HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAMPERT #4 BLK 2 LT 10 FHA x' -tin NO. 2217 (Revised Dec, 1~t8) FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION [] New installation, REPORT OF INSPECTION I~] Existing installatim~. INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM To Be Headed in by FHA Office TNE F~RS~ NATZONAL ~AN~GE _.~ ............. B~OF ANCHORA~_~ ._~ ~ ............... D~d--~A~ON ............ ~ __ Property address .... ~ ~i--~E--~i- ~$-~,--~----(~$~ ~a--B~t~e~) Total number: Living .units ._~___ Bedrooms ___~ ...... Baths = ~ ..... B~smnent: ~ Yes Sewage disposal by: ~ Public seeger. ~ Community system. ~ Individual system on site. Part I-a.--FOR USE OF INSPECTING OFFICIAL (Fill itl below information applicable to subject installatioa) INSTRUCTIONS: If ?i¢W i?istallatio?4 inspect for compliance with approved ~xbibits and recm'd any observed information not shown on, or which varies from, the approved exhibits. If e~isti~ig i~istallation, furnish as much of the information as may be available. Distance to nearest~lic water main, ............ feet. ~ Siie of main/ ......... ~_. inches. Individual wells ~re ~ are not customary in neighborhood. .. Give most recent recm'd of failure of wells in immediate vicinity to furnish adequate supply of water _~f~.~ ..... Properties in neighborhood ~are~ are ao~ being deve[op~d with both individual water-supply and sewage-disj)osal systems Lot size: __:__~_~ .... feet ,vide .... ~ .... feet deep. Dwelling set back fro~n~ont property line ..... _~t._~ feet. ' Individual water supply from: ~ Drilled well. ~ Driven xvell. '. Dug well. ~ored well. Distance of well from: Building foundation ...... ~__~ ........... feet; ae~sl lot line at ~front, ~ side, ~ rear~ ........ ~ -~[ .......... fee~, cast iron sexver, ___.~_~ ..... feet; tile servel _ ~ ~___ feet; septic tank ..... ~---~.__._ feet; disposal field ............... feet; seepage pit ..... j~_~.___ feet; cesspool,, feet; other sources of possible pollution .................. feet. Well construction: Diameter, ...... ~ inches. Total depth, _J_q. _ feet. Type of casing,/~ ....... ~ Depth of casing, ___t~___ feet. Approximate depth to pumping level of water in well ............ feet. Approximate yield, ........... gallons per minute. Sealed watertight to depth of __]~__.. feet./, Exterior space around casidg sealed with: ~ Cement grout. ~ Puddled clay. H Ordinary backfill. Well cover: ~ Concrete~ Wood. ~ Metal.' Openings in well cover watertight: ~Yes. ~ No. Pnmp: ~ Shallow well. ~ Deep well. Length of drop pipe, ~ .......... feet. Pump capacity ........... gallons per minute. Located in: ~ Basement. ~ Pump room off basement ~Pump house above ground ~ Pump pit. ump room properly drained: ~"Yes. ~ No. Pump mounting watertight: ~Yes. ~ No. Type of storage: ~ Pressure. ~ Gravity. Capacity, .__~ ..... gallons. . . Has bacteriologica)~amination of water been made? ~es. ~ No: If answer is "yes,Y give (late ___~:/__~Z~ ........ Quality of water ~ is ~ is not satisfactory for human consumption. Installation ~oes ~ does not comply with approved exhibits, if any. inspection made by: ~ State. ~ County, ~ocal Health Authority, /53 ~ ~ C (S~gned) .... ~ ..... Part I-b.~See reverse side Part IL--FOR USE 0F THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL REVIEWING REPORT Based on the information reporte~l hereon and other available information, it is the ol)inimi 'of theli~ State ~ County [] Local Department of Health .that this systmn~ is /3is oot satisfactory as a domest!c water supply fro: the subject property. ~7 ' ' (Signed) .... Date Apri i 1 ......................... : ..... , ........................... [- ..... ;~. ........... ~ gin e'ring ...... Alaska De-pt. ('l'itle~p [I~q+.}!, .h,Ee~u~ Alaska TO TIlE CltlEF UNDERWRITERI Part II[.~FOR USE OF F. H. A. OFFICE I have reviewed the foregoing g~d the pertinen~ FHA Cmnpliance Inspection Report, and recommend that the individual water- supply system'be considered ~ acceptable ~ not acceptable. Remarks: ................................................ . .......... , ..............,-~ ................................................................. Date ......................... , 19 ...... 2217--Individual Water-Supply System (Signed) ........................... '__.: ................................... [] Chief A*'chztect. [] Deputy fo~' Chief A*'¢hitect. Report of Inspection FHA Form No. 2218 '~Revised June 1951) FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION [] New inst llatlon. 'REPORT OF INSPECTION ..... ................... ~xis~ingin~talla~ion,INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL SYSTEM To B~ H~ad~d in by FHA O~c~ T~ F~ST NATI~ ...... ..... ................... ................................ ............................. (In~urlng ofllce) (Mortgagee) (~ortgagor or sponsor) (Ci[y) (~unty) . ,. To%a~ ~b~r :' 'Livin~ ~nifis [:___:]_]~ .... Bedi'ooms :=...~.__.. ,. Bat~s ~__i ........ -Basement: ~ ~es ~.~ No. W~er supply by: ~ .Ptlbliff system. ~ Community s~s~em. ~ I~dlvidua] sys~e~ on si~e. Part I-a.