HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIRCHWOOD PARK BLK F LT 10 GReATeR ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 Date Received Time of Inspection Date of Inspection 1. Aoproval Requested l~y: RS, QUEST FOR APPROVAl, OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR Property Owner Legal Description: Location: Type of Facility to be Inspected: Number of"Bedrooms: 5. Nell Data: A, Type C. Construction 7, Sewage Disposal System: B. Depth_._ .......... D. Bacteria] Analysis A. Installed B. Installer C. Septic Tank: 1. Size 2. Manufacturer D. Seepage Pit: ].. Size 2. Material M. Disposal Field: Total Length of Lines__ Distances: A. Well To: Septic Tank , Nearest Lot Line B. Foundation to Septic Tank C. Absorption Area to Nearest Lot , Absorption Area , Other Contamination "~ Absorption Area Line Sewer Lines Reqq~ez~t ,for Approval of k,,dividua! Sewer & Water Page Two 9. Comments: Aonroved Disapproved Date Approval Valid for One Year From Date Sfgned Greater Anchorage Area Borough, DeFartment of Environnenta] Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTE~ I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representat~,on of the subject sawer and water facilities located at: Signed Date Paul C~rr DEQ Comments Page: Two July 24, 197~ 30. 31. 34. disposal, Both lots have bedrock at six (i/) to el~,ht (8) feet below ground sub. face. 'Phis p,voposed three lot m~bdtvlston c~not meet our ~nimum requtraments for (m-site wast~ disposal. Oregory Subdivision All the soil tests show that thif~ propo,~d development is not m~itable for on-~lte waste dizpo~. The soils ~e completely ~ater satu~ted from the one (1) f~t to the sixtee~ (18) foot level. On-~ite waste disposal will not function In soils already w~ter saturated. Thf~ proposal c~not meet ou~ reqj~Irementa for on-~ite waste disposal. fl-3783 Bruin P~rk, Block 4, Lots 21A ~md 22A This is a lot line shift which does not increase denstly in thil~ are~. Otherwise we would have said the lot~ are t~ sm~ll. We have soil test~ ~howtng both lots are ~uitable for on-~ite waste diapo~l anti we~s tn the ~e~ p~avide adequate wnler for domestic 9m'pose~, Subdivision, Tra~ts A, B anti C We do not need ~oils inibrmation on these large tracts. ~{owt;'ver, this area ia noted for poor soils and a high wot.er table. Our field chock showed this area will probably have high water table p~blams and not b~ um~blo umiI served by public sewer. 8-37,47 Lots 46A and 46B, Si~etion ~(~ We haw no soils data or waler availability info~m~tion ~m thii~ ease. We reeoramend/{xs.t thi~ case be retx:~ned or po~Iponod until ihc~ data submitted and eon be adequately reviewed. $-3748 Amy's Subdivision All the data supplied (coils, water availability and slope) show that these tw<~ lois al, e suitable for $ingle family devalopmel~t. S-3749 Lots 10lA and 10113 We have no soils data on this ease. We recommend that this case bo returned or postpon~l until the dat~ is submitted and aah. be adequately reviewed. 3-3750 Birchwood ?ark Subdivision This property is proposed for community sewer and we, ret. The p.-eltmine~ DEQ Comm~mts July 24, 1975 information submitted shows this proposal will be.~d~qualt~,. there are oertaln item~ that m'~st be completed prior to final approval Adequate a','ea must be dedicated for the master w.