HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLUEBERRY HILL BLK 4 LT 6 Tom Fink, Mayor Ntunicipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 February 5, 1992 David F. Wolfe PO Box 1572 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Subject: Lot 6 Block 4 Blueberry Hill Subdivision Permit 9SW910016, ' PID 9050-202-08 The subject permit, issued February 5, 1991, by this office for a single family well and/or on-site wastewater system, has expired as of February 5, 1992. A new. permit must be obtained from this office for a well and/or on-site wastewater system NOT installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log.must be sent to this office for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a licensed Professional Engineer has inspected the installation of the on-site wastewater system, the original as-built inspection report must be sent to this office for review., approval and documentation. All inspection reports must be submitted within 30 days of construction completion. When applying for a new permit, the fees are: $90.00 for an on-site wastewater permit; $50.00 for a well permit; $140.00 for a combined on-site wastewater and well permit. If you have any questions, please call this office at 343-4744. J~n Smith~ P. E. V PEogram Manager On-site Services enc: Copy of Permit PATE.': :; SSUE i) ." 2/05/'::i;' !. EX t::';J;. F.?AT ........... '!' rlN ",,. "i ...... I', 2/05 ,., c:,.",,. .,:. L.E(!!iAt .... [) r.+.'?.iF..'; C F! .;(; PT ;[C)I'..I: i~,L.~RRY HILL. 8,LK NUMf.-'.!.EF) riF' Bliii:DF~'.(:)(3MS: :t. 'I"HXrS "'f"H T.':-:; F'ERH:.i.:T 'r,.:, ... .,..,.:, F'()F?. 'T'HE C(3N"i"RUCT;!:i3N riF',", :;:, ::, 'r ~, .~ V ,..., .... r'", "~ ...... ., , ,.., , ;..-, ¢.::, ~ E:,H /:,,!....1 .... CC$4E:','T'F:UC'T';I;.C)N ,,,~l, ...... . .... ,,;.:, BE TN ACCiiiRi)ANCE: t^IiTH: '.!. ,, 'T'HIE A't"'TACH!:EI) AF:'F'i::~C)VE:D DESIGN,, 2,, Ai....I .... Ri':'!t(.;!U:.{..F~EHEi',rT'S St:::EC:I'.F:I:.ED :.r.l"...I AN('..'HC:iRA(~E I"IUN:.{.C:.I.F'Ai .... C(')[)E CHAPTEt::,~S '! = '=' .... ;. ......... ANI:) ,:':.",b AI"41:::, 'T'HE S'T'A'T'E C)F' ,:..,L..¢.',.:::.,I',.:.', .klASTEb~A'I"EIR D.!...:::,,:' t....:,,..',~ .... R Iii!; G (il... ;:':.': T' J: (3 N S ( :!. i":::.', A A C:'7 2 ) A I',t !) D R :.f.. N I":: .l: N (!ii N A T E R F:'. E G U I.... ,e:': "l" ]'. (:) N S ( ~. 8 A,':.'::.', C ,."}.'!, '::::' ) ,, ::3, THE: i:::'(:)L.L.(3NZI'..i(i.:i SF:'tii:(';J:.At .... !!i!; I:::'E C J'./.',L. i:::' F,' () "../ ;!: S J:. Eih. IE;: T Fl E E;~,)tii!, 3 E C"I" "i... :[. 'T"I" L. E 3 (3 H N" ;J; N C J.'. I'..t E R A'T' :!: (:)lq "r'Y I::." E'. N A S T' E I) :J:. S I:::'(3 S Al .... ... "' ~ .... r , ("~"" .* i ':;:' "; .... " .... !iii;YSTt!i:!"l HUS'T' B;::...,..1'..I,:: I;-,,,...l....L.b TN ACCEII:?.DANCE N.,,.. ,tH 'T'HE hlAI',IUI::'ACTUI~ES 'i: N!ii; T R L! C: T L (3t:..IE; A i",t D t....,i Z T H "f' H Iii.:. P 1.... A I'..I S :.".:.; U B M :!: T T E D E", Y "r' H E A I::" P L. L C A N'T', U i::~(::i!',l C C) I"t F:' L. E'T' :i:. () N E)F' T H E .'.1.'. N S T'A L. L. A 'T' :t.'. C)N ,, t) H 1.4 S H U S'T' P E R F' [) R I"t A t',! (.:)I',t-S:.t;TE LI',I!iiff.'IEC'T'.'.[.C)N BE:!::'(:)I:~E: THE: F'AC.'.f.L..ltTY :I;.E; APPRi:?-/ED, THE: AF:'t:::'L.:L(t;AN'f' t"IUST' C,.:.":-,L.!.... t)HH.'::ii; F'i:)R ,4 F'LNAL ..'}:.NSPECT'.t'.('.'iN BY NOT L. ATE:F?. .... ~/, .... C~:' ::;,""";' ,. "', ':' .:j '".:f~"'~ 4 '"'""' .... ..... '"';.,_/Z :,':',. ...... ,, '", i:,v,, ~ ,,, ......... ,.....,..,, .............. . ...... .,.. ................ .................................................. ...................... :[.SSUIE!:) EV'/: ........................................................................................................... E:,ATtE,~ ........................ Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Attn. John Smith Program Manager, On-site Services re: Lot 6, Block 4, Blueberry Hills February I, 1991 Dear Mr. Smith: In accordance with agreements worked out since my initial facilities-proposal submission of October 22, 1990, for the subject lot, details in the following enclosures should meet with the approval of your office. Please find enclosed: 1~ MOA Sewer Permit Application; 2. Description of proposed facilities; 3. Spec. sheet for Little John Incinerator Toilet; 4. Superstructure plans; 5. Plot-plan with proposed building sites noted, and 6. Maintenence 'letter of agreement' signed by concerned parties. As per AMC 15.65~100<c), and requirements of The Sanitarians Handbook, v. 4, the proposed vault shall be a "watertight corrosion resistant" vault (see proposed facilities), "maintained in a sanitary condition" as described in the maintenence letter of aqreement. Year-round access is available to the subject lot, enabling the importation of fresh (city) water and the exportation of gray water. Gray water wiil be collected and disposed of in sewer- line-connected or septic-system drains. These facilities are to service a one-room, one-bedroom residence. Should you need further details, please contact me as noted David Wolfe, Landowner P.O. Box 10-1572 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-1572 272-7698 Proposed Facilities 'Lot 6, Block 4, Blueberry Hills Subdivision Servicable Thermoformed Polyethylene Vault Privy. Vault dimensions: Depth=3 feet; Diam.=2 feet. Vault capacities: Net=55 gal. ; gross=58 gal. Sidewall and head are 0.040 inches thick. Previously used to transport Ethylene Glycol (antifreeze). Self-contained propane-fired combustion tiolet ("Little John", model I01), A dual system will provide a back-up facility during service or maintenance periods and increase overall capacity potential. Both units will be enclosed and protected from the elements to enable year-round use, with a 'service door~ providing access to the vault (see Superstructure plans). cc Sanitary Pumpers, Inc. !.ON TOILET ~.~E DISPOSAL 14EMiC~LS"OR ¢onstnKfio, sites, piatics, g(df r. mm4s. uses standard tiltings .Weight ' 55 Ibs.~ Height .16 inches WIM 14 inches Length 21 inckes GENERAL INFOR~L~TION ': 'iq-' ..Move unit away, drill or start holes where marked. (The unit'~h, oul, d ~av l: '..'!., at least one hold-down at the front and one hold-Gown at the rear. Replace unit~ where located. 6. Install at leas~ two screws throuqh floor'ing to hold-down unit. 7. Install a 3 inch stove pip~ and a 5 inch stove piFe.from the top of the u~it vertically up through the ceiling or at a 45 degree ~ngle up through ~ ~ .... ~ ~he 'wall. The pipe should extend .three to six f~et. above, its exit,. .through a sloping roof. A rain cap is advised at the top Q~ the sto~e ~ ~ .~, pipe. ' ?~:''''" 8. Hook the unit to a regulated propane source. Gas supply lines of either : ~lack pipe, aluminum tubing or copper tubing in%ernally lined which meet. the requirements of regulatory agencies may be use,~.... K/uockout plu¢ls :.'~ provided on both sides and at the rear of the cas~, . Knock,out the phv~, %' push the fuel tubing thrc, u. qh a.'.d install the slit urom~et in the hole. / 9~ Check for ieak~ t.:"~.'ou~.~%..:ut 1.~ Locate unit where desired. , 2. Re~ove back, ~ark through two holes in base. 3. O~e~ front door, mark through two holes in base. T~ INSTALL A super-heated flame converts human waste into essentially odorless, lvaPor which ia e~hausted by natural draft through a. flue. ' . ' i A i LITT~ JOHN needs ~s a fuel suFply (propane or natural gas), ~,~9 wall vertical e~aust for installation. It requires no electriC~l~w~r~]'~, water supply and no special fireproof material around 'it. ".~.i.