HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAKE RIDGE TERRACE BLK 3 LT 11 {j~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE "~~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAl.. PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAl. ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L. Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-47.20 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELl._ INSPECTION REPORT NAME. MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL ~ESCRIPTION _ ~OCAT]ON NO, O~ BEDROOMS ~ DISTANCE TO: We~l ~ ~ Manufacturer ~.~' Mater~ No. of ~c°mpartments ~ ~ Liq, capacity in gallons Inside length Width Liquid depth /¢6 ~ IF HOMEMADE: Well ~ ~ ~D~S~c.~o: / ............. ~-.~,~.~ _ ~RM~TNO. _ ~ ~ '~q~i~ capa~t~_in gallons ~ Well Found Nearest lot line PER: NO, ~_ No. of line~ ~-~'Length of each~¢., li,~ , Total le~g~hcf~ines Trench width~¢ inches Distance ?:~e~n lines ~ ~ ~ Top of tile to finish grade Material beneath tile Total effective absorption area ~ ~_ / 7~ inches ~ . Depth ~ Ty%of crib ~ ~ fec rptio ~ ~ / diamet ~ DI~AN~O: Well Cla~ Depth Driller Distance to lot line PER~IT NO.~ m Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Abs r ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ f OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING~ ~STA~.~ REMARKS : . , ,  ROVED DATE LEGAL LOCF!TIOH RE:~O',,,'E F.T. RELF!KE EF!GLE LEGF;;L. L.T. Z:~. BLK..3: L.F:Ii-(ER]:DGE TEf;.':RFK::E T'?'PE OF :'SC.i:[L. FiB:.:i;©RP]')':C)i',! S'¢%TEH ;[5: TRENCH i"'!F:~i:.:',);HLiH NLIHE!~E:.R Oi':' E~EB, F.':OCq"iS = !:!; L:.;Olt_ RFiT!NEi ,::SQ THE F: E):;:! Ij ): RED S ]1ZE OF "r'HE SO Z L F:iE:GORF"T :[ ON ??;'rEH Z :i:.:..: THE [',EF:'TH OF F! TRENCFI OR F':[T Z S THE D]:STF:ih,IC:E E:ETHEEN 'T'HE SI...tRFF?CE OF: 'THE GROUND F~N[:, THE: DOTTOI',i O!i' THE E',:.:;CF!'v'FFi~):OI'.,i (!l",l FE:ET>. THERE i G NC) SET H:[DTH FOF: -FF:ENE:HES. 'T'HE GRF:Pv'EL. DEPTH I% THE: HZNZHIjH DEPTH OF GRF:I'v'EL BE'THEEN THE OUTFFiM... PIPE FiND THE BOTTOH OF THE EXC:Fi',IRTION ( ZN FEET). PEF:I"! :ii T F:iPF'i '[ '-:: ?.~T HFiS THE r.;~iE":;P("iH':: T El ]:' T '" ........ .............. ~ T :'.., i NF OF.:r'! TF!:[ S i::,EF'RRTHENT [:,UR I NG THE ................ .T.L.,!,~ :[~',!SF'E'"'T'["d'-P~ OF H!',i'¢ .!ELL'S ,-L....Th,...~_B,! TF! TH:IS PROF'EF::T'T' A[.,i[', Il'u-':. NL.iHE:ER '-.-,~:' RE':~ '[ !')F'FJi'" ....... ?:: ]"HFIT ~"'~'"'~ ,'~E .... HE'LL I,.! Z L.L '.::: E[?','h? hiiBiZHL!H DiS"FFiNCE BETI4EEN R HE:M.._ RND F!N.'¢ ON-qBiTE SEHF!C.'iE DISPOSFiL S'¢STEH :IS :LEiE..' FEET FOR Fl PF;:i'VR]'E HEL. L OR &5~:! TO ;~i.:-:~(.-]! FEET FF.':OM R !::'UBL:[C i.,].E:L.L DEPENDING U!::hD?,! "i"HE 'T'¥?E OF: F'UE',!....ZE: !.,.!EL.[ .... i"!ZN.T. HUH E:,.T.:E;'T'F!hlE:E l::'F:Oi"1 F:! PRT',,,'F!"FE iqEL..L T0 R F:'RI',/fiTE SEI.qEF.: i....Z!"4E Z.'.'5 25 F;'EE'I" FIN[':, TO .¢:i CC)HHUN]:T"r' SEHEF;: Li'NE :i:S 75 FEET. HELL L..OGS RRE F:EC!U:[F'%D FIN[:' HUST BE F'.ETU!'--%?',!E£:' ]"O THE DEF'RI:;;:TI"IE:NT H!TH;[N 30 DI:::I?S OF: THE !4ELL E:Oi'"IPL. ET!'ON. ErT'.FiEI:~: REC!Li.'[F:EH,EHTS i',!F!'.? RPF'L?. SF'EC]:FZCF:i"r':[O!'.,iS Ri'-,ID Cr..:~NS'i"i;:UC:T':[ON [:, :[ Ft(!iF:FiHS F:IRE F%'R l LRBL. E TO i NSUF.:E f::'F.'.OF'EF;: ]: i:.,i:i~,TFiL. L,~::!]" ~[ Oi"L ]: CERT):F'?' Th'FIT :;L: :[ FIt',I FFi!',IZL. ZFiR HI:TH THE F~:ECCJ]:REHENTS !:::O.R ON-S]:TE 5EI,.!ERS FIND !.,.!i:'i~LLS F¢S SE'i" F'OR".t-i-4 i3'T' THE HUN :i: C Z F'F!L. ;["!"'.r' EIF RNE:HC)i:;:REiE. 2: I HZL. L. iNSTFIL..L. THE S?STEH ]:N RC:CORDRNCE HZTH THE CO[:,ES. 3: ]: UN[:'ERSTFIHD THru" THE ON'-"SZTE GEHER S'~'S'r'iE!"i h'!R'-/ REQL!:iRE ENLFIRGiEi"IENT iF: THE RES ]: [:'!ENCE ]: c; F'F'i"' "' r',Ft :r, "f'O Z NCL. t..iDE HORE ''~'' J '" ~' .............................................................. ?¢',:'F'i T''''~:~i' '" I i"~'FI'. ::~"1 ~'~:' PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20- ~ SOILS~ LOG DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVI RONMENT/~ILNI?I~,'~GT'I~.~ ~'i© E~'- ,~ PERCOLATION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 d., ,'~ 2 $/982. SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST D'~TE PER FOR~VIED: ' 'Z. Z' ~ ~_ SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time ' Water Drop ~ :z0:oo lO .~7,g , oqs- · '~ ~ J/~}'~ (minutes/inch) ~'-~ FT AND ~ FT CERTIFIED BY: ~'"'"~'~ ~ DATE: PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RECEIVED TONY KNOWLE~ POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, AK 99502 AUG 2 6 1982 A Ol:l'8 OFFICE ATTN: TONY KNOWLES AUGUST 25, 1982 Enclosed is a copy of a memorandum written last year that ~~ led us to believe no more construction would be pursued in .