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P.4 3 A 106 t)�%- ��a-acs Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 Elmore Road P.O. Box 196650 Mark Begich Anchorage, AK 99507 Mayor www.muni.org/orts (907)343-7904 Pump Installation Log Well Drilling Permit Number: SW Date of Issue: Parcel Identification Number: Legal Description I - 3A Property Owner Name & Address: rL0(ejroA)C rr (;' A 4 DL _Yvjcj„ t<, stets) L Pump Installation Date: Cl- 9U—i L1 Pump Intake Depth Below Top of Well Casing: I bV feet Pump Manufacturer's Name: rj,J j'YcDome%j> Pump Model: A y.s® r i '7 LI 1 �1- Pump Size I ) a hp Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: a feet Pitless Adapter Manufacturer's Name: Pitless Adapter Installer: VYes ❑ No Well Disinfected Upon Completion? Method of Disinfection: e,1 eav) Comments: Pump Installer Name: /l T Attention: The pump installer shall provide a pump installati1i log to the DSD within 30 days of pump installation. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name P r DISTANCES Tp FROM SEPTIC TANK ABSORPTION FIELD WELL Address Z 51 6A6,mc, WELL LOT LINE t f + 00 U' s Phone(s) Permit No. D0.3 No. of Bedrooms LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot N �� 21�'" Block Subdivision LV FOUNDATION ( ` r Township, Range, Section AS -BUILT DIAGRAM driveway, water bodies, (Show location of well, etc.) septic system, property lines, foundation, TANKS (� SEPTIC ❑ HOLDING Me ufacturer � Capacity in gallons O c,- 1PwK 10(!:0 Material r No. of Compartments TYPE OF SYSTEM 1011 Ix TRENCH ❑ BED ❑ W. DRAIN ❑ OTHER ea th HuIrnal Se vic s N Scale: Q Depth to pipe bottom from original grade S"� FT Total depth from original grade FT Insp e ormed by: A* Q �y jra Q,a+®BQ o+,,tip Date: G _{ 0 OF' ,1 Nt & 8I�6 2 VU l 1pp±±O lV Fill added above original grade FT Gravel depth beneath pipe , �j FT C S,yJ u0f.'YS Qpf4 ➢ Wi aa S & S ¢V a:mCl'V ii:. iidY*7V I cergly that this Inspection was performed according to allx. ,x sa •: nn.,. nr,.n; ua d 1703A ,g3 fver o. 4 xo6srA haf-k, *at,,� lal 1ppl�q�p@®tl�fit911>s7 Municipal an 1�'@U i 'Ia Gravel length gj FT Gravel width FT "N=r� � f , E ''�a (," Pit Health Department Approval: Dater Total absorption area '� j+'� SQ FT Distance between lines FT Number of lines S.Tating ESQ FT Pipe material 4SIAk t�. 30 3 41 Installer No cE sl Date Installed l I - z o -- o WELLS PRIVATE ❑ OTHER (Identifv) Classification (A, ,C) Total Depth FTJ Cased to FT I slaller Date Installed: ■■■■.■■■ II v1�TTi7iilli��►SRt 0 toioaji 1011 1pt. ea th HuIrnal Se vic s N Scale: EdpgTh L © Insp e ormed by: A* Q �y jra Q,a+®BQ o+,,tip Date: G _{ 0 OF' ,1 Nt & 8I�6 2 VU l 1pp±±O lV C S,yJ u0f.'YS Qpf4 ➢ Wi aa S & S ¢V a:mCl'V ii:. iidY*7V I cergly that this Inspection was performed according to allx. ,x sa •: nn.,. nr,.n; ua d 1703A ,g3 fver o. 4 xo6srA haf-k, *at,,� lal 1ppl�q�p@®tl�fit911>s7 Municipal an 1�'@U i 'Ia ♦ A+ "N=r� � f , E ''�a (," Pit Health Department Approval: Dater 0 toioaji HORIZ. AS- SU1LT E3" 10'= 6 .VERT. SCALE a" m y� co Y , qz I v Ott r-n nn Z Cm !M� Jra n m D rc a ^t.0 Qs --I LP i1 58 ` rm 7v m o° I rs 0 14 O v D p. � C=1 0 J J m `"' N -I -N p Vi J CA 7a G7 r•+ Ln 03 _r► p v �1 �1 14-- fibd C=a E3 C p m r't v r . p vw N 00 \ ro a 0• � can • . , . • ' ' 7° ..D n --- .r, O , 1_•°r V V O a 0 m II z is s f9 N C r • 'Z, 1 1 •.