~ LITTLE JOHN starts a high speed burning cycle each.ltime.lthe seatL,lid is Tha ave~.age burn time is 15 minutes. Allow 5 minute,:'¢~oling.., , ..:.L~me',~, ~etw~. an~ lower the door to read instructions and installatio~ notes.. ' '~ INST~TION INSTRUCTIONS ~,, ~..: '; ' ' ~.~n'and Stationary Installations -- -', ....... ~..~t~'L~"~O~ re~i~ea inlet air for proper co~ustion.: ~i~ 'i~l;~a~ ~'~','~~~::~rough ~he back of the case. ~o holes of.~' ~nch"' d~'m~er;'~""~':"~'~nim~ installed ~ith the sides:,. ~.::~ b~~or bott~ touching comestible construction, but should have enoug~ s~: ~ qllow air into these holes. If the back is mounted flush against ~. ':~ wa11:~ provision m~st be made for inlet air. In this event, two ~. h°l~y be made in the lower part of the front door' " : ' FO~ C~r ~d Travel Trailer Installations -- . nle~ ~x should c~e from outside. Room air should not be used. A' ~e~]'~l, part %0102014 should be used. This rear Pan~l has % Zr~ l~. In order to locate ~e hole, push the rear .of Li~ JOH~ a~ ~ ~e wa~l as ~ssible. ~en it xs sltuated' properl%"s~de to',.s%ag,~ mark~aroun4:~ ~e Chute on the wall. ~move the LITTLE JOHN and cut a hol&' i~ 6h~ ~e~ wall as ~rked. ~t LITTLE JOHN flush withthe wall. ~ if the chut~ U'r~r~de's" o~er one-half inch past outside camper wall, cut off tO 'within'o~e-h~lf~i~ch~'.' I,s~ll outside vent cap with opening facing down. ' . ',.,. LITTLE JOHN: the fully automatic combustion toilet, is designed, to. provide a' .~ reliable and convenient sewage disposal unit. ~ ,:. ,. TO LIGHT 1. Open the front door. 2. Turn gas dial to OFF. Wait 5 minutes to allow unburned sas, to vent. Remember propane gas is heavier than air and will not vent upward . -- naturally. · clockwise to PILOT Press dial in and light pilot. Hold for 60 seconds and release. NOTEs If pilot fails to Stay lit, start inst~uctions at  numb~ 2 above. iiI &o Turn dial counter- clockwise to ON 5. Close the front door. NOTEI Main burners will ignite each time the seat lid is low,ed, _TO SBtrr vo~ turn clockwise to OFF. Close gas valve at Propane t~, if no other appliances are beir~ used. nay' ~OB'I~OL VALVE SIDE VIEW OF BI~I~NERS & COFrROLS lnttiate., an extra burn. cycle. .~tloq. ash tray to cool 5 to 10 minutes 'out tray and dump. ~t tray carefully in tuide rails, ush all the way ~ ~e r~r.. '~ F~el ~y be cleaned with a ~ood co~ercial cleaner ~d ~t~, 'd~ ~it, initiate and extra b~n cycle. D lliF/t5 ION S: '.~ F~EL s · ~ ~ ""~ INPUT PRESSURE: INPUT CONNECTION FLUE CONNECTION: ¢ · ~'TYPE: LITTLE JOHN MODEL 101 SPECIFICATIONS 14-1/2" wide x 21" deep x 16'1/2" high 55 pounds Propane or Natural Gas 11" W.C. Propane ~ 6" W.C. Natural GaS 3/8" Aluminum Tube SAE 45 Degree Flare 3" and 5" double wall vent · 1',600 Degrees F. ': ~i.! Singl. port inshot, 2 buyers AGA a roved control valve with saret?] shut-off 170 degrees ambzent safety.swx~cn Seat positiOn safety switc%i,i. ~. .. ..;. ~ss than %1 ringlem .-~, ~ ~ ~.~ , 3 C~lete Cycles per ho~'.': . ' .:!~' ~: .' Co~ustion cheer: 1/8 bushel [~.. '.~.' . Ash tray: 21 fluid oz. to top .of fins - is hours pi~ot '~i~ht e~ive;~= ~o:0~ .b~c~. 1 unit for each 10 to 16 persons ~', SEAT LID STE FUNNEL,, (,OMBUSTION cHAMBER ~BUCKET LINKAGE ..,HAMBER BACK gXHAUST FLUE .] IXCLU$10N NOTE: It Is the owners' responsibility to determine tho existence of any easements, covenants, er restrictions which do not appear 'bfl the recorded subdivision plat. SURVEY CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that I have surveyed the property shown and de scribed hereon end that the Irnprovementt situated thereon ara within the property lines and nc encroechmant~ exist other then noted. ENGINEERB · I=I. ANNER~ · ~URVEYOR~ 440 WEST BENSON BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 562-5291 PLEASE NOTE: It is the contract I -or's responsibility to check topi of foundation In relation to finish grade end building set- backs In relation to lot lines and easements. