HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAMPERT #2 BLK B LT 6 FHA Form 2573 Form Approved Rev. Ju~ly' 1958 * FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINfSTRATION Budget Bureau No. 63-B296.8 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NSURING OFFICE PART I.mTO BE COMPLETED BY FHA t MORTGAGEE SERIAL NO. at,:Lonal ~mak o:~' Ala~k~ in Ane, hm?~e MORTGAGOR OR SPONSOR. -SUBDIVISION NAME LOT NO. TOTAL NUMBER: BASEMENT PROPERTY ADDRESS JBLOCK NO. LIVING UNITS BEDROOMS [~-} Yes J---] No ] New installation Can attic or other area be made Into additional bedrooms? (If Yes, how mony~) WATER SUPPLY BYJ r-] Public system V1 Community system [] Individual SEWAGE DISPOSAL BY: [--]'PublJc system ' ['--] CommtJllity system [] Individual ~ SYSTE~M DESIGNED FOR NO. OF SDRMS.J GARBAGE DISPOSAL [--~ Yes [~ No PART II.~TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR'S SKETCH It is the opinion of the FI state [] County ["-)4' Local Depz!'tment of Health that this individual water-supply system [~] is ~ is not satisfactory as a dom.estic'water supply for the subject property. it is the opinion of the [] State ~--] County tern with proper maintenance: .~Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and is not likely to create an insanitary condition DATE J SIGNATURE I Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- ~.] Cannot be expected to fun.ction satisfactorily spaces prov.Jded. health authority. PART III.~FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that'the Individual ~vater-supply system be considered [] Acceptable E] Not Acceptable Sewage disposal be considered [] acceptable F-] Not Acceptable. DATE SIGNATURE HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ] CHIEF ARCHITECT [~ DEPUTY FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT FHA Form 2573 Rev. July 1958 'a~nu!m J~d SUOllU~ 'olnu!tu Jad SUOll~' ':~o~. ,-~ ? ? '~'u!s~2 jo q~d~G ~. ,!' 6I '7 / / uop2odsu[ jo Xq pm2,dsu1 '&poqmv qllU*H lU2Crl [~' ',hunoD [] '*~mS [] :,iq op*tu uop2*dsuI · .4uu j! 'sl!q!qx* p*,,.oJddu ql?x Xldmo> lou s~op [] s*op [~quopqlmSUI · uo!ldmnsuo> uuumq JOj AJO:OUjs!lus lou s! [] si [-~..J*~u~ jo Jalgza jo Xlddns alenbapu qs!uJnj m ~mo~^ alu!patum! u! :Slla>a Jo *~nl!uJ jo pJovaa lua~aa ~sotu 'pooqJoqqSpu u! XJutumsno ~ou aJu.[q a~ [] Slpta lunpFqpui 'saqou} 'u!etu jo az!s 'laoj u!utu Jo:ii, cA 2[lqn~ lsaJeau m a>ums!G WI&SAS AlddflS-iltJ. VAA IYflalAIQNI~NQIA31dSNI t0 J, llOdtl] ~'"' '~"~'~""~h2/4',' ~'" .- ,; ~,;' j- ','~ ~ 61 ' ,~ ,{ .~ uo/~adsu:. . jo , ; ,~ .. .&q pa~adsuI 'laaj~'Jea~ ~ 'apF ~ 'luo=j ~ ie auH ~oI lsaJuaU :laaj~'uopepunoj gfi}pl!nq tlaaj~'ip~ :moJj '~ala~uip apFlnO .Tsl}d JO Jaq~nN ~[o' .. ~ ]~Faium guluH 'laaj --'q~dao 'laaj ), ~ ~'. ~ 8 :Slid eBodees 'saq>u} 'alp Jaao leiJalem ~a~l~ jo q~daG 'soqau! t'alD q~au~ [e[Jalem Jall~ jo qldaG Jaqlo 'auols ua~oJfl ~ 'laamO ~ :]~Falu~ 'satpu~ 'aping tls~uD o~ alp jo doi 'q~daG '~aaj 'auH qaea jo '~aaj qs~pbs 'saq0uaJ~ jo ~olloq u} ~aJ~ uo}ldJosqg aap>a~a IglO& 'saq~u~ 'q~p~ '~aaj 'sauH u~ata~aq aoums}o · 'sOuH jo Jaq~nN 'laaj 'sauH alp jo q~ua1 'laaj . '~eaJ ~ 'ap]s ~ 'luoJj ~ le auH ~oI ~saJ~au :aaaj' 'uop~punoj :~aaj 'lla~ :moJj :Plaid Iu.Odslfl ~aq~0 's~}d a~daag ~ 'pla~ F~od~}p al~& ~ jo s~s}suoa INtWlYI~I X~YaNoI]g l. Fa~m ~u}uH 'SUOlFg '~p~d~> p}nb}~ '~aaj ~da~ '~aaj- '~a~a~}p ap~suI 'laaj '~a~ ~ 'ap}s ~ '~uoaj ~ ~ au}i ~oI lsaa~au '.laaj 'uoD~punoJ 1~aaj 'lla~ :mo~j · laaj ~ 'qidap p!nbH '~aaj ,,¢; 'q~pFa.