HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAMPERT #4 Block 3 Lot s11, 12 & 13 ovember 1957 Federal Housing Administration Po~t Office Box 723 ^nchorag% ^!uska Gentle~n: Enclosed please find ~I~A Forms 2~o17 ond 9918 for the shove ~entioned property. The water supply and sewage disposal systems meet with the minimum requirements of the Al~ska Depart~.ent of Health and with proper m~intenenee~ can be expected to function In a satls- factory msnner and not cre~-~te an ins~nita~.7 condition, This installstion is approved by the DeDart~ent, If we rosy be of further assistsnce regardinE thi~ p~erty please feel free to contact us. Very truly your~ Amos J, Altsr~ Chief Sec, of Sanitation and Engineering FOB:ip Enc].: ~ Fonne ZglTami22t8 An~loral~eEegional Office Mr. ~os J. Alter, Chief November 1957 SE FHA ffo~:~; 2217 & 2218 240! Jtmem,, Lots 11~ ].2, & 13 Blk. 3 of Lamper, t S~bd. No. ~ Se~ta! NO. 60-005113 E~c losed plea:~e find subject ~MA fo~s 2:~17 ~ 2218. The water and sewage ~acil~ie~ fo~' thi~ property mee. t requirements of the Alas~ 9epartmon~ oi Health. Tile water $~ple collected October 28~ 1957 wao aa~tsfactory. %t is rec~ended ~ha~ Ch~s p~oporgy ~ approved. WVP :pw FHA Form No, 2218 (Revised June 1951) [] New installation. [] Existing installatiom FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF INSPECTION INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL SYSTEM To Fie Headed in by FHA Office Btldget Burcatl No. 63--R297,4. (Serial number) (Insuring office) (Moztsagee) (Mortgagor or silencer) Property address ....... Total number: Living units ....... ~ ...... Bedrooms __..3. ......... Ba~hs ...... ~ ....... Basement: [] Yes [] No. Water supply by: [] Public system. [] Community system. [] Individual systmn on site. Part I-a.--FOR USE OF INSPECTING OFFICIAL (Fill in below information applicable to subject installation) INSTaUCTIONS: If new ins~alla~ion, inspect for compliance with approved exhibits and record any observed information no~ ~hown on, or which varies from, the approved exhibits. If existing i~tat~tion, 2urnish as much of the information as may be available. PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of ~ Septic ~ank. ~ Cesspool. Septic Tank: ~t~ (~ ·_~., ~, ~, Distance fi'om well, --t--l--- ~eet. Material ...... .,?,Sz_Z%_~;X_:~.J..:~ .................... Number of compartments ..... Total liquid capacity, ............. ~2.~.~. ............... gallons. Capacity inlet compartment, ............. L.~ ...................gallons. Inside length, ...... :~_ .....feet. Inside width, ........ ~ .... feet. Liquid depth, ...... ~ ...... feet. Cesspool: Distance groin: Well, ............... feeS; foundation, ............... gee~; neares~ lot line a~ [] front, .~ side, ~ rear, ............... feet. Inside diameter, .......... fee~. Depth, .......... gee~. Liquid eapaei~y~ ............ gallons. Lining material ......................... SECONDARY TREATMENT consists of ~ Dish,bunion box and ~ Tile disposal field. '~ Seepage ri~. Other ........................... Tile Disposal Field: Distance from: Well, ............ feeS; foundation, ............. feet; nearesb lot line ag ~ gron~, ~ side, ~ rear, ............... feeS. Total length of ~ile lines, ..................... gee~. Number of lines, ..................... Distance between lines, ................... feet. Total effee~ive absorption area in bottom of trenches, ........................... square feet. Trench width, ..................... inches. Length of each line, ....................................... feet. Depth, top og tile go finish grade, ....................................... inches. Type o~ filter ma~eriah D Gravel. ~ Broken stone. D Cinders. Other ........................................................................ Depth of filter material beneath tile, ........................ inches. Depth of filler ma~erial over tile, .............................. inches. Number of pits _.L._ Outqi~e diameter, _~..~.._.--feet. Depth .... z~ ..... feet. Lining nmterial ..... ~.~Lg ........................ Distance ~rom: Well ...... ~..f.._. ~ee~; ~oundatmn ..... (~_~n., fee~ nearest lot line ~t ~ front, ~ side, ~ rear ..... ~eet. If Existing Installation, give all ~he ~ollowfng ~d~onal information ~ilable: Distance to nearest: Fublf~ sewer ......... L~[L_. ~ee~. Community system ...... J~L .... ~eet. Approximate direction o~ surface drainage o~ lot, .~Zd&ZLff__._~....d_ V~ Approximate slope, .... ~.~.~ ..... ~eet per 100 ~eet. Soil is: ~ Loam. ~ S~ndy loam. ~ Cl~y. :~ Sandy cl~y. ~Coarse smtd or g~'avel. ~ Hardpan. ~ Rock. Other ..................... Number o~ bathrooms ..... ~=~._ Is there ~ basement? ~ Yem ~ No. Basemen~ drains to .__',J~_~..~.~LI~ ........................... Fixtures in basement: .~ L~undry ~r~y. ~ Toilet. ~ B~thtub. ~ Shower. :~ Noue. ~: Floor drain. ~ Sump pmnp. L~undry waste disposah Direc~ to ~ Seepage pit. Other .~.~,~,..~_~ ..... Through sump pit to: ~ Septic ~mtk. ~ Seepage pits. Is footiug drain provided? ~ Yes. ;~ ~o, Drains to: ~ Sm'face. ~ Dry well. ~ Sump fn basement. Other ..................... Do~spouts'm' areaway drMn to: ~ Surface dfsclmrge. ~ Dry well. Other ................................................................... Depth o~ house sewer below finish grade at round,finn, _,.