HomeMy WebLinkAboutLANG Lots 1-6 Plat# 86-195 Expired 11-13-86 S-8234 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: S-8234 July 10, 1985 SUBDIVISION OR PBOJECT T TLE~.---~_ "--_:~c~-¢~1' 2, 3, ,,, 5, a_n!~- ~an~ >u~~' ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE / , ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS DUE BY: August 5, 1985 ~5-- ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) DOWL_Bpgine _e.. ........................................... 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Telephone (907) 562-2000 August 15, 1985 W.O. I~D 51989 Grid: 2635 Herb Lang 813 East First Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Geotechnical Investigation of Herb Lang Property for Subdivision Dear Sir: This report presents the results of the field' and laboratory investigation of the subsurface conditions at the property com- posed of Lots 2 and 3 in the NE 1/4, Sect;ion 21, Township 12N, Range 3W, Seward Heridian. This property is located on the south side of O'Halley Road just west of Bragaw Street in Anchorage, Alaska. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the subsurface'conditions for subdivision of this piece of property. On July 30 and 31, 1985, we excavated and logged a total of five test pits and performed a percolation test at each of [he test pits. The logs of these test pits are attached as well as a sketch indicating their approximate location. The table below summarizes the results of each of the percolation tests that were performed. Test Depth Percolation Rate Pit ( feeL) (min/inch) 1 6.0 6 2 5.5 2 3 5.5 4 4 6.0 13 5 6.0 19 From the logs it can be seen that the site has a layer of organic silt which varies from 1.5 to 3.5 feet in thickness. This organ- ic silt also has a peat layer above it at some locations. The silt contains same sand and gravel. Below the silt there are layers of silty sands and gravels with some cobbles and boul- ders. In Test Pit 1 another silt stratum was observed starting at a depth of 10 feet. Herb Lang Auqust 15, 1985 Page 2 During the excavation of the test pits, no groundwater was observed, but perforated PVC standpipes were installed to allow monitoring of the groundwater lev~l.~,-a.b~."-~r~[~-~e~ The ground- water levels were measured ..on'~:-~ugust 8, 1985; ~an~'again no groundwater was observed in ~ny of the test ptS..s-; Fluctuations in,;the groundwater elevation affO-u'l'd--be~'6~-~ated, and it should be assumed that the groundwater is presently at or near the seasonal low. Two of the samples were selected for grain size analysis. A graphical presentation of the results of these tests is attached. These tests were performed for classification purposes and determination of the frost classification off the materials. For development of the streets in the subdivision, all organic soil should be removed and the surface silt layer should be removed where practical. In the areas of the site that are to be paved, the surface should be prepared prior to the placement of pavement. The Municipality of Anchorage uses the following guidelines for minimum depths of subbase on residential streets. Thicker sections are required for heavier loadings. Subgrade Frost Classification NFS F1 F2 F3 F& NFS Fill Required 0 1.5' 1.7' 2.3' 3.3' For moderate traffic loads, a base course thickness of 2 inches and an asphaltic concrete thickness of 2 inches should be adequate. A base course meeting the State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities D-1 Specifications, and an asphaltic concrete such as Class C, Municipality of Anchorage mix or Class II, State of Alaska mix, are commonly used, but others are acceptable. Structural fill placed at the site should consist of Municipality of