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8,Rcfri UILLS 1 elZikkcE Sjp CAW s 151 o SUBJECT: DATE O1': MEMO. !':? .. D/',TE ANSWEI,' [:L-'PAI~iME qT: :- ~ '- . .. '.:'Z: *- tfK©UF.$TED: F;iiCEiVE!t: . . i,*EQUES'i'ED ACi'ION SCHEDULi] FOF iNi-CR~,/,/"-.[iOiq ONLY l.,u, ~_L.,,.l_ ACt!ON F:Q; /OLJi~ CONS!L)L:RATiOI'.,I C, ~',-~ L:,c. ' I ,&l ,-~,,E BACK- l ti', Ii',,IF( X>,MATiON CAi. I. ME Nr:t:[ YOUR RECC)M;v :!-![')ATiOh-I _ ;_,': :-: - ;.- ;. -:- . . :~ . ., - ..,--' ;,:. -._.' ' i <..__~ -., ;../. :,., ! . ~ .; ,. , . .,,,,,, , _;.: ...- :,:: .- ~_ . . ~ ~ ::,, ) ~ --',..'.' ' :'~ RONALD L. THIEL, P.L CONSULTING ENGINEER 519 WEST EIGHTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 90501 {{)0/I 270.§508 January 17, 1972 Mr. Robert C. Johnson Box 456 Eagle River, Alaska Re: BIRCH HILLS TERRACE SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Johnson: Pursuant to your request, information as required by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough for submissions for plat approval follows: 1. Topographic data A topographic map with 5 foot contours is enclosed. 2. Soil conditions An extensive analysis of the subdivision's subsurface soil conditions was made by utilizing information gathered through three different means. First, the available soil classifications conducted by the undersigned on adjoining properties were reviewed. These two soil classifications, as shown on the accompanying topography map as "S" &~"R", were made from test holes twelve foot in depth. The upper one foot was top soil and the remainder consisted of a well graded gravel with discontinuous silt lenses one inch in thickness and less. Seconldly, visible cut banks from road construction were viewed. The snow was removed from the cut banks by a back hoe. These prepared areas allowed the undersigned to view a well graded gravel to a depth of four feet in each location. Thirdly, ~est holes were located and excavated in three intermediate areas which were determined by topographic features and vegetal growth to truly repre- sent the interior of the subdivision. The results of each test hole were identical, one foot of top soil covering well graded gravel with a low silt content the total depth of each test hole (10' to 12'). No discontinuous silt lenses were encountered. The conclusion of the soil conditions from visual in- spection of vegetal growth and actual subsurface viewing on a spacing of 350 feet and less is that the entire subdivision consists of a mantle of top soil averaging one foot in depth grading to silty gravel for the second foot of depth and finally a well graded clean gravel with occasional boulders up to 12" in diameter. The average soils classification for this subdivision would be 100 s.f, per bedroom which would require a seepage pit 6 feet in depth and 12.5 feet on each side for an average three bedroom home. 3. Well and sewer system 'ia. yout A restricted well and s~wer system locations layout is shown on the accompanying final plat. The relatively higher ground on the rear of each lot is selected for the well locations to allow a greater area for sewer system placement and positive drainage from the well to the sewer system. The sewer system may be placed at the owner's option at any point beyond the outer limits of the protective one hundred foot radius circle shown at each well location. The owner should be ad.vised to locate the sewer system at the highest point possible, however, to allow for future expansion should a seepage pit fail to function properly. 4. Potable water The general area of Eagle River within the Eagle River Loop Road, Eagle River Road, and the old Glenn Highway has provided adequate water of a domestic quantity in nearly every attempt by well drillers in the past. The nearest well uphill of Birch Hills Terrace. Subdivision. is 550 feet distance and is reported to be 87 feet in depth and the near- est wells downhill are approximately 100 feet distance and range from 127 feet to 187 feet in depth. The four wells as shown on the accompanying plat provide adequate water for single residences. Future well drilling in this area should expect production based on available information of water wells averaging 150 feet in depth and approximately 10 gpm of water and more. 5, Statment Based on all available information presented herein the sewer and water systems as shown on the accompanying plat can be installed in accordance with Chapter 9, Article 6, Greater Anchorage Area Borough code of ordinance thus creating a safe and adequately developed subdivision. Sincerely, ......... ~ ~ ? ? ? ? / / / / ? ? / ? / 3,~OeOON