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* -~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ -. D[ RTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SEF, ;ES Environmental Health Division 625 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name DISTANCES ~--'A /~t~ ~c~daW, d~ ~ SEPTIC ABSORPTION A~ TANK FIELD WELL WELL Pho..(~) ~ P~m,~ ~o. N ~edrooms -- ----T/~' ~, ~. / ~ dr~vew~*~BU~LTD~A~"A~(Sh~w~cah~weH~s~ic~m~pr~er~waterb~e~etc., ..... ,oundat Material No. of CompaAments ~ TYPE OF SYSTEM( ~ ~ ~TRE"CH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER ~ Depth to p~pe bottom from Total depth from original grade ~ Gravel length · Gravel width ~0181 8bsorpho~ ~re~ ~ ~ ~J ' Distance between lines Inslalier Date Installed ~JJ ~t WELLS ~ PRIVATE ~ OTHER (Idenlifv) Classd~c~hon (A,B.C) j Total Depth Cased to t4o FI /~ FI InsJa$1el Dale Installed: RE~ARKS: Inspections Pedormed by:' ~oa opa mort ppro~a: ~ato: __ . . MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE , DI_..RTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SER~ /ES Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT /~J,-~,/~*O/ ~ ~ ABSORPTION A~ , TANK FIELD WELL phMe(~) · . Pe,m~t No. ~ ' lNg. of Bedrooms WELL Township, R~n]e, Section AS-BUILT DIAGRAM (Show location o1 welh septic system, property Ones, foundahon, T/z ~ A%~ ~ /,r driveway, water boO ..... tc., TANKS ~ -~~~J~~~ N Manulact rer . TYPE OF SYSTEM ~~ ~TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAI" dOTHER onginalDepth togradePlPe bottom~ / from~ ~ Total /depth ~fr°m original grade Total absorpt,on area D,stance bet .... lines ~ WELLS __ ~ ~ PRIVATE ~ OTHER (Identify) -- ~-:~ '.1-0690 Classdicahon (A,B,C) 7otal Depth / / ~ /~0 FT (~02) 3~5-~3 i InstaHel 08~e InstsJled: ~ Scale: Insgections P ormed by · ' I cedify thai this inspection was pedormed according to all ~unicipal ~nd State guidelines iff effect 0n this date: Health Depadmenl Approval: _ Date: 72-013 (3185) NtunicipalitYof Anchorage P.O. BO.x, 6650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-':4~:~:~x 4744 TONY KNOWLES. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES February 9, 1987 Pyramid Excavating PO Box 110690 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Subject: Lot 34 Lakewood Hills Subdivision #3 On-site Sewer and Well Permit #860033 A permit issued by this Department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of January 31, 1987. Your permit expired on the date of issue basis by authority of Municipal ordinance existing at that time. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system not installed by the expiration date. The new permit will come under the calendar expiration date as per the new Waste- water Ordinance (effective May 20, 1986). If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system the original as-built inspection report (three part form) must be sent to this office for review and approval, and for documentation. If there are any further questions, plesae call this office at 264-4744. Sincerely, R.W. Robinson Program Manager On-site Services RWR/ljw enc: copy of permit F:'Y R A hl I D E X C A V,!:~'l" :i: NJ3 % GIZD!.:.AB 'I 13:L E. 76-f'14 AIgCHOF;.'.AE;E, Al';:: 995 18 ;i!; ,-'.I. 4-. :~!~ 04.2 SUBDIVISION: LAI<EWQOD HII...L..S SECT I ON: ].3 "f'E)WNSH I P :35000 (SC!,,FT, OR ACRE:S) 4 LO]': 54 RANGE: :3N BLOCt<: I'qA )':)EI:::"TH 'f'E] F:' i F:'E BO'T'I'OH (F:T'. (:'.;; Fd:'",' V iiiiJ... OEF']"H T'OT'AL. :OE:F:'TH (F'I'~) C'ff:;-:AVEL. W I OTI'! (F:'T. (i:)F;:AVEL L.EN(:'FI"H '-': F'"i' ,, ) GF-?.AVI:]%. VE&..UME: (CU, YDS. ) ]:'ANK S!ZE (GAL. S) S(:) ! I..: i::;..'A'J' ]: tq(':~ ( SQ ,, ii::"l'' ,, iBR ) t_IEAST -I'WL] CE)MF'AR]"ME{NTS I c: (.:.:.:, i' t. i {' y t. h a'l:.. ~ :I.,, I am {am:L!ia!', w:i.t.h 't:.he:~ r'eclu:Lr'emen'Ls {','.::)p cmr.