~tsta disposal system and its replacement.q,. The area could l~ave no development on it and the preliminary data shows that the area would be all. o~ lot #2. We must have completed engineering pL,q~rm on Both the water ~md the sewer ~y~tem (plan, profile and computations). W~ mu~t ham~ dtmumont,*~ showing the agency or assr>elation responsible fop operation *;:ld, m~i~Itonane,a of t)oth sewer and w~ter sy'~tems. Southo~m Slope [{anehottes We have received no soil,q information or water availability data on this ease. ~'~e reeommentl that this case be term'ned or po, tponefl until the data is received and the eas,~ can be adequately revie~ed. 8-3757 Sundi Lz~ke Sat)division, L~,~t.q 9A c:nd 9B, BloeF. 2 We have reoeiv.~>d no soils dat~ on tho lots and both lots v, ill Be too amali for dove, lot>meat without a re~t'~etlve n~e forwarding no development on one of the lots. W~ recommend that this case be ~eturned or postponed until the nmm~sa~g informatian is submiRed for review. 38. S-3771 Spendlove Sul~dlvision ¢2 '~'o have not received ,ufficie~t soil ~est,~ for this props,a!. We recommend that this ease be returne(l or postponed tlntil tho neee~sm~ data i~ submitted for review, I{oI,{ Stricl~;land, 1'{ .S. Chief Sanitarian !,~S/lw MEMORANDUM h~ co~ ~k b~% ~hey a.rriv~ a~ ~e ~ I ~ ~i~ for ~dj thevetore T didn't ~i~ t~ ~ ~ Shou~. ~ou ~.11 m~ ~at you ha~e ~ e~y at~ f~ yo~ ~ion. might add that X have %alkmd with Mr. Kendriekss in,hamer with Keaai Emgi~ee~ss ~., a~mat ~nderetsa4A~g that he ia ADH-M-I~ MEMORANDUM SUBJ REPORT ON THE Did we send you both copies of the engfueering plans and report on the Birchwood Addition? If so, would you please send one set back? MEMORANDUM COPY Mr. Amos J. Alter, Director FaOM....L'~ oyd..A~..Morl~.,__S~nior..Sanit arian S U B JE C T ~.~..a..t...e. ~._ .SI~_ l~p..l~.....~, p..IJ..~Y,a.1.,, ~ ....... Ind. Sewage Disposal Approval - Blrchwood Park Subdivision. Enclosed please find plus, specifications, and application forms for approval of plans for a community water system and individual sewage disposal syste~m from Kenai Eng. for Dirchwood Park ~ubdivision~ Your com~en~s are requested prior to April 15th so F.H.A. can make decision. Developm~t is ready to start immedi- ately. I have gone over these and find only one out of ordinary variation. The elbows in the septic tank are planned to be used for clean outs in the influent and effluent lines. LAM:msw 12,49 10M MEMORANDUM TO .__..1~__,. LLOYD .~, .......................... DATE._~Y 3~ ~0 R~ORT 0N BIR0~OOD ~DITION In accord~ce with yo~ memor~d~ of May 18, 1950, we ~e enclosi~ one c~F of the ~ineeri~ Report ~d one copy of the Application for Approval of Plans reg~di~ the above ~ubJec% Also enclosed, please find one map entitled Boiler Room Pl~ & Plot Plan Rental Housi~ Project ~0A, Anchor~e, Alaska. MUi'~ICIPAL ENGINEERING & SURVEYING STRUCTURAL & MECHANICAL DESIGN CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION VALUATION AND ESTIMATES :-'--,ANCHORAGE ALASKA P."O. BOX 911 KENAI ENGINEERS, INC. b ~ of ~th. the lnohomfo a~a a~o eeurldo~od m~ld. Thio is no pm--~ omditim in thio Thee a~. no ~edm o~ FIVeF* in this a~a that eould possibly be oeasideeed as & uutee eupplF eou~oe. MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING & SURVEYING STRUCTURAL & MECHANICAL DESIGN CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION VALUATION AND ESTIMATES ANCHORAGE. ALASKA P. O. BOX 911 KENAI ENGINEERS, INC. 1, Oae le~ll, tld.