HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAMPERT #4 BLK 3 LT 6A September 20, lg72 Mr. A.K. Choy 1001 East Fireweed Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT; Lot 6A, Block 2, Lampert Subdivision Dear i~lr. C,loy. On July 21, 1972 tile ~torough received a complaint of overflowing sewage at the subjec'b location. At this time i'~ was deter~Mned tha% a previous violation had occurred early this spring. Public Sewer is available to the subject lot. This Depart-, merit will require sewer hook uP within thirty (20) d~ys frm,1 ~he above date. You will need to mak~ application with the City of Anchorage early enougli so the Borough can complet~e installation l)rior to freeze'up. Failure to comply will resul~ in legal actiO~ under Borough Ordinance #2~-68. Should you haw~ any questions~ please contact me at 274~4561, Exte)~sion 156. Sincerely, Susan F., Dickerson Sanitarian RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~~ (plus postage) SENT TO POSTMARK STREET AND NO, P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONL~ ................................................. P5 Form 3800 ~10 INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIO[D-- 'Apr. 1971 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL SENDER~ ~ ~ ~w ~ffon~ on other side Show to ~om, date and addrmw ~ DelIvp/.ONLY .[ wher~ del~md ~ t0 aomessee 5epi;e~fl~er B, 197Z Federal iloustn9 Admtntstra':ton i~ox 480 Anci~orage, lilaska 99501 Subject; Lot 6A, ~lock 3, Lamperg Subdlvislo~'~ Property (;whet: A.K. Choy Dear Si rs: Today I sent the enclosed letter to Mr. Choy lnform'ln~; I~tl,~ of ~he requirement that he connect 'to public sewer. Ti-~e Dorough h~s no record of inspection° In addition, I contac'~ed the National Bank of Alaska v~i~ere I found an I-'HA appraisal of Julle 2D, 1968 indicated connectio~) public sev~er and ~ater. l'bts obviously is not the ca$(~, as the existing on-site sTstem (cesspool?) has failed and b~cked up on several occasions ti)is year. will require compll~mce with Greater Anchorage Are~ Borough Ordinance ~28-6~ wiU~in thirty (20) days fror~ '~oday's date. S'incerel¥, Sus~ll E. Dtckerson Sanltart an 100] Flre~eod L~ne / ~{11 require m~.er noek up within ~hJr~y (Y{O) days above dat~. Yo~t will need tu c~,ke application ~i~h the City of Anchorasle early enough su the ~orouQi) can the installation.prior to ~re~ze-up. Failure ~o co~ply Ordinance ~hould you h~ve ~ny further questions, please contec~ ~ ~ 279-~6~6, Ex'~ension 329. Sincerely, 3anitarlan ~b F ,H.A. Bob DanJelm, Public Horks City o~ Anchorage RF.-,CEIPT FOR CF~RTIFIEB MAIL--30d (plus postage) SENT TO P.O., STATE AND Z P CODE RE~UflN RECEIPT SERVICES  1, Shows to whom altd date delivered ............ 15~ With delivery to addressee only ............ 2, SHOWS to ¥1honl, date arid where delivered .. 35d With delivery to addressee only ............ 85~ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY .................................................... 50d SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra foe required) .................................. PS Form 3800 A~r, 1971 PIe INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- ~OT FOR INTEl]NATIONAL MAIL POSTMAR~K OR DATE (See othe- 20 January 1954 Veterans ^dmJ. nistratton Loan Guaranty Division 7th Avenue ~nd Olive Way Seattle l~ ¥~ashington Attn~ Bryan Allen, Direct Loan Agent File Her. No. 3046-4~F l~ear Sir ~ At 'the request of }~r. Kenneth T. Christianson~, an inspection was made of the water supply and s~¥age disposal faoilitie~ ~t Lot 19~ Block 3, i,~mpert Sub division. The property has a bored well under the house which i~ within a few feet of the hot, se sea, ers and within approximately 4]~ feet of the existing ces~pool. The well is not properly sealed. Per these reasons the water supply cannot be approved. The property does not have a septic tank as is re.