HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAKESIDE TERRACE Water & Sewer System Information
TO: J-- ~edical Director - C_-N~AB-HD
Dr, Ik~ncen
State of Alaska
Envirormaental Health
Chief Engineer
SUBJECT: 1965 Water & Sewer Development
Projects for:
.(1) Scottish Hills, Terrace on
the Lake, ~_~es~~T~r~r~ac.e (Sewer)
(2) Lake Center (Water & Sewer)
(3) Jewel Lake (~ater)
(4) Pierce - Rappe-Pappago (Water & Sewe
The plans and specifications for the subject pmjects have been reviewed
for compliance with the re~ulations of the State of Alaska, Title 7 of the
Administrative Code. .
The doc--~_nts which have been received are deficient to the extent that
approval by this office must await clarification of a number of items and
receip~ cf additional information.
Zn discharging its duties for the protection of the health of the public,
the Division of Public Health must have reasonable assurance that the construc-
tion of water and ~ewer systems will meet certain minimum standards of materials,
~orkmanship, and design. The manner in which the Central Alaska Utilities Com-
pany has submitted these projects does not permit a ~ound Jud~nent ~o be made
in this respect.
It is, therefore, respectfully requested that the O~ner submit future
projects in collated form if they are to be awarded to private contractors
to build. The material to be submitted in this case should include complete
contract doc,,.~_nts such as:
a. Bid Notice.
b. Instruction to Bidders.
c. ~eneral and Special Conditions.
d. Performance and Payment Bonds.
e. Bid l~oposal and Schedule of Prices.
f. Contract Form.
Standard Specifications in de~ail or by reference.
De,ailed Technical Specifications covering scope, materials,
vorkmanehip, and payment for all items to be furnished and
all ~ork to b~ perfornmd by the contzacto~.
Drawings in such detail as to clearly show the scope, location,
and manner of construction.
ModJ. cal DL~ecJ~or .. GAAB-HI)
Dr. G,mcan
Noveud)er 19,, 196,5
~ld be aCet~d and i~__.-~_- ~_ ChFu ~_ ~bove ~uld not be required, This doee
uot r~4e~e h~u, hoverer, frmn fur~Leh~ns ~leco speeifir~c~na and dr&v~nBo.
There has been a ~ertttn a~ounC o£ Qorreoponde~ce and dis~osion ~
~e ~r ~d ~ro ~c ~ ~bj~C p~J~C, md o~r plus ~d
e~l~er ~aCiou. ~ ~tbne aid ~=~ly in ~r r~, but ~
foll~ i~ m m~C~ ~r ~ ~r's ac~C~n~
A. SpecAfioaC~ - ~e~ere.
Batkfill - no opeeifi~atJ~u for ~p [~ortAou o~
back, ill and trench surfaein8 ~ere the line 40
laid tn streets or cravel~! ways uhtch are not
2. ~pe
ae ~[Ri~roCa
(~) Sbov laCeet A~Of revision - extra atrensCh
pipe ~hould be eoflstdered.
(2) T~pe of joint hoc specified.
Tee~s on pf~e aad Jolute sh~ttd be required
prior to a~oeptan~e and d~rinS eouetruetLon
If larse qudm~t4ae of pipe ara 4nvolved,
See AS~ C~3-63~ end ~ C~25.
b. Asbestos - eenmat
(1) Clans of p:Lpe not opeci£4ed,
c. CaeC xron
(1) Type of icj. ut MC spectf4ed.
d. Corrugated F~tal Pipe and Jo4ntin8 - No opaci£teaC/[ouS,
3, 6a~te~e, ~ea, aad other Pipe Fittings - ncc opeei£ied.
Pipe lns~allation,
a. ~peetficat~ona should include:
~) Handlin~ o£ pipe.
14edit1 Direa~r - aAAB-HD
1~, lXsn~an
November 19, 1965
(2) Replacement of £aul~y miteriats and ~orkmanmhip.
(3) ~air ~ r~l~t of pipe ~
Yluohina ~d ~ of ~le~ed
Consider pl~emeat o£ rubber-aaske~ed Joint in pipe
within 2 feat of u~nhole ~o provide mm~ flexibility
for dif£ermaCial set~l~mmaC.
Granular embednoflt of A-C pipe i£ rook is encountered
(i,e.) larse cobbles, boulders, ledge rook.
5, ~mxtholes -
Jmnhole frame and covers,
6, Oleanma~s -
Consider uu o£ 1/8 bend aC top of pipe for couneoCion
to the tins mad cover to stmpll~ construction ~nd
r~l~v~ ~mar on pipe barrels
Hydr~tm -
o~d dmhil. ~ ~ o~rd ~tdl to t~lu~d,
Testin~ l~peLAnes,
(a) ALlo~able leakage states"...lO0 Ssi per day per inch
of dimmtar,..,, Lens~hof pipe or nuaber of Joints
iS omi. trod.
4, Pier~e Yell -
Note: l~e drm~insm are troll do~ and, in Baneral, in exceileut
Sheet 3/9, File N0.5-102.