~ feet ia de~th Ir/ alx feet ~ ~ trill be 1~ a I~eol ~ (boAX~' dl~um) mud pulp boule ~o bo eeedt~ed lmmod~at~ 2. There Xo no dd3Alto lnforuatioa eeMend, ng tho otFata to be eueeute~ in the dialing of the peoposed utll. Beem~e of aatu~X d~iaa~, a~faee ~atet. ~ ne~e~ ~ Thet~ aP~ no kneen same# ef ooataain~ion in tldm om. 6. Peruafeoot e~Mlitiou8 awe alX in tbie a~ea. T~tu~ee ~tll ~aage f~ea & maa le~ ef 11.6 do~*oeo in wAnte~ to · mean high or S7.0 dq~eem in gummy. Ohleetmtiea ~ee~ ~lll be adepted if neeeeeary, lie tea beet ~e ea pt~tfleatiea of the uppl~ is :~t. 2. A eemplete deae~iptiea' of the lm~Afieatioa preeeae wall be 3. A oeuplete demFAption o£ ~ applianee~,' imoludL~ ~mult, of teet~ eem~ted ea mmh applianoe8, if aay a~e ~ai~s ~ be ~tte~ at · late~ ~ate, The lump, sod wate~ q~ten ulll not be a. ~avl~y sFstea. a. one ~p dee~tu~Mne tYP· Pee~leoo pump having & ~apeeity ef AO00 ~h ~IA be ~o A p~eo~ tank system ulll be tnotalled in the eeeneotion of -2- NIUNICIPAL ENGINEERING & SURVEYING STRUCTURAL & MECHANICAL DESIGN CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION VALUATION AND ESTIMATES ANCHORAGE. ALASKA P, O. BOX 911 KENAI ENGINEERS, INC. FOURTH AVE. · TELEPHONE 27171 8teesS~ of tho ~t~* ~ not Lef~ot the uate~ at ~11 of oto~s~ to available fo~ r~o (a). w,t,,~ ~ ,ma ~ ~ .................$z~,cco.oo HSE-M1 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTtt APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS Department of Health Division of Sanitation and Engineering Box 1931 Juneau, Alaska (City) .L ................................................................. (Box Number or Street Address) ...... A.~ ................................ 3 .................. , 19..~_. .... (Month) (Day) Gentlemen: (Name of l~roiect for which aporoval of l~lans is requested) In accordance with Chapter 26 of the Session Laws for the Session of the Legislature of 1945 as amended by Chapter 4 of the Session Laws for the Extraordinary Session of the Legislature of 1946 and Rules and Regu- lations promulgated thereunder, we, ..... ._~_..,_..~.__~...~.....a~.......~.'., (N~L;";i'~'fi;~'f .................................................................... , herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to sanitary features, duplicate sets of complete plans (including Engineer's Report, General Plans, Detailed Plans and Specifications) for the following PrOPosed project: (Glve complete but brief description of prolect) These complete plans were prepared by .................][[~at,.~!~l'~.~..~O.~ ......................................................... (Nallle of Deslglling Engineer) ........... P-'--O*--~--~--An0h~_~ar-l.la~A ................. and by or under the direction of a professional Engineer or Engineers duly licensed to practice in Alaska. Policies of the Alaska Department of Health pertaining to the preparation and submission of plans for ..................... --~----.~-..~...$...8~[...~...._~...~.._.~...1.. ............................ have been followed in this design. This project is to be financed in the following manner: These plans are being submitted to you at least one month prior to the contemplated date for starting con- struction ...... ~..l~?c~gl;i~i~ ...................................... n is to star~). We understand that construction shall not be started until your final approval of these plans has been re- ceived; that any recommended revisions you may make with respect to sanitary features must be incorporated into the complete plans prior to your issuance of final approval; that no revision of plans may be made subsequent to receipt of your final approval unless such revisions, along with complete plans, be resubmitted to you for ap- proval; that construction will be carried out in accordance with the approved plans; and that unless construction on this project is started within a two year period subsequent to your approval, such approval will become void, Very truly yours, (Applicant) ....... ~.