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LEGEND: SET FOUND 5/8" REBAR ~ 0 HUB & TACK r-i ~ MONUMENT t~ (~) AL-CAP ~ e PK NAIL X IRON PIPE (~ r'--'~ - E LEVS, o DATUM ASSUMED Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Attn. John Smith Program Manager', On-site Services Dear Mr. Smith: Pursuant to appropriate permits being issued to the landowner of Lot 6, Block 4, Blueberry Hills Subdivision, Sanitary Pumpers Inc. of Chugiak is willing and able to service the permitted facilities. It is understood that the servicable facility shall consist of a polyurathane vault-style privy, as described in the "Proposed Facilities" enclosure. It is further understood that facility maintenance must be conducted to obviate winter service and prevent overflow/spillage during periods of potentially limited access. P.O. Box 1572 Anchorage, AK 99510 Dan Van Boven Sanitary Pumpers Inc. HC 78 Box 2691 Chugiak, AK 99567 SANITARY PUMPERS HC 78 BOX 2691 CHUGIAK, AK 99567 $94-2408 Assemblyman Campbell P.O. ~o:.: 196ff, 5C Dear Mr. CampbeLl Enclosed are the ie~-ters E>:chan{:ied with -the Heaith Dept. , On-Site Servioes. Developments ~nce include -~ne establishment of yea~--cound access te 'the !c:t. '.'although, despite m.>. neiqhbo:r and i payi[ng road- ke~c~Ang 'n~. c~pen ' ~i._ '4e w zn that ha"ti!e), and On-Site Services has specifics ,'mst be included in the contract.? Fo~' your. info~mation, my ~ cur'rent .z'c, ssible waste-disposal options - ~e_Lc,~. This would sezvice e singie-oc, oupent one-::-oom cable on a 6. 17 acre lot near Mile High F~s. i. 55 gallon plastic vault privy. Specs of 'the drum are derived from 'the DOT number stamped on it. DOT ~2SL 66 is 100% polyurethane, inches, net tapco, is 5S gallons, gross capac, is 58 gallons (4~{:FR· Glycol (enti~reeze). 490F~ 172. lOl appeePemtly lists o~heP commodieies t. his container is sui%abie to transpoz%. An encapsulating 20 gauge steel open head {r'eCher then bung-heed) barrel is available lecaily ii deemed neooesery. (All these details the Health Dept. is requiring przor to approval of t. he specific drum used. ) Al'terna'tively, 'to increase cac, ecity in the future, e Bondico 95 gallon po.ly-over~ack S;aivage Drum, constructed of 100% polyethylene, may be ordered out c,i Wisconsin. 2, P:.r'opane-:fir. ed iacineration 'Loller, Little John available tocml~,/ has 3-5 uses per' firing w.hic:h renders wastes into ashes. ?Imy C~e uneccept.-h' %o ' ' . .... Health Dep't. clue to srnaii si~,~ er etc. get spec sheet As, AF. 3. Rent-A-Can portable toilet. Capac. varies by model/'year: 40-6,0 gaiio£,s <7-10 gallons of saline solution are added 'Lc, tank once installed). Weight of unit: 180-220 lbs. 4. Shallow pit Earth privy. I have 7-8 foot soil depth near the cabin- site. i could construct a 15 or so cubic foot capac, pit and still maintain the 6 foot depth to bedrock below the hole. Unfortunately, verifying this 6-£t. depth at this time of year would be rather troublesome. I hope this 'provides the information you need to help straighten out the snags I keep running_into enroute to obtaininq a Land-Use Permit. Thank vou~-cs~-~c, ur. ~e and asses%anne' " oincer'el%, q ) / / .', /. picnics, golf courses, '3 '£ ...... . . :.~ ~o'lu'r sozr'rnl>3,..[ {4[.1(').[' I .. ~"p~)%oI s*'~ p'[y :luau: a~I:l au.-}::1 H,".>'ec.~ o1':;.~o (m'~':.iK/t",c~ [);3~,:,:~; :.~1%'~i; ~ r'r'.;,:~:,'-g;: [il[(')f' Ou %~ ~)p'rAo.x.:."~, 0:1. ][)at.151:s ;~[), ' S I ['. ' .io'l l':,:;. :..~,.~'t ::, :; t,qti;,::,:>. 