~. a portion of our neighborhood due to chronic water conditions. As mentioned in the memo, we have been trying to get proper drainage and sewage disposal to alleviate the problems incurr~ by-~u~t.ructian--J_n_tb£~..c~rtain area. However, early this year construction was started in the problem area before any action was taken to correct the problem and the situation is now quite serious. .Not only is it quite inconvenient to have water backed into basements - there is also the danger of deep, stagnant pools of water in the vicinity of childrens' play. Also, there have been three septic system failures one of which the municipality had to pay for. We believe the memorandum should not have been written just to appease us temporarily. We understand there were no promises made in writing; however, we were led to believe over the phone that no constraction would be allowed until the water problem was corrected. The situation is serious; we had hoped for serious action to be taken. In closing, let me ask you two questions; first, should the ongoing construction ever cause any water problems is the municipality willing to pay for it and secondly, do believe your environmental division is doing their job it should be done? RAP/vlh cc: Robert L. Rasmussen Enclosure: memo Regards, RbffA. 'Prichard RF EIVED POOCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION June 29, 1982 Ray Pritchard Post Office Box 909 Chugiak, Alaska 99567 Subject: Response to Your Letter of June 22, 1982 Regarding Lot 11 Block 3 Lake Ridge Terrace Subdivision This department issued an on-site sewer and well permit for the subject property. An opinion from the Municipal Legal Department recommends issuance since conclusive proof of impact to other properties from~a dry test hole is not evident. Under Municipal Code 3.60, you have the right of further objection through a hearing process. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz Program Supervisor LNB/ljw enc: Ordinance 3.60 cc: Loren Solee 1140 Tonga Drive Anchorage 99507 POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION June 25, 1982 Loran Solee Subject: Lot 11 Block 3 Lake Ridge Terrace Subdivision This department requests an engineering report that deals with impact of one additional lot development in the location of Lot 11 Block 3 Lake Ridge Terrace Subdivision. The report should have conclusions as to the influence of additional sewage effluent and the possibility of affecting neighboring sewer systems from elevated water table depths. This request is made due to written concerns of neighboring properties and past problems with~high water tables in this area. You have the right to a hearing under Municipal Code 3.60 if you do not agree with this request as a condition of your permit. Sincerely, /~/~ TO WHOM IT MAY CONCEP~: JUNE 22, 1982 On March 18, 1981 a letter was written by Mr. Les BuchhOlz stating that new construction should cease due to the high water table and failing sewer systems, in the Lakeridge Terr. Subdivision. Since then three of the sewers have been corrected with one of the new systems working and the other two partially working. Plus after a fairly dry winter and spring the water table is still high,as you can find standing stagnant water many places and the Water is still running over the road. We feel that even though Lot 11 Blk 3 is not as wet as the lower lots it will cause our problem to worsen. Mr McIariello of CH2MHILL is doing a waste water survey of the area and we feel that all construction should stop until such tune the survey shows adequate drainage in our subd ivi sion. icipMity MEMORANDUM DATE: March, 18, ~1981 3'0: FROM: SU'~JECT: Sewer and [';ater Program Staff Senior Environmental Specialist Lake.Ridge Terrace Subdivision Permits for sewage disposal should not be issued for Lake Ridge Terrace Subdivision; portion northwest of Glenn H}ghway. Area water tables and failing sewer systems will'be aggregativated by additional installations. To date, area residents are trying to form a co-op to install drainage of ground water. Until the project has been completed and found effective, no additional sewer permits should be allowed. Les N. Buchbolz, R.S Senior Environmental Specialist LNB/ljw cc: Rolf R. Strickland, R.S. ~ivision Manager SB~P/81- 2