HomeMy WebLinkAboutLEVAR LT 7L7 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME MAILING ADDRESS P. HONE I~NEW ---- 3,~. ? *'Z~ 0~" '~ UPGRADE LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION ~FF '~t)',$~z~ Li( Well ~1 C iT Foundation .~:~ , DISTANCE TO: ,.~ ,~' No. of lines Top of tile to finish grade Length Depth Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Well Building DISTANCE TO: Class Depth Driller DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line OTHER PIP~E MATERIALS q ,t t/~s'r t SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER REMARKS Materia] Nearest lot ,~[~ ~'.~ inches effective absorptio Nearest lot line NO. OF BEDROOMS ,,~ P ER M I,T~ NO. I /'/aNtZ~ bw~ ~ 77-E_ No, of compa~ents Liquid depth AC//A PERMIT NO, Liquid capacity in gallons )/.,v/?//T6AJ Distance bet~/~es ; to lot line 5E ,oW '~ APPROVED 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) ,vr~ Z'h~3 oF DATE LEGAL 56P'T7 c c t~6 lC.O~Re'b .CE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department f Health and Environmenta~ Protection 825 ~ Street, Anchorage, AK. 9501 264-4720 * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * Permit ~ WELL AND/OR ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT Applicant: /~./~,~r~,~/'~ /~/~ ~3.~/~f~ Mailing Address :~.3, Location: Phone Number: Lega'l Description: /~-'~ /~"~//~ .~/~ Lot Size: Type-of Soil Absorption System Is: Trench: Drainfield: Seepage Bed: Holding Tank: Maximum Number of Bedrooms: ~ Soil Rating(sq.ft/br) DEPTH The Required Size of the Soil Absorption System Is: LENGTH /7'~:~-/ GRAVEL DEPTH ~/ ' WIDTH The length dimension is the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfieldo The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). * * REQUIRED SEPTIC(HOLDING) TANK SIZE = /Lf)~'~']~-~ GALLONS * * Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of residences that the well will serve. * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED * * * Backfilling of any system without final inspection and approval by this department will be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion. Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams are available to insure proper installation. * * * PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 1 9 8 m * * * I certify that: (1) I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. (2) I will install the system in accordance with codes. (3) I understand that the on-site sewer system may require enlargement if the residence is remodeled to include more tha~3 bedrooms. S igne~: ~~ ~-~,_~ Issued bY~]~/J ~]~/~¢~.c~, ~ ~ yplicant · Date: /~ '~ / ~'-'-~'~' % SWP/024(1/81) & ENGINEERS, INC. 7125 OLD SEWARO HIGHWAY AHCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 349.6561 I'ERFOmEO FO.: L...F__<_:j T ~ 2 3 7 SOIL LOG SOIL LOG PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST BEDROOMS SLOPE SITE PLAN O~-I.O' O~GANIC ~lb~ ~OOT5 4- 17-- 18-- 19-- 20-- COMMENTS · . W WAS ROUNDWATE. /VO ENCOUNTERED? .... 0 P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? E Gross Net Depth lo Nel Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE__ TEST RUN BETWEEN (minutes/inch) ~/,o FT DATE: PERFORMED BY: ¢' ~i~-5~.I S~j~ ~ ~ CERTIFIED & ENGINEERS, INC. $ 7125 OLD SEWARD HIGHWAY ' ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 November 7, 1983 Municipality of Anchorage Attn: Mr. Cory Willis Department of Health and Environmental Protection Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK 99502 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAOE [?Egf. OF I;::,.Lill ~: .~ NVIRONM~iq'I'AL P~or~crlON Re: Revisions to Septic System Inspections dr Perc Tests Gentlemen: 1. LeVar Subdivision~ Lot 7: Your letter, of November 1, 1983, refers to our inspection report which states that the septic system was installed to a depth of 11.0', while the permit was for a 10.0' deep installation. The system was installed level on a 2-396 natural slope, which has resulted in the system being installed slightly deeper than allowed at the southern end. No groundwater is present at this site which is located on an isolated hill of glacial origins. The hill is composed of free-draining sandy gravel and is used in part as a gravel pit. We feel that this is a minor discrepency and ask that this system be approved since only a small part of the system is affected and since soil conditions are favorable. 2. Bear Valley Subdivision~ Lot 3~ BJock 3: Your letter of November 1, 1983 refers to our inspection report which shows that the system was installed one foot too deep. Surface gradi, ng was done at this site between the time of the percolation test and the final inspection. The grading resulted in the addition of approximately one foot of fill being placed at 'the location of the system. This information was inadvertantly left off of the inspection report. A revised report is attached. 3. Huffman #1 Subdivision~ Lot 2~ Block 3 The percolation test and inspection report were originally submitted with the wrong subdivision name (Huffman Hills). Revised reports are attached. WASILLA ANCHORAGE SOLDOTNA (907) 376-3770 (907) 349.6561 (907) 262-9534 Municipality of Anchorage Page 2 Rabbit Creek Heights Subdivision~ Lot 1% Block 2: Resubmitted. Should you have any questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 3t~9-6561. Vexry truly yours, David A. Stanley Geotechnical Manager DAS:sc g Attachments dowmnber i, 191~3 7125 ()lj~ i~eward ili(hway ~.,x 99502 Lot 3 BJ_ock 3 Boar Val].cV [Phis dopartm,..,nt is unable to acccp'c thl: aubmitted aa-bull, ts. 'I'he aoil test on Le Var Sub. ~lar; to 14 foot and the Derm;i,t called for a total der~th of 10 feet, however, the as--built shows a total depth of 1.1 feet. Did Chtick:~ backhoe excavate feet belo~ the bottom of the trench to check [:.o):' 9coun,:.lwai;er waa fill add0d? (Phc Bear Valley aoils 'kesk was to .[2 look Crud the i>errai'k called for S ioot, howev~r, the as-built; depth rd~ows tokal depth of 9 .~oot. Ar.~ SOOll ~tf3 l':~l(![;o di~crc~pilr~cios a'rc~ Program ~,lanaqor DTI000950 ~O..'J- I9 el- £Z