-"s:i.t.,..:{.) sew.~er's and ~/-~el:l.s as set. ~"c, pt.h by tine Idur'~icipality c:,F Alqc:hc)r. agi~.~, (MOA) and t. he St. at.,::;;, c,{' Aiasl.::a. 2. ]; v,~i].:L :i.I'I~Ft'..;~:'~].i t. h6:, ~;ys'~',.(.)?¢fi J.l"t a~1(::;(2c:¢i'(::I,':':ii")(:::(;~. a:~i'~i:J J.r'i cc)topi, ia. Fie:e:, with the design cr'itei".:i.a c::,¢ th:i.s per'mit. 3,, :I: t4:Lll aclheJ:'.e t.o all M(]A and St. at.e c)f' Alaska I"~):~qLtir'E-)m(.:at"YL~B {(::)l" t.h(.:.:~ s6,:,t. [::,ac:f,: dist. anc~?s ~'~'om any e:,xist:Lng ~,,~.~,:1.]., wast. croat, er, d:i. sposal sys'Lem or'. I;Ltb].ic:: s(.;.u.,,~en, age sys't'..e:,rn on t.h is or' any adj ace:,r'YL (::)i- ne?ar'by lot.,, 4,, ]: urid~r'st, ar'~d that. t;his l:)e:,Pm:i.t :i.s vaJ. id ~'oP a max:i, mum o¢ 4 bc-z, clr, c)oms ar'id a';ti"Yv ~,i'i]ar'g(~.:)mer'it v,~i].], r'~):~qL.(il'e:, afl aclditicHqa]. ....... i.r"T u,N c:; I14 (..L. Lc..~.; ~.l,~ AN ~.q".i;.(.-~ ,..,...vi:. '.1:... BY I'I..tA BUILDING CCiDE:'S, I"HE;N ~'. 1 ) AN ...... I:.., I"*.,.L, mL - :I*H.[ ~...d,n,.) :1;x~.~*': ...~.,: ........... ..... F,', MUST 'q~::' OB'TAINE::D~ ,,,:..,¢')f AFb-[~: itl ""S · .,.[ . ~.~L,, ¢-,,~ '--'~: ........ .~: ~..,~'.'&.. ]:~4 ............ 10N F;'.IEF:'OR"f'~ AND (3) THE i:::' :: ........ ::.' ...... wr!!::;:l.:: MUST .r,,-.. ..x.]l,d::: i "...c. ,~::~[:,) ..... .......... ,.i .... ..... ,:,n:. "'"" :BY ,.,/:~ ....... '"'[: ...... ' ::: ............... ..... u, I I'*].C.L AN,, P.O. BOX 6650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY Y~OWL,cS. ,~,!A Y©~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES January 10, 1986 TO: Permit Applicant Subject: Permit # 850677 Lot 34 Lakewood Hills Subdivision #3 A permit issued by this Department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1985. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis by authority of Municipal Ordinance. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system not installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the installation and to close the permit° If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system the original as-built inspection report(three part form) must be sent to this office for review and approval,and for documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Susan E. Oswalt Program Manager On-site Services SEO/ljw enc: Copy of Permit PERM I T NO: ):) A T E ;1: S S U E D = A F:'F'L :[ CANT: A D D R E :~i) S ',~ CON]"AC]" PHONE: F'YRAM )'. D E X CAVATi NG C/0 GEOL. AB 11:51 E 76'T'H AI"-ICHORAGE, AK 995:[8 344--.8042 [...EGA[.. DESCRIF'= SUBDIVISION: LAKEWOOD HILLS ~¢3 [..OT~ 54 ELOL, F..~'~ -'" NA SEC]"ION~ 13 ]"OWNSHI F': :t.:?N F~ANGE: 3W L. OT S I ZE: 55000 (SQ, I.:]'. OR AL,I~' '" ~ '""¢:,: ) .... ~,,..ed I::~e].[3~,,~ ai*e 't:.he C~l:rt:ions available to you in desigr'iJ.r]g yOLtP septJ. E: svsteCf, E,hc ......... E. the option {hat. best Fits youl .... :[)IE!::)'FH ]'0 F-'ii::'E BOTTOM (I:::"1",) GRAVEl... DEPTH (I::'T,,) TO'I'AI... DI'~:t:::'TH (F'T,) GRAVEL WIDTH (F'T.) GRAVEL. LENGTH (FT.) GRAVEL. VOLUMtE (CLI.YDS,, :t"ANK SIZE (GAL. S) SOI[.. RATING (SQ,F:'T./BR .:'.;.~. "I"ANI< MI..IST HAVE AT LE~.,~::~I TWO COMPAR'I"MEIqTS c::ePtt, i{'y that': !,, ]: am familiar' wit. h the ~*equipements {'ap on-site sewer's and wells as set roi"t.h by the Mun.icipality o¢ Anc:hopage (IdDA) and the State or Alaska. 