- .WJ.~..~d...~ ~1 ~...C..r~.~. ............. ~ ] ~CitY, town. corl~oratJo,n~firm, lndlvl/lual, etc.) (Signed) .....................................:~..: .................... (Official Title) ........... ~.~....~.. .................................................................. ~-. J. Frenk Field, Aeet. Directer Div. of Sanitation & ~gineering Lloyd A. ~rley, S~nior ~;~itarian En~ineerin8 Plann and ~{epor~ on ~irchwood '[ have ~one ov~r our ~iles he,re and ~.~or~tion available, as well ohe~ki~ w~th ?~ill, and to the best of my kn(~lod~ no ~peoification. w~'e ever se~t with the two copies of plans to this office. It m~ be that yo~ h~'vc ~he t~ copie~ of ~ecifications at your office. All we hav~ ~t t~e present ti~ is ~r. Alter's ].~tte~- of April 13th to Ch~u. les Cr~mer, ?h~.esident, wilh approw~l coutinffent upon co~'~liance with w:rious reeo'":~:en<)~ ~ o~s · would like to h~e, a copy of these ~oe!fi,'~ations ~1 ~ o~ r fil~. .Tif yo~ I'd_nd then¥ ?]e~e ~end them alons. i tald¢ed '~th ,'~-. K: udric::s the o~her niftht and he ir~farmq ~ that the whole deal ~ rate, bus quo right at th~ pr~ent tJ~o and thc chances ~re ik will not be developed am thKv h~ve outlined but ~11 be sold individually ~th individual waC. er supply an, t s~age ~Ksposal symtm~ going: in. Dea~ Mr. ~endviek~ he the proposed plea Is to have a well of ahallew depth (approxi~.~.tely 30 feet) tapping a ahallew g~eund wate~ table ia pe~oue believed that all reasonable precautions should be exe~ised to protect this g~ound water ~oe f~n esnta~nation. It Is f~ther believed that a distress of 200 feet is a reasonable ~a~ distance to fur~ich sash protection. ~n providf~ a housin~ add~ tion of the type p~oposed~ a caf~ water supply is one of the primar~ pre~equi~ttee~ aa you evidently realize from the carefully prepared plans and epeo[fiea%£ons which yOu have suba~tted. It ia evident that adjacent lets ~ay not be atlliaed to the fullest, However, eoasideration should be 8ivan to the feaeiblli~tg of providing a c°mbiaed eew~e disposal unit for ~ral houses located ~side the 200 fo~t ra~ua iro~ pipe with leaded Joi~ts. Ne se~er lines of amy kind ~hould be ~ithim 100 feet of the w~ll. Considering the s~allow dep%h ef the well, the fact that aewa~ ia to ~o b~ck into a por~ue ~.~o~nd, a~d the hO00 gallens per hou~ ~ato of pump~ fram this well, it ia again ~eooau~ended that the minimum distance of 200 feet in all directions Be maintained between the well and any cesspool, seepages pit or othe~ source of possible contaed~ation of the ground wate~ table. yours, J. FRAN~ F~ELD, Ase't. Dl~eoto~ Division of .~anitation & Er~ineerim~ co~ Diet, riot l~, ~a~itary Enginee~ May 4, 1950 MEMORANDUM TO: LLOYD A. MORLEY, SENIOR SANIT~dllAN FROM: J. FRANK FIELD, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ENGINEERING PLANS AND REPORT ON BL~{CI-5,1OOD ADDITION This is to acknowledge receipt of the engineering plans' on the Birchwood Addition which was inadvertently sent to you from this office. Thank you very much for returning them so promptly. However, we have not been able to locate the engineering report that was to be included with the plans. You are probably sending 'them under separate cover. If we do not receive 'them in the next few dsJfs, we will let you ]mow so that a search may be started for them. Thank you very much for your interest in talking with Mr. Kendricks regarding the questions that have arisen, and we will be very glad to receive the material 'that he plans to resubmit to us. JFF:js cc: District II Sanitary Engr. RECF. IVED APFt ,.. 