Anchorage classified material with the top 6 inches consisting of Municipality of Anchorage Class II material. The streets should be designed in accordance with all Municipality specifications. Structural fill should be placed and compacted in lifts not exceeding 12 inches in thickness if a large vibratory compactor is used, or not exceeding 6 inches in thickness if a hand Herb Lang August Page 3 operated compactor is used. Each lift of structural fill should be compacted throughout its entire depth to a density of at least 95 percent of the maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM D4253. No fill should be placed over frozen or disturbed soil, and the use of geotextile fabric should be considered as a construction aid where applicable. In-place density tests should be performed on each lift of fill to verify the fill has been properly compacted prior to placing overlying lifts. If you have any questions about our findings at the above refer- enced property or if we can be of further assistance, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Approved:~ _ Melvin R. Nichols, P.E. Partner DOWL ENGINEERS Gregory Carpenter Geotechnical Engineer GC:MRN:kf Attachments ~1~ .... NCINEER$ 25 PERC.TEST 6 MIN/[N TEST PIT 1 LOCATiON=SEE TEST PI? LOCATION MAP ELEVATION= F4, BROWN DRAVELLY SANDY SILT, NONPLAST]C. SOME ROOTS AND ORGANICS (MAY 8E FILL). OCCASIONAL COBBLES TO 12", DAMP, ¢IRM F2, BROWN GRAVELLY SAND WITH ABOUT I0% SiLT ANO 50% ORAVEL TO 5" WiTH OCCASIONAL COBBLES TO 6" DAMP, MEDIUM DENSE ¢4, BROWN GRACELLV SANDY SiLT WiTH OCCASIONAL COBBLES T9 9" DAMP. ~IRM TEST PiT COMPLETED 7,/50/85 NO GROUNDWATER OBSERCED WHILE E'ACACAT;NC P~C STANDPIPE ;NSTALLEO DEPTH 2.0 5.5 KEY MA = MECHANICA~ ANALYSIS uL = LIOUiD L. iMlY Pi = PLASTIC iNDEX pm = POCKET PENETROMETER (TSF) fy = rOR~ANE (TS~) [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE ~ = SHELBY fUBE-PUSHEO I~ = 2.5" i.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIOHf. JO" CALL T = SAMPLE TEMPERATURE ('F) PROBABLY AFFECTED BY SAMPLING oROCEDURE DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF PiT L-OGCEO BY OZ HATCH ','/. 0 · 95i989 ~iGURE 2 MA & FC F I GURE 7 )ERC. TEST MIN/IN TEST PIT 2 LOCATiON=SEE TEST PiT LOCATION MAP ELEVAT iON= SJRCACE ORGANICS F4, BROWN SANDY SiLT WITH ,ABOUT 20X SAND AND ABOUT 5Z GRAVEL, NONPLASTiC, DAMP, FIRM F2, BROWN GRAVELLY SAND WITH ABOUT 8 Z SiLT AND 45% GRAVEL TO 3" WiTH A ~EW COBBLES TO 4" DAMP. MEO;JM DENSE F2. BROWN GRAWELLY S;LTY SAND ,/iTH ABOUT iO% SiLT AND ABOUT 25% CRAWEL WiTH A FEW COBBLES TO 6" RANDOM LENSES 9¢ S;Lr. DAMP. HEDidM DENSE TEST m;T COMPLETED 7/30/85 NO GROUNDWATER OBSERWED WHILE EXCAWAf~NG ~C STANDm;PE ;NSTALLEO DEPTH 2,5 iS.S KEY HA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LiOOiO L1MIT P; = PLASTIC iNDEX PP = POCKET PENETROMETER T7 = rORVANE [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHFD (~ = 2.5" i.O, SPOON SAMPLE 5dO# WEiCHT, 30" mALL f = SAMPLE TEMPERATURE ('F) PROBABLY ACFEC~ED BY SAMPLING PROCEDURE ' DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF PIT LOGGED BY OZ HATCH W.9. D$i989 ~IGJRF 3 15 PERC, TEST 4 MIN/IN TEST PIT 5 LOCATION=SEE TEST PiT LOCATION MAP ELEVATION= SURFACE ORGANICS F2. BROWN S;LTY SAND WITH .ABOUT t5% SiLT AND dP TO i5% CRAVEL [GRAVEL CONTENT ;NCREASiNG WiTH OEP'TH). OCCASIONAL COBBLES TO 9". DAMP. MEDIUM DENSE DEPTH 3.5 ........................... i5.O TEST PiT COMPLETED ?