2, I will :[rlsta].l 't:.h¢ system in accol-dance with ~{].:1. MOA codes arid r'egu].at:i.c)r]s~ and in c;cmip].ia¥1ce wi. ti] the design Cl"i'[.ep:i.a o~' t.h:Ls permit. 5,, Z ~4:L].l adhe:me to ali. MDA ~iu']d State o~' A~asl.,:a pequir'ements {of the set back dist. ances {'r'c~m any ex:i. st. ing ~,ell,'~.'¢aste~,,¢ater' disposal system of public sew[~r'a(:~e system on this oi* any adjacent:, o~' r'teal-by lot. :[~:::' a I....:[I~::'T S'T'A"I"]:[~)N .[,:::"q ]:NSTAI ......... I. ~::'D IN AN AREA C(.JVI~:RE:D'" BY MOA BUILDING CODtFS: ,. _.. THEN (1) AN EI...IECTRICAL. F:'ERMZT AND INSF'IECTION MUST BE (.}~.:"'"l~...~.[Nl::....)~f' (,~)~" AS-BU]:[.TS At"I~,kE ~c.b WZ'TI"'IOUT AN I:.[...E.C[I'kICAL .~.~4,:FE..,1 iON REF:'ORT, AND (5) THE ;::.L.i:::C t I~I(..,AL WORK ~tUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTR:I:CI AN. .......... ....................... .............................................. APPL:'.[CANT: ~ I'~AF ZD ~:.X(.,(--,~w] .I 14: · F R 0 SUBJECT Lot 34 'Lakevlood Hills Subdivision #3 ,= Perm~RtAttached DATE J. /3I / MESSAGE l%e permit that wss issued on January 27~ 1986,iis not an 1986 permit~ therefore_ it is not a current permit. Ho~2ver, this perm, 1' .... hasbbeen reissued. for 1986 and the copies are ~%nclosedo REPLY SIGNED Laura J. Ward ~t~® 45 472 ~,,~END PARTS 1 AND 3 INTACT- .......................... POLY PAK (~iO SETS} ~,P47~ '~ () / 1 5/'FY:"~ F'YRAHID EXCAVA"f'!NG C/0 GEL-}L.A9 .I. 1:]!; ! E 76T'H ANCHC]RAGE, AK 9¢~5 :[8 .34. 4 ..- 804. 2 LEGAL :[)EiSC:R ii:l:::': SUBD IV I S ]:t-31"-,l: L.AKEWOOD LCFI": 54 BL.OCK: NA SEE:T I ON: :[ 3 T'O ;?.N :;:ANGE: 3W L..OT SI ZE: 3500() (SQ. I:::'"I"~ OR ACRIES) MAX BIEDF;eO[]IflS: 4. L. i !~il '~'.. c.-' d }:::, a! .I. c:,~,.J a 1" ,~? 'L h ,'..:.:.! o l::' '!;. :1. o ri s a '¥-~';~ :i. 1 a b ]. i..~X'I:, o :i i n g y o u i' s ~:, 3 '['.. :i. ~.~}.'!~F.LE,~R,, !'~.,I h'.~C,~:E.~S 'LhtE. c)p'L 1. orl l..~ id.i. }.ges~ i..{'!}~":' ' ~B,, . '~'""~7''''' '''' ' ~ .......... Ir .ii C:]: I-at % ~ ......... ~..j, / II,.,,.~i~ ,,, i.) F,,..,-.~ ..,L ~ ,,.tl i.,)EPi H I'0 F: :1: F: E i:;OTT[],',I (F:'T,) "~ ,5 ,, 0 % 6..9 ~ 5 .. ~:' [[ (::: s:, i' 'k J f' ,.,/ 'l' h ;.:'~'t .... fc)r'.th I::)¥ 'l:.ha, kC:iF:,a].:i.Cy of' he)pagE. (['.'IOA) ai]d 'Lhc-:.:, Sta~Le of Alaska. 2. I w:i.].]. :i.F~stai]. system :i.n wi'Lb all MOA c,:::,des aru::l r'egu].at:.1'c,r~s, and :i.n comp], w:i.'Lh the c:les:i.c c:'r'i'L,:~.,r'ia ,:::if' 'Lh:i.s l::,er'm:i.t.. 3., 1[ w:i.].l adhe,.re 't:.(:i ]. IdOA and S'La' a, (sf' Alaska r'eqLtir'emf.:.)rrLs f','.:~r the s,:a'L t::.',ack ,'.::I ............ ' '" '" 'l ....... '~ ..... ....... · ,...... c.a:=.* f i"c:,m any .~.i :~.!:,t.. ;ir'ici ,,,,x.-:).,. ]. ,, (,vc.:(s'~..a.~v¢,:: ..a.? d:i.s:-d:::,cisa], e:.¢s'LE, m cai" !~;EH,k~dH'"alg({.? !~.!.¥'~i.(:.:.)ili c:)r] :}.ia or any .,':~,c aiz(..~i,r'i'L ol" I'"~ez.:a':lt"l:'2,'>/ ;:i:::' A L. IF:'T S"FAT]:[]N IS INS'i'AL.L. ED IN AN AF-'.!Ei:-~ COVE]:;:ED BY !"IOA BUIL. D:I:r',IE~ C[)D!E.S, t'..,' I L.L.. NCYi" :!'3E AI:::'F'RE;VE:i) W Z ]"HCCJ] AI'.I Ei]....ECTF-:,' I CAL ;!: NSPECT ]: [;)Ix! REi:::'OR]"; AND (5) THE r'"75 iT- -¢ 10 .~;l'7i'~.f' !...I.--"i 1::,i.t :il"-" i I ] / I' f' I i.;!/i!iiJ~,!l' !fl/I ! ] 't'1 't-'-i' I i::. ',.i:;.! :'j! tt -q ..... f"l'"l '1 I --.d'"' Ci' I I "t'C1 '11'-i-'1' J'-'l""t'"~:i:'l.;'i;' i I1 ?!1'~1 I"'l"-'l II }f"!7?i':;;;k I ] ?. i} !','-1 J'"i?l ').'i( !":,::i' !, ':! 