HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIRCHWOOD SOUTH Block 2 Lots 1-4 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET ~J PLATTING BOARD E_~ PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME S-6285 Bots 1 - 4 Block 2 Birchwood South Subdivision DATE RECEIVED May 3, 1982 COMMENTTO PLANNING BY May 21, 1982 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF '["~ PUBLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA L~___] PUBLIC SEWER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA REVlEWER'SCOMMENTS: 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) "" INICIPALITY OF ANCH, ORAGE DEPARTMENT ~F HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRO i'ECTION ri PERCOLATION TEST 825 L Stra~, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 PERFORMEb FOR: TtP--IAD ~AJ~-INE. F_J~I/~- DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~KLUTNA F~II;:~n-~INi3~3D ?'~)I)T~,I __~O.F;~DI'~JlS|ON F"~LOCF.. Z TE..~T SLOPE SITE PLAN DEPTH (FEET) '7,0' 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ~12.~3~/N 51LT, HL~MOI6T T~ /VO mOIST~ Bp. ov,//,J 51LTV 5A~JO¥ ~-M ~ I~ ~ WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? t~uc~.~ ~&~L~A~_ ~. 11,5 ' I0.0' ~l~ rS'l- IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? S L O P E Gross Net Depth t~ Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop / 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O To TAL I~Tf( oF 2. o.0 ' PVP-. iIJJ-r'AL,LI~D TO II .5 ' PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND [m;nmm/inch) "~. "7'~-- FT COMMENTS : ' PERFORMED CERTIFIED BY: · ?2..oos LJ ~L)I L.b LUIo :.JNICIPALITY OF ANCH, ORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION I-] PERCOLATION TEST 825 L Strait, Anchor,.ge, Alaska 99501 264-4720 PERFORMEb FOR: DATEPE..ORMED;z LEGAL DESCRIPTION: EKLL;'I'MA P~IIA~.NW~D .~t')OT~-I -~OF~DIVL~IoN F~L.~CJ~-. Z T~'T' I4OL~_ PAI;~. DEPTH SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [FEETJ e! "1 I tJ t ~-~ioz_~ -FO ~..0~ RooT~ ~ ~.5, ~w~ .~ v~s_.__ GROUND WATER. 7.~,;; I , , ENCOUNTERED? ~ ~ L uo~T~ 15,0{ 16,~' o P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? COEBC~ ~ I~.0' uG~P-, tAEFU.5^L-~ 1'7.o' 17, O' DVC INIsT/~d...L~.DTo I..~.O~ Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop z q: 35 Zx~mi ri -7'7/701/?_ 7 ~ 3 m:05 3om,'n -77[ -~1 ~ ~ 5 I~: oo Z..O mi ~,_ -'/TJ~ -/i PERCOLATION RATE ~ |minu~es/inch) TEST RUN BE'I~EEN ~'--. '7 ~,~' FT AND ~- ~ FT :. COMMENTS / PERFORMED BY: · 72...00~ 16/79] PERFORMEb FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: M"NICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT t.. HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PRO, ~-CTION I-I PERCOLATION TEST 825 L Stra~, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 __ ,.~ ~ ~I~W DATE PERFORMED: ._~/~/~ ~. EKLUTk/A S .O' SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? ~,f'O L O IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH;' P E Gross Nat Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water D;op oF- 80~J~G- ~-O.O ' PERCOLATION RATE J~O~Jkl~OPE. tJ ~ II .O' A F'-rE...~_ DEIL.L.I kJG- l;VC.~lkJST~rgJ~_ _~') TO II C;) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND Im;nulmllnch) .~. 75 FT COMMENTS : ' f'ERFORMEDBY: ,~""7"'~~'' C~'/~.l~.~ ~ 72-O0~ CERTIFIED BY: DEPAR~  LJNICIF'ALITY OF ANCHORAGE Mi:I~'~?"OF HEALlH AN[) ENVIRONMEt~IAL I [CTION ~ESl 825 b ~t~,~. Anc~m~, Al~k~ 99501 SOILS LOG P E R CO L_ATI [,~.~ ~:~. ~::~ [:'[~ ' ~ ~ ~'~ '~ ¥""' "' ~'~ ~,'~'"" > "'c~' ~,"'~:' .... "'"'" "" '12' 'L:~' D~' SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 10 11 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT 13 DEPTH? 14 15 Oro.s~ Net Depth to Rcad;ng Dat-" Time Tim~ Water O¢op I .51~/~z 5': z5 ~o I1:10 ..~Orn, 8 I ,~_rm n PE RCOL_ATION Ir] AT ~: ........... Z~/ ................ fro;nut c'~f;nch} 'TEST RUN BKT¥','EI;N -.~%'---'_..-~ ...... FI AND .... :_~ ...... FT SOILS LOG 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 4 · 7 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST FKLUTNA '~II:~C~WOOD .~OUTl-t SLOPE TEST DATE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ~~'IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? NO s Reading Net Time Gross Time Date PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN ~o; o~ *1~, ~'" FT AND Depth to Water Drop {minutes/inch) PERFORMED BY: CERTIFIED BY: DATE: 72-008 (6/79) z II 0 0 0 John M. Lamb,, P.E. 7127 Old $oward Highway". Al~C~ior;g;.,'iAlaska 99502 QEOTECHNICAL. -, ,. ENGINEERING ., '. ANO TESTING 907-349~6531- May 20, 1982 Triad Engineering. 