/50/85 NO gROUNDWATER OBSERVED ~H;LE E:<CWATiNG 7.50i *.JO O. O. 0.30 iO.O9 O.OO PeG STANDPIPE iNST~LLED KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYS,S LL = LiOU~,D L[H!T P~ = PLAST;p [NDEX PP = POCKET PENETROMETER {TSFI TV = TORVANE (TS~) ~ = CRAB SAMPLE ~ = SPT S~,MPLE ~ = SHELBY rUBE-PUSRED ~ = 2.5" [.O. S°OON SAHPLE 540~ WEiGHt, 30" :ALL T = SAMPLE TEMPEPATURE r ¢) pROBABLY A¢FECTEO 8* SAMPLING PROCEDURE DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF PIT LOGGED BY OZ HATC'H ,4,0, D51999 ~- I SURE 4 ~ERC.TEST 3 MIN/IN TEST PI T 4 LOCATiON=SEE TEST PIT LOCATION MAP ELEYAT i ON= SURFACE ORGANICS F4, BROWN SANDY SILT, NONPLASTiC, DAMP, ~IBM Fi, BROWN SANOY GRAVEL WITH ,ABOUT i0% SILT AND 40% SAND, OCCASIONAL COBBLES TO 9". SOME SiLT LAYERS, DAMP, MEDIUM DENSE TEST PiT COMPLETED 7/50/85 NO GROUNDWATER OBSERVED WHILE EXCAVATING PVC STANDPIPE INSTALLED DEPTH 0,9 1.5 i$.3 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LiOUIO LIMIT Pl = PLASTIC iNDEX PP = POCKET PENEfROMETFR FTSF) TV = TORVANE (TSF) ~ = GRAB SAMPLE [] ~ SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TdBE-PUSHED [] = 2,5" i.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WE[OHT. JO" PALL T = SAMPLE TEMPERATdRE (.FI PROBABLY AFFECTED BY SAMPLING PROCEDURE DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF PIT LBGOED BY OZ HATCH N.O. D51989 F1CdRE 5 PERC.TEST 19 MIN/IN MA &FC FIGURE 8 TEST PI T 5 LOCATiON=SEE TEST PiT LOCATION MAP ELEVATION= DEPTH SURFACE OROANICS O.B F4, BROWN SANDY SiLT W1TH ABOUT 40% SAND AND 5% GRAVEL WITH A FEW COBBLES TO 81', NONPLASTiC, OAMP, FiRM 5.5 ;2, BROWN SILTY SAND WITH ABOUT 25% SILT AND 25% CRAVEL WlrH COBBLES AND A FEW BOULDERS TO i$" DAMP, DENSE 8.5 FI, BROWN SILTY ORAqEL ¢|TH SAND, MANY COBBLES AND A :EW BOULOERS T9 15" OAMP, DENSE 12.5 TEST PiT POMPLETED 7/30/85 NO GROUNDWATER OBSERFED WHILE EXCAfAfiNG PVC STANDPIPE iNSTALLEO KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL : LiOdiO LI~IT PI = PLASTIC iNDEX PP = POCKET PENETROMETER ~TSF} T7 = TORVANE (TSF~ F-] : GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-~USHED ~] = 2.5" i.O, SPOON SAMPLE 3404 WEiCHf, ~0" CALL T = SAMPLE TEMPERATdRE (:FI PROBABLY AFFECTED BY SAMPLING PROCEDURE DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF PIT LOGGED Bv OZ HATCH W,O. 051989 FI~dRE 6 Z ...1 tv.l_ o _o ~o o o o ~ o LL :D TEST BARING LOG - DESCRIPTIVE GUIDE Sheet I of ( S~il I)e~cri~i~ - The soil is visually classified in the Field based on drill aotion, auger c~tings, and sample information. The soil samples recovered a~e again visually classified in the laboratory. The soil description on the boring lng is baaed on an interpretation of the Field and laboratory visual clsasiFica- tions, along with the results of laboratory particle-size distribution analy~es and Atterbe~g limits tests which may have been perfo~ned. The soil clsasificatio~ is based on ASIM Designation D2487 "Standard ~eet Method fo~ Classification of Soils For Engineering Purposes" and ASTM D2488 "Standard Practice For Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure)" and the soil Frost classificatioq is based on the system developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Outlines of these classification procedures a~e presented on the Following pages. The soil color is the subjective interpretation or the individual lngging the test boring. The plasticity of the minus No. 40 fraction of the soil is described and the fine-grained soils identified frem manual tests using the following table as a guide. Soil Symbol O~y Stre~th Dila~am~cy To~e~s ML none to low slow to rapid low or thread cannot be ~rmed CL medium to high none to slo~ medium MH low to medium none to slow low to medium CH high to very high none high Plasticity Description Criteria Nonplsatic Low Hedium High A 1/8" thread cannot be roiled at any water content. The thread can barely be rolled and the lump cannot be formed ~n drier than tho plastic limit. Fhe thread is easy to roll and not much time is required to reach the plastic limit, lhe thread cannot be