HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOB WELLS S-3683 Russell Oyster 694-2774 Soils Er Foundations EGEOTECHNICAL ~ DEVELOPMENT Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 CO. Earl Ellis 688-2280 Land Development SOIL LOG Performed for: Tel. No. Hatllng Address: Depth (feet) SotlCharacterls~lc:~ 0 3 4 8 10~ , 11 Ground Water Encountered: Proposed Yes~ No z-- If yes, Drain Field Installation: Seepage Pit,, what depth Comments: Performed by: Date: OEr Russell Oyster 694-2774 Soils Er Foundations EGEOTECHNICAL Er DEVELOPMENT Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 SOIL LOG CO. Earl Ellis 688-2280 Land Development Performed for: Name:,., Mai ] tng Address: Legal Description: ,~L/,~ i Depth (feet) 0 1 /L~Z. - Sotl Characterlsttcj Tel. No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ground Water Encountered: Proposed Installation: Comments: Yes- No ~ If yes, what depth Seepage Pit Drain Fte~d Perfomed by: OEr Russell Oyster 694-2774 Soils Et Foundations EGEOTECHNICAL Er DEVELOPMENT Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 CO. Earl Ellis 688-2280 Land Development SOZL LOG Perfomed for: Name: ~/~445 ~/~zP/~//~/'o/~/ Tel. No. Legal Depth 0 Hatllng Address: Description:.,, ~/-.v'</ ; (feet) Sot1 Charq;terlsUc~ 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 Ground Water Encountered: Proposed Installation: Comments: -J / ------- .~ 'J ,./ Yes No ~ If yes, what depth E* ..~T.~ )~.'~ Seepage Pit Drain Fte;d ;-,~ ~.~....,~;~~ ,- ... ~.)~ ~ cP*. NO. 1745.E ~ ~ Performed by: OErE Russell Oyster 694-2774 Soils ~ Foundations GEOTECHNICAL Er DEVELOPMENT Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 CO. Earl Ellis 688-2280 Land Development SOIL LOG Perfomed for: Name:, kL/'---~"L /-- E; ~J~z)/u'/-,<'/~v/ Tel. No. Legal Depth 0 1 Mailing Address: Description:, ~L~ /; .~7' x~r.; I/t/~5 ~g~/~/J/~ (feet) Soil chpr)cterlstlc) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g l0 11 12 Ground Water Encountered: Yes Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Comments: Performed by: 0SE Russell Oyster 694-2774 Soils ~- Foundations GEOTECHNICAL ~ DEVELOPMENT Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 CO. Earl Ellis 688-2280 Land Development So]L LOG Performed for: Name: Hatltng Address: Lega~ Description: ~' / / /-:~Z'~'-/ /d/'~'"~S Depth (feet) 0 Tel. No. Sotl Charq,¢terls~Ic~ 2 3 4 5 8 g lO Ground Water Encountered: Yes Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Comments: Drain Fte~d ,/ --_~_ OF If yes, what depth -T.~?....*'.:....?.~ - ~~'.'%'..' · F ;e~d ~* :~9~ ~ ~. ~ ~ Earl P. Ellis ~ ~'...........~.~' Performed by:  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM To: ~ From: Re: Signed 91-015 (5/76) AGE A REA BOR OU G H (968 995:10 STREET 99501 ~.GE, ALASKA HEALTH DEPARTMENT Russell Oyster 694-2774 Soils 8 Foundations GEOTEChNICAL 6' DEVELOPMENT CO. Box 90, Davis St,, Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Earl Ellis 688-2280 Land Development Performed for: Name: Tel. No. 'Legal Depth 0 1 Hail tng Address: Description:' /~¢~ VV'E~s (feet) Soil Charel;terl)i~lc) 2 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 Ground Water Encountered: Yes Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Comments: No what depth ~/ If yes, Drain Field Performed by: ' t' ' ' I t E GEOTECFINICAL 8 DEVELOPMENT Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Russell Oyster 694-2774 Soils 8' Foundations , SOIL LOG Performed for: Name: ZTJ~' ¼/~-~*c6 ?/ Tel. No. CO. Earl Ellis 688-2280 Land Development Ma11 lng Address: 'Legal Description: ~z~ ~b~ ; .~.~,'//~/o^/ Depth (feet) Sotl Char~;,te~l~Ic~ 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 Ground Proposed Comments: ~ater Performed by Installation: have reoet?(M ~ ~dls ilz6:n'matie~ for the above ~lt~. Thta wes given preiJmtu~ry approval pmdhig oomplettom of cella testa. ~ Z. O~malt GREATRR ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGE West i;orthern Lights 5oulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 S- 2526 Plat Status: Final Date; September 21, 1971 BOROUGH~ Engineer ~ealth Departm _ Public Works Department Man~ Laka Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association CITY OF ~.I~;ORAGE: Fire Marshal Municipal Light & Power Departmen~ Property Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility GAB Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association aatanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Wells Subdivision F.e: Subdivision / ~~ Description of Property: James D. Wells Gentlemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Plarming and Zoning Commission for the proposed Subdivision of subject property. Attached is a copy of ~e proposed plat. Uill you please submit your comments, in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or agency may need. If we do not hear from you by _Oct.6, 1971 , we will assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. If you have no further use for the attached print, please return it with your comments. Planning Department E~closure Paul Cart DBQ Comments Page Four May 2~-, 1975 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. S-3681 Hulas Subdivision The soils on this subdivision are acceptable. The well information received shows that tho probability of obtaininiT water is good. It is recommended that lot $ be combined with one of the other lots since the slop~ on this lot is so steep that sewage may come out the side of the slope wheee a sewer system would be installed. Also, a small stream of water flows through lots 1 and 2. This stream of water should be located on' lots 1 and Il before a determination of whether lot 2 should be allowed to exist or not. S-3582 Juhnke Subdivision Approved water and sewer systems already exist on the proposed lots and the lots meet our requirements. S-3683 Bob Walls Subdivision The preliminary soils information was good and a field check showed that while parts of the steeper lots would be too steep for installation of on-site sewers enough of each of the lots had acceptable I~round to meet our requirements. The one exception to this is Lot 1, Block Il, which does not meet the state requirements for lot size for on-site sewer and water. If this lot exists as is it will require public sewer or water before development. A note to this effect should be placed on the plat. S-3698 Sheets Subdivision Soils tests required on each lot before final approval and public water will need to be provided to each lot or the lot sizes increased to accommodate both on-site sewer and water, The preliminary soils provided are acceptable (100 to 175 square feetfoedx'oom to 10 feet deep) S-3684 BLM Lots l16A and l16B, Section 8, T15N, The well and sewer information provided is acceptable (two (2) homes exist on these lots). S-3672 Pellissier Subdivision Soils are good. This is in an area where many other wells have been successfully drilled. II hb'b$9 g.L 01o0 / ..i:'i/ ~ii'::.'"/d." / 2' .,,'? .:....,' W °~ W I-- 12) (9.~I-~Z)(Z£,6Z