6937 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, AK 99502 Attention: Dave Grenier Subject: Soils Investigations Birchwood South Subdivision Birchwood South Subdivision, Block 2 Gentlemen, This letter presents the results of the soils investigatipns of Birchwood South Subdivision and Birchwood South Subdivision, Block 2, that we performed at your request. The Birchwood South Subdivision property is located on Monastery Drive near the Old Glenn Highway. The Birchwoo~ South~'S.ubdivision, Block 2 propertz is located on the southwest corner.of the intersection of the new Glenn Highway and South Birchwood Loop Road. Both properties are located within the N.W. 1/4 N.W. 1/4'S~ection 30,. Township 15 N., Range.1 W., Seward Meridian, Alaska. On May 6, 1982, we drilled 4~ test~ borings on the Birchwood 'roper~ty. ~:' ~' 1982 we drilled South Subdivision, Block 2 p ~' '~'~ on May 7, , 5 test borings on the Birchw00d'~S~u~th Subdivision property. The test holes at both sites were~drl~lled~ifor'-the~purpose of pro- viding preliminary soils ..infoi4'ni~i~'i'on~wi:~h"~'.:.which~ ~to assess the feasibility of developing on-sit~!.:.'.:~as't~i~:water:'disposal systems. Mr. ,John Graham, driller on '°Ur~'S~taff;';.:performed the drilling:, with our Bombadier-mounted Arcti'~'Gas'~Auger. -Mr'..~.Pete-Chalich,,.~.,' geological engineer on our:~staff;,.'observed the drilling, lo'gged¢'~.: the borings and obtained sample~.:"-'~..' ': ~.,.:~:~':~ :':~' This work was requested to b'e performed .to the minimum standards of the Department of Health and Environmental Protec- tion (DHEP). No laboratory analy~es are requested. In soils which are visually classifie~ to include more than 6% silt (soil finer than the #200 screen size), a percolation test is required to be performed in the area most likely to be developed for~the absorption system. Our procedure, for performing the percolation test is to drill an additional boring adjacent to the soils ~log to the depth intended for percolation testing. Coarse gravel is placed in the bottom of the'boring. Four-inch slotted and per- forated PVC pipe is placed w~ithin the percolation test boring and the annular space between the boring and t~e pipe is backfilled· with washed gravel. On the day before the percolation tests are to be performed, the percolation boring is filled with water and allowed to saturate overnight. The testing is performed accord- ing to the standards presented in the EPA publication "Onsite "Page 41 Table ~-8. Waste Water Treatmen~ and Disposal Systems, , All soils are visually classified in the field according to the Unified Soils Classification,'System presented on Plate 12 and the Textural Classification System'presented on Plate 13. Slotted 1-1/2 inch nominal standpipe was placed in the deep borings to allow for observation of free water levels after drilling. In soils with a significant silt fraction, substantial time is required to allow the freei~water level to stabilize. It should be noted that static:'free'~water m~ay fluctuate seasonally and annually in response to seasonal runoff or heavy rainfall. On May 12, 1982, Ms. Stacy Kaplan, of our staff, returned to each site to perform the percolation tests and to. record the water level at each of the boring sites. The results of the field investigation and percolation testing of the Birchwood South Subdivision site are presented on the standard DHEP forms attached as Plates 2 through 6. The Site Plan showing the approximate locations of the borings is presented as Plate 1. The results from Birchwood South Subdivision, Block 2 are pre- sented in a similar manner ~s Plates 8 through 11 with the Site Plan presented as Plate 7. We wer~ requested to perform this investigation to the minimum standards required by the Department of Health and En- vironmental Protect£on. It should be noted that in accordance with these standards, the classifications of the soils are visual and are performed by a field engineer. These classifications are subject to change, because they have no~ been verified by labora- tory analyses. This work was performed for the sole purpose of preliminary evaluation by the Department of Health and Environ- mental Protection of the suitability of the lots for onsite Sewer system development. Any extrapolation of this data for other purposes is not within the intent of the investigation or re- quested services. We trust the foregoing is sufficient to your immediate needs and is comprehensive within its