8 1950 BRANCh! OFFICE TERP, ITORIAL OF HEALTH Apr.. 27, l~O Terri%ory of Alaska Department of ~h~.~ Jvneau~ Alaska A%tentions Mr. A~oa J. AI~, Directo~- Division of Sanitation & ~i~ Please refer to your letter of April 13 ~egarding proposed plans and specifications for a wa~er supply ~jatem fo~ ~trohw~od Park 3ubdivision~ Anoho~age, Alaetm and addressed to M~. 0harles If the 200t mimt~mm olearanoe between ~ and a~ ~ea~pool ia ~n~ it ~11 ~ 4 lots ~ ~el~s. I~ ~ 150,. MEMORANDUM SUBJECT ....................................................... : ........ Lee Uendrieks, engineer for Ray Wi] son and ?;~. (~rsmer, o~mers of the Birch~ood Park Subdivision, was in today to discuss water supply and sewage disposal problems and plans. It is '~eir plan to have a community water supply and I suggested that in lieu of running fhe water lines down the alleys with l~" mains, they run down the street and he increased to 6" mains so that when Spenard g~,~ts a water supply it could be coupled in and serve as a fire supply in additfon. They plan on individual sewage disposal systems for each unit. I ~,ave him the necessary bulletins and the application for approval of plans. I~A~[: msw AD~.~40 MEMO NDUM DAT E....~...~.~.~..1. ~,.. ~9~.0. ....................... REVIEt,/ OF PLANS BIRORWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION SUBJECT ...................................... We are enclosing a copy of plans and specifications of the Birchwood Park Subdivision, together with a copy of the letter concerniD~ our review of these plans. ~cl: Ltr. Plus cc : Dist. II San. E~r. Mr. Charles 0r~aer, Birch~ood Park ~bdtvtsl~ Auehorage, Alaska Hr. C~mr: Pleas ~d speetfte~tt~s for the Btreh~od ~mbdtviston yore received b;~ this office April 10, aenerally these plane p~.e~oeed the tnet~ll~;tton of a dug well presets t~e ~et~. ~ ~e i~l~tt~ of 8~ feet of 6" t~ette and ~0 feet of 2~ tr~ette ~ ~t~ The~e plane have bee~ reviewed and are approve~l e~nttngent upon ear, ii,nee with the relieving ree~adattonst 1. ~at the location of the well be set aside by division ~gulatton so ~t ~ s~ dtep~ e~t~. (cesspools. etc. ) ~ located ~thtn th~s well ts to tap a ~11~ that ~ ~ell Be ~ the a~rcee of polluttmn. 2. ~hat the beile~ well d~ easlag law further ~roteoted by 6~ of concrete ~uts~de f~r a d~ce ~ at l~at 10 feet d~ f~ the ~f~e of the ~. ~ee off the ~eer~t~ la~tt~ t~ of such d~$ to ~e an~ leak ar~ ~ve~. ets., ~h ~f~e ~te~. F~ ~ts F~eo~ the ~ditton ~f 6e of concrete 3- That the well top sad the i~tallatto~ of the yell pu~ be in accordance v~th the e~el~eeal ~-h. The l~reeeat proposed of sul'fsae water into the well. ~.~ ~t~.: ~l~etft~tl~e on oe~plete~ Jo~ should include the paced of time the s~t~ sh~ld be fl~he~ ~t before use. f~turo !~peratioa. lievever, approval ef the~e ~1~ a~e not contingent Mr. Oharles 0react April 13, 19~0 Page ~ upon these followi~g ~eoen~nendattene. 