HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAKE RIDGE TERRACE General Information at Lots THIEL & ASSOCIATES E"NGINEERS 8~ SURVEYORS 519 WEST EIGHTH AVENUE' ANCHORAGE, AI-ASKA gsE01 (907) 279-6508 November 4, 1972 Roll Strickland Dept. of Environmental Quality GAAB 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska Re: LAKE RIDGE TERRACE SUBD. SEWER FACILITY LAYOUT Dear Roll: After our discussion in your office reference this subdivision last Friday, November 3, 1972, I made another inspection of the proposed subdivision with the owner, Mr. Woodland. .Mr. Woodland has commenced excavation and embankment on the pro- posed lots 6,7~8,& 9 to provide level building sites and to em- bank the area of lot 6. Prior to any embankment lot 6 was entirely unbuildable since the majority of its area was essentially at the water level of the lake. At this date there is approximately 5 foot of embankment over 50% of the lot. By the time this plat is heard Mr. Woodland plans on completing his acti'vities and the entire area of lot 6 will have from 5 to 10 feet of embankment thereby making it ~p~actical for a building site and "on site" waste disposal. The material in the vicinity of test holes 1,2,&3 have been ex- cavated so the information is not applicable. The visible cuts now adjacent to Glenn Highway show material ranging from 150 S.F. to 200 S.F. in classification. The seepage pits for the entire proposed subdivision have been placed to ~epre~ent the typical 175 S.F. to 200 S.F. except for lot 9 which utilizes 150 S.F. classification. Such spacing has necessitated relocation of lot lines on lots 1,2,3,4 & 5. If there are any questions please contact me at 279-6508. Thank you. Sincerely, R'o'n{~l~d L. Thiel, P,E. RONALD L. THIEL. A.P.C. CONSULTINg ENGINEER June 8, 519 WEST EIg TH AVENUE Mr. Robert C. Johnson Box 456 Eagle River, Alaska Re: Lake Ridg~T~e~_~_~_.Su~~ SEWER REPORT Dear Mr. Johnson: Pursuant to your request a cursory engineering report follow~hereinafter to satisfy the requirements of the Planning and Zoning Department of G.A.A.B. A visual inspection of the above referenced subdivision was conducted on June 5, 1971, for purposes of determining soils con- ditions for on-site sewage disposal systems. This subdivision is a portion of a larger subdivision platted prior to the construction of the new Glenn Highway. Eighteen of the proposed twenty-two lots physically border the new Glenn High- way which has exposed a cut bank up to flfty feet in height. This cut bank shows a continuous representation of the soils condition and enables a perfect determination of soils classification. The soils consist of gravel with about 10 percent silt con- tent and shows thin stratas of silt starting at twelve feet in depth. No obvious moisture seepage from the cut banks are visible. No percolation tests were run but through soils classification the material rates 2.5 gal./S.F./Day. An average lot Of this size and nature could expect one house with five persons in the family. Given typical conditions with an on-site water system the expected water consumption and wastes are assumed to be 100 gals. per person or a to~al waste load of 500 gals. for each dwelling. The recommended size of a seepage pit would be 6'x8'x8' Sincerely, RONALD L. THIEL, P.E. RLT:cw Engineering Geology B Mining · Geophysics . Groundwater . Petroleum July 21, 1972 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Anchorage, Alaska Re: Soils and Percolation Qualities of Lots 4, 5 & 6, Lake Ridge Terrace Subdivision in the Eagle River Area Gentlemen: Our firm performed a soils investigation of Lots 5 and 6, Lake Ridge Terrace Subdivision in the Eagle River Area for Mr. James Polyefko. The investigation was performed September 22, 1971. Mr. Polyefko recently informed us that the sewage disposal fa~cilities are actually situated between Lots 4 and 5. This situation has apparently caused a problem in view of Borough requirements for a soil test on the specific site. It is our opinion that the geologic conditions are homogeneous throughout the three lots since the subsurface materials are products of the same phase of glaciation. If this information could be used in place of another soil test it would save Mr. Polyefko the expense and inconvenience of digging up a newly seeded lawn. The soils on his property necessitate a seepage area of 185 square feet per bedroom. HJM:d Respectfully submitted, ALASKA GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS Harold J. Moening ~ Registered Engineering Geologist xc: James Polyefko 2227 SPENARD ROAD = ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 - Telephone: 277-7601 277-7602 GREATER Ai~CHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality NE~ORANOUM November 9, 1972 TO: FRON: SUBJECT: ^lan Sci)ee~) Planning