HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAMPERT ESTATES Water & Soils Information MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [] PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME S-5987 Oberg Waiver DATE RECEIVED December 4, 1981 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY December 18, 1981 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF I~ PUBLIC WATER N~..I.,AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA L~/P-UBLIC SEWER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) ANCHORAGE, ALASKA DEPARTmeNT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE O~L~IOLATION Please take notice that the undersigned authorized representative of the Oirector has reason to believe that on or about November 21 , 19 77 ._, at or near Approximate location: Lampert Estates Name: Mary Lou Lampert Address: % General Delivery Eagle River 99577 within the municipality of Anchorage did unlawfully: Fail to turn in water samples required monthly of Lampert Estates. which is a separate violation of S AAC 14.070(b) of the Anchorage Code of Ordinances each and every day such condition exists. !UNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE A copy of this notice has been served upon Name: Mary Lou Lampert At: General.Delivery Eagle River 99577 in the following manner: by personal service by registered mai]. by posting this notice on or about the location described herein when such person cannot be found after diligent effort to do so. ~ If the violatio~or violations referred to herein have not been corrected by November 28, , 19. 7~, legal proceedings may be initiated as provided by law. Dated this 22 day of November , 19 77 · // Na~e ~ Envir~mental Code Officer TJ~I~ re,turn recexpt requested O SENDIiR: Comp ere tern3 1, 2, and %. - I Add your address n the RETURN TO" Apace 1, The following service is requested (check one). [~mw to whom and date delivered ............ 15¢ ~g~a~lw~ to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 35¢ '~m~¢~o whom and date ddiwrcd ............. X~?~'.~;<} whom, date, and address of delNery:gS~ r,J}~'/~h Sewer and Wa:er 2, ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mary Lou Lampert General Delivery E~aqle River, Alaska 99577 3. ART~CLE DESCffi~ION: REG~ST£RED NO. CER?~I£~ NO. ~NSURED NO. I 102409 .. (Always obtain Ilgnlture of mddt~sste or asent) I have received the artlcle described above, ~tGNATIJRE ,~ [] Addressee [] Authorized agent OF DELIVERY POSTMARK 5. ADDRESS (Complet~ only If requested}  6. ~INASLE TO DELIVER SECAUSE: CLERK'S iNITIALS g ANC[fOItAGE, ALASKA DEPARTHIgNT OF II.:,RLIHP~ '~" a ENVIRONHI.]NTAf, PROT[]CTION i~Oq. ICE OF VIOLATION I_eao~. take notice that the under~;.i, gned authorized or about November 21 , 19_7.'~ ..... , at or near Approxima'te'].ocation: Lampert Estates Name: Mary Lou Lampert Address: % General Delivery Eagle River 99577 witthJ, n the municipality of Anchorage d:i_d un]awfully: I a~_]_ to turn ~n water samples required mon[hl~ of Lampert which is a separate violation of ~ ~AC ].4. 070 [_b~ of the Anchorage Code of Ordinances each and every day such condition exists. A copy of this notice has been served upon Name: Mary Lou I,ampert At: General .Delivery Eagle River 995'77 UNICIPALITY OF ANCltO~AGE in the following manner: by personal service by registered mail by posting this notice ou or about the location described hereJ, n when such person cannot be found after diligent effort to do so. If the violation..or violations referred to herein have not. bt~en corrected. . by. ............... Novenlber ~.._.~28 , ].9_7~._, legal proceed0, ngs may be ~nn. tia'Led as provided by law. Dated this 22 day of November '77 Natne Env:i.ronmental Code Officer SEN1 TO POSTMARK OR DATE P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE I1 ~HJ~I~ %-: 3, Sflo('/s to wh,mil an~l ~late delivered : - ~ ~ '% V e vey to addresseeony . 15¢ ltl:gl.I, I [ .