GhanSe Qleen-out 59-3~-~ on plan (59-3~-3 on profile)
Sheet ~/9 Line ~. 5-101..
Th~ 8-inch A-~ liue ~oe. not need to chanse to ~ant
Iron tf ~acar line is at !,o~,.t ,3 ,feet a ,b,m.M. th4, ~,--,- ~
leleet 2/~ File 140. $-~8.
8-inch line is shem e~ 0.3~ trade. It ie desirable to
ehanse chis 8rade to 0°4% co oomply vieh ninimm. ~here
app~tr~ co b~ oufflelent drop avatleble.
Sheet 5/6 rile No. 6-55, and
Sh~ot 6/6 File HO. 6-~6.
Sho~ no MCa valvee or hydrants,
~dical infector
Dr. Duncan
November 19~ 196~
Hr. 9tckLuson'e letter of October 20, 1965, to Dr. Duncan indicates
it ~fl! h a holdinS tenk onlyo In this latter event, the above oo~neute
regarding elevation b,l~ ma~mle invert for tim ~.000 Sal t~k ~hould
6. Drop Iianhole.
No drawin~8 provided.
It is hoped the Central Ataeka U~llictea Co=peny will develop c~plete
8tendarde bo~h for contractor ~ork and for force account ~0rk. 1~0 vould
Srea~ly aid r~vi~ end approval by the various as~nciee ~m~orned.
J~e shall a~att additional information before proceeding ~urlfl~r with
the revie~ 0£ these projects.
cc:. HO, SC~O, Anchorase
Dickinson-Oswald & Associates
Central Alaska Utili~iee, Inc.
~ .: .,. ,, .,-
October 20~ 1965 m~o~
Pro David RD Duncan
Anchorage Borough Health District
217 "E" Street
Anchorage~ Alaska
Submission of the following 1965 water and sewer improvement
(1) Scottish Hills~ Terrace on The Lake~ LakesJ~d~ q'_~_~e_
(2) Lake Center (Water and Sewer)
(3) Jewel Lake Road (!2" i'~aterline)
(4) Pierce-Ra~)pe-Pappago (,;~ater and Sewer
Dear Dr~ Duncan:
Attached herewith for your review and approval are two complete
sets of drawings for each of the above mentioned projects° in addi-
tion there are two bound sets of ty0ical specifications for water
a~d sewer ~rojects which are applicable to all of the above mentioned
pz~ojects~ All of these projects are extensions of existing systems
which have been discussed briefly earlier in the season with
Judkins and Mr. Frank Go~,
Item #1 - Scottish Hills, Terrace on the Lake~ Lakeside
Terrace (Sewer)
The sewer system which will serve this area is an exten-
sion of the Sand Lake Trunk as submitted in our Campbell
Creek Sanitary Sewem System-Phase I plans in February of
1965o This extension consists of 6,100 lineal feet of
sewer line varying in diameter from 15" to 8"° The
contribution areas and sewage flow quantities are as
established in the engineer's report ~ Phase I design plans~
On August 13~ 1965 we submitted a preliminary copy
of the master plan for the Campbell Creek Sanitary Sewer
System for Central Alaska Utilities. Lake Center Subdivi-.
sion and Terrace on the Lake and Scottish Hills sewer
systems were included within this master giAn~ Construction
has already started on these systems and it is anticipated
that they will be completed and properly functioning
during this constructiOnoseasono
David R~ Duncan
Anci~orage~ Alaska
October 20~ 1965
Page Two
Item #2A =, Lake Center (Water)
The Lake Center Subdivision Waterline Lxtension will be
tied into the same water source as ~rentwoom Subdivision°
Please refer to [~r~ Go~s letter of duly 6~ ].965 regarding
Brentwood Subdivision.