Department Roll Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian Lakeridge Terrace Subdivision Sewer Facility Layout hie have received soils information, which is adequate, and lay- out of on-site sewer systems on the proposed lots for this subdivision. The proposed layout of well and sewer locations on this subdivision is such that we must ask for a final topography mall on t}~is property prior to our approval. It is very likely thaC based on topography, rather than individual wel)s on this property, we will be asking /~he developer to provide a community water system. The reason for this is that it appears that sewer systems will be at a higher elevation than the wells are on this proposed property. bb Plat Status: Final uREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH t04 I~st Northern Lights Bou]evo.rd Anchorage, Alaska 99S03 2387 Date: May 19, 1971 BOROUC~: Engineer Public Works Department Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association CITY OF ANCHORAGE: Fire ~arsha! ~Iunicipal Light ~ Po~er Department Property lianagement Offioer Public l~orks Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer ~'~ater Utility CAB Telecommunications, Inc. ~a~anuska fllectric ~sociation Matanuska T~lephone Association Assistant Superintendent or,ails Re: ~ / Resubdivisi~ / Vacation Description of Property: Portions of Blks. 3, 4, 5 & 7, Lake Ridge Terrace Sub. Lake Ridge Dev. Co. Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Cor~mission for the proposed Resub. & Vac. of subject property. Attach.ed is a copy of the proposed plat. ~ill you please submit your comments in writing, specif~*ing any easements or other requirements that your depart- ment or agency may need. If we do not hear from you by June 4, 1971 , we ~vill assume that you do not ~ish to submit any com~ents. If you ha~e no further use for tho attac~ed print, please return it with your co~nts. Enclosure Planning Department GREATER ANCflORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 S- 234.9 Plat Status: Final Date: April 21, 1971 BOROUGH: Engineer Health Department Public w0r~artment Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names TaxAssessor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association CITY OF ~NCHORAGE: Fire Marshal Municipal Light & Power Department Property ~.~nagement Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility GAB Telecoxumunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric A~sociation Matanuska ?~lephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Malls Re: 7/~ / Resubdivision / M~ Description of Property: Resub: Lots 15 & 16, Lake Ridge Terrace,to be desig. Lots 15-A & i~A Roy W. Gibson & John Carey Nelson Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Co~.mission for the proposed Resubdivision of subject property. Atta*5,.ed is a copy of the proposed plat. ~ill you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your depart- ment or ~gency may need. If we do not hear from you by 5/7/71 do not wish to submit any comments. , we will assume that you If you have no further use for the attac~ed print, please return it with your comments. Enclosure Planning Department APR 197,1 I MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: February 24, 1994 TO: Department of Economic Development and Planning Zoning and Platting FROM: John Smith, P. E., Program Manager, On-site Services Department of Health and Human Services ~,TH- SUBJECT: S-2387A: Lake Ridge Terrace, Lot 4 Block 7A Amended Comments u The original plat had the following note: ?This subdivision at the time of filing is not served by public water and sewer facilities. No on-site water and/sewage disposal facilities may be constructed without prior approval of the Health Department." The additional note referring to Lot 4 "no dwelling unit shall be constructed or placed on this lot" served as aknowledgement that Lot 4 was not developable using on-site water and wastewater systems. The fact that previous on-site wastewater systems have failed on thi~ lot supports the fact that this lot should not have been developed. The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation should not have issued a certificate to operate an on-site wastewater disposal system on the subject lot. It is our understanding that had the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation been aware of the plat note the certificate to operate an on-site system would not have been issued, JS/ljm ~O'd q~lOl M~ICIP~IT¥ MEMOR ~t-lt" brand fax transmittel memo DATE TO: FROM: SUBJECT February l, 1994 Department of Economic Development a~d Planning Zoning and Platting John Smith, P. E., Program Manager, On-site Services Department Of Health and Human Services~%~c6~ Request for Comments on Subdivision(s) The Environmental