29 Ootober 195'h
Vsterane Administration
7th Avenue and Olive ~o~v
~oan .~uaranty Divlelon
,~eattle 1~ Wa~ington
Attnl Bryan Allen
Diree~ ~oan Agent
File ~ef. #304~BF
Appl. ~o. 838 Aaa
~ear ~Arj
At the request of 61eton L. MeNease an inspection was made of
the water supply and map disposal ffaeilitieo at Lot 8,
Bloek DJ ~Ar~hwood Subdivis~n, .qpenard.
The original well mentioned in our letter of 17 ,bna 19~4 has
been improved and will be baekftlled. A water sample eolleeted
from thie well on 29 ~eptember 1~4 wan ffree fr~m oo~tawztnstion
at the tine off oolleetion.
As was etated in the above-mentioned letter, the property has
a new approved type 8eptio tank oy~tem. The old exieting cess-
pool has been pmaped~ limed, and baekffilled.
Sincerely Fours,
Calvin Winey,
Re~onal Sanitary Engineer
e~ ~lenn t, Me~eese
327 Eagle Street
Veterans Ad~inietra%inn
7~an O~aranty Division
?th Avenue and Oliv~
~eat%le 1, Washington
At%n! Bryan Allen
~lree% Loan Agent
Appl. No. 838Aaa
Hie Ref. #3Oh6-4BF
At the request of Are%is Realty For ~r. Glenn Leonard
Me,eels an in~peetion was made of the water supply and
sewage disposal facili%ies at Lot 8~ Blook Dy Birehwood
The property ha8 a new epproved type septic tank ~ystem.
The old existing eeeepool ia t~ be pumped, limed~ and
baekfille~d. The proper~ has an existing wood-cribbed
well withthe pu~p looated in the well. This water
supply oanno% be approved for these reasons.
Sincerely yours,
Calvin Wine~, Jr'
Regional Sanitary Engineer
OWl de