- Quired for s~pproval. ~e cesspool is so located that it will have to be moved to be used as ~ ~eepage pit. ~incerely yours~ C~lvin Winey~ Jr. Regional Sanitary Engineer Form apl)roved. Budget Bureau No, 63-R296.6. FEDERAL. HOUSING ADMINISTRATION HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL ffNDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I 6o-oo~5:2 1'O nE COMPLETED EY I:HA ONLY .......................................... (Serial ltumber ) TIIE ~([RST ~AT]iONAL ~, -, . _~_.o_..X.p, !~_l~_!~_...,~., ............. ---f~CH(~2AG]~- ---ALA~-~I~A ................. t~K--(~ ---AN~A~E ............. (Insuring o~ce) (Mortgagee) (Mortgagor or sponsor) Property address X00~ Easb I,~ed Lane .................. e ................................................................................................................... E. ~.~2 o2 'Zob .~ Subdivision n~mc ........ ~--ff-~ ........................... ~lo& No ............ 3 ........... Loc No. ~..~_.~- .... Cky ANCH01~AOE Coumy SCa~e ......... ~(x~KK ......... ............................................ ~ ..................................................... Total number: LNin~ units ......... ~ ....Bedrooms ........2 ... ~afl~s _ 2 .... Basement ~ Yes ~ No Can attic or other at'ca be converted to additioual bedrooms? ~ Yes ~ No How mauy? .................... ~ater supply by ~ Public system ~ Community ~),stcm ~ Individual Sewage disposal by ~ Public sewer ~ Communky system ~ h~dividual ~ys~e,z ~es~,e~ for~Number bedrooms ........... ~-.- Garbage ~rinder ~ Y~s ~ No Automatic washing machine ~ Yes ~ No PART II TO EE COMPLETED BY THE HEALTH AOTHORITY The individual ~ water supply [] disapproved by [] State [] County ~' sewage disposal systein installed at the above address is [~hpproved ]Local department of health. ~I'hl~ij£j~LB. 2kNCHOllAGE(TpI~ALTH D~$'D~(;~ Box 963 ...................... ~ll.r2.~lJgagC~ _'~J f-~ ................................ (Name of health authority) GPO 928089 :a LASKA DEPARTMENT OF '-HEAL'WH SAN!TARY INSPECTION _;. ..,, Typ%~ ~';. ~ ../ ' (' f" Date · ,<'>/ .., . v/\/' /' >' '~""? . A:.,;'.., ._. ,::-( Name of Establishmem_/Z)O/ ~' '--7~:'~'e"~'z~-':::Address .... .:.::...-.,...d~...~-.. Sir: An ~nspecuon of your plant has th~s day been made, and you are noufied of the defects marked below h a cross (X) in colmnn marked with (U). The defects noted shoukl be corrected. S U COMS~ENT$ ON CONDITIONS 3. Ventilation [] [] 4. Heating [] [] 5. Lighting [] [] 6. ~la~t ~ayout [] [] 7. Rodent Control [] [] 8. ~nsect Control [] [] 10. Waste Disposal 11. Refuse Disposal 12. Toilet Facilities. I3. Hand-washing facilities 14. Eqnipment 15. ConstructioD 17. Sterilization 21. Wholcsomeness o~ ~ood and drink 22. Storage, Display 2~. Personnel, Cleanliness '4. Comlmulicable disease co.trol !5. Labeling !6. Adulteration 17. Misbranding 28. Premises Clean " .~'~'~-"~,,"~'[ eviewed this inspection with me _ :~',( .,' ,, GREA'f£R ANCHORAGE HEALTH DISTRICT : -~.c]~oih ~:'o, l'~! .'~.~k~ feel f~e to co;ttac'b