0 [ 2~'i2tUO:; ri E'. ,{ '[ '[. F[:~ ;:',:: &, : I]}[0£' H() Z :~ VH':[ () Z !'; :£ WE IGHT: FUEl,: INPUT PRESSUI?I']: INPUT CONNECTION: FLUE CONNECTION: HEAT INPUT: FLUTE TE14PE~TURE: BU~'~ER TYPE: BURNER CONTllOLS: BUPd] CYCLE: SMOKE OUTPUT: CAPACITIES: I,I'J. TLE JO'I[l MODEL i01 SPECIFICATIONS 14-1/2" wide x 21" deep x 16-1/2" high 55 pounds Propane or Natural Gas 11" W.C. Propane ~ 6" W.C. Natural Gas 3/8" Aluminum Tube ~.,At~ 45 Degree Flare 3" and 5" doubl~ wall vent ] 5,180 BTU,/H.~. 1,600 Degrees F. Single port inshot, 2 burners AGA approved control valve with safety shut-off switch 170 degrees ambient safety switch : Seat position safety switch . 15 minutes average, 5 minu~es cool. in~ period Less than ~1 ringleman ~ 3 Complete Cycles per hour Con~ustion chamber: 1/8 bushel Ash tray: 21 fluid oz. to top of fins ~: 5 Gallon LPG ta~ - 105 burn cycles nmxim~ (5 hours pilot 'light equivelant to one burn cycle) 1 unit for each 10 to 16 persons I1 ~-- SEAT LID .... E A r MB LJ,STION CHAMBER BUCKEI' LIN I";AG E C H A M B E R [:'~ A C K £XHAUST FLUE S T E F U N N E L $ ULATION U C K E T .... -q:~ I[.. O TCHIMNEY ........... FRONT DOOR 8 U RI',JE F~MANIFOLD JRNER .ASH TRAY .. , ,, COMBINATIOI',I VALVE,'. HERRY SWITCH ..T ~ I','~ ER' "5 W l T C t4 INLET TUBING KLI ×OKI SWITCH TO LIGHT 1. Open the front door, 2, Turn gas dial to OFF. Wait 5 minutes to allow unburned gas, to vent. Remember propane g~ls is heavier than air and will not vent upward naturally. ,3. Turn dial counter- clockwise to PILOT Press dial in and light pilot. Hold for 6o seconds and release~ NOTE~ If pilot fails to stay lit, start "" inst~uctions at ntunber 2 above, 4. Turn dial counter- clockwise to ON 5. Close th~. front door, NO'FF,~ blain burners will ignite each time the seat lid is lowered. TO SHUT DOWN Press dial in and turn clockwise to OFF. Close gas valve at Propane tank, if no other appliances are being used. LIGHT PII,O'I H ~ £ 'fRAY ~,ONTROL VAI,VE SiDE VIEW OF BI)RNI~{S & CONTROLS TO CLEAN ASH 1]~AY 1. Initiate an extra burn cycle. 2. Allow ash tray to cool 5 to 10 minutes. ~3. ~ull 'out tray and dump° 4; Insert tray carefully in guide rails, push all the way to the rear. NOTE! Funnel may be cleaned with a good co~muercial cleaner and water. To dry unit, initiate and extra burn cycle. Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street Tom Fink, Mayor P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 December 4, 1990 David F. G. Wolfe Box 1572 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-1572 Re: Lot 6, Block 4, Blueberry Hills Subdivision Dear Mr. Wolfe: Please be advised that based on our site inspection of the subject lot and our interpretation of available surface and subsurface soils information, it appears that the physical characteristics of the lot will preclude its development using an on-site well or conventional wastewater disposal system. Specific physical characteristics which limit the ability to develop this lot include, but may not be limited to: Steep slopes - municipal and state regulations prohibit the installation of an on-site wastewater disposal system on slopes greater than 25%. Slopes on the subject lot appear to exceed 35% in all locations (AMC 15.65.060.A.2.a, 18AAC72.025.4.E). Proximity to bedrock - municipal and state regulations require that there be a minimum 6 feet vertical separation between the bottom of a wastewater disposal system or an earth privy and bedrock. Available information indicates that there is insufficient depth to bedrock to accommodate either a wastewater drainfield or an earth privy (AMC 15.65.060.A.2.c, AMC 15.65.090.C.2, 18AAC72.025.4.D). Access - year-round access is not available to the lot. Year-round access is required to ensure that the wastewater system can be serviced by a pump truck (AMC 15.65.050.G). Providing that you have no intention of installing an on site well or installing plumbing within your proposed dwelling and providing that you establish year-round