1. ~ho~tl~ the subdivision be developed to the maximum expected populatior~ the l~reeent lnstallatSon~ vwuld Be ~orked to its meximun capacity' to ~lh a vo~ki~ p~ee~e of ~0 p~ds In all the ma~ns. ~at w~ld preel~e leavi~ ~ape ~ du~ng the ~nter to ~e~ l~nee f~ ~ee~i~. For that r~ao~ de~in~te 7e~lati~n~ should Be zet x~ ~e~rd. inE the method in which conneetion~ to this ~st~ m~ Be ~e. ~teh re.lateens ehm~ld have reqn~ri~ that the water l~ne~ ~nte the houses be B~ at a definite min~ d~th. ~eee repletions child ~the~ ~e~u~re that ~ within the hm~ee~ meet ee~%a~n ~ r~u~r~nt~ ~th ~e~ to insulation et~ ~o %hat %he eyet,~ w~ll not be ~er l~ed because ~at~r samples flor baoteriologteal analysis By the Department of Health should be ewtablished. 3. Definite responsibtl~t~ £~r the ~er~-tton and main- tenan6.e of this supply should be esta~liehed. ~his engineering ~eviev o~ yo,~r plans has been done as a service the A~e~ D~art~t ef Heal~ ta ae~ord~oe ~th' Territorial 1~, a~ it ts intoned to f~ili~iee in y~r e~l~. ~e h~e not ~e a detailed cheek of st~ctural de~t,~ exert ~oh ethereal ~etl~ ties are ~nenever we ma~ ~e ~ff ~arther servlee to ~ou, l~lease do hesitate to call o~ ~s. Ver~ truly A~oe J. Alter, Di~eeto~ Division of Sanitation · l~ngineering lenai Engineers ~.loFd Dist. II April ~, 19~0 ~',~t,,~O TO FILE - SUBJECT: Wilson & Cramer Subdivision- Conference on water supply. ~,fe,~srs. Cramer and Wilson were in to the of f rice regarding their water supply~ which is being drawn up by the Kenai Engineering Co~any~ }~r. Lee t{en~ricks of that firm doing{ the majority of the WO~tf, They say it is economically unfeasib]_e to put in a public water supply unless the supply lines go down the alleys. Ew~ry effort ~?as made to have them run the supply lines down the stre~t so thab sewers~ eventually in future planning~ could go do~m the alleys. TO~ Mr. Amos J. Alter~ Director ~vision of Sanitation & Engimeering William L. Deering~ Sa~i~arian ~.rehw~d Park Devetepment~ Spenard March 24, 1950 Mr. R~Wilson is planning to develop Bir~hwood P~k (located in the Spenard m~ea), with A.H.A. assistance. Preliminary plan~ for this subdivision call for a community water system and individual ~wa~e disposal fa~ilities, k~r. Cromer, an associate of ~ ~. Wilson,s, will do t}m building. Mr. Cromer is ~f the opinion that suba~Arface disposal fields will work. He has bailt such installations cOnp!ed to a siphoni~ septic tank in cold regi,)~,~. Ue considersthe t~le field will be a great saving. We wond~,r hr~ c]ose a 5tle f~eld m~ be located to e 4-inch water line. haw re~d HSv~-IS, HSE-6, and JS~-7 bu'~ do not find a ~atisfactory answer to this partlcul~. ~roblem. What are the ~,~1 factors, if any~ to be ~on,idered in the review of ~uh a system? The community water supply is te be located on a water reserve - one lot 10(} x 150 feet - located on the highest area ef the subdivision. I believe it w~il consist of a d~g well to the 3C-foot level. Then an under~l~re~s~d ~'~servoir of 30,OO~$gallon capacity will be constructed. Water will be pu~ed into a ~OO0-gallon pressure t~k ~j:d distributed from this ~int through ~, 6' ~d 4-1nob pipes. Your cogent is requested. October FederaX Houain~ Adn~tniatratl~n Post Offiee Box ?23 Anchorage, Alaska Gentlemen= Encloaed please find FHA Forms 2RX7 and 2218 for the above mentioned property. The water supply and sewage disposal systems meet with the ,,,,,~,s~,~,m requirements of the Alaska Department of HeaXth ~ud with proper mainte-_~,~e~ ean be em~ected to ftu~etion in a aatis- factor~ _.~-ner aad not ereate an insa~itary condition. Xf we e~V be off further aesLs~nce re~ardl~ ~his property l~lease feel free to con, act u~. A~ms J. AX~r, ~tef Sec. of £~uitation a~d F~lneerin~ uuT,~V:3$u~S '~U3Tt1~l *g dSTTTq~T