HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAMPERT #4 BLK 2 LT 8 (Revised June 1951) FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION [] New installatlon. REPORT OF INSPECTION ×istinginstallatlon. INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL SYSTEM To B~ Hcaclcd in by FHA National Bank of Alaska ...................... ............................. ................... (Insuring office) (Mortgagee) (5~ortgagor or spOnsOr) Property address .... ._L...~_.'..~_..~. _o.~.k._2.~..~L~:~_..Sllb~,._(~Yxlgra~q~.)_ .......................................................................... (City) (County) ($~;ate) To~al number: Living units __.J, ........... Bedrooms ..... ~ .... Baths ~ ........ Basement: [] Yes [] No. Wa~er supply by: [] Public system. [] Community sys~em~ [] Individual system on si~e. Form Apl, roved. Budget Bureau No. 63-iq297,3, ' (Serial number) Part I-a.--FOR USE OF INSPECTING OFFICIAL (Fill in below information applicable to subject installation) INSTRUCTIONS: If new installation, inspect for compliance with approved exhibits and record any observed information not shown on, or which varies from, the approved exhibits. If ezisting installation, furnish as much of the information as may be available. TREATMENT consists of¢~ Septic tank. [] Cesspool. PRIMARY ;: 'SeDtic Tank: ~ !::':Distance from ,veil, ..~.g. feet. Material ................................... Number of compartments _.__ _/. ........ : i Total liquid capacity~ _;-.~ .............................. gallons. Capacity inlet comlmrtment, ~__.___.1~..__~. ................... gallons. :!n~lde length, ~..~,J...___~'~S. Iffside' ~kndd., ............. .'_ feet. Liquid depth,,~,¢~. :Cessl~moh :: Distance from: Well, ............... feet; foundation, ...............feet; nearest lot llne at [] fi'on/:, .[] side, [] rear, ............... feet. Inside diameter, ......... feet. Depth, .......... feet. Liquid capacity, ............ gallons. Lining material ......................... SECONDARY TREATMENT consists of [] Distribution box and [] Tile disposal field. ~Seepage pits. Other ........................... Tile Disposal Field: Distance from: Well, ............ feet; foundation, ............. feet; nearest lot line at ;[] front, [] side, [] rear, ...............feet. Total length of tile lines, .....................feet. Number of lines, ..................... Distance between lines, ................... feet. Total effectlve absorption area in bottom of trenches, ........................... square feet. Trench width, ..................... inches. Length of each line, ....................................... feet. Depth, top of tile to finish grade, .......................................inches. Type of filter material: [] Gravel. [] Broken stone. [] Cinders. Other ........... ~ ............................................................ Depth of filter material beneath tile, .... ~ ................... inches. Depth of filter material over tile, .............................. inches. Seepage PitS: Number of pits 1 .... Outside diameter, ~.2/.~___ fee/;, Depth, .~ ........ feet. Lining material _[._-~ .................... Distance from: Well, Z~.~.._ feet; foundation, __~'--..~'_.-- feet; nearest lot hue at [] front, ~mde, J~trear,/..~. ...... feet. If Existing Installation, give all the following ddditional information available: Distance to nearest: Public sewer, ................ feet. Community system, ............ :.. feet. Approximate direction of surface drainage of lot, .......... -.~ ....................... Approximate slope, .................. feet per 100 feet. Soil.ls: [] Loam. ~ Sandy loam. [] Clay. :[] Sandy clay. [] Coarse sand or g.ravcL [] Hardpans. [] Rock. Other Nmnber of bathrooms, ............ Is there a basement? .I~Yes. .[] No. Basement drains to ............................... _ Fixtures in basement: .[] Laundry tray. fq Toilet. [] Bathtub. [] Shower. ~ None. ~J Floor da'alu. [] Sump pump. Laundry waste disposal: Direct to [] Seepage pit. Other .................. Through surg~p pit to: .~] Septic tank. [] Seepage pits. I~ footing drain provided? [] Yes. iF1 No. Drains to: [] Surface. [] Dry well. El ~ump in basement. Other ............... ~.~ DOwnspouts or areaway drain to: i-1 Surface discharge. [] DIy well. Other =~.~..4_/ ......... ~ .................................................... Depth of house sewer below finish grade at foundation, _ ............... feet. Inspection made by: [] State. [] County. ~Local Health Authority. (Signed) Date of inspection ..... .~ .~..~-- ........ (Title) Part I-b.--See reverse side Part IL--FOR USE OF THE HEALTIt DEPARTMENT OFYICIAL REVIEWING' I~pORT 'i Based on the inforination reported hereon and other available infmunation, it id the opinion of ti~;.~-State ~[] County [-] Local Department of Health that this system with proper maintenance: [:~can be expected to function satisfactorily, and is not likely to create an insanitary condition. [] cannot be expected to function satisfactorily. Remarks' -~' :~ ~-~X--.A " ..................................................................................................... ........... .................... · · : : .~Amos'J. i].ter~(C~ef, Bec, of Sanitation Date ..................... :9.52. - tgince zn ..l _,...of..He. tk,_._Juucau _. ' " (Title) Part Ill.--FOR US~E OF FHA OFFICE To TIIE CItlEF UNDERWRITER: I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that the individual sewage-disposal system be considered [] acceptable .[] not acceptable. Remarks: .......................................................................................................................................... Date .................................... ,19 ..... 