HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAKE SHORE Soils Information FROM: TO: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT:E. nv~.r.o.n~te;t~a.] ....QU.~].3~;y SUBJECT: .. P....tea.s e..- s.ee...-.b-e] INITIATED BY:R01 f....S~r.~.ckland,--R.S-,-~.~.-.-Ass-t-.,-..-.D--i--~ DATE OF MEMO: A-ugus~. -~ ., -~-] -9 7-1- DATE ANSWER D EPARTME NT:~,].~.~ ~.~ ,~ g REQUESTED: RECEIVER: D~ REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE ~:~ ~-'.L.,~ ;~.,~,',',~"~,~.'i ..... ~ PREPARE BACK-UP NFORMATION .'..,,,C~D ,,~,,~,,..~:D,ATE ACTION ~ CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION OTHER S here--Su~ d,i v-i-.s-i-o~--a ~.d---.Fo u~... S.eas.o~s---C ha.1 e~-.$ ubd.i.v i.-s.~-e n., On~ bo~h of. the above s-u bali ¥.Is..ie:n-s ~;--he~ e.ngi.nee~ ha-s-pro¥-i de De par~ment-- wi~.h-~ addi .t--~onal so ~s-a nd u.a~e-rs~-i nf o-~ma-~ion-,~'~'La ke~Sh.o~e ....... S ubdi v~s. ionh ha.ss bee n--show n .t.h at.- ~-~---can be-ade q-u a-~ e-ly- -p-r o v.~ ded on--s{~e sewe ge-d-i-spos~] ~-'~ ~d w a~e r-su pp]y~ Four-.- Seas o n s- ---~ divi s.ion .has bee~--sh own-- -~-o .-be- provided- wi-~h a- -~ommu~-ity Wa~er- S~s~em and on~s i-~e sewage-di sp osa-l-- - sys-t em-~ -I-n-bo~h ~c a s es~ou r--D e par.tm mi~nl~n~um cr i~eria h 8s'--been-s-eti sfted: c c -: ....... H ew-f't t---'V-.---Leu n d sbu ~y--'&"~-A $ s oci-a res GEOLOGIC SOIL INVESTIGATION OF LAKE SHORE SUBDIVISION July, 1971 Report to: Mr. H. M. Newell Prepared by: HEWITT V. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES 723 West 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska INTRODUCTION This report is the result of our field geologic and soil investigation conducted July 28, 1.971, on theproposed Lake Shore Subdivision Site; legal description: Northwest one-quarter, Section 10, Township 12 North, Range 4 West, Seward Meridian. The Lake Shore Subdivision is a'newly proposed resi- dential area being planned without the benefits of public water and sewer utilities. It will therefore be the responsibility of each lot owner to provide for on-site sewage disposal facilities and a potable water supply. The sewage disposal units will consist of conventional septic tanks draining into a-seepa§e pit andt~or drain fi~elds. The water source will be from individually drilled and cased wells. The purpose of this investigation was to define in detail the soils conditions existing at the above mentioned subdivision in order to help us in ~e~erm].nethe 'area requirements for proper sewer seepage in the particular soil found. INVESTIGATION Our'investigation consisted of a review of all available geologic data per- taining to this area followed by three hand test borings which are indicated by the dots on the enclosed plat. A more extensive drilling program was not initiated on this property because of the apparent consistency of the soil strata. L , SUBSURFACE SOILS AND CONDITIONS Specific types and depths of soils and conditions are shown on the enclosed typical cross-section. -The soils were found to consist of basically sandy materials. Under the 1 to 2 inch layer of leaf mulch there is, in two of the test locations, a layer of 0.5 feet to 0.8 feet thick of light brown, silty sand with some roots; test location No. 1 has a 1.4 foot depth of sand before the light brown layer. At the test locations Number 1 and 