rerolled after reaching the plastic limit. ~he lump crumbles ~hen drier than the plastic limit. It takes considerable time rolling and kneading to reach the plastic limit. Ihs thread can be ~erolled several times after reaching the plastic limit. Ihe lump can be formed without crumbling when drier than the plastic limit. Pl: natural soil moisture content believed-to be less than the plastic limit Pl+: natural soil moisture content believed to be between the plsatic and liquid limit Lw+: natural soil moisture content believed to be more than the Liquid limit Laboratory Atterberg limit tests are usually performed on a Few of the plastic soils and results reported on the test boring lng. These laboratory tests a~e performed in accordance with AS[M Designation D4~18, "Stan- dard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils". Sheet 7 of The shape of the gravel particles are described using the following guide. Angular: particles have sharp edges and relatively plane sides with unpolished surfaces. Subangular: particles are similar to angular but have somewhat rended edges. Subrounded: particles exhibit nearly plane sides but have well-rounded corners and edges. Rended: particles have smoothly curved sides and no edges. The size of gravel and sand particles are described using the following guide. Gravel Sand Coarse: passes }" sieve, retained on 3/4" sieve passes No. 4 sieve, retained on No. 10 sieve Medium: Fine: passes 3/4" sieve, retained on No. 4 sieve passes No. 10 sieve, retained on No. 40 sieve passes No. 40 sieve, retained on No. 200 sieve The soil moisture is described as: dry: powdery, dusty, no visible moisture. damp: enough moisture to have effect on the color of the sell, meier. wet: water in pores bu~ not dripping, capillary zone above wate~ table. saturated: dripping wet, contains significant free water, or sampled below the water table. fhe subjective estimate of the density of coaree-qrained soils is based on the obse~ed d~ill action and on drive sample data. fhe following is used as a guide for sands with minor amounts of fine gravel~ how- ever, blowco~nts can be strongly affected by gravel content, the~al sta~e, drilling procedures, condition of equipment, and performance of the test. Standard Penetration Resistanc% N (blows/foot) Soil Density 0 - 5 Very loose 6 - 10 Loose 11 - }0 Medium dense 31 - 50 Dense More than ~0 Very dense An estimate of the consistency of fine qrained soils is based on the observed dr£11 action and on drive sample data. rhe following is used as a guide. Standard Penetration Resiatanc% N (blows/foot) Soil Consistency 0 - Z Very soft 3 - 4 Soft 5 - 8 Firm 9 - 15 Stiff 15 - ~0 Very stiff Mare tban 30 Hard Sheet } of 6 Soil La, er Bo~l~ies - Generally there is a gradual transition from one soil type to another in a natural soil deposit, and it is difficult to determine accurately the soil layer boundaries. A diagonal line between soil layers on the graphic boring icg indicates the general region of transitio~ from one soil layer to another. A dashed diagonal line indicates the soil boundary was detected only by a change in the recovered samples, and the actual boundary may be anywhere between the indicated sample depths. A horizontal line between soil layers indicates a relatively distinct transition between coil types was observed in the recovered samples and/or by a distinct change in d~ill action. S~mplm Interval - The sample interval ia shown graphically on the test boring log and ia generally accurate to about 0.5 foot. Frost De~h a~d ~il Teml>eratu~e~ - If frozen ground is encountered during.d~illing, the interval of frozen soil ia shown graphically on the test boring log. Generally, the temperature of a few soil samples are mea- sured