~._:...._ feet. Inspection made by: ~ State. [] ~uu~y. ~Local Health Authority. ~f // / ," .. . , . . Date (Title) Part I-b.--See reverse side Part IL--FOR USE OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL REVIEWING REPORT Based on the information reported hereon and other available information, it is the opinion of the ,[ii State .[!; .County [] Local Department of Health that this system with proper maintenance: [~ can be expected to function satisfactorily, and is [] cannot be expected to function satisfactorily. not likely to create an insanitary condition. (Title) Part III.--FOR USE OF FIIA OFFICE To THE CHIEF UNDERWaITER: ' I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, aRd recommend that tho individual sewage~disposal ~ystcm be considered [] acceptable [] not acceptable. Remarks Date ....................................,19 ..... ~18~Individual Sewage-Disposal System (Signed) ............................................................................ [] Chief A~'ehi~eet. [] Deputy/o~, Chief A~.ehi~ee~. Report of Inspection FHA Forin No. 2217 (Revised Dec. 1948) · ~] .New installation. [] Existing installation. FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRAIION REPORT OF INSPECTION INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM To Be Heo&d in ~y FHA Office Form opproved, B~udget Bureau No. 63-R296,4. (Serial number) .. 2~()]_ ,I~ln~att~ f,o~; !].~ .I.~ :~. 13, ~..~k. 3~ o~ ..... ~.~o, ~ .,~/~.o.. ~ ~Io. Property aaaress ........................... : ............................................................................................................................... ......................" U"-~a~y) ' ......................................................... ~;a;i;~;': y~ .................................... ' ...... ~1 ..00,~ ....... i~ ............................ To~l number: Li~ng uni~ 1 Bedroo~ 3 Baths l~ Basement: ~ Yes ~ No. .................................... Sewage disposal by: ~ Public Sewer. ~ Community System. ~ Individual system on site. Par~ I-a.--FOR USE OF INSPECTING .OFFICIAL (Fill in below information applicable to subject installatiou) INSTRUCTIONS: If ?~ew installation, inspect for compliance with approved exhibits and record any observed infm~nation not shown on, or which varies from, the approved exhibits. ~f e{isting installation, furnish as' much of the information as. may be available. Distance to nearest public Wa~er main, ...... __2~_'~[. f~.et. ' Size o~ main, L..~:[_::,.. inches. Individual wells ~are ~ are ~ot customary in neighborhood. Give most recent record ~f failure o~ ~ells in immediate vicinity to furnish'adgquate supply of water .... '. ..................................... Propertms m nmghborhood ~are ~ are not bmng develoPed"with both individual water-supply and sewage-disposal sys~ms. Lot size: _._~.~A?. ..... feet wide ..... ~.~.{~ ...... feet deep· Dwelling set back from front pkoperty line ...... ~_..~ ...... feet. Individual water supply from: ~Drilled well. ~ Driven'welL ~ Dug well,' ~ Bore~well. Distance of well from: ~,~ ~ : ' . Building foundation, _ ............ ~ .............. feet; ~eagest lot line at ~front, ~ mdc, ~ rear, ........... .~_~f .................. fee~, ~,,~ i~o~ ~w,r, ~ :~ f~t~ til~ ~w,r ...... ~_~____. f,~; ~,rti~ t~ .... f~--7 ........~,,t; di,ro~ ~a ...... [ ........... f,~; Well construction: . ~<: ~ . · Approximate depth te pumping level of Water in well .._~:~__. fee~. Approximate yield, ............ gallons per minute. Exterior space around casing sealed with: ~ Cement grout. ~ Puddled clay. .~Ordinary backfill. Well cover: ~ Concrete.. :~ Wood. ~etal. . Openin~ m~ell cover waterhght~ :~ Yes.. Pump: ~ Shallow well. ~D.ee~ :well. Zenith of drop pipe, :__~_B_~. feet. Pump capacity ..... ~ ....... gallons per minute. Located in: ~Baseme~t. ~ Pump room off basement.: ~ Pgmp house above ground. ~ Pump pit. Pump room properly drmned: ~Yes. '~ No. Pump ~ount~ng waterhght: ~Yes. ~ No. Type of storage: ~Pressure. ~ Graviby. Capacity, ____~2~::gallons. Has bacteriological examination of water been made? ~ Yes. ~ No. If answer is "yes," give da~ ........ v ................... ,19 ....... Quality of ~ater ~is ~ is nOt satisfactory for human consumption. .Installation~doe~ ~. does not comply with approved exhibits, if any. Inspection made by: ~ State. ~ Cdunty. [~Local Health Au'thori~y. ~ ./ ...... .Part I.b,--See reverse side ; Pa~t II.~FOR US~ 0F THE ~EALTH DEPARTMENT oFFIcIAL REVIEWING' REPORT Eased on the in[o~ation reposed hereon and other available infomation, it is the opinion of the ~ State U County ~ Local Department of Health tha~ this system ~ is ~is not satisfactory as a d~mestic water suppl~for the subject properW. Remarks: ............................................................ ........................................................................................................ (Title) To TIt~, CHIEI~ UNrraWa~T~: Par~ III.--FOR USE OF F. H. A. ~)FFICE · , ~.¥. I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that the md~wdual.water~'~ ~upply system be c0nsidered [~ acceptable E] not'acceptable, -. ' ' Date .................................... , 19 ...... 2217--Individual Water-Supply System Report of Inspection