HomeMy WebLinkAboutLANGNES LT 1[_ang nfs ~RBATER .ANCHORAGE AREA BORO!JC;H Department of ~:nv~onmep. ta] 3500 Tudo¥ ~.';ad, .Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 Date Rece~.ve (~-Z] ~72 Time of Insoec'tion '1' L5 DaLe o'f Inseecl:ion.~.%~,['._~_~._~ ....... REQUEST FOR APcRO/A! OF IN IDUAL ~E~;F".R & WATER ~ar"r~ 7TT~C FO~,' Approval Requested Address: 2. P~ooertv O~ner: Phone: " Numb~g: ~f }3edrooms: We 1.]?'D~;ta: A. :~:Tvoe .:: ~ g. Depth ....... Sewage DisoQ~a~. System: - A::':: Insta~}~d ~. :nstal.ler Sep~f<~:' Tank: 1. Size 2, Manufacturer ¢:;:,~. Seepage' Pit: !0 Size 2. Material '~ E. Di~sal Field: Total Length of Lines :(~j} A. Well. To: Septic Tank 6~' Absorption Aree 1] J~ , , , Sewer Lines ~ ~ Ne,res, i: Lot l,ine Oth,~r Contamination . B?.3j"Foundation to Sept;~c Tank "~ Ab'gorption Area . :::,, ,C:::': Absorption Are~ to Nearest Lot Line --,~ · , ,...~ Request for A~;~roval :'age Comments: ,Ap!~rova~ Va~ic~' for One Y,~ar !:-:;c~::, ,r)ate ,U!~ne.c~ , Greater Anchorac~e Are-n ?,oro,~nb, DeFa-ct!ner, t ..;f ~-vi? ;~?m',a~ata! qt ~ ] it:y I cert'ify that the $.nformation cont~):ined in this request for a!)l~rOVa.l to be a true and ~ccurate ret)resentaf.~,on o-F. i-.he. ~;~ii:)-i~c+.. sewe'(' 8n~i w~]};er ..... .Fact !.t .ies located., st: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH De?rtment of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 . INnlVIDUA~ S~W~R & ?~ATER ~ACIIITIES ~ ..... Address: Phone: Prooertv ~ner: ~,o~?,~>:~"2~j ~ C'2-: ~,~ ~,,.., .<-~,:~] Type,~f Faciligy to be Inspected: i. Numb~'r of" Bes~ooms: C ,f'GonstructX:~B:~ D. Bacterial Analysis.' ,~:;:"~ Instal'l~d B. Instal.tar__ {~C Septic Tank: D.,,f'-~e~page Pit:_,, ,: 1. Size 2. Magerial E, DispoSal. FSeld: Total Length of Lines Di'~:% anc~s ~':;~: ~S~ / , , Sewer L&nes , Nearest, Lot Line -& [~ , Other Contamination B.S):Foundatior~ to Septic 'rank J6 ;. AbDorption Area Absorption Area to blearest Lot Line R~¢~es.t for Approval of 1,,dividua! Sewer & Wa%er Fac.~itie. P'age Two _o. comments: '~ ~-~-._. --(-AP°-~'~'t]alid for One. Year From Date_iS-- ~ned Greater AncOt?aa orou¢ , e.p. ar me~t-~viron~enta] Quality DIAGRAm.,1 OF SYSTE~ I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a ~rue and accurate representat~o~ of t. he subject sewer and water facilities located at: August 29, 1972 Fir. Si?,urd Langnes Box 4-753 Anchorage, Alaska ~950o Subject: Lot 1 & 2, Lan'.,]nes Subdivision, Ellen Avenue Dear Hr. Langnes; (]n August 28, 1972 I inspected and disapproved tile well subject property. The well is in a pit and must be upgraded so H~at the well casing is 18 inches above ground level and the pit must be filled in with impervious soil. If you have any quesLions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this Department. Sincerely, Robert Pratt Sanitarian m b S 00° 01' 40" E -~-2_ ~.® ~_~'o?_7 ~ ~' , :~,pll ' ro ~- -- '¢',' 25' ,o.oo, . ?~.o,, f:~ -- N O0°OI'40"W ,~ -- -- ELLEN ~VENUE z m o m 7~ 1 N 0 R T 0 N PARK SUBDIVISION Zi__ ~ o c~ o Fr']