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OAAB-HD I GR.&TLR ANCHORAGE AREA BOROU~,H HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL LIQUID CAPACIIY /, O:¢:L'b-C"~ GALLONS. SEEPAGE SYSTEM: SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS [ OUTSIDE DIAMETER LINING MATERIAL (~'~e/k~k~ /~b~'"~_?-'- //~ ,/./~(~ .~ NEAREST LOT LINE '~-C.)I d- ~ OR WIDTH 1 3 LENGTH / '~/ ,DEPTH DISTANCE FROM WELL_ ( ~ O I · --- 'J-- BUILDING FOUNDATION TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) .'7) ~ ~ SQ. FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL NUMBER OF ~q~N ES ABSORPTION AREA DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE FOUNDATION. , NEAREST LOT LINE DI SQ. FI. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE TOTAL LENGTH , OF LINES I~TOTAL EFFECTIVE IN. ABOVE TILE WELL: TYPL~O¢~¥IC'¢h _~."'~('~, DEPTH NEAREST LOT LINE , SEWER LINE_ DISTANCE FROM WATER , BUILDING FOUNDATION SAMPLE SEPTIC SEEPAGE , TANK . SYSTEM , CESSPOOl . NEAREST OTHER , SOURCES DISTANCES: DATE DIAGRAM OF SYST~E~M~,, ~_~ 1 APPROVED__ . GAAB-HD-2 GREATEI' 327 Eagle St. ANCHORAGE AREA ttEALTH DEPARTMENT Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ' I ROUGH 279-2511 Case No. -~'= , ~--' SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT RESIDENCE ADDRESS LOCATION OF INSTALLATION ____,OTHER LEGAl. DESCRIPTION LOT gq L~'~ ~-J ¢~C~ APPI. ICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK_ t,'"' ,SEEPAGE PlI ~ ,DRAIN FIELD T0 SERVE THE F0kk0WING FACILITY ~ ¢~ -S~/~/kl FINANCED THROUGH ~', L ~ TO BE INSTALLED BY~ ~/~CAe PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS 1 /00 ~ t ]~ ~'.¢'t= ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION / BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT THIS IS TO SERVE AS AS DESCRIBED BELOW. · SEPTIC TANK SIZE DISTAhlCI-'S: __., PERMIT TO INSTALL A. SIZE OF UNIT TO BE SERVED DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I certify that I am familiar with the requh-ements of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance with said code. II DATE. APPLICANTS SIGNATURE FROM: DEPARTMENT: INITIATED BY: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH SUBJECT: :'~'~ ~ DATE OF MEMO: "I DATE ANSWER TO: ,DEJ~-R'T'I,~-~.~. ~ I (~--, REQUESTED: RECEIVER: REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION . ~ .:~: :: r- _~ .... ~:- NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION OTHER ~' '~."' (-: " ...?..:::: SIGNATURE o~,,~. %%~e 3round ~urface i~. ~:~ie Avez~e; Lii:tle Campbell Creek f'ou';:~o~ly flowed ~crosr: the land rate o~ LittI~ ~mpb~ll Creek ~a~ :;a~'.~;ur~d ~y personnel of th~ U. ~ologi~ Survey, Water Re~ourcc~ %ivloio~. ~.%casurcn~c:~t~ in ~vo loca~iono, one a f~; yar~a up~t:rc~a from ......... 'Subdivision ~re ~h~.~ graphically cn 'ah~ enclosed Caolo;]i~ ;~action. and elevation da~a for plotting ~a'a~ing. Avai~bl'~ logs of el~ation 175 'fZ, ~nd is umderlain Ly ~l essentially i~pe~iou~ grav'{~tty the ..... =~ Ui~,~,,*,~..,~ water ~abte. ~'. ~ould cauae tko o~reara ware= to .......... ,. ~ ~-~-.' by ti~e Ccp of ~ho underlying ~ ......'"' · ,,,~:~, ,.c~ clay ~ieva~i~n 1~7, cguging Divi~toa of Ianda Poi:ay (;irc l.a 329.?§ t64.91 89058. ~ -Po ~ ] l/4 COR, [. N89o , I 9,60?' $.F ~ N 99° 6' ABBOTT LOOP SCHOOL TRACT LEGEND: t~ GLO MONUMENT '1 BR,A, SS MONUMENT MARKED L.A. SUB. 1482-S 1970 t/2 REBAR SET THIS SURVEY ' 1/16 COR 1/16C0 THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT BOB STEWART NO, .... Pl~af~t fff ..... , VS · ALASKA PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION 71-492 TO: Defendant. SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM JOHN LEE - ~DJ~B~ TUDOR ROAD YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in the Superior Court for the State of Alaska, Third Judicial District, in C___OU___R~_.O~M_E ,_ at ANCIIORAGE Alaska on AUGUST 23 ,,, at 9:30 o'clock a M., and to bring with you the following documents to be used as evidence in this action: 19 72 , All reports and documentary evidence concerning LaZy Acre Sub~ DiViSion and Bob Stewart. A.M. VOKACEK ........ ...... DATED: .......... . Service Fees Travel $ Services $_ , Total $ .... DATED. ~...~.~..~../~.~.Z_ . I hereby retu~ that I se~ed the anne~d subpoena on by delivering a copy thereof to him and by tendering to him the fee for one day's attendance and the mileage prescribed by the Rules. Governing the A~nis~ration of All Courts. SUPEr_OR COURT FOR THE STATE OF THIRD JUDICIAL D~STRICT ~ BQB..STEWART VS. ...ALASKA PUBLIC .SERVICE , ,, D~fendan't ~' CORPORATION lqo. 71-492 SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM TO: CAROL McKECHNIE -'7771 ISLAND DR. YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in the Superior Court for the State of Alaska, Third Judicial District, in cCO~RTROp~_E. __ at ANCHORAGE. , Alaska on AUGUST 23 at 9:30 o'clock a M., and to bringwith you the following documents to be used as evidence in this action: 19 72, A.M.. VOKAC EK -- C 1 . _ --' //~ Deputy" Clerk-- DATED: ~ ~/ //Y~. I hereby return that I served the annexed subpoena on ............ by delivering a copy thereof to him and by tendering to him the fee for one day's attendance and the mileage prescribed by the Rules Governing the Administration of Ail Courts. DATED: .... Service Fees TraVel Services $_ Total $ ....... SUBDIVISION :529.75 LgO' UTILITY 139.89' N89O57.W I/4 COR. $29.67' N 89058' W 10,368 $.F. '. ~! 9~84~t S.F. 1~9.84' 139.84' '~ - · . 9,60'/' S.F. ~1 I I PJg. 84' 07. S.F. , 9~607 $.F. ~i 84' ' I W 9,607' S.F. ~; 9 S.F. PI 139.0:5' I 139.04' N89o 67'W (rBA~( ABBOTT LOOP SCHOOL TRACT LEGEND: I~ GLO MONUMENT BR,A, SS MONUMENT MARKED L A. SUB., 1482-S,1970 1/2'REBAR SET THIS SURVEY ' 1/16 tOE. 1/16CO 659.$4' 7]:-492 Susan Mcliechnie 7771 Island Drive Anchoraqe, Alaska · -,"' 92]. Nest SJ.x'hh Avenue Cour-h Reporters ~ ~:;,, , ........... . ................................................ ?v, Anch. orage .- Alaska ..~ o:} July 28, .... '9 72 ~ at 3:00 P. Jill Fob~u~ry 1!~ 1977 An.chorag~, Alask~ Lazy Aorer~ Sub~:~ivision for the month of February~ August 26, 1977 Robert Stewart g3._50 Pokey Circle Anchoraq~e, Alask~-~ 99502 Subject;: Lazy Acres Subdivision According %o thi~ department's water sample moni'ber list, we have not as yet receiw~d a wa'Eot smt~?ie for the above subj~(:t well system for 'th~ month of February, Nay, A%191.1 St ,, 1977. Our records indicate tha't you ara responsi.ble for turnimJ %]lose mandatory sg~ples in for the subject water system. If you have not do_no so as yet, please obta]3~ a 'wa'txer samj21in~3 bet.glo fro)n the ~q~.a'te Lab, 527 East 4th Avenll. e~ as soon as possible *:uxd r<~.turn the sample to the same ad.6~ress for ~malysis. if you ar(.~ no longer in charge of the subject, water systont, please not:ify un i%!lnle([iately to any na'?.lo ant. I/or address changes. If there are any fu~:l:her questions~ pleasr~ contact thi:B office at 279-2511, extension 224, el? at tile above adrtress. ?.hank you for your co-operation in this matter° ]'~ynn Bringle Pr~nc.M?a-.- ~:nvironraonta! Control Officer 0N DATE return receipt requested · SENDI~R: Complete ite,m.~ 1, 2., a.n~d %:'-ETUIt~ TO" space on 1. 'The following service is requested (check one). ~ Show to whom a~d date delivered ............ ~ 8how to whom, date, & address of deliver.. ~ RESTRICTED DELIVERY, Show to whom and date delivered ............. ~ RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom, date, and address of deliver~-85~ LJB/ljh Sewer and wa~er 2. 'ARTIO~AODRESSED TO: Rober~ Stewar*t 8360 Pokey Circle ~chorage, alaska 99502 3. ARTICLE DESCRIPTION: ~ REG STERED NO. I CERTIFIED NO. ~ NSURED NO, i [102271 I , , (AlWays ~,"~--'" '--_ .._,._ I have received the ~ SIGNATURE ~v~T~ ~d agent ~'~[ OF D[LIV~RY ~ ~S?MARK ] , Municipa itYof Anchorage POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279-2511 GEORG£ ~ SULLIVA~ MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (825 "L" Street) August 26, 1977 Robert Stewart 8360 Pokey Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Lazy Acres Subdivision According to this department's water sample moniter list, we have not as yet received a water sample for the above subject well system for the month of February, May, and August, 1977. Our records indicate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject water system. If you have not done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as possible and return the sample to the same address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the subject water system, please notify us immediately to any name and/or address changes. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 279-2511, extension 224, or at the above address. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Sincerely, Principal Environmental Control Officer LB/ljh ~kon Redbird ~ Associates Const,q ting Em)tneers 6qO ~.~est 3~th Avenue Anchorage~ Alaska 9950~ ~ear ~-Ir, Redbir~: R ........; Lazy Acres Se~dpubl tc !.4el 1. This concerns your letter of I Segte~ber 1970., am! ti~e sketch titled "Lazy Acres Subdivision, P~(v)~ed Welt Site~, '>~: '~ was not stgn~d but since I h;~d spoken to you regar~',Hng its absence (it ~as to have been an enclosure of yo(m I Sept~qbor ltl7r) letter), we have no question but that it is 'Ktok~ you and that you will tai<e responsibility fmr its accur~cg. )¢efm'enc.e iS also ~ade to our letter of 14 July I970 and w(~. call attention once mor¢~ to the J~ydrocels, These ~u~t not be con- stdered as more th~n w?)tv s~)all storago'~(nits and ~11 concerned) shmdd be a~are that thl~ system without a storaqe tank will activate the pump ~t more frequent i~)terval~ t?mn is usually requl red, With a satisfactory cbc?Meal am! bactcrfM m~alysl~-~ of this water, the plans ~nd specifications for this project are approv~,d for those features vdth which this Departme~)t ls concernet(, cc ~T*. S't. ricklami ~,,~vis. ion of [nvfrom~mt~l Health June l~, a360 Po~tey Circle 9%02 Lut, s 4,. 6, 13, 14, lb - 'Dm.~e systems must bo uncown?ed so that can ~e~ 't;h(~ cast 5'con guing into ~nd out (~¢ l:he '.~pt~c tank~ of the ,,va~er table. Also a final prior to bafkO, ll. Lots $ and II - IJncov~r ~nou~h piposso that wo can ~m~. if ca;;e iron t~blo. ~f high w,tor n~o~si~ate~, a (!rat. n ft6kd ox' lm],tJn9 tank prto~ %o backfill. Lot 12 - Install 96' of 3' ~tde drainfiold one foot abovo water table. ?Inal tn~p,ction prior to back£ill. Sincerely, John R. I,ee, R.$. ky DATE: ,JLI])(~ 18, 1970 GREA.ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO~, U, GH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P.O. BOX968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FROM: Rolf Eiwi,ronll~ntal tiealth Supezwisor RJl. Britt, Sanitary Engineer Environn~ntal [teal. th ~ Jm]em~ SUBJECT: Lazy Acres S~division, Water In~rove~nts 1970 (Wa. ken lte~drd l} ~ssociates) Trm~smitted herewith is a revised set of the engineers pl. ans and spoci:~ications £or tho subject project. RRS: ni USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR REPLY D[IW-EII-? AI,ASKA ItI~PAIUI'51ENT OF III,L&I,TII ANI) DIVISION OF I'UIiI,IC IlEAl,TI[ AI'PI,ICATION FOR API'I~OVAI, OF PLANS Alaska Departntcnt of Health and Wcl[arc Branch of Envlro)nncntal Health Pouch H Juneau, Alaska 99801 An.c~)or¢.ge.,. A.~agsk~. 99503 City ZiJ) Code Mailing Address L.?.F© ........ Applicatioa Date 272~9~22 Busiacss Telephone No. · LAZY ACRES SUBDIVISION, Water RE: ................................ · ...................................... : (Hame of project for which approval of plans Is requested) In accordance with Alaska Statates, Title 18, "tIealth and Safety", Chapter 05, Sec., (11), (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgated thereunder, we, W~On Redbiz'd amd Associates (Name of Applicant) - herewith sobmit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans and speci- fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectural Itep0rt) including necessary data required for full understand- lng of SANITARY FEATURES of design, (Give complete but brief description o£ project) .e_ .............. These plans we're prepared by Wakol~ Redbird and Associates 640 West 36th Avenue; a ~d by or under the directi()n of the following Engineer(s) or (Address) Architect(s) duly licensed to praciice In Alaska: .... ~¢2x.~./~,...~e cthj, r ~! ..... :..:: ........ '·....: ........... .~ ~,..vi.