~pfsu1 '~aaj · SUOlleg "auatmJedtuoo ~alU! ,hp~deD 'SUOliS~ ~ ':~' 5" ~ .[oodssaD [] .~ut~l 0DdaS J~ jo s:~s!suo> LNtWJ. Yt~U. XllVWllld WIISAS 1VSOdSI(]-tOV/V~t$1vnoIAIQNI--NOIJ.3IdSNI .IO l~lOdlll / 18 May 1959 National Bank of Alaska Box #600 Anchorage~ Alaska Gentlemen: RE: FNA #60-006974 - L. T. Schultz In response to FHA requirement: "Provide evidence prior to beginning construction that adequate drainage for i~ttvidual sewage disposal system exists" this letter is written. A large outfall sewer presently exists within one thousand feet of the lot. The soil form~tion is s~ch that if need be a satiafacto~y private individual sewage disposal system might be constructed. Due to the fact that this area will have a large n~ber of new homes built In the i~ediate vicinity, it is suggested that only a ~empo~ary cesspool be constructed at this location until the lateral sewers ~mve been con- structed. Monies to pay fo~ the necessary connection and assessment should be left in escroW. 'Very truly yours, Joe L. Walker JLW/£w Sanitarian Amos J, Alte~., Chte£ 5 September 1957 Charles ~arvey, Sanitariam Enclosed please £tnd subject FHA for~s 2217 & 2218o SE FHA For~s 2217 & 2218 HARTI~, Joseph M, and Claire I~t 6, Block "B"~ Lampert Subd. (2602 Xn~ra) Serial No. 60-00~96 The sewage am! water systems were exposed at ~ime of ~nspection and met the minimum requirements si the Alaska Depmrl:meng of Health. ~iCh p~oper care ~nd maintenance they should £u~ction satia£acCor[ly. ~t is reco~ended by this department tha~ the sewage and wate~ systems be approved ~o~ F~. Clf; p~ I~'HA E~rm ~qo. 221~' (Revised June 1951) New installation. Existing installation. FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF INSPECTION INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE.DISPOSAL SYSTEM To Fie Headed in by FHA Office Budget Bureau No. 63-R297,3, ............... (Serial IIIIIYIDOI') (Insuring omee) (l~ortgagee) (~o~gagor or s~o~..~O E* Property address .... J,O~.~_ .BII~ g _..~ffi ,.~/~.~r~ 4~vo~ 4~. - (~ _ ~,ag~a) ....................................... Water supply by: ~ Publio,sys~em. ~m~i~y s~em. ~ Inclividual system on si~e, (Fill ~e~rma~ion~' applicable to subject installation) INSTRUCTrONS: I~ new ~ns~allatwn, inspe ~ mphance w~th approved exhibits and record any observed ~n~orma~lon no~ shown on or which varies from the approved~~-exist~ng' ' ~tal~wn; ' ~urmsh' as much of the ~nformat~on' ' as may be available ...... ~-~- PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of ptic tank. ~ Cesspool. Septic Tank: Distance from well, ~]_ feet. Material ............. ~.~<~.~...~ .............. Number of compartments ............. To~al liquid capacity, ............. ~_.~..~.~._ gallons. Capacity inlet comparkment, .................................... gallons. q~:~l~gth .... ~ ......... feet. '.