2218--Individual Sewage-Disposal System (Signed) ............................................................................ [] Chief A~,'chiteeL [] Deputy fo~' Chief A~chitee~. Report of Inspection ~o!~aotl~uI jo ~;to{lo~ ~rto~a,~g l,SSoff~!ff-o.~,~to~ l~np!~!puj~-8'~gg I~A ~orr~ Igc. 2217 (Revised Dec. 1948) New installation. ~] Existing installation. ANOHORAGE AIASKA FEDERA.L HOUSING ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF INSPECTION INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM To Be Headed in b,/FHA Oflice National Bank 02 Alaska ~ Anchorage Form approved, nudger Bure~u No. 63-R296.4, (Serial number) RISINGER~ Meradi~ E. : (Insuring office) (Mortgagee) (Mortg~gor or sp~nsor) Property address ....... __~._~..~l_~0--°.-k-._~?-.-~?~-.~-~-?-.-~--V-~-x-.°--r-~--~--n~.-~.a---.°-'?-?-- - -- -- - - '-- - - '- ~-' ...................................................... AN~0RAOE ALASKA ..................... ~ .................................................................................................. 2 ............................................................ (City) (County) (State) Total number: Living uni ...... Bedrooms ....... Baths ...... Basement:. [] [] No. Sewage disposal by: [] Public Sewer. [] Community System. [] Individual system on site. Part I-a.--FOR USE OF INSPECTING OFFICIAL (Fill in below information applicable to subject installation) INSTRUCTIONS I If new installation, inspect for compliance with approved exhibits· and record any observed information not shown on, or which varies from, the approved exhibits. If existing installation, furnish as much of the information as may be available. Distance to nearest public water main, _~__.~. ....... feet. Size of main,'~..'~., inches Individual w~lls~[~ are [] are hot customary in neighborhood. ]~d/~ Give most recen~ecord of failure of wells in immediate vicinity to ~urnish adequate supply of water .~/~_.~ .................... Properties in ~eighborhood ~ are ~ apg not being developed with both individual water-supply and sewage-disposal sys~ms. Lot size: ...~0 ...... ~__ feet Wide,~ ....... f~t 'deep. Dwelling set back from front property line, .~_ ....... feet. Individual water supply fr0m:~ Drilled:well. ~ Driven well. ~ Dug well. ~ Bored. well. Distance of well from: Building foundation, ..~( ....................... feet;' nearest lot line at ~ front, ~ide, g rear ..... ~g ........................... feet, cas5 iron sewer, ~.~.__? ..... f~t;,~ile sewer .................. fee~; septic tank, ~:g~. ............ feet; disposal field~ ........... ~ ..... feet; seepage pit, ~..~.-~ ....... feet; cesspool, .................. feet; o~her sources of- possible ·'pollUtion, .................. feeg. construction: ' ~ WellDiameter, .g ........ inches. :Tota~ derth/..a-* ..... feet. Type of casing, _ ...... ~_. rep~h o~ casing, .L~_~__ feet. Approximate depth t° pumrlng ~vel of water in well, ..~.~ ....fee~. Approximate yleld~..~-.., gallons per minuS. Sealed watertight to depth o~ (_j~ .... feet. . Exterior space around chsing sealed with: ~ Cement grout. ~ Puddled clay. ~ Ordinary backfill. Well cover: ~ ~oncrete. ~ Wood. ~ Metal. Openings in well cover wa~ertight~ Yes. ~ No. Pump: ~ Shallow well. ':~ Deep ~well. LSn~h of drop pipe~ ..~--.. feet. Pump capacity, .~,__ gallons per minute. Located in: ~ Basement. ~ Pump roo~ qff basement. ~ Pump house above ground, g Pump pit. Pump room properly drained: ~ Ye~. ~ No. - Pump moun~ng watertight: ~ Yes. ~ No. Type of storage: ~ Pressure ~ Gravity Capacity, _.~..~-- gallons. · Has bacteriological examination ~of water been made? ~ YeS. ~ bo. If answer is "yes," give da~ .... ~- ........... 19~ Quality of wat~r~ is ~ is:not Satisfactory for human consumption. Installation ~ docs ~ does not Comply with appr6ved exhibits, if any. ' Inspection made by::~ State. ~ County. ~ Local Health:Authority. ~ Part I-b.--See reverse side Part II.--LFOR USE OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL REVIEWING REPORT Based on the information reported hereon and other available information, it is the opinion of the :il:State [] County [] Local Department of H~a]th that this system ~js r-lis not ~atisfactory as a domestic water supply-for the subject property. Remarks: ............................................. . ...................... : ................... ~-; ...... : ................................................. .y'"": ............ (Signe -~ ................ Alter~ ~~f' ..... ~ ....... :: .......... 8anztation;' ....... & Date ..................... To ~H.r:::~HtrF UNDERWBITF, R: '. Part IlL--FOR I)SE OF F.H.A. OFFICE i i ha~)~iewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance l~spectiOn Report, and recommend that the individual water- ~upply SySt~r~ be considered [] acceptable [] not acceptable. · .: :RemarkS: ............................................ .................................................................................................................... ~L..:' .................... ~ ............................... ~ ............................................ : ............................................................................ : ..... Date .................................... , 19 ...... 2217--Individual Water-Supply System '(Signed) .................. '(fl'~);~;/~-j~i~';C-'(fl--b-~';;(~'fo;-Ei;C~?-~g~£;~:--' Report of Inspection Mr. Amos Jo Alter, Chief Section of Sanitation and E~gineering Charles O, ~rv~y, Sa~itaria~ F~A Forms 2Rl? ~0~, ~via Serial No. 60-00~363 ~CloSa~ please find subje~t F~A Form~ 2217 ~ 2218. The !n~orma'~,ion on this exist~g ~t~lati~ ~$ supplied by ~. ~6 ~aton~ ~r, ~e water ~ se~r~ f~ilities a~ to ~ f~cti~ satiaf~torily at the t~ of ~s~atio~. A ~ter s~ple colleote~ ~ ~ Feb~ 19~7 ~ satisf~t~. It is reeo~nde~ t~t this ~o~rt2 ~ a~ro~.