~ ............................................ !5.~.Y_._..E .......................... (NAME) (TYPE OP LICENSE (Civil, Mechanical, etc.) Certificate of Registration No. This proje.ct is to bc financed in thc followiag )harmer: (List sources of fuads and amounts). Sources of funds: Antounts: Total estimated cost of this project is $ .~.r0©O..CI0 ............................... These plans are being submitlvd to you at least one month prior to the contemplated (late of advertising for bids ' .....¢~, ~.~z... ~..97.Q .................. (Date bld~ will be caUed) We understand that construction shall not be started until your final approval of these plans has been received; that ~o revisions in tile plans affecting thc SANI'I'ARY F'EA'FUIIES of the project may be made snbscquent to receipt of yotlr final approval unless; such I'CViS~(}~IS b(' submitted illld approved; that construction will be carried out In accordance with thc approved plans; and that unless eonslructiou on this project ts started within a two-year period snbsequent to your approval, such approval will bccmne void. 5cry truly yours, . ~ .~ // '.':' , , .:'., ' / (Offlclal Tide) .. ~;TI( ~x:2.z.( ........................................ Division of Environmental Health KEIItl tt. hlILU.~, 60W. i?NOR July 14, 1970 JUL 17 Mr. ~akon Redbird O~a~ANc, c~,,.~ Wakon Redbird & Associates 660 West 36th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Redbird: Re: GAAB - Lazy Acres Subdivision, Semipublic Well. Reference is made to our letter of 15 May 1970 concerning this project as originally proposed and in which we stated that because of the num- ber of consumers involved, the subject well was considered "public" rather then "semipublic". By memorandum of 18 June 1970, Mr. Rolf Strick- land (GAAB Health Department)'Forwarded specifications and plans for a somewhat reduced wateW system which fell within our definition of semi-public. Since then (30 June 1970 to be exact) this Division has changed the designation of consumer and it now refers to buildings rath- er than literally, consumers. As a result I called you on 7 July 1970 and stated that I had lost the original sketch plan and that as a con- sequence of our changed definition the original plan might now look ~atisfactory. By letter of 7 July 1970 you forwarded to us a new set of specifica- tions which included sketch-plans of the well and layout of the well house. You stated that you would like consideration of the entire water line to include that portion now marked not in contract (NIC). Also, you stated that reinforced concrete sewer pipe has previously been considered as the equivalent o'F cast iron pipe, where it crossed water lines. We now have: Plans and specifications received on 24 June 1970, via Mr. Strickland. The specifications do not include the well but are adequate 'For the water line. The plans do not show details of the well but are adequate for the water line with the ex- ~ii.~=.ce~i-o~ of the 1 1/2" copper feeder, well to main 6" line. It is~ufficient for 6 homes, must"be enlarged to at least 2" for ~t~e larger number. ' 2 uu~y 14, ig/d b) Specifications received on g July 1970 which cover the well, do not include the water system, but do have sketch-plans 'For the well and Hydrocels. While we do not agree that reinforced concrete pipe in the vicinity of a well is the equivalent of cast iron pipe with caulked leaded joints it is not a 'Factor in this case due to the 80' distance of the sewer line from the wel 1. <~_-:~.ssume that 'Chis subdivision will be serviced by 'the 24" sewer on 84th Avenue and require that sewer lines falling within 80' of the well be of cast iron with lead joints. We need verification of this since if on-lot waste disposal is intended we have a question of dis- tances, well to concentrated contamination areas. In re~g rd to the use of ~ ~. y 1 , while c~,~y will lndeea srnoo~h out .p,ressu~e~ r!uctua~ons, tne~r capacl'cy ~s so l~m~te~ as to volume 'Chat 'cne .pu, r~p}.w!ll be cycling at.a very active rate. Was 'Chis taken into cons~ag~.a'cion? We recommen~ a hydro-pressure tank as a better soi- L&st, disinfection of the well in addition to the potable water sys- tem will be necessary in about the same amounts as the potable water sys rem. We look forward to hearing from you regarding 'this. Sincerely yours, RHB:bj cc: R. Strickland R. Stewart Richard'H. Britt, Sanitary Engineer Division of Environmental Health This refers to the spe¢Iflc~tio~)s (includi~tg sketch,.,~.