> 2 Shows t0 WilOi~l, date and wNore ~le lye eR . 65¢ ~%~ 197! ~f}T rfl~ INTERNATIONAL ~dAIL *c~o: ~o~ Augu~d: 31~ I~77 ~ary l.ou Lan%pert % G(~neral Delivery ~]agle River, Alaska 99577 S'ubJect: L~.~,~pert Estat~:s AccordJ.n~i i've this d~partm~nt's water S~l:]ple monitor list, ~.~e have ~ot as ye'h received a water sa~nI)!e for the above subj~ct ~e].i system for the month of D~oe~lber, 1976 antl tho past sight (8) ~onths. Our records indicate- that you ar.--~ responsible for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject water system, You ~m~st sam}?ly ~onthly or face pos~ible legal action.. If you have not don(_', so as yet, please obtain a wat~r s~apllng bottle fro~,~ the /';tat. e Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as ~×>ssibl. e an~l return the sample to the sa~e ad~!ress for analy~iso if you are no longer in charf{e of the subject water system, please notify US im~{iately to any name ancO/or address changes° If 'thoro al.~e any further questJ.ons~ plerxse contact office a't ~6,I-4720 o3: at th~ abov~ you ~".(3~.; your co--operation in this incerely, Lynn Bringle Principal Environ~'.ental Control Officer return receipt requested · SENDER: Complete items 1, 2, anti 3, Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space on 1. The following service is requested (check one). [] Show to whom and date delivered ............ [] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 35¢ [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered ............. [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of de iver'<85¢ LJB/ljh Sewer and Water 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mary Leu Lampert % General Delivery Eaqle River, Alaska 99577 3, ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: REGISTERED NO. J CERTIFIED NO. J 102274 INSURED NO. (Always obtain algnatuce of addressee or agent) I have received the article described above~, -r.. 4~.~.IGNATURE '~ [] Add?essee.-~ -~[~ 6. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: CL&'S · g}ll~ 'fO .... POSTMARK OR DATE [ m L ' [%< With delivorytosddresseooflly ............ 65¢ [ S~[ :; }' ,}'t[~deliv~r)~t~a~[essee only .......... ~.~¢ Pti Forh] (Soo other side) PROVIDE§-- October 31, 1977 La;~per t Estates % Mary Lou Lampert G~nera! Delivery Eagle Riva. r, Alaska 99577 · ~ub]ect: Lampert Estates Subdivision According to this department's water samL~le monitor list, we have not as yet received a water sar~ple for th~ subject well system for the month of October~ ].977. Our records ' ~" · zn~zca~e that you are responsibl~ for turning thes~ manf[atory samples in for the subject wat(~r system. If you have not done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 East 4tl~ Avenue~ as soon as possibl~ and return the sam~)le to the sa~w~ add~'ess for ~alysis. ~ If you ar~ no longer in charge of the subject water syste~,~ please notify us tr~ediately to any native and/or address changes. If there arc a3~y further questions, please contact thi.~ office at 2~4-4720 or at ~be above Thank you for your co-operation in this matter° ~Incerely~ LB/lib Mr. )~.onald 1., 'Fhiel, 519 h~est ,~)th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 9~SOl "~ ......h~l] Si~ Suhj~ct: Lamg<~rt Estates Subdivision Approva 1 Dear I,ir. Thiel: Ti)~':~ GrEater Anr. i~oragc Area Borough, De~)-~rtment of E(~vironmcntal qu:~li':y is ii} r,.c..Ipt of your for ~,tell slbe a?proval, t.le h;~ve revie~~;eO the pro.. posec~ si be locatio~ and find that it is approve~t for ti~o~e condi~iuns with whict~ this Dnpart~ent coucernc~d. ~!e ~tlld cauttO~ you a~,_t .your cll~rt corde~ ua~(~?