Lake Center Subdivision anm Brentwoom Subdivision will
presently be tiem into the Shady Birch Yerrace water system
owned and operated by Spenard gtilitles~ tnCo 1'his system
is east of Jewel La~e Road and is presently se~ving Shady
Birch Subdivision and ~'icWilliam~s Subdivision~ ultimately~
these subdivisions will be ties into ~he Dimond Well and
~oodland Lakes Well~
The Lake Center waterline extension consists of 1~200
lineal ~eet which is connectea 'to ti~e main 12" cast iron
water line-transmission line on ,Jewel Lake Roam° (Further
reference will me ma~e to this water line in tire letter°)
Item #2B = Lake Center (Sewer)
This sewer extension will connect to manhole ~14 on the
Sand Lake Co]lector Trunk into the Campbell Creek Sewer
System° The line runs down the alley between the commerciaI
lots fronting on Jewel Lake Road and t~e residential lots
to the west of the alley which are oresent!v beinil develooed
by the owner, T~is system consJsts of 750 lineal feet
sewer line, This extension was also included in the master
plan as submitted in our Augus% 13 letter~
Item #3 ~ Jewel Lake Road (12" Water Line Main)
It is nroposed that a 12" water line will be constructed
along Jewel Lake Road from 86th Avenue north to a point approx.-
imately 1,000 feet south of RaspberrM Road ti~en east throu~h
a pro~osed subdivision for Alaska Real Estate Investment
Company then north wire, in a future 40' wide service road
RoOoWo to Resoberry Road° This main transmission line
will then connect to the Woodland Lakes well and to a
pro~)osed water storage tank in the ~iighland Park area at
approximate grou~ld elevation of 187~ This line (Approximately
6~500 lineal feet) will interconnect four presently separate
and independent systems and will be connected with a net-
work of 10" and 8" lines to the Dimond i-iigh School weil~
This well which was drilled during the summer of
1965 has a caoacity in excess of 600 gallons per minute,
This well will serve as the orimary source for a 500~000
gallon water storage tank to be situated in Highland Park°
Dr~ David R o Duncan
Anchorage, Alaska
october 20, 1965
Page Three
It is also proposed that this system ~,~ill be connected to the
Campbell Lake Heights Water System at sometime in the future~
Please refer to drawing 5~93 whicg shows the connection
between the existing Spenard Utilities, inc, water system
serving Aurora Heights and Shad~ Birch Terrace at 84th
and Jewel Lake Road and the 1965 water line extensions to
Lake Center Subdivision and Brentwood Subdivision° This
660~ length of 12" cast iron pipe was constructed in
September of 1965~ It is anticinated that the 12" line
will be constructed along Jewel Lake Road from 8~nd
Avenue 'to the Woodland Lakes well, weather Dermitting~
Item #4A -~ Pierc~e--~Raop?lP~s.~21]ago (Sewer)
There are 3,300 lineal feet of 8" sewer serving
Pappago Park and RapDe Park Subdivisions between l~orth Rain-
bow Street aha Arctic Boulevard, This system is a.]so
designed to take Bellevue Subdivision and Graham Subdivision
to the east as shown on sheet 1 of 8 drawing #5--)0,
This system will tie into the Arctic--Pierce Collector
trunk at manhole ASl~,7A as shown on ti~e design prints for
Campbell Creek Sanitary Sewer System Phase io It is
proposed that this trunk and connection will be made by
Central Alaska Utilities on or bel:ore [;ay 1, 1966~
As an interim measure two steel tanks have been
constructed at 75th and Rovena Drive and 72nd and North Rain~
bow Street. These steel tanks will be pumped daily by
Central Alaska Utilities pumper an~ discharged into the
Campbell Creek Interceptor° The 10~000 gallon capacity
tank installed at 72nd and ?~orth Rainbow will serve the
Campbell School ~resently under construction presently
scheduled to ooen within a few weeks. The 5,000 gallon
capacity tank installed at 75th and Rovena Drive will be
used as a collection point for approximately 10 or 12
residences to be connected into the system east
Rovena Dr~veo This system was terminated at manhole
ASl~7A~4 located on the east side of Arctic B oslevard
at 75th Avenue~ All of the area (with the excerption
of about 20 acres) located east of Arctic Boulevard
situated topographically so that sewer service can be
extended to this area from a lateral sewer extending
in a northwesterly direction from the proposed Camnball
Creek interceptor to be construct e d under. Phase II~
Item #4b ~ ~7~?ago~Pierce SuDdivisions (Wa~?~
Reference is made to our August 13~ 196'5 letter
submitting the North Rainbow i0" waterline extension from
Arctic Industrial Subdivision to Pierce Snbdiv[.sion
Dro David R~ Duncan
Anchorage~ Alaska
October 2Os, 1965
Page Four
and Mr~ Frank Go~s September 20 rep1Vo The i. 965 wateriina
e×tensions serving Pierce~ Papsago~ Ranee, the Campbell
School~ and Arctlc industrial Subdivision ape interconnected
with water sources available from the Pierce Well and
~he Arctic Industrial Weli~ Both systems are riding
against the head of the elevated water storage tank~ Top
water surface elevation 216o5~ The appro:¢imate finish
floor elevation of the Campbell School is 92~0, T~}erefore~
the static water 'oressure at the Campbell School is
approximately 54 PSIo The water storage tank and the
well on Campbell School are connected with a 10" cast iron
line with the service connection to the school provided
under the Architectu~?al contract for the school°
The pump in Arctic Subdivision is~ PEERLESS TURBINE~
100 horsepower~ caeable of discharging against a 70 PSI
discharge pressure at 800 GPHo
Ail construction of the 10'' water line and the water
line extensions in Rappe~ Pierce and PaDpago is in
conformance with the attached specifications~ which are
very similar to the City of Anchorage specifications as
mentioned in Mr~ Go~s letter of September 20~
A set of prints have been hand carried 'to MPo Bob ~[artin at the
Borough for all. of these above mentioned pPojeets~
Two sets of ~!aus fop each of the above described
pr oj oct s.~ and
Two sets of Typical Specifieatio~s and Detail~ and
~iaska Department of I-lealth application for approval
of plans fop each of the above mentioned impz, ovement
----- 7-~-7.'£,~ AIy?/f.q/V~535C, C