~lm~) of this ~J~ct~ ~e~t on 7 ~:~Y 1970. It appears from the sketch.~ptal) that this ~,mll uill ~f~rvice so~-~e et.!,~h~een to be accept~hle~ cc: ~. Strtckla~d ~f. Redbir6 ~)ivision of E'(~viror~ment~l ~'~at th DATE: ~'~ay 7~ 1970 GRL ,ER ANCHORAGE AREA ._,UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT $27 EAGLE STREET · P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99§01 FROM: Rolf Environ~nel~tal Health StTpervisor TO: It.It. Britt~ Saitary ~ngi~er [!nvirm~ental Ileal.th ~ SUBJECT: l,azy O'lakon Xe~ird ~ Assoc.) Tz'fmsmittcd herewith for yoa'r review and con~e, nts are on.o set of plans and a,,'-sociated ~bcm~nts £or 1:he s~ject project, Your app_roval is reco~nded. RIll;: rn ®, · · · ~ · · · · · · USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR REPLY · · · · · · · · · · DHW-EH-7 M-(.%~7) Al, .xA DEI'ARTMENT OF tlEALTI[ AND ..,FARE DIVISION OF PUBI,IC tll';Al;l'tl APPLICATION FOE APPROVAL OF PLANS Alaska Department of Health and Welfare Branch of Environmental tlcalth Pouch ti Juneau, Alaska 99801 A~c ho.v. ag~] ....... 1'-...99 ~0~ ...... City Zip Code ......... fil~0..W~s.t..36.th ................ Mailing Address ........... 2...~ay....~97P ............... Application Date ......... ~72,~-9~22 .............................. Business Telephone No. (Name of prelect for which appro~-al of plans la requested) In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safety", Chapter 05, Sec. 18.05.040, (IlL (12), and rules and reg- ulations promulgated thereunder, we~ (Name of Applicant) herewith submit for your review add approval, with respect ~o SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed project dcscrihed below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans. Detailed plans and speci- fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectural Report) including nccessa~.'y data required for full understand- ing of SANITARY FEATURES of design. IGive complete but brief description of project) These Plans we're prepared by ...... '~/alkon...Ro.ahl~d...ancl_..~s~.ocl.atoa ...................................................... ~ ............... (Nam~ of Designing Engineer-, Architect or Firm) _...6/~0..:~/hs.~....36.th ...................................................................... and by or under the direction of the fo]lowing Engineer(s) or (Address) Architect(s) duly licensed to prac(ice in Alaska: (NAME) (TYPE OF LICENSE (Civil. MechanlcM, etc.) Certificate of Registration No. This project is to be financed in the following n;aaner: (List sources of fand~ nnd amounts). Sources of lands: Amouut~:: $..3.,£~0.~00 ...... Total estimated cost of this project Is $ ....~.~.~O..O0- ................................... These plans are being sobmltted to you at least one month prior to th~ contemplated date of advertising for bids .... k... une...iLg_.7 0 .................... i (Date bids will be called) We understand that construction shall not be started until your final approval of these plans has been received; that no revisions in the plans affecting thc SANITAt!.Y FEATUi~,ES of-the project may be ~nade subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions be sub,nit(ed and approved; that construction will be carried out In accordance with the approved plans; and that nnlcs:; construction on this project ts started within a two-year period subsequent to your approval, such approval will hecome retd. Very trnly yours, (App]lcantl .~/akou...._.RedhJ.~d...and_..A,qso.c.iai;.o.s ....................... ,Signed, ................................. (Om lal 'rit,e 1. ......................................................................... LAKE_OTIS .626.75' :',:9 524,~0' N O~'O?'O0"W CIRCLE : NADINE STREET W N O°08'W 1319.32' z .i:;. /~, N 0° 06' W [320.04' )TIS PKW% /