HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAMPERT BLK 3 LT 26 LASKA DEPARTMENT OF I-lEAl SANITARY INSPECTION Type / ~,,.~,,.,?e,. / -,, , ,' ,- Name Manager / Sir: An inspection o~ your plant has this day been made, and you are notified of the de{ects marked Detow Wltll a cross (%) in cokmm m,rEed with (O). The de~ects noted shouH be corrected. l. Site ~. ~u.ding 3. Ventilation 4. ~earing 7. Rodent Control 8. Insect Control Il. Refuse Disposal 12. Toiler Facilities 13. Hand-washing facilities 21. Wholesomeness of food aud drink 22. Storage, Display 25. Labeling 28. Premises Clean ] &~'¢,LO.,.e,~ ( (;,t,~,."v~'"?has reviewed this inspection with me. HEALTH DEPARTMENT ~ .)'~e !~61. and ~c diVe, ti., of 21 ~uly 196t, You~ This Form Must Be Filled INDIVII~UAL SUPPLY Out Completely. ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HE,&LTH Section of Sanitation and Engineering Sheet for S~mple Collection] In ~t,~ctlons, / Request for Bacteriological Analysis __~ /'~ '~ T.~b. No ........... ~L~.;.'.C~J~. ': .... water ~ample collected by ......... ~.~:~:~.:~:~:::::::~ ...... :~/~.:: ........ :~:..:.::: ....... (Name of person collecting sample) (Date) (Time) W~ter ~ample collected from~Kitchen t~p; ~ Bat~r~m t~p; ~ Basement tap; ~ Ot~er (list) ..................................................................................................................................... Addr~s premise w~ere source ts l~a~d ................................................................................................................................................. ~fl report to (~ ...~: ........... : ......... (Name) (Box No. or stree~ ad,ess) ' ('~ ............ Please place ~n "~" ~n ~e box before ~tems w~ic~ b~t describe your w~ter ~upply: SOURCE: Well ~ ~ Dug, ~ Drlven,~Drllled, ~ Bored ~ Spring, ~ cls~e~, ~ Ot~er (list) ............................................................................................................... ~ Creek, ~ R~ver, ~ L~ke, ~ Pond .................................................................................................................. DUG ~LL O~CISTE~CONST~UCTION: Walls-- ~ Wood, ~ Concrete, ~ ~t~l, ~le, ~ Br~ck or Concrete Block Top -- ~ Wood, ~ Concrete, ~ Metal, ~ Open Top LOCATIOn: ~ In b~sement, ~ Basement offset, ~ Under ~o~e, ~ In y~rd O~er ..................................................................................................................................................................................... DISTANCE TO: Building ~ewer or ot~er drainage pi~ .............. ~eet, ~epttc ~nk .............. ~eet, Tile ~eld .............. ~eet, Seepage pit .............. ~eet, Cesspool .............. ~eet, Privy ..............~eet, Ob~er possible ~ources o~ contamination (l~t) .................................................................................. ~ .......................................................... ~TE~I~: Buil~ng sewer ~ ~ C~st ~ron, ~ Wood, ~ Tile, ~ Fibre pipe, ~ Asbestos cement ~oint m~tert~1 ~ ~pe ....................................................................................................................................................... ~ENER~ INFO~ON: Doe~ w~ter become ~uddy or discolored? ~ yes, ~ no When?Diameter ............................... o~ well ::'.'[::[[[~[[[~[[[[[[::[:~::[[[[[~~ depth ......... Well c~sing material ........................................ diameter .................... depth .................................. Length of drop pipe ............................................................................................................................... Water depth from bot~m .......... , ................................................................................................. feet Pump location: ~ In well, ~ Offset in basement, ~ In basement ~ In uti~ty r~m, ~ On top of well ~ Other [l~t) .... : ................................................................................................... PUBPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness suspected?'~ yes, ~ no N~w source of supply? ~ yes, ~ no Repairs to existin~ system? ~ yes, ~ no SUPPLY SOURCE, SEPTIC TANK, SE~, DRAIN LI~S OR O~R 8OURCES OF POLLU~ON AND DIST~CES BE~N WAT~ SUPPLY SO.CE AND ~ OF ~OVE FACtiOn. SAMPLES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY TI~E ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH July For this property to qualify for a direot Ioan~ tho ~va~er su!>ply 6ye!t, pi~e,~?u~, ~to,) must, ~ teoat~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~l o~ solely by the ovmers. ~hi~ nleo~s the houa~ ~mlSt ....~,,ha proporty, be t~Ppat a~d raootve ~orvtce f~o~ ,,h,~ wo!l on . . The watvr supply ap--.',roval must bo, roy the z~tm' tappet int;o tho houso, ~.om tn: well on the property. Ver~ truly Nu T~mo Realty 3205 tx~is ~pena~, Alaska Ccr~ater ~o~raf~a 'Health District 217 E. Anoho~-a~o, ~laaka Tel/con 6/23/61 Mrs. Lupo/A. Hudson GREATER ANCHORAGE HEALTH DISTRICT 217 E Street P.O. Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska BR 6-3351 VA LOAN INSPECTION FORM Previous VA Loan: See Letters dated August 11, 1958 May 27, 1958 (Erroneously reported as Jack Phillips) File Reference: Priority: 1041 D/L 3046-261 Richard C. Wiles Name of Buyer: Name of Seller: Jack Phelps Property Address: 2605 Fairbanks Legal Description of Property: Lot 26, Block~p, Lamp~Subd, Phone number where buyer can be contacted: BR 5-2602 Mailing Address of Buyer: 2605 Fairbanks Mail copy of VA letter to Mrs. Wanda LMpo~.32p5 Lo!p Dliwp~ Spemard Real Estate Agent, Phone: FA 2-2218 City Engineer reports that Kadow system does ~0~ rea. No plans at present time. SPUD reports that public sewer is being planned for this area - bids let, but due to delays do not expect to complete installation this year, but do next year. Au?,ust 1t, 19p,> Veteranvs Ad~Inistration Loan Gua;,3anty !?ivlsion ~at~lo t~ Wash!n~ton ATTJfHTIOW: ~hTian Allon Dl:eect Loan An inspection of 'bhe wa'get supply~ locatod 'l~lock 3 o:? tho Lamport ~'~ubdivision, Spona~,d, was ~mdo o:n Au~:ust ~, 19~8. A 20~ drillod well has ~ocentJ. y boon co':'?la~;ed ~md r;]csi;s wi'bh tho minimum ~rl;andaz, ds of 'l.;ho /lJ. aska DetJar'bment of Hoalth. A water sample ~e,q 5aken on tho _Si;h of du!~u~ 19!]0 '- ~" ' ~1 ~ wa~ negative at 6J/ao o,r colloct:%on. BA/p.~ d