2, where the disposal systems would be located, there is a layer of undetermined depth of silty sand following the light brown layer. It is in this last layer of silty sand that the septic Systems should be located. No frozen soils were found and no ground water table was encountered. CONCLUSION From the information gathered during our investigation we conclude that the soil conditions are suited for the proposed residential development. On-site sewage disposal systems should consist of septic tanks with seepage pits or drain fields. The seepage area requirements for individual systems based upon a 2 foot cover will be 250 square feet per bedroom. If normal precautions are followed, the lot sizes proposed in the Lake Shore Subdivision~ are more than ample for the type of develppment proposed. Respectfully submitted, · Charles W. Wainwrio~ht, T~hnic~an Q.~o~'en H. LouYFsb~'ry, P.E./ _Date Begun ~ate Completed ~ro]act N~ . ?roject Name Location /' 4ethod Used . field PaTty Sompl?n9 Geologist DESCRIPTION Soil type, color, texture, estimated particle sampler driving nate$~ de~Tn~ circulaM~n Io~t, not~s on drdlln9, ea$e~ bil~ ~ed, Hole Na. Sheet ' '~ of Total Depth . ? M: IDT Ground epth in Ff Dat~ I £ocation Notes £ Diagram; Y/o/er Table Unles_~ oM~rv/ise noted oil somples :re taken v:/I.4'?O Standard Ponetra//on Sornolar driven ~¢/140 lb. hammer 50" dro~. D, e Begun ,. Dote Completed Method Used ' ~' ~ampling LOG OF TEST HOE/lNG Hew/t/ V. Lounsbury ~ Associates Engineers -- Surveyors t~nchorage~ . Alaska Geologist DESCRIPTION Soil type, co/or, texture, est/mated particle size¢ sampler driving no/es, depths c/TculoM~n Iost~ notes on drilling ease, bits used, etc. Hole No. (-' Sheet >7 of ,:7 Total Depth *:] ,/ *~ Ground Wot~r Table Depth in FL T/me Date LocahDn Notes £ D/agrQm: ~,ata Completed . ~,..~/~/ .. Hew/It ~ Lounsbury ~ Assoc/ ~/g N~ Eng/'n~ers -- Surveyors roject No Project Name ' , 'eth~d Used Field'Partx , -~ /' "" ~ ,, ' ' '- ' ~ ~"~ G~ologist ~a/her '~. ~ i'~ .; ~ ' ' "' ~ ' ~ .... Hole No Sheet Total Depth ~-! j.L ID Ground epth !~ Fi ~Tirne Water Table Soil type, co/or; texture, I ' estimated parHcle size, [ ' sampler drlving notes; ~ ? de,~.~s circu/o/ion /os,, notes on drilling eqse~ .... ~-~ ~.'; ~,~.~? ~ ., , ' bits used~ etc. .: _.,'-"'" --_r"" ~ .'' '. '" ' ..... "'~ ". ' ' L:_P.,'' i~ro~,~ Cup r.) Iron Pip~ o Sioal Pin I ~,~reby certify that a survey of Lot ............... ~ ~ Block Subdivision was mad~ on_~_L~_Z.~ ...... and h' 'J (lo r]o[ overlap or uflcroach ot3 Ih~ [)lo[tufty JyJRg adjacent there[o, ti ,', m) improvements on p~o[)erty I,/in(] adjacent thereto encroach on Jif ,s or other visible easemen(s on said prol)erty except as indicated D,:led at Anchorage, Alaska, this ~__(lay of Z-'4~>- E()NSTRUCTING ENGINEERS ~O'UTIMT¥ EASEMENT TO BE AUTO- MATICALL¥ TERMINATED IF EX(STING : PLANT FACILITIES ARE ABANDONED OR TERMINATED. SAND LAKE W.8OTH AVENUE ~g ~,/~ x ,A~L.:ET ~ oo ~~ LE6END EXISTING REBAR NOTE: NOTAEY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PLAT APPROVAL DTIOO0902 CONTAINING 2.665 ACRES MORE OR LESS LAKE SHORE SUBDIVISION LOCATED IN NW I/4,SEC.IO, T 12 N, R 4 W, S 0TI000903 DTI000904 1971- 580 / ~ / /, / ? *NOTES 07'1000905 L OWE~ F ~ ~ F L ^ F._ ~. L NOT,~RY'ff ,qC, KNOWLEDG~MENT 73 -/g DTIO0090? x~h / \ / \ L DTI000g08 iL.. // , p ?/./of &. ,U~,..' & f$