~FOR USE OF INSPECTING OFFICIAL (Fill in below information applicable to subject installation) INSTRUCTIONS: If new installaiion, inspec~ for compliance wifl~ approved exhibits and record any observed information no~ shown on, or which varies from, the approved exhibits. If eXisiing instal~iion, furnish as much of the information as may be available. PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of ~Septie ~ank. ~ Cesspool. Septic Tank¢ Distance from well, ~.. fee~. Material ........... ~.~L .............................. Number of eompar~1nents Total liquid capacity, ~ O . gallons. Capacity inle~ compartment, _ ................................... gall~, Inside length, ............... feet. Inside width, ............... feet. Liquid depth, .......... :_L_ feet. Cesspooh ' Distance fromt WeI4 ............... feet; foundation, ............... feet; nearesb 19!.llne at [] front, .~ side, ~ rear, ............... feet. Iaside diameter, .......... feet. Depth, .......... feet. Liquid capaeRy, ............ gallons. Lining ma~erlal ........................ SECONDARY TREATMENT consists of ~ Distribution box and ~ Tile disposal field. '~ Seepage pi~s. Other ........................... Tile Disposal Field~ Distance from: Well, ............. feet; fonndatimb ............. feet; nearest lot line at ~ front, ~ side, ~ rear, ............... fee~. Total length of tile line% ..................... fee~. Number of llnes~ ..................... Distance between lines, ................... feet. Total effective absorption area in bottom of trenches, ........................... square feet Trench width, ..................... inches. Length of each line~ ....................................... feet. Depth, top of tile to finish grade, ....................................... incbes. Type of fiRer materiah ~ Gravel. ~ Broken stone. ~ Cinders. O~her ............ _ ........................................................... Depth of filter material beneath ~ile, ........................ inches. Depth of filter material over tile, .............................. inches. Seepage Pits~ ~ ~ · . Number of pits ._L_ Ou~ide ~ ........ :... feet. Depth ....... ~. fee~. Lining material ........... Distance from~ Well, _A.'.L.~._ feet; foundation, _.~._2~=_ feet; neares~ lo~ hne a~ ~ f2ont, ~ s~de, ~ear, ..... [_~ .... feet. If Existing Installation, give all ~he following ~dition¢l information available~ Distance to nearest: Public sewer, ................ feet. Cm~unity system, ............... feet. Approximate direction of surface drainage of lot, ........ ~.w:~.~ ...... Approximate slope~ ................. fee~ per 100 feet Soll is; ~ Loam. ~ Sandy lo~m. ~ Clay. :~ Sandy clay. ~rse sand or g]'avel. ~ Hardp~. ~ Rock. Other ..................... Number of bathrooms ....... [.__- Is there a basement? ~ Yes. :[~o. Basement drains ~o ................................................ Fixtures in basement~ ~ Laundry tray. ~ Toilet. ~ Bathtub. ~ Shower. ~ None. ~ Floor drain. ~ Smnp pump. waste disposal: Direc~ to ~ Seepage ri~. Other _..~.~&~_~1r-~hrough sump pit ~o: ;~ Septic tank. ~ Seepage pits. Laundry Is footing drain provided? ~ Yes. 4~ No..Drains to~ '~ Surface.--9 ~ Dry well. ~ Sump in basement. Other ..................... Downspouts or areaway drain tol :~ Surface discharge. ~ Dry well. Other Depth of house sewer below finish grade at founaation, _.~.m_~..._ fee~. --U.';-Ui ............................................................ Inspection made by: ~ Sta~e. ~ County. ~cal Health Authority. ~ ~ ~ ;.~ Date o~ inspection _. ~ ....... ,1 ~ : ::~ .... <~ ~' (Tible) Pa~t I-b.~See reverse side ' Part IL--FOR USE OF THE HEALTH ~)EPARTMENT OFFICIAL REVIEWING REPORT Based on the information reported hereon and other available information, it is the opinion of tl~ll~ State YJ County [] Local Department of Health that this systmn with proper maintenance: ~ can be expected to function satisfactorily, and is [] cannot be expected to function satisfactorily. not likely to create an insanitary condition. Part Ill--FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that the individual se~vage-dlsposal system be considered [] acceptable .~] not acceptable. ~ . Remarks: Date ....................................,19 .... ~ 2218--Individual Sewage-Disposal System (Signed) [] Chief A~chiteet. [] Deputy fo~' Chief A~chitect. Report of Inspection 'u-Ii ~aud u! paq!~osop Xlln,l ~ou ~,~Utl)U~J. 3uoulcvotI Xuu 2aOlOq t[a~oz2a ,Xq Jamlg--'It,gJ~513IS S,~IO~9a,l~Sbltl 5 ' ']VIDI'~I'GO DNI&,gaclSN_I ,'i0 a~gll 'dOi£--'q-i uop,~dsui Jo ~ao:lo}I tuo~,s.~ lusods!f[-o.~u~toS lunp!a!pui~=.§Igg Fedm~al llousing A(~ninistration P. O. Box 723 Anchorage, Alaska FHA Ferns 2217 & 2218 ~qtEA%D bi, David 2g03 Ingra Street Anchorage, Alaska SERIAL IlO. 60-005363 Ge~tlemen: Enclosed, please find FIiA Forms 2217 and 2218 for the above mentioned property. The water supply and sewage disposal systems meet with the minim~n requirements of the Alaska Department of ltoalth and with proper mainten~mce, ca~ be expected to function in 'a satisfactory manner and not cr~.~ate an insanitary condition. This installation is approved by the Department. If we may be of further assistance regardin~, this property, please feel free to contact us. Very truly yours, A~,~os J. Alter, Chief Sec. of Sanitatien & Engineering l~$: eej Encls: form 2217 & 2218 cc: The First National Bank of Anchorage Anchorage Regional Office ~,.?mrles ,C. ltapvey, Sonitarian ~qlA-VA ~ ile