~';~Hbs f~',r all radi6 around] ~h~ ~m!l,, sub-- puii~p house, pumF (]al)acities dis~;r~bu'Lion fiysimi~s,., thuse pt~s ?riot to c~ns'tru<:tion of the lilies :~uc~ wu'il house. Should you have aoy ~,u~sttons reqa~dt~() our of this v~(~ll sit(~ approval~ please contact ui)dersigned. Roll Strickl a~ Assist;ant Dtr(~,cto e cc: Err~t e Lampert GREATEfi ANCIIORAGE AREA BOROUGH D,~partmcnt of Environmental Quality iq E M 0 R ^ .N D U M August 3, '1972 TO: FROH: SUBJECF: Chuck Carlson Building Department Rolf Strickland Assistant ~i rector La[q)~,rt Estates Subdivision - Block l, Lets 1 thru 7 ~lock Z, Lots 1 thr, 18 The Planning Cornels.sion has approve,l the subject l,'locks in Lampert Estates Subdivision, The developer will be re-- quired 8o haw) a lau4 use purmit prior to buildinq on these lo.ts. Our Depar~i:~ent has reviewed the location of sewer systems and dwelling loca(;ions. Beck. aisc: oi: itu: vury small lots our Duparl~ment l-~ill have to revim? exact dwellin!.j location to insure ~he pruper locattnn of sm:t(tr sysl:e, ms also. a pattern of who;re Ci)(~ exact location of each dwel'lin9 must be placed, 'Fha exact location of whet'(; ~ach dwelling mus2 h-~ is dream to scale on a sk~t o'f plats in our D~JpartF, enl;. ~lohn Lee. Joe Blair August 17, 1975. SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE Mr. Ronald L. Thiel 519 West 8thAvenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 / WILLIAMA. EGAN, GOVERNOR / 338 DENALISTREEI- MACKA YBUIL DING- ANCHORAGE 99501 AU6 2, 0 1973 flEPI; OF ~NVI6,o~,~NIA~ SUBJECT: Asbuilt Plans Lampert Estates Water System Dear ~. Thiel: We have reviewed the plan sheet covering the subject project and will require that a concrete floor be provided in the well house. Also there is no indication of the height of the well casing above the floor nor is there m~y indication given of the type seal provided for the well. With the understanding that this information will be provided and is found to be acceptable the asbuilt plans for this project are approved for the features with which this department is concerned. Yours truly, Regional Environmental ]2ngineer cc: GAAB-DEQ~ November 17, 1972. Mr. Ronald L. Thiel 519 West 8th Avenue ~?~~ Anchorage, Alaska 99501 $OUTHCENTRA£ R[GIONA£ OFFICE MACKAY BLDG. 338 DENALI STREET ANCHORAG£ 99501 SUBJECT: Lampert Estates Subdivision Water System Dear Mr. Thiel: We have completed our revie~ of the plans for the subject project and have the i following comments: 1) What procedures were used to sterilize the water distribution system? Has the requirement for the extension of the casing ~2" above the grade of well-house been met? It is our understanding that the system is now constructed and in operation. We have as yet received no bacterio- logical or chemical analysis from this system. The bacteriological and chemical analysis for the water should be submitted to this office as soon as possible. If the owner of the system does not chose to do so, please advise him that an enforcement action is anticipated. Yours truly, Regional Environmental Engineer cc: GAAB- DEQ ~' RONALD L. THIEL, P.E, CONSULTING ENGINEER 519 WEST EIGHTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 279.6508 September 12, 1972 Mr. Roll R. Strickland Environmental IIealth Supervisor G^AB 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska liE; L^~,IPERT ESIAIE, SUBDIVISION WATER SYSTEH Dear Roll: The Lampert Estates Subdivision Water System has been developed by a satisfactory well; hence, the owner-developer, Hr. Lampert is continuing with the plans for extending the water system to the 18 lots of block 2. The well log is not available yet but 'the summary information provided mc is as follows: Static water level .................... 1.65 feet Depth of well .......................... 260 feet Depth of Casing ........................ 252 :Feet Screen ................................ 237 to 252 feet Preliminary testing four hours ........ Excess of 200 gal/min. Driller ................................ ?.I & 1~' l)ri].ling A 5 h.p, pump under this specific location is expected to produce 65 gpm and is being recommended for installation. Three phase power is not avaJ. 1- able at the present which would allow the installotion of a 10 or 15 h.p. primp to pnmv the capacity of the well. This entire project is being handled by thc owner, blr. Lampcrt himself as prime contractor, hence, no general specifications are included. Mr. Lampert intends to own the entire system outright. If there are any questions please contact at 279-6508. ' ~'R6nald L. Thiel, P.E. c. Kyle Cherry RONALD L. THIEL, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER 519 WEST EIGHTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ~907) 279-6508 DESIGN CRITERIA FOR LAMPEIQ' ESTATES SUB1). WATER SYSTEb~ No. of lots to he served ................................... 18 lots I)omestic water consumption blax. instantaneous flows for residential areas see "Source Book of Community Water Systems" hy Joseph S. ~aneen S.M, pg 62 18 lots @ 4.0 p, pm per lot ............................. 72 gpm Storage Demand less pumping times 20 rain, duration 72 ~pm - 65 gpm times 20 min. - ..................... 140 gals Hse 525 ~al pressure tank with storage of ......... 131 gals Wster Pressure Range 20 psi to 40 psi Well 30 feet hi~her than lots or 12 psi Friction loss approx. 7 psi at end of line Working range at lots 2.5 psi to 45 psi Line Size Length ........................................... 1188 feet See pg. 67 of Source Book 2-1/2" 1200 feet long Pipe discharge @ 40 psi ........................... 79 gpm Use 2-1/2" as minimum ES'rlHATED COST l~'oll & I'~ell llouse ........................... $1.0,000 Distribution System 1180 Feet @ $6,00 ....... 7,080 Water ServJces 18 @ $200 .................... 3,600 Engineering & Staking ........................ 1,000 $21,680 RONALD L. THIEL, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER July 11, 1972 Roll Stricfiland GAAB 3500 Tndor Road Anchorage, Alaska 519 WEST EIGHTH AVENUE ANCNORAGE. ALASKA 99501 (907) 279.6508 lie: I,AMPERT ESTATES SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Strictland: A request for soils classification and determination of "on site" sewage disposal system locations was recently requested by the developer Mr. Lampcrt. Test holes were dug in each of blocks no. 1 & 2 to depths indicated and in locations which wou].d best represent the existing conditions. The soil class- ifications depict the worst condition of each block. Item "A" represents tile worst of the three holes in block No. 1. The silt content seems to be the only varying aspect of these three holes. Item "B" represents the worst of the two holes without evidence of water whil~item "C" represents the worst of the two holes that exhibited water within 24 hours after the actual excavatioa. Block No. 1 is shown with its required three seepage pit locations per lot, each one spaced three times its side dimension for future construction. The soil classification is 205 s.f. per bedroom which makes the size of each seepage pit for a three bedroom house 19 :Feet long, 19 feet wide, and 8 feet deep. The normal 6 foot depth dimension has been increased to 8 feet in this case to provide adequate spacing. Block No. 2 is shown also with its required "on site" sewage disposal systems. In this bloc]< water was encountered on the lower half; therefore seepage pits are shown for the upper half and drain fields are shown on the lower half. The soil classification is 150 s.f. per bedroom which makes the size of each seepage pit for a three bedroom house 19 feet long, 19 feet wide, and 6 feet deep. The drain fields can vary greatly in configuration but will require the same lineal feet of perforated drain tile of 225 feet. The logical spacing again would be a close approximation of a square. Six drain tiles placed six :Feet on centers for 38 lineal feet will satisfy the requirements of 225 total leng~gh in feet. For sake of depiction the lower 8 lots will be shown with drain ficlds; however, if the water is found to be lower than ten feet on any specific lot a seepage pit could be located in lieu of the drain field. Enclosed please find a copy of the final plat with the general location of the seepage pit and drain fields. If there are any further questions please contact me at 279-6508. Sincerely~ ~0n~ld L. ThEel~ P.E, 5~',-. : ...... ~ GREATER"'ANCHORAGE AREa 8OROUG~h ............ H~A~TH',-DEPAP. T~IEN T ' '...7 CASE /?~ /~ 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Legal Descr~ptxon~ Lot~lock~S~d~v~s~on z~ o~'~tf~' ~:/~ This Po~ R~ports a: Soils Log__~;_ i _ · ?P~C~i~Yioh Test ,.~' .~ Depth " ' , Location Sketch'" Soil Characteristics Waa Ground Water Encounte~ed?__~._/~/.q If Yes~ At Wha~ Depth,t ...... Reading Net Time~ Dgptb To H20' . Proposed Inatall~,o~: Seepage Pit Drain Field Dep%h Of Inlet___..:. ........ 0eP~it Or ,, -- ............ _ .... : ........... :...~. ,~ ..... ~ :~.::...: ..... · ' . . , ' L;'~%"~','C;-' ; -', ........ :-...~? .,:.,.. : - ~ ~'.3(~.-' .. ~ ' ~ ; ' ' ." ' "~l".' ~,' .' ,' '' :3'J?,~'~)'' ~'~.' ' Da~a Cer~ifzed By, . . ..... ,, ..... . .; ........ ,. . Da~e i ~ · :':-*..?~C~-.,. ,, .... : ,, ' ... ....... · · . ........ H~A~TH"~D~PARTMENT ' ,,, CASE ~: ~ , 327 EAGLE STREET '~ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Depth Soil Cha~acterlstioa ,,~ I~a! ¢~r'. f'C,~' " ' "' '/ .~ , ~',~, Reading Date ~a, G~ound Water Encountered?,,, /~/~0 _ ~ ] If Yes, At What Depth ' G~oss ~ime Net Time Location Sketch..' Depth To H20' Net Drop' Proposed Installation:" Seepage Pit Drain Field Dep%h Of Inlet · ' ...... ----- : _ ~ ..... Depth. To Bottom Of Pit Or Trench ............. // t/ ~-~ CmEATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO.UG~ CASE HEALTH DEPARTMENT C EAGLE STREET 3~7 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA· 99501 This Fo~ Reports a: Soils Log .... ~ ' ~ ~ -PercoiFtion Tes~ Feet WaD ~round Wat~' Encouu~:ered?~L Readlng Date Gross Time .Net Time Depth To H20 Net Drop' ~ib~~ ~-"i:f~--l'W.~ ...... ~-~i~,~ ' - ...... - ~- ..... , ..... - P~oposed Instal~'~S~epage P~ Dra'tn Field COMMENTS ~ . ~ ............. ~ ....... ~ ....... ,~.~ , . ,~ .... . RONALD L. THIEL, CONSULTING ENGINEER 519 ;VEST EIGHTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 279.6509 August 2, 1972 Kyle J. Cherry Regional Environmental Engineer Dept. of Environmental Conservation Room 222 MacKay Building 338 Denali Street Anchorage, Alaska Re; LAHPERT ESTATES SUBDIVISION I'IATER WELL SITE APPROVAL Dear Kyle: Please find enclosed a final plat with the proposed well site and its influence circles marked in red. This site is intended to provide water for the entire subdivision and is estimated to produce 80 gpm. After the well has been drilled and tested the water system design will be submitted for yotzr review and approval. If there are any further questions don't hesitate to call the undersigned at 279-6508. Sincerely, Ronald L. Thiel, P.E cc. Roll Strickland September i4, 1972 Ronald L, Thtel ($or)sui ting I~n§l~)eer 519 Ne. sL 8th Avenue Ancl~orage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Lampert Estates Subdivisio~ ~ater System Dear Hr. 'i'hi~l; qua'iity, ts tn receipt of ~ho proilmi.ary engtneerllig pl~llS for tee subj(~cI: project. This project, tn its first phase, Is inC..dud to serve 1G lots in :he first p~ase (Jr the subject; sub~ division. i~rior to fin¢l approval Lo utilize this wat~)r 1. CoI);pl~.te as~buitts on this phase of til~ water system. ~eli. aroul'~d this we!l, not to includ~ tha~, property ti)at is oF~ the easter~ boundary, k~here them 200-foot radius falls outstd~ of the propurty. ~e f~J(~) that ~his 20 foot of radius outside of Hr, Lampert'~ property ts riel n~ce~ary~ in tF~t our pre~ent'. Borougll ordin~ ances require that sewer systems be at lea~t 20 feet away from prop~:rty lit, es. you itav(; any questions re~ardin9 our to, view of the~e pl~.~se COlltact the undersigned. Stncerely~ P, olf SCrlckl~nd kb cc: Kyle ~). (;herry ,6~6000110