECKED BY SCALE = ~D DATE ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 Jo. .Z .2 R / b/~d~ ~/, II$ SHEET NO. ~ OF CHECKED BY DATE SCALE ', ........... ~ ............ i ............. i ....... iTM ~ Y "~ ...... i ~ i' .................. i ..... i ~ ~ ~ ............. ~ ........... ! .............. i ......... i ......... i f' ' i ..... i i ~ .......... 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PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10- 11 12 13- 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O Municipality of Anchorage DEPArtmENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 .,~~~'~/~ -- .ERCOLAT O. T ST ~ ~ DATE PERFO~~/'~ ~ [~ ~ Township, Range, Section: / SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth tn Water After Monitoring? ~ ~' ~ Date: Reading Date Gross Net Depth-~ ~ Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~7/ FT AND ~,~" .FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~ ' /'~P- / ~/ I - CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 343-4744 Parcel I.D. # CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (Must be completed prior to submittal) (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (a~lres§ bi' ditegtib~}. (b) Properly owner , ~ ~ Telephone: (home) ~ (c) Lending In~tit~U~ .... " ' Telephone Mailing Address Business (d) Real Estate Company and Agent Address Telephone (e) Mail the HAA to the following address: (or check here~'~]~ if hold for pick up.) List contact person and day phone number below: TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Family~ Number of bedrooms ~ WATER SUPPLY Individual Well [] Community [] Public~X Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to th legality and status. SEWAGE DISPOSAL On-site,~' Public [] Community [] Holding Tank [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legailty and status. 72-025 (Rev. 7/88) Page 1 of 2 5. E-NGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING INSPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DATA AND INFORMATION As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of th is Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional .and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage flies and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm ~'~'~--,.~ ~-'~ Telephone ~'~ Address ' ' Date ~ 6. DHHS APPROVAL Approved for ,Z~ bedrooms by Approved .~.. _'Disapproved Terms of Conditional Approval · ~~-~'~~ Date Gonditional -- The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHRS) issues Health Authority Approval cerificated based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 72-025 (Rev. 7/88) Back Page 2 of 2 WELL DATA~ Well Classification Well Log Present (Y/N) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) Health Authority Approval (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 343-4744 Legal Description: Date Completed If A, B, C, D.E.C.~proved (Y/N) __ ;,°~,ilc~NeaPttehr Level Casedto Dep_th of Grouting Casing Height Above Ground : _ ~ _Sac~aC,y Se.al on C, asing (Y/N) Electrical Wiring in Conduit(Y/N) , , ~l~.epression Around Wellhead (Y/N) ~P~e~::/IOHo~d~TT.~CkEo;;RotQMWELL:~':/~'' ; on Adjoini'ng Lots To Nearest Edge of Absorption Fi:~Lot _ __ ;On Adjoining Lots _ To Nearest Public Sewer Line .// To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole To Nearest Sewer~'e Line on Lot _ _ Water Sample ~.c'ffed .by _ _ ; Date Water Said'est Results Co/~ts SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA / Date Installed ~ / q~,E., Size /C, OO No. of Compartments Standpipes CN) Air-tight CaPs ~)/N) Foundation Cleanout (Y/I:¢~ Depression over Tank (Y/(~) Date Last Pumped ,~'//~,/~?'. Pumping/Maint.?ance Contact on File (Y/N) ;for Holding Tank .High-water'"'~;larm (Y/N) /~f//,¢~ Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) SEPARATION DIS~ANCE.¢'ICP~..M SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK: / TO water. Supply ~e :,~ ~'~.:t.'?.~.. z.o ~ To Building Foundation To Property Line .... .~ ~ To Disposal Field ~- / . ,-..~: ..,,:~':;' '~..". k,..~ .~ / To Wa:tdr Main/Servide- E'ln6., ;: ? / · -' ' .... '~ Zoo / To Stream,, P~nd, Lake br Major Drainage Course / Comments '~'~ 1~ ~ ~: F/'''' g~ 4¢ ~.. ~¢-~ ,~ d' , l~., ,,';lb /~,~1/~/ . / ¢ ~ ~¢ ~ /0 oo 2~.///~,., '.f' .,::z. . 72-026 (Rev. 7/88) Front Page I of 2 : C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed __ Width of Field Square Feet of Absortion Area , Depression over F'ield (Y/~ Results of Last AdequacyU"Test SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD: To Water-Supply ~Nell To Building Foundation Lot _,) : '~" / To Water Main/Service Line Type of System Design ,.7~¢~ Length of Field ¢ ~'- / Depth of Field /O /- Gravel Bed Thickness ~¢ / Statndpipes Present ~)N) Date of Last Adequacy Test /t/~.~,, / ¢ ¢2. / To Property Line / ~/ To Existing or Abandoned System on To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Course To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area ; On Adjoining Lots ,,~ ~--o To Cutback (if present) Comments D. LIFT STATION Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at High Water Alarm Level at Tested for __ Dimensions ~ Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test. Meets MOA Electrica~ Comments **Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request** I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guideline~ inspection. .~_.~ ~- ~ ~.~ Signed ~-~-~'~'~'d//- ~ ~¢ I Company "¢~4!', ~ Date ~¢¢ '~ MOA No. F2 ~?~ ~ Date of Payment __ /¢ A3--F ~ / Waiver Fee:$ Amount: $ /.~ ~- ~ ~ Date of Payment 72-026 (Rev. 7/88) 8ack Page 2 of 2 date of this ~ ~~:, r's Seal