Services Division, Un-site Services Section, of the Department of Health an Human Services has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: 90-1(S-8664): S-9523A: Hundred Hills Subdivision 91 - Time Extension No objection. Lot 4 Block 7A Lake Ridge Terrace Subdivision No objection. Eaglewood Subdivision #6 and 97 NO objection. S-9§32: Tracts A, B Sand Lake School Site No objection. S-9S33: Lots 1 - 21 Winterchase Subdivision NO objection. Ail proposed lots to be served by public water and sewer. $-9534: south Mountain Meadows Subdivision #2 No objection. All proposed lots to be served by public water and sewer. ~,'"~ . F ' ~' ~ ~'~ T0'd l~0 NING~ ~d3 ~0W 60:9~ ~6GI-SI-8~ £ana RECEIVED FEB 1 1994 Municipality o~ Anchorage Dept. Health & Human Services Jer~ ~eaver Department of Planning and Zoning 235 8th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99519 Re: Lake Ridge Terrace L4 E7A Dear Mr, Weaver: This is a request made on behalf of Robert and Bonnie Krall (former owners) and Geff and Carmen Gardner (new owners) that the following remark he removed from Plat 71-293, filed in the Anchorage Recording District: "No dwelling unit shall he constructed or placed upon this 10~," Enclosed please find: 1) DEC approval of on site well and septic 2) Letter from S & S Engineering 3) $350.00 filing fee 4) As-Built survey Should additional information be needed, please contao= me. Sales Associate JOP: s ar Pojt-ltTM brand fax transmmal memo 10 'd 11411 O1,~ Glenn Nwy. · Eagle River, Alaska °Bus. (907) 694-9125 · FAX (~07~ I~G NIWCI~ Q~d3 ~ON CG:80 , STATE O~ ALASKA ~ ~, DEPAR?MeNT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION · ..v. :7~ CONETRUCTION AND OPERATION CERTIFI~TE PUBLIC WATER ~YSTEM8 3 7/R 3-.1 A. APPROVAl. TO ¢ON~'I"RU{~'r P~&rl~ for the eemw~4##lM~"modifieatlcn of~/ ~. ~ 74 ~n'~ ~..~ ~/~. ~f ¢onatru=ti=n h~ not Ma~(*~ WIt~l~ two yaar~ of the &~ptov(*l '~ta~ ~ =e~flflc.t(* I$ Yel~ an~ haw pinna a~ APPROVED CHANGE ORD~R]~ Approved by Date C. APPROVAL TO OPERATE T~e construotlon of the A~ C~S~ ' public gr~nt~ I~terlm ~ppmwl ~0 Operate f~ ~ d~ye foIlowin~ the completion o~erete. 90'd ( lc~(I NINQU O~d3 t~H 8~:80 DELFT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEIIVATION ANCHORAGE DISTRICT OFFI(~I~' 80(3 E. DIMOND BLVD., 9UlTE 3-470 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 (9O7) 349-7755 December 20, 1995 .~ & $ Engineering 17034 Eagle River Loop, -~te. 204 ~a~}le RIver. AK 99577 RE: LOt 4, BloCk 7A, Lakeridga TerraCe Subdivision ADEC Project Nos, 9421-DW-321-073, 9421-VWV-321-051 Dear Mr, Shafer: This letter is in reference to the m~:erisle receiveO In this office December 17, 1993, requesting final operation approval of the Class 'C' public water system serving the above property. The Department has completed }ts review of the materials submitted which ineluded es-builts of the water and wastewater cllsposal systems, well flow test, and a completecl application for water rights appropriation, Based upon this review It appears that the previous conditions and requirements noted from this Department's construction approval have 13sen satisfactorily scldrsssed. Therefore, in ac*cordance with State Drlnl~Ing Water Ragul~ons (18 AAC []) anti Waatewater Disposal Regulations (18 AAC 72]. operation approval is granted, Atta~--hed is the Construe'riCh sn~l Operation Cm'tlflcete 1or Public Water Systems with the Approval to Operate section complete¢l. This Class 'C' public water source requires monitoring, as noted In the tatter from this office of December 8, 199~, to remain in compliance with 18 AAO 80. When Sampling, please use the following assigned PWSlD Ne. 218336 when relerancing this water system sd that this s) 'rem may be properly credited. Thank yOu for your cooperation with this Department, ff there are any further questions please do not hesitate To cell ML/Cf Enclosures: AS Stated Sincerely, Michael Lu, E.I.T, Environmental Engineering Assr, {I S0'~ lcEB(I NIW(]~ O~d3 ~OW ~.S:80 ROBERT SHAFER, P.E, ROGER BHAFER. P.E. CIVIL ENGINEERS .,T~r. aAAF 15, 19~4 (~o7)694-~979 FAX 994-12tl John I14'11 Eag£~ Riu~r, AK 99511 D~ Mr. P~yl~, upo~ ~ ~t {Lo~ 4-~ l-R)" on Pl~ 71-g95 ~ 11/24111. A r~f~nc~ Zot ~ Nou~be~, 197~. The 6~p~ ~6t~ ~e~ ~ ~ upgraded u~ PEC p~ ~ ~pprov~ ~ Nought% 1995. ~t on ~ prop~y. , P.E. 17034 NORTH EAGLE RIVER LOOP . SUITE 204 .' EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 ~O"d lc~ NIHQ~ ~'~dD UDH &~:80 P66T-gT-BB~ J-a, frT 'ASEUILT-NO CORNERS SET THIS DATE. I HEREB~ CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SURVEYED THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY-' ~O ~AT NO ~E~ ~l~ ~C~ ~ ]NDICA~. IT IS T~ RES~SIBILI~ OF ~E ~TSt ~VENA~S~ OR ~I~ONS ~1~ ~ N~ ~ ~ THE ~ ~I- VISION P~T. U~ NO ~IR~ANOE$ S~ ~ DATA H~ ~ US~ ~ ~N~ION A~ LIN~. £0 'd