'i.' !:1!. i'l t .,,:[ i :¢, i11- x.l' iii,-..! ii .,q-.,t'i;l':'?'l'h. ] 'f '1 '111 I i ~'!:':?Ii '1"ii 1% I 1'7111-1 !i i..I ;1_ i"]'-i i'1 I il 11 i J" I-i' I' 7'J' '1'~1 I I'1"1' 'I t il i1"1' I I I'1'.1 I"1 t' I'11/ 'CI .!.1 ..... i. Ii].i'/;]iLl_ ! I') [' ii '1.' I I I "1 171 .... i-;j' 1 't"'~1 o,-o,.,,~,.,~,:.,- 1,1...:, / 71--]-"1 ........ . !.::i-.:;l::-i{:::'i:: I ! '1 r,;.x~, Ij~J. 71; !i~171...1' ['I .i_]ii ]....-_1_. !..i Ii 2248-E nicip litYof nchor ¢ P.O. BL.. 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES June 23, 1986 Pyramid Excavating P.O. Box 110690 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Subject: Lot 34 Lakewood Hills Subdivision #3 On-site Sewer & Well Permit #860033 - Issued January 31, 1986 On May 20, 1986, The Anchorage Assembly approved a new ordinance regulating on-site wastewater disposal systems (septic systems). Ail septic systems constructed after tile effective date of this ordinance are subject to the provisions of this ordinance. Our records show that you currently hold a 'permit for the installation of a septic system. We strongly urge that you contact this office prior to constructing your system~ Any changes in the code that could impact the construction requirements of your septic system will be identified and brought to your attention. Please contact the Environmental Services Division at 264-4720. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Susan E. Oswalt Program Manager On-site Services SEO/SSM/ljw PROFESSIONAL CONSUL TING 3801 Ta/'ga Dr/ve Anchorage, AK 99516 (907) 345-3796, (907) 562-5511 July 14, 1987 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Environmental Protection 825 L St. Anchorage, AK 99501 Attn: Susan Oswalt Re: Septic System Lot 34 Lakewood Hills ~3, Permit #86-0033 Dear Susan: At the request of Pyramid Excavating, we have made an inspection of the above referenced septic system. We have also reviewed all available documentation from the previous inspections in an effort to confirm compliance witl~ the Municipality of Anchorage and State of Alaska requirements. From our review, it is apparent that all requirements have been met or exceeded. Since construction of the dwelling has not begun, the line from the septic tank to the house is not installed. However, sufficient slope is available to install the line when construction on this property resumes. The following work items remain to be completed upon approval of this ~ system instal lation: . 1 ) Standpipes shall be cut off and capped, 2) Backfill at tank shall be completed, 3) The inlet of the septic tank shall be plugged and marked to enable It( to be found in the future. From our review of the documents available and site observation, we feeF~ the system was installed in compliance with all requirements and recommend approval. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Professional Consulting Alaska License #CE 6588 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. O~' HEt',~rH & ENVIRONMENTAL pt~OTECTiON ,JUL. RECEIVED HD:jv .... PYRAMID EXCAVATING CO. EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS P.O. BOX 110690 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99511-0690 (90~ 345-4893 AFFIDAVIT I, DAN THOMPSON, DBA PYRAMID EXCAVATING, do certify that the septic system installed at Lot 34, Lakewood Hills #3, was done so in compliance with all Municipality of Anchorage and State of Alaska requirements. Dan Thompson PYRAMID EXCAVATING Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July 1987. State of Alaska ~ My commission expires 5-2~89 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOP, A,(~E DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~JUL 2 o 19~7