access to the lot, it may be possible to construct a vault privy. Kids Are Our Future David F.G. Wolfe December 4, 1990 Page Two Installation and use of a vault privy requires that the privy pit be lined or constructed with an impervious material such as concrete, steel or plastic. The vault privy must have a minimum capacity of 50 cubic feet. Year-round access must be available to the vault privy so that it can be serviced by a permitted pumping contractor. A copy of the pumping/maintenance contract must be provided to this office. As a variation to the vault privy concept, this office will allow the use of a portable self contained "rent-a-can" type toilet. The toilet should be located no further than 100 feet from your proposed dwelling and year-round access must be provided so that it can be serviced by a permitted pumping contractor. A copy of the pumping/maintenance contract must be provided to this office. If you have any questions or if you wish to pursue obtaining a permit for the installation of a vault privy or self contained toilet, please contact our office at 343-4744. Sincerely, ~ ~ ~rogram Manager, On-site Services cc: Dave Brennen, Code Enforcement Manager, Building Safety Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Human Services 825 L Street Anchorage, AK 22 October, 1990 Dear On-Site services reviewer; Pursuent to my conversations with Mr. NOIJ..~gJ.Oltd 'IVJ. N:IWNO~llAN:I ~' H.I.'IYgH dO '.LdgC] I1E)VtlO~¥ :10 AJ.l'lVdl:)lNi"l~ Roth in May and Mr. Robinson in October, I have prepared a wastewater and sewage- disposal plan for Lot 6, Block 4, Blueberry Hills Subdivision in order to obtain a Land-Use Permit. The following description of the plan should meet with your approval as we have discussed. Expected usage of facilities is 80-90% of winter months by one adult; less during summer months. There is no well on the lot, so all fresh water will be imported city water. Minimal gray-water that is created will be collected and disposed of in household drains in town that are connected to sewer-line or septic systems. A septic system is not practical at this time, so sewage will be collected in a vault-style privy. The vault will be a servicable 55-60 gal. plastic military-surplus barrel. Observations by myself, an engineer from S&S Engineering, and surveyors with LandTec Inc. have revealed no surface water~ no groundwater above bedrock~ and no natural water channelling or collection zones on the lot. The building site is 100 feet or more from any lot line, and over 700 feet upslope of any other developments. Should you need further details~ please contact me as soon as possible as noted below. David Wolfe P.O. Box 1572 Anchorage~ AK 99510-1572 272-7698 '"'~1,~ Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health and Human Services Division of On-Site Services 825 L Street Anchorage, AK Attn. Mr. John Smith 28 Nov., 1990 Dear Mr. Smith: In a letter to your office dated 22 October, 1990, I outlined a sewage and waste-water disposal plan for Lot 6, Block 4, Blueberry Hills Subdivision. The plan therein detailed had received verbal approval from Mr. Robinson of your office, and earlier conversations with Mr. Roth of your office indicated no problems with such a system. Within a week of my initiating formal contact with your office, via the letter, a "complaint" was lodged against me with the Division of Building Safety. I now have less than 30 days to devise a system that meets municipal regulations and to get my Land Use Permit approved. With this letter, therefore, I am requesting a response, in writing, to the waste-water and sewage disposal plan outlined in my 22 Oct. letter (copy enclosed). If you have problems with this plan, please detail alternative options available to me at this time of