~id{l~ ...... ~ ....... ~eet. Liquid depth ...... ~. ..... ~eet. Cesspool: Distance ~rom: Well, .............. feeb; ~oundation, ............... ~eet; nearest Io~ llne ab ~ ~ront, .~ side, ~ rear, ............... feet. Inside diameter, ......... ~cet. Depth, .......... ~eet. Liquid capacity, ............ gallons. Lining material ......................... SECONDARY TREATMENT consists o~ ~ Dist~bubion box and ~ Tile disposal field. ~page pi~s. Other ........................... Tile Disposal Field: Distance ~rom: Well, ............ ~eeS; foundation, ~eeg; neares~ lo~ line at .~ fl'onk, ~ side, ~ rear, ............... ~eet. Total length of tile lines, ..................... ~ee~. Number of lines, ..................... Distance between lines, .................... feet. Total effective absorption area in bottom of trenches, ........................... square ~eet. Trench width, ..................... inches. Length of each line, ....................... ~ ............... ~eet. Depth, ~op of tiIe to finish grade, ....................................... inches. Type of filter ma~erlal: ~ Gravel ~ Broken stone. ~ Cinders. Other ........... ~ ............................................................ Depth of filter material beneath tile, ......................... inches. Depth. of fll~er material over tile, .............................. inches. Seepa'ge Pi~s: -~ls~anee ~rom: Well, /~J--O- ~eeh foundation .... ~ fee~; neares~ lo~ line a~ ~ fron~, ~, D rear ..... ~.~_.. fee~. If ~xis~ing Installation, gdo all ghe g61I~W~ng ~iHona~ information available: Distance to nearest: Public sewer, ................ fee~. Communi~7 ~78tem, ............... gee~. Approximate 'direction of aurface drainage of log, ~ Approxhna~e slope~ ...... } ........... fee~ per 100 fee~. Soll ia: ~ L;am. ~ Sand7 loam. ~ ClaT. :~ Sand7 elaT~oarse, ~ ~and or gravel. ~ Hardp~. ~ ~oek-~ O~her ..................... Number of bathrooms ...... ~ ..... Is ~here abasement. ~es. ~ No. Basemeu~ drains ~o .....-- *~ ~'~ ' ~ . ~ix~ures iu basement: ~au~dr7 graT. ~ Toile~. ~ Bathtub. ~ Shower. ',~ None. ~looff drain.' ~ Sum~ pmnp. ~aundr7 waste disposal: Diree~ ~o ~ Seepage pi~. O~he~,_~,~_~ Through sump pi~ ~o: ~ Septic ~ank. ~ Seepage Is foo~ing drain pr0vlded~ ~ Yes. i~ No. Drains [o: '~ Surface.' ~ Dr7 well. ~ Sump in baseman~. O~her ..................... Downspou[s or areawa7 drain ~o: :~aee dlaeharge. ~ D~7 well. O~her ............................................ , ........................ Depth of house ~sewer below fiulsh grade: a~ founda[ion,. ........ ~ ..... Part I2b.--See rever~e side Part II.~FO~SE OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL REVIEWING REPORT Based on ~he hfformaUon reported hereon and o~her available information, it is ~he opinion o~ 5he :~ S~ate .~ County ~ Local Department o~ ~ealth tha~ this system with proper maintenance: ~ can be expected ~o Junction saUsfactorily, and is ~ canno~ be expected to function saUsfactorHy. not likely to create an insanitary condition. Remarks: (Signed) ............ : ................................................................. Auks j. Alter, Chief ___b.'. _e..c_ :....o..~. j~ ~..%~ _a:_'~. _l_ o_ 0.. _ .~_ .