HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIRCHWOOD PARK BLK A LT 7OI O-Z' l- FHA Form 2573 Form Approved Rev. July 1958 FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION Budget Bureau No. 63-R296.8 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL ! IND! VIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.--TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA MORTGAGEE INSURING OFFICE M~(~R ~S~I~ .............. , PROPERTY ADDRESS SUB.VISION NAME TOTAL NUMBER: LIVING UNITS ~ BEOROOM~ WATER SUPPLY BY: [] PuBlic system BATHS BASEMENT 2 [-~Yes [--"]No ['~ New installation --]Community system SEWAGE DISPOSAL BY: [-1 Public system [-] Community system SERIAL NO. o - ooc I BLOCK/~O. LOT 7NO' Can attic or other area be made Into additional bedrooms? (If Yes, how rnany?) NO. ~oF B~YSTEM DESIGNED FOR "]Individual RM$, GARBAGtl DISPOSAL [~ Individual [] Yes ['~ No PART II.--TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTOWS SKETCH It is the opinion of the [--] State [-"] County [] Local Department of Health that this individual water-supply system [7-] is [--] is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. /: It is the opinion of the [~ State N County [~ Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- tem with proper maintenance: [] Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and [~] Caqnot b~e expected to function satisfactorily is not likely to create an insanitary condition DATE I SIGNATURE TITLE /' / ~i ' t i t t b t~TE: The health authority should complete the approprla e ap nions o~men a ave and affix date, signature and title in the spaces provicled. Use of the above grid for Health Department Inspector's sketch as well os use of the back of this form is at the option of the health authority. PART Ill.--FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: .., ~ I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that'the Individual water-supply system be considered [--] Acceptable [--] Not Acceptable be considered [~ Acceptable [] Not Acceptable. ' ' Sewage disposal DATE SIGNATURE HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CHIEF ARCHITECT ] DEPUTY FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT FHA Form 2573 Rev, July 1958 'omu!tu ~ad SUOll~8- '61 uoB~adsu! jo ~q pa~adsul 'X~Foq~nv qal~aH ie~o~I [] '&unoD ~ 'a~mS ~ :gq ape~ uop~adsuI · Xu~ j~ 's~q~qxo p~noadd~ q~ Ald~o~ ~ou s~op ~ saop ~ uo~llmSuI 'uopd~nsuo~ uu~nq aoj A~o~jsp~s ~ou s~ ~ s~ ~ ~a~u~ ~o ~l~n~ a~p aA~ ,,'Sag,, S~ ~a~SU~ ~I 'ON ~ 'SOX ~ dap~ uaaq ~a~ jo uoB~u~xa l~9~olo~m~q SrH · SUOllU2' 'A~peduD '~aeaD ~ 'amssa~d ~ :a~ms jo adX~ · ON ~ 'sox ~ :~qg~a~m guBuno~ d~ 'oN ~ 'sox ~ :pau~ Xp~o~d ~ooad~ · a~d d~ ~ 'puno~g OAoq~ asnoqd~nd ~ 'lua~os~q ~o ~ooad~ ~ '~uamas~fl ~ :u~ 'A~p~d~9 d~ '~aaj od,d doap jo q~ua~ 'flare daa~ ~ 'llam mOlleqS ~ 'oN ~ 'soX ~ :aq2~a~m aaao9 lla~ u~ sgu~uadO 'lma~ ~ 'poo~ ~ 'a~asgu~ ~ :~aA09 'll6N~q ~uu~p~O ~ 'A~p P9IPP~ ~ 'moag ~uamaD ~ :q~ paI~as guise9 punogu a~vds ~oFa~x~ 'pla!l aluus!xoadd¥ 'laaj "ltu!se~ jo ad~J~ 'laos · mnu!tu ~ad SUOli~' '~'u!s~ jo q~daG Jm~ta jo Alddns a~nbapv tls!mnJ m th!up!n a~u!patutu! u! Slla~ jo aJnl!~J jo pJo:~aJ 3ua:ga.l 3souI · pooqaoqq~!au u! /avtuolsn~ lou a:~ [] aJ~ [] Slla~ l~np!n!puI 'u!~tu jo az!$ maaj -- 'u!stu aa~ta ~!lqnd ~sas~au o~ a~ums!Q · laaj -- 'saq~u! 'saq,u! '3aaj aJ~nbs '~aaj 'SUOlle~ 'q~dap p!nbFI 'laaj ';uam~udtuoo :~alU! XaprdrD 'sUOll~fi~ sluatu~mdtuo~ jo JaqmnN WaISAS IVSOdSICI-tO¥/~AtS 1VflCllAIONI--NOI/:)tdSNI :lO XUOd:IU 4/,.,0 I..,,o4d,1 /00 · ~OT ~ 0 ¥~I~tIA NG lNG t:~0~¢ t-I I ,, ~ ,~ I ~. ~z ~ ,,, q L. 07"~ £OT 7' OV~I~ttANGiN6 POR£tl FOUt~ F '.£ 1- OFF GROUND ./ q V~:t :tans AdmiuistratRm t/':':i._,ml OIfice I o,v~:r Bui',ding ....... ~ OliVe :',:~t'.o 1, Washin~eD REGISTERED RETURN RECEIPT R~QI~BTED Mr. Orris E. Skjervem 1502 - &6th Avenu~ Spenard, Alaska Januar~ 13, 1961 DL 130 7&0 AAA 30&6/261 Dear ~r. Skjervemt Ne have received information from the Creater Health District that the pro= perry you are p roposin$ to purchase does not meet their water and se~a~e requirements. Althoush a trunk se~er line is p~peaed for construction during 1961, individual se~er co,mentions are not pla~med until 1962, To be eligible for a direct loan, a property must ~eet the VA minimum standards which includes an approved water supply and sewage disposal system. Since this properey does not co~tm to these requirements, ~e will have to cancel your applicatio~ for a loan. Ver~ t~ly yours, ccf N. G, KULZER Fertgase Loan Loan Guaranty ~ater Anchorage Health District 17 E St., Anchorage, Alaska Title Ins. & Tr. eeo of Alaska 705 Sixth Ave., A~chorage, Alaska Division J ~y pL~ mye~es~ mm mud, uimm fe~ · dLepom~ myf~em, p%immmd let ~bm mY. (Hmlt~M yeow. Vory trdAy lMvLd L. ~&a