HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAMPERT BLK 2 LT 28 AARON PUMP & WEU SERVICE, LLC P.O. Box 110496 Anchorage, AK 99511 Office: (907) $46-9355 • Fax (907) 333-8976 7317 Palmer: (907) 745-%77 • Eagle River: (907) 622-9335 ' S / CUSTOMER/JOB SITE f L & w( e �n . J� �q,'I �/rO ,'I a q,'? Thank You SIGNATURE (I Hereby Acknowledge the Satisfactory Completion of the Above Described Work.) TERMS: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AT 10TH OF MONTH FOLLOWING PURCHASE. SERVICE CHARGE AT RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OVERDUE ACCOUNTS. MOM 11MUMINVOLUAM NONE 0• _1100■ -�i /� ��_, _NEIN 10001100■ I- 0100111000 NONE __■ __ IN M■ PAY THIS AMOUNT �Mll 01 Thank You SIGNATURE (I Hereby Acknowledge the Satisfactory Completion of the Above Described Work.) TERMS: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AT 10TH OF MONTH FOLLOWING PURCHASE. SERVICE CHARGE AT RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH WILL BE CHARGED ON OVERDUE ACCOUNTS. GREATER ANCHORAGE HEALTH DISTRICT 217 E Street P.O. Box 968 APPOINTMENT SET FOR Anchorage, Alaska BR 6-3351 MONDAY, 10/31/60 at 9:00 A.M. 10/26/60: Seller, Francis L. Moures, called and requested inspection of property. VA LOAN INSPEGTION FORM Has Well - Water Sample needed (Deep well jet pump has been installed since previous inspection in 1956 - See Letter 11/30/56 for previous inspection.) File Reference: Priority: D/L 131 019 AAA Name of Buyer: ~_ Name of Seller: Property Address: Legal Description. of Property: Eldon Hamr ick Francis L. Morres (Sellers mailing address: 260.1 .F~agle) · 2601 Eagle Street:, Anchorage Block 2, Lot 28, Lampert Subdivisio~ Phone number where buyer can be contacted: Alaska.~%r!~n.ep BR 2-0131 Mailing Address of Buyer: m~sk~ ~irl~e~,_~_6..14~, Anchorage .... (Sanitarian) ADH-HSE-8-F 1 ~0.55. ~M Lab. No. 19577 INDIVIDUAl. WATER SUVV .Y ~uthcentr~ ~egion~ ' ALASKA ~EPART~NT OF HEALTH DATE OFFICE Section of Sanitation and Engineering ACTION ON REQUEST FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Your recent request for an analysis o! a sample trom the Individual Private Water Supply :~601 l~gle ,eceived io/31/6o examination bas been completed, ~.Ix'. ~kldon lismrt,ck Alaska Airlines Anchorages, Alaska Records in this office indicate this Individual Private Water Supply to be of~.SaSsfactory~Questlonable~.Unsatlstaetory sanitary status. Analysis shows this SAMPLE to be__ ,Satlsfactory Questionable ~Unsatlsiactory. If an "Unsatisfac.tory" or "Questionable" status is indicated above, you should take immediate action as recommended below. 1. Boil or chemically treat your water supply to protect your tinnily from water-borne diseases as outlined in en- closed leaflet, "Drink It Pure." 2. Improve your spring-- See bulletin HSE-8-2 3. Improve your cistern -- See bulletin HSE-$-3 4. Improve your dug well--See bulletin HSE-8.4 5. Improve your d~:iven well -- See bulletin HSE-6-5 8. bnprove your d~illed well--See bulletin HSE. 8.8 7. Relocate your well to a sate location in relationship to your sewage disposal system -- See bu]letln HSE-I$ 8. Bottle broken in transit, please send new sample. 9. Sample too long in transit; sample should not bo over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample. 10. Contact your nearest [] Local Health Depadment or [] Alcmka ttealth Department, Sanitation otiice tot bulletins, consultation, and assistance. 11. This is a surtace water source and subject to pollution by man and animals. An approved water supply source should be developed. SANITARIAN'S REMARKS Signature ADH~HS~]-6-FI (e) This Form Must Out Completely. Be Filled TAKiL VcA'ii;II SAMPLE TO: Lc, bomtory, 945 Sixth Ave. Mo,d,)', Tuts&O', ~Vedhesda)' ~D~U~ WATER SUPPLY ~S~ D~T~NT OF ~TH S~tlon of SanCtion ~d ~-~eer~g Requ~t for Bacteriological ~alys~ Please Look on Reverse of Sheet for Sample Collection In.ructions. LED, ,aO ........ ~,X,.;,_:l:4...oc. .............. Water sample collected by ................ ~..*..- --/-~-~-~. ffk$-.-~.-...~--'~:. -J~-.- ...................... /:e/~ ../-./..~..O...... (Name of person collecting sa~fiple) / .....(Da{e) .... ~'~i~ ............. Water sample collected from ~chen tap; ~ Bathroom tap; ~ Basement tap; ~ Other (l~t) ......................................... ~ ................ ;. ..................................................................... Addr~s premise where source ~ l~a~d ............ .~...~...~ .~ .~ ~.~---- ....... :~...~ .......... m. ............ ....................... (Name) {Box No. or street ad0re~s) Please place an "X" in ghe Box before tgema whteh B~g describe your wa~er supply: 8OU~¢~: Well ~ ~ Dug, ~rlven, ~eO, ~ Bored ~ Spring, [2 Cistern, ~ O~her (HsD .................................................. : .................. ~ Cree~, ~ ~tver, ~ ~ake, ~ Pond .................................................................................................................. DUO ~LL OR CISTERN CONSTRUCTION: Walls-- ~ Wood, ~ Concrete, ~ ~tal, ~'~le, ~ Brick or Concrete Block Top -- ~ Wood, ~ Concrete, ~ ~etal, ~Open Top LOCATION: ~ In basement, ~ Basement off,et, ~ Under ho~e, ~ yard O~her ..................................................................................................................................................................................... DISTANCE TO: Bulldin~ sewer or other drainage pipe ......... ...feet, Septic ~nk ...... ; ....... feet, ~le field .............. feet, Seepage pit .............. feet, Cesspool .............. feet, Privy .............. feet. Other possible sources of contamination (l~t) ......................................................................................... ~RI~: Buildin~ sewer -- ~ Cast ~on, ~ Wood, ~ Tile, ~ ~bre pipe, ~ Asbestos cement Joint material ~ ~pe ........................................................................................................................ GENER~ INFOR~ON: Does water become muddy or discolored? ~s, {~ no When? ................................................. J ................................................................................. /~ ~, . . .'~, ~ ..... Diomede= of well . .~ . depth Z~.~ ...... ~ ................................ feet Well ~stng m~terl~l.....~.~..~.:~.~. ........... diameter .................... depth .................................. Length of drop ~lp~ ............................................................................................................................... Water depth from botDm...... ...................................................................................................... feet Pump location: ~ ~ well, ~ Offset ~ basemen%, ~ In basement ~ m utmt~ r~m, ~ on top of well ~ Other (1~) ........................................................................................................ PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness suspected? ~. yes, ~' New source of supply? Repairs to existing system? ~ yes, ~ ~,marka: .... ~ ...... ~.~.5..~......~.~ ~.~.~'. ',. .......................... ~ ........................................................................... SUPPLY SOURCE, SE~IC TANK, SE~R, DRA~ LI~S OR O~g SOURCES OF POLLU~ON ~D DIST~CES BE~N WAT~ SUPPLY SO'CE AND ~ OF ~OVE FAC~. S~LES MUST BE S~BMITTED ~ CO~A~ERS PR~VIDE'D BY T~ ALASKA DEP~T~NT OF H'~-- 30 ;%'~e~._~.~· 1956 Loar~ Ouaz'anty ]]ivii~ion ?th '~va'm~ atto Olive lgay ~TFF<~EON~ Bryan gll~n Direct l.oan Agent V, A. lto. 30h6-lll~B Application Re£erence is ~de to i',M. :~ruce Ad~{s letter off ~ OctoLv. r 19~6 r~ga~'din9 pr~oe~ty locatgd at Block ~ Lot 25~ L~mrt Su~ivlulon Ho. 1~ Spin,d, Alaska. ~chasor of this or~ty '~oo~e" l~d no V,a, nw~er ~ a~all~le at that time. t.~r. }.io~res called today and said he fas infoz*med by your o£~.'ic{; that you had not received ~r r~ort as yet, ~e letter oS ~ Oc~bel~ 19~6 app~ently did not have sufficient ~nfo~aMen ~ ldenMiy the -requirements 02 ~e Alaska Depar~ent of Health. A ~.m~r $~ple coll~cted on 27 ~aral 19~6 ~ms satisfactory. Vo.,~, twuly youus., cc: Nv. Al'bcr~ AN, I tbxren V. Po'~ell~ Associate October 1956 Yetoran ~s A(Dninl~tration Ioan Guaranty Division 7th Avenu~ and Olive Seattle 1, ~ashin~,on ATTM~i,-)~t: B~an ~llen Direct Lo:m Agent Deaf Nr. Allen: At the requoat of Northern ll~alty, an iu~pacti, on wa~ made of the prope~y located at Block 2, l~t 28 Lan~be~ f;ubdivt.~ion No. l~ 2penard, Alaska. Tho veteran b~lng this pzopa~y is Francis ;:~. ~qoore. ~th the water supply and ~eWago disposal syatems meet the r~tin~n~n ~tandard~ of the f~taska Dai;'.~,m~nt of liealtl~. water s~naple taken on 27 March 1956 was negative at the of cellection. Ver-y truly yours cc: ~r. Alter, APl[