~.. g_~_zg~.n~_¢~lu~ .. (Title) Part Ill,--FOR USE OF FHA~OFFICE TO THE CtlIEF UNDERWRITER: ~. I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Complianc{~ ~tspection Report, and recommend that th~ individual sewage-disposal system be considered [] acceptable ,[] not acceptable. Remarks Date ....................................,19 ..... 2218---Individual Sewage-Disposal System (Signed) .......................................................................... [] Chief A~chitect. [] Deputy fo~' Chief Architect. Report of Inspection uo!:laadsuI jo ;.zodoH · ~oa~3qo,cV fO?lD ,co/fl~ndo(I [] '$oo~z~to.q; fo.~qD [] ..................................................................... (pau~ff.t~) tUa;S~ Xlddns-,~ag~fiA i~np!a!pui~£igg .... 6~ ' ................................... ........................................................................ ? 'X~!.toq~nV q~[~oH I~OO~.~ 'A~unoO ~ 'o~IS ~ :Aq opmu uo~oodsu1 · ~u~ ~ 's;!q]qxa paaoadds q;tax Aldutoa aoK saop ~ saop~ uo~li~asu1 'uo!admnsuoa u~nq .to~ ~ao~as~s;;ss aou s! ~ s~ ~ .~a~a~ to ~ ~'-OI .--;}?~]-~)m[~- ....... ~;~p aAIS ,,'saA,, s~ .t~su~ gI 'oN ~ 'saX~ Aop~m uaoq .ta;~a go uo~;~u~xa lsa~olo~a~asq 'suotte~----~-:?C 'Aq!o~deo 'A~!A~.tD ~ 'o.znsso.t~ ~ :o~.~o~s ~o odA~ 'o~ ~ 'soX.,~ :~ti~o~sa ~u{;unom durad 'o~ ~ 'so~ :potq~.tp Xl.tOdo.~d utooz d~nd '~!d d;und ~ 'punoa~ oaoq~ osno~ dmnd ~ '~ua~osuq ~o ~oo.t dumd ~ '~ttou~os~.-~ :u~ · o~nut~, zad suotis~ ............ X~to~d~o. d~nd '~oog ..... ~-'~--;~ 'octtd. doap go q~uo~ 'i[o~ doo~,~ 'tlO~ axo;[~qs · oN ~ 'so~ :~q~q.zo~sm ,;oaoa [lorn tq s.~u~uodo '1~o~ 'poo~ ~ 'o~o,tauoD ~ :.~oaov IlOA{ 'ii~auq A,t~u~p,x~ 'X~io po[ppn~ ~ '~no.x~ ~uoutoD ~ :qa~a polVOS gu~suv puno,tu oa~ds · o~mq~ ~xod SUOli~.~ ..... 7 ....'plO]~ p~u~xo~zddv 'aoo~ ---~--"7-- 'I[°~x u~ ,~o~ax ~0 [oAo[ ,~u~dmnd o~ q~dop o~xo,zddV 'Jaog -/~-:::-P'--- ',Su:s~o jo tBdo~ ..... J----*--~:t--J ..... ~u,suo ~o odXx '~oog .... ?e}-:~q:dap Iv:o& 'soqou:--- .:'-"- : tto~vn,qsuov '$aog .................. 'uo~qn[[od o[q]ssod ~o soo.mos ,:ot[~o ~oo~ ................. '[oo~ssoo ~]oo~ --~Y-?-~ ....... '~;d '~oo~ ................. .?~----~:~ ...... ,~o,~ ~ 'op:~ ',uo.:~ ~ ~u ou;I ~o1 ~so,tuou ~oog .......... :?v~?: ............. :to~puno~ ,Stqplln~ : ~o,:~ Hoax ~o · Hoax pozog ~ 'IlO~ ~n~ ~ 'lloax uoi:,:~ ~ 'i[aax po[I;,:q,~ :~o,g ~iddns ,:O:SAX i~np~a:pui · ~oo~ ...... .... ~- :-~: - 'ou I A],:~do,:d :uo.:g uto,:g ~oeq :os .SuH[oax~ 'doop ~oog ..... U;:-]~i']~- ..... optax_. ~ov~ ...... ~-:: ..... · stu~sAs [usodstp-o.~ixos ptt~ ~iddus-,:o~ax l~np~atpu: qqoq q~la: podo[oAop 2u~oq ~ou o,~ o,:v ~ pootl,mqg,8[ou ut sol~,todo,:d .......................... . ....................................... '_ :._.: .............................. '_ ........... :'. ............................... · ................ 'oiq~HwA~ oq A~tu ss uoD~,:ogtq oq] ~o qontu su qs:u,tn~ 'uo}~vll,~su~ Bu}~s:~a ~I 's$:qp[xo poao,tdd~ oqj 'u~o,g s%t~a qv~q~ .~o 'uo uaxoqs ]ou uo~:~,to~u: poa,:osqo Aus p,mvo.: pu~ s:lq:qxa poAo.tdd~ t[~:ax ovtt~Hdutoo .tog ~oodsu[ 'uo~vHv~su~ mau gI (uollul[elsu~ j~o~qns ol olqealldd~ uoD~maoju~ ~o[oq u] llld) qVI~IddO O~I,LD~dSNI dO ~Sfl HOeI--'e-I