and ehow~ on the boring log. The~ sample temperatures only give s qualitative indication of the in s__it~u soil temperatures, lbs temperature of samples can be significantly influenced by the ambient air temper- ature and friction during drilling and sampling. Soil Moistt~-'e C~te~t - Generally, lsboratory soil moisture content tests a~e performed on all recovered samples. Typically only about 50 grams of the minus No. A material is used for the moisture content test, therefore, results reported on the logs may not accurately reflect the in situ moisture of the gravelly soils. Soil Deosi~.j~ - The soil density determined on the test boring logs generally is determined by measuring the wet weight, moisture content, and physical dimensions of relatively undisturbed specimens. 9:~tm~d ~ate~ - The depth to ground water observed during drilling generally is sho~n on the test boring log. The depth to ground ~ater observed during drilling can be significantly different from the depth to the actual ground ,stet table, particularly in fine-grained soils. When more accurate water level measurements a~e desired, perforated pvc pipe ia generally installed in a boring to allow monitoring of the groundwater level. Pene~ati~x~ Re~is~aneef N - Standard penetration tests (SPf) are performed in accordance ~ith ASfM ~signa- ~ion D1586, "S~a~a~d He,hod fo~ Penetration fes~ a~ Split-Bad,el Sampli~ of Soils". A modifi~ ~n~ation ~e~ usi~ a 2.5-inch I.O. split spoon, d~iven ~ith a ~AO-pou~ hammer falling ~0 inch~ is perfo~m~ to obtain larger samples, particularly in gravelly ~i[s. The bo~ing log key desccibe8 ~he g~aphic symbols used differentiate between the different s~ple types. Undisturbed ~am~lem - Undisturbed Shelby tube samples are obtained in accordance with ASfM Designation D1587, "Standard Practice ~r Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils". Generally, }-inch O.D. Shelby tubes are used. Relatively undisturbed liner samples are obtained in a~cordance with ASfH Oesignation D~550, "Standard Prac- tice for Ring-Lined 8stroll Sampling of Soils", except a thick-waited cutting shoe ia used. fypically, the sampler is driven using a }40-pound weight falling }0 inches. The typical brass liner has an I.D. of 2.4 inches. Grab Sables - Grab samples are obtained from the auger flights. the test boring log should be considered as a rough approximation, tative of the in situ soils, particularly in layered soil deposits. The sample depth and interval indicated in fhe grsb samples may not be well reproach- Sheet ~ of (~ ,2' Sheet 6 of FROST DESIGN SOIL CLASSIFICATION1 ~rOUp NFS** Kind of Soil (a) Gravels Crushed stone Crushed rock Percentage Finer than 0.02 mm by Weiqht 0 to 1.5 fypical Soil Types Under Unified Soil Classification Syatem GW,GP PFSt (M.O.A. NFS) (M.O.A. F2) Sl (M.O.A. Fl) 52 (M.O.A. F1 F2 F3 (b) Sands (a) Gravels Crushed stone Crushed rock 0 to } 1.5 to ~ SW, SP GW, GP (b) Sands ~ to 10 SW, SP (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (d) Gravelly soila 3 to 6 GW, GP, GW-GM, GP-GM 5ardy soils } to 6 5W, SP, 5W-SM, 5P-SM Gravelly soils 6 to 10 GM, GW-GM, GP-GM Gravelly soils 10 to 20 GM, GW-GM, GP-GM Sands 6 to 15 SW, SW-SM, SP-SM Gravelly soils Over 20 GH, GC Sands, except very Over 15 SM, SC fine silty sands Clays, Pi>12 CL, CH All silts ML, MH Very fine silty sands Over 15 ~ Clays, PI<12 CL, CL-ML Varved clays and other CL and ML; fine-grained, banded CL, ML, and SM~ sediments CL, CH, and ML; CLt CHt MLt and SM C.O.E. frost groups directly correspor~ to the Municipality of Anchorage soil frost classification groups, except as noted. Non-frost susceptible. , Possibly frost-susceptible, but requires laboratory test to determine frost design soil classification. 