HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIRCHWOOD POSTAL TRACT LT 135A000 MUNIC. IPALITY OF ANCIIOI(AGF DEPAHI'IVlI~NT OF HEALTH & 12r',!VIl]Ol',.IMEl~rrAI. PROTECTIOI~I ENVIP~ONIVlENTAL HEAI:FH CASH I/EVI[-'_W WOfll< SliEET I i PLAI-I-ING ROAI~D I I PI.ANNIN(}& ZONII~I(; S-5578 i)Aq F I~1£C~ [Vh) January 29, 1981 (]()MI~aI{N'I /() PI ANN IN(] bY February 13~ 1981 I:ON IV]El!liMO ()1 Lots 135A~ 135B Birchwood Postal Tract CASt I~¢'~Puh'IJC¢ WAI ER NO I AVAIIAIII.E 1'O PITI I'1 ION AI1L:A I¢.4-"T't'-)I~II(;S[;W[!I~ NOI A\/AIIAt;I.F I() PI{IIII()N AP, I/\ 11 ()14 (14./ 2/1, TRYCK NYMAN E?HAY6S 740 I STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ¢9~OI TELEPHONE 2'79-0543 TO Dept. of Health & Envirormmntal Protection 825 L S~reet ...... Anchorage.. ATq .9950_1 GENTLEMEN: FM - 126-0~9-73 Jqnn ny~n _ Bircbwood Postal T~ra_c_t WE: ARE SENDING YOU El Shop drawings LJ Copy of letter Attached LJ Under separate cover via ................ the following items: Prints El Plans E] Samples [] Specifications Change order TtIESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval For yoiir use As requested For rnview and comment FOR BIDS DUE ........... Approved as submitted [ I Resubinit .... copies for approval Approved as noted [] Submit ..... copies for distribution Returned for corrections I] Return .... corrected prints 19__ ,] PRINTS RFTIIRNFD AFTFP ~Ar~ TO IlS REMARKS .... COPY TO . . Alaska Testlab 4040 'B" St~ee! Anchorage, Ala~a 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 { l'elecopier (907) 272-5742 ) April 15, 1981 W.O. #A19725 Eklutna, Inc. 840 "K" Street Anchorage, Alaska Attention: Subject: Gentlemen: 99501 Mr. Dan Alex Field Testing for Suitability for On-Site Wastewater Disposal, Lots 135A and 135B, Birchwood Postal Tract As authorized by Mr. Les Brattain of Tryck, Nyman and Hayes Engineers, a test boring and percolation test has been completed on each of the subject lots. The exploration was conducted using a truck mounted Mobile Drill B50 rig equipped with a solid flight auger. The rig is owned and operated by Denali Drilling, Inc. The bonings were logged by Mr. T.K. Krupka, Alaska Testlab tech- nician. The percolation tests were performed by Mr. O.M. Hatch, geologist with Alaska Testlab. The approximate boring locations are shown on figure A. These were located in the field by Tryck, Nyman and Hayes personnel. Tables A and B are the logs of the b~rings, showing the visual soil classifications. Upon completion of the boring, a perforated PVC pipe was inserted in the hole and it was filled with water° The following day, the hole was refilled with water and the percolation test run. For the percolation 'test the depth to water was measured every 10 minutes over a one hour period, with the following results: Test Hole Number 1 2 Location Lot 135A Lot 135B Maximum Percolation Rate (Slowest Absorption) 5.0 min/inch 3.3 min/inch Eklutna, Inc. -April 15, 1981 Page Two Soil Layer Where Perc Rate Applies 5' to 15' It is trusted this meets y6ur present requirements. any questions, please do not hesitate to call. ~/smb Attachments .xc: Tryck, Nyman & Hayes 3' to 15' If you have Very sincerely f ALASKA TESTLAB R. Mark Hans°n, P.E. Approved: Melvin R. Nichols, P.E. Manager Test Hole Lot 135A Table A NO #A19725 Date: April 15, 1981 ~gged by: TKK ' Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0' - 15.0 Soil Description F--4, Dark Brown, Organic Sandy Silt (OL) F-l, Brown to Grey Silty Gravelly Sand (SM) Well graded, approximately 20% silt at 2', ~grading to approximately 10% Silt at 5', damp, medium density F-l, Grey Silty Gravelly Sand (SW-SM), well graded~ approximately 10% silt, occasional cobbles to 6", damp. Moisture appears to increase slightly with depth Bottom of Test Hole: ~rost Line: Free Water'Level: Percolation Rate: 15.0' None observed while drilling 5.0 min/inch for layer from 5' to 15' Test Hole #2 Lot 135B Table B WO #A19725 Date: April 15, 1981 Logged by: TKK Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 3.0 3.0 15.0 Soil Description Peat and organics (Pt) Tan Sand (SP) with roots, damp, low density .Grey Silty Sandy Gravel (GM) Well graded, approximately 20% silt at 3', grading to approximately 10% silt at 6' (GW-GM). Occasional cobbles, damp, moisture appears to decrease with depth ~ottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Percolation Rate: 15.0' None observed while drilling 3,3 min/inch, for layer from 3' to 15'