year. Please also note Regulation or Municipal Code citations involved in any problems you may have with the plan, and detail those problems. Your timely response is appreciated. /~ David ~.G. Wolfe Box 1572 Anchorage, AK 99510-1572 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Human Services 825 L Street Anchorage, AK 22 October, 1990 Dear On-Site services reviewer; Pursuent to my conversations with Mr. Roth in May and Mr. Robinson in October, I have prepared a wastewater and sewage- disposal plan for Lot 6, Block 4, Blueberry Hills Subdivision in order to obtain a Land-Use Permit. The following description of the plan should meet with your approval as we have discussed. Expected usage of facilities is 80-90% of winter months by one adult; less during summer months. There is no well on the lot, so all fresh water will be imported city water. Minimal gray-water that is created will be collected and disposed of in household drains in town that are connected to sewer-line or septic systems. A septic system is not practical at this time, so sewage will be collected in a vault-style privy. The vault will be a servicable 55-60 gal. plastic military-surplus barrel. Observations by myself, an engineer from S&S Engineering, and surveyors with LandTec Inc. have revealed no surface water, no groundwater above bedrock, and no natural water channelling or collection zones on the lot. The building site is 100 feet or more from any lot line, and over 700 feet upslope of any other developments. Should you need further details, please contact me as soon as possible as noted below. David Wolfe P.O. Box 1572 Anchorage, AK 99510-1572 272-7698 o / / / ? /// / / / ~ o~° oo' ~:o" v~ ,1 ~oo oo' N 04~ 15 50 E STAT5 7, RECEIVED SEP 9 1991 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. Health & Human Services Part I Postal Customer: The sender of the article described below has made an inquiry regarding delivery of the item. The article was not located at the mailing office. Therefore, we are contacting you to determine if the article has been delivered. Please indicate below if the article has been received. Return the form in the enclosed PREADDRESSED ENVELOPE WHICH REQUIRES NO POSTAGE. Your response will assist the Postal Service in providing improved service. PLEASE RETURN BOTH PARTS I AND II-A. ~TANK YOU The A~icle Was: Unknown Date of Reply Si~9~ ~~2)~ [] Received (Date/(known/ Feb 28, 1992 Laura J. Montgomery for J. Sm~th~ [] Not Received [] Refused Remarks Wolf but no evidence it was senti' ')~-'- This office has rec'd a letter from Mr. certified mail. It is attached to his permit. This office received it on Sept 9, 1991 and he is welcome to come down and review his file. PS Form 1510, January 1989 · ---.__. : ;- .- ;..- U.S, Postal Service MAI~LOSS/R~WjNG REPORT ,..,.m c~' "/~'~1' Complaint Date ~,/~/"/~ 2. Office .~.ccepting Complaint (~_~"~', ~.~¢- ' / / I~l,,,~l,~;~.,;~..Fl' {3 /'-, ~ ^l~;" ........ .~ ~Loss;3'~°mplaint []Rifling 4. Article Was Mailed By 5. Dept. H~_nlfh ~r~J~.~sc~-~,~/z,.3-se-° To a. Name'"-=~ , ! . ?,,.,~,,,~ a. Nam~ f. ~ay ~elephone Nqmbqr (Include ~C~e} /'/~ / f./D~ Telephone Number (Include Aree Code9 6. Artic[e Was Mailed 7. A~icle Was Sent 8. Type of ~a~ ~ 1st-Class ~ Parcel Post ~ Letter ~ Parcel a. Date b. Time ~ AM ~ rHour) ~ PM ~ Other (Specify) ~ Other (Spec/fy) ~ Special Handling ~ Special Delivery ~ Return Receipt for No. merchandise 10. Place of Meiling~ Name And/Or Address of Location Checked :~ontract Statio.~ / city A%~ Stat. o~ Loca~io. Chec~e~ Tz~P +4 ~or Locatio. ~ Collection Box ~ / I Checked ~ Hesidence or Business' I 1 1. Contents Of Article (Descr/be in detail, size, co/or, brand name, serial no., check ~o., and amount, etc.} 1 2. Value PS form 1510, January 1989 SEND TO REGIONAL CHIEF INSPECTOR