1 8erg, Richard and fhadeus 3ohnson, "Revised Procedure for Pavement Design Under Seasonal Frost Conditions," Special Report 83-27, U.S. A~my Corp of Engineers, Cold Research and Engineering Laboratory, September, 1 ATTACHMENTS MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchor~, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ~ SOILS LOG AT'7'AC~D PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: DATE PERFORMED: ?--~ / - (~'~"' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 LOPE )/~?~'~/6/~'/ '~'~"','C~WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED;' ~ ~.:2~/~,~ ~.. IF YES, AT WHAT ~P/~ t :/DEPTH ? Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net - Time Time Water Drop 13 14 15 10 17, 18- 19- 20- PERCOLATION RATE /.~, f~ (minutes/inch) ?-~.~_~.. TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ COMMENTS l :;,T ' PERFORMED BY: ~a ~/ATC H CERTIFIED $0 DATE: 72-008 (6/79) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVl RONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Str~, Anch~'a~e, Alaska 99,~1 264.4720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG ATTA¢ ~..tED PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: /1/~'~ /--~/~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~/I)/']'-/'~'/~ DATE PERFORMED: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 SLOPE SITE PLAN 15 16 17 18 19- 20 COMMENTS 7--~57-- /~/7' ~ 3 ?o Gross Net Depth to Ne~ Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 7 ' 2.0 -3/-g5 .11.o~' I0 /~,~ 2.2 ~' 11:15' /' 2,3 ,' I/'25 , 2,3 " II; ~5 "a~' ~/ W' ¥ ~/~ // PERCOLATION RATE ~"~, (~ Iminutes/inch) TEST RUN .E~EEN 5: 5' FT AND ..~..E-- ~T PERFORMED BY: ['~z~ /'~.ATLr' H 72.008 (6/79) CERTIFIED BY: DATE: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 2E~ ~720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST SOl L$ LOG ,4TTA ¢ M~D PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: ~/_-~' .~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DATE PERFORMED: · 'SLOPE SITE PLAN ~'£ ~/-/~c~o 7-£$ 7- p/T Zoc~-7'7o~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ,m, was ORO,_,ND WATER //O ENCO'.,NTERED, IF YES, ATWHAT DEPTH? : JO0 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 2.7 ?-$~-~5/0..oo 2o~,'~, I0~ 2.1 ~, , /o:/o /o ~,¥. ~.o " /o..z~ " ~ !" 2 ~, 2. ~ '/ /0:30 " ~.~ /o:.~o n :~,, ~ ~,, PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS PERFORMED BY'. (f~Z ~"~AT~" H CERTIFIED (minutes/inch) DATE: 72.008 (6/79) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG A7"TA¢ PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: ,.~/--~.~,~ /--A,~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~'V/'/"/-/'/,~/ DATE PERFORMED: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CO~ENTS 77~7- . SLOPE SITE PLAN ENCOUNTERED? //V (_) L O P E IF YES, ATWHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 17. l " i/:35 ,, ~ok,, i ~4.,, /4./ ,, 12:o~ " / ~.5 ,, I2. 55 " o ° ~z" 2 ~." / 2,~ " I.'o5 " 7 ~"z ~/~'" PERCOLATION RATE / ~, 0 (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN J .,,~O FT ANO rT, O FT .ER~ORM~OSY: (~ H/~T'CH CERTIFIED BY: DATE: 72-008 (6/79) PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:__ 2 3 4 7 10 13 14 17 18 20 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alalke 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: ~£C_., SOILS LOG AT'FAC PERCOLATION TEST / 7-~/-B5 Gross Net Oepth to Net Reading Oate 'rime Time Water Drop 2/~ " /L'z~ " ./o'~" / /~o ~ 12:o3" ~ o"2. o" I~.1'~ ~2;z~" ~ %"i ~" /~.~" ~:oz " ~" I ~" PERCOLATION RATE I ~' 0 (minutel/ineh) TEST R~N ~,E'~EE"' ._.[~--¢--. ~T AND ~O ~T COMMENTS IE57- /[2/7- ,~- PERFORMED BY: ~- ~-t_/~T'C H CERTIFIED BY; DATE: 72.008 (6179) BRAGAW STREET (86-195)F0