limited scope. If questions arise, or if we can be of any further service,~ ~please feel free to call. Yours truly, Pete Chalich, E.I.T. Geological Engineer Approved b~: Jol3'n lq. l'.ambe, PS. Civil Engineer 4254-E ARCTIC ENGINEERS, INC. October 22, 1984 AEI# 84-003-40 State of Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation 437 'E' Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: Separation Distance Waiver for Lot 4B, Birchwood South Subdivision, Anchorage Recording District Attn: Bruce E. Erickson Dear Mr. Erickson: This report was written at the request of the owner in an attempt to obtain a waiver to 18 AAC 72.021 Separation Distances. Existing separation distances on the subject property are: Well to nearest edge of septic tank: 76' Well to nearest edge of soil absorption system: 86' The well was installed 2 - 3 years ago, and was initially determined to be dry. The owner installed the septic system in 1983, at a location which was convenient for a proposed home. At a later,date, the owner performed further work on the well, and mai it produce an adequate amount of water to meet his needs. Thus, he desires to get a waiver on this system rather than to drill a new well. A copy of the well log is attached. Total depth is 242 feet, with various layers of primarily clay materials from 10 feet ot 235 feet deep. Water is obtained from thc bedrock layer, 232-245 feet deep, which was fractured after drilling by blasting. Casing was installed to a depth of 44 feet. Copies of as-builts on the plot plan and septic system are attached for your referenc~ along with a soils log/percolation test report and water quality analysis report. Ground surface topography of the subject property is such that runoff runs from the well in a northerly direction, and from the septic system in a southerly direction. Both the well and septic system are at approximately the same ground surface elevatio] ARCTIC ENGINEERS, INC. Based on the subsurface impermiable clay conditions at the well site, the depth of the aquifer from which water is obtained, and the surface topography at the site, we feel that a distance separation waiver is justifiable. We hope this information is adequate for your needs. If not, please call me at 561-1345. Sincerely, at ts ch~en t~/ J M LM~E~NU ~SSOC,~TES SOIL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND TESTING John M. Lambe,'P.E. TO: 4101 Arctic Boulevard · Suite 205 · Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907-276-4113 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ;"~T ,~c ,,-"-"1 ?. ATTENTION: SUBJECT: OUR JOB NO. Transmitted herewith is/are the following: CC: JOHN M. LAMBE AND ASSOCIATES Date SOIL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND TESTING John M. Lambe,'P.E. 4101 Arctic Boulevard * Suite 205 · Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907-276-4113 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: ATTENT ION: SUBJECT: OUR JOB NO. Transmitted herewith is/are the following: CC: JOHN M. LAMBE AND ASSOCIATES SHEET O'f MACHINE USED JOHN M LAMBE P.E. ,' METHOD USED SOILS LOG TOTAL DEPTH VEGETATIONs, DRAINAGE 8~ GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY GROUND WATER 'DATE TIME ,DEPTH LOCATION DIAGRAM 8~ NOTES 0 0  0 m a.. O < o -- DESCRIPTION- $OIL~ COLOR~ TEXTURE~ ODOR~ GRAIN~ SHAPE~ LAYERING OR 03 m m n,. .--, ~:~ :3 VARVING~ ICE TYPE~ BONDING OR TOUGHNESS~ DRILLING NOTES SHEET O'F MACHINE USED JOHN M LAMBE P.E. HOLE METHOD USED SOILS LOG TOTAL DEPTH /"7'.d _ TIME STARTED -/~;/s~ FINISHED VEGETATION, DRAINAGE ~ GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY GROUND WA~ER ' DATE , TIME ' DEPTH LOCATION DIAGRAM ~TES o ~ C < o -- ~S~IPTION' SOIL, COLOR, TEXTURE~ ODOR, GRAiN~ SHAPE~ LAYERING OR m m m ~ = [ ~ = VARVING, ICE ~PE~ BONDING OR TOUGHNESS, DRILLING NOTES "' SH EET_..L O'F MACHIN[ USE;D JOHN .M- LAMBE P.E. METHOD USED SOILS LOG TOTAL DEPTH~O' TIME STARTED ~ 'oo ,, FINISHED ~{ ~ ~' DATE VEGETATION~ DRAINAGE ~ GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY GROUND WATER DATE DEPTH ...... LOCATION' DIAGRAM ~ NOTES ~ ~ ~ ~ Q o - ~S~IPTION- SOIL, COLOR~ TEXTURE, ODOR~ GRAIN~ SHAPE~ LAYERING OR I I" SHEET z MACHINE. USED JOHN M LAMBE P.E. METHOD USED SOILS LOG TOTAL DEPTH .-~;z4~ ~,""' .. ._ VEG~TATION~..DRAINA~E ~ GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY GROUND WATER DATE ' TIME DEPTH LOCATION DIAGRAM 6 NOTES 0 ~ ~ O ~ o < o~- ~S~IPTION-SOIL, COLOR, TEXTURE, ODOR. GRAIN, SHAPE', LAYERING OR m m ~ ~ ~ = ~ VARVING~ ICE ~PE, BONDING OR TOUGHNESS~ DRILLING NOTES