• N � O 1 Fk;h ` / -Ps LA C3 LA HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVALS SEWER & WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS SEWER & WATER INSPECTION ENGINEERING STUDIES AND REPORTS WELL INSPECTION & FLOW TEST SITE PLANS ROAD DESIGN L SOIL TEST PERCOLATION TEST STRUCTURAL& MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS ON SITE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN February 25, 1991 Munie ipatity of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 825 L Stkeet P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, A.2a6ka 99519-6650 REFERENCE: Lot 3 "A"; Brandt Subd.iv.c,6.ion; 14251 Sabine S.tAee t ROBERT SHAFER, P.E. ROGER SHAFER CIVIL ENGINEERS (907) 694-2979 FAX 694-1211 RECEIVED JUN 2 0 1991 Munlcipali'ry of Anchorage Dept. Health & HLIman Services The 6eptic 6y6 -tem on ,the Lejenenced property wa6 upgraded pen pewit #900344 on November 30, 1990 (bee attached copy o6 .in6pection repot). We ane holding .the orig.inat inspection report untie ,the ee66poot .i6 prope ty abandoned. Thi -6 wokk .c-6 .to be eompte.ted by A+ Home Se vice6 boon ajter break-up. Ij you have any quati-on6, ptea6e contact u6. Sin 0RT A. v SHAFER, P.E. /gm f� J 17034 EAGLE RIVER LOOP, SUITE 204, EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 |`|UNlC1PHLl|Y UF 1 1dRAG2 bepartment oth & Human Services 825 L Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 343 ON-SITE SEWER Permi� Number: 9O0344 Upgrade Date Issued: 10/2�/90 Engineer Designed Owner Name: PHIL BRANa�L Owner Address: 14251 SABINE AN[HORA8E, AK 9�516 PERMIT � Day Phone: 3�5-0497 Parcel ld: 018-192-26 Lot Lega1: Gubdivision: BRANDL Lot: 3A Block: - Section: 33 Township: 12N Range: 3W Lot Size 40538 (sq.{t. or acres) Max Bedrooms: This Permit: 3 TotaI Capacity: 3 SEPTIC TANK: Minimum Lotal septic tank capacity: 1»000 gallons. Each septic tank must have at least 2 compartments. Depth tm top of septic tank(s) < 4.0 �eet requires insulaLion over tank(s>. INSTALL PER ENGINEERS APPROVED PLANS. NOTIFY I", PRIOR TO EACH lNSPECTION. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED FOR THE EXIS7ING 3 BDRM. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ONLY AND EXPIRES ON 12/31/90. NOTE: THE WELL SERVING THIS PARCEL IS ENCROACHED ON BY THE SEPTIC SYST�M ON LOT 2A BRANDL. THIS ENCROACHMENT MUST BE RESOLVED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A HEALTH AUTHOR�TY APPROVAL. l CERTIFY THAT: �amiliap with the reciuirementor on-site sewers and wells as set �orth by the Municipality o{ Anchorage (MO)) and the State oF Alaska. 2. I will install the system in accordance with all MO� codes and regulati.zns, and in compliance with the design criteria o{ this permit° 3. I wil] .dhere to all MOA and State o{ Alaska requirements {or the set back distances �rom any existing well, wastewater disposal system or public sewerage system on this or any adjacent or nearby lot. 4. I undersLand that this permit is va1id for a maximum ooms. I a1so understand that the capacity of the total system is 3 bedrooms and any enla i l additional permit. Signed: DATE: (Owner) PH[| lssued By: i::v����� ��� October 17, 1990 FSC<f RIV E R. p1.PS�P ROBERT SHAFER, P.E. ROGER SHAFER CIVIL ENGINEERS (907) 694-2979 FAX 694.1211 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVALS Muncc • D , Ahe .cpy o4 ncoug DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 825 L Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, A. uka 99519-6650 SEWER &WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS REFERENCE: Lot 3"A"; Brand Subdivision; PERMIT REQUEST NARRATIVE SEWER & WATER INSPECTION # / p Due to the urge tot size and exi,st.ing weft. and septic tocat.ions in the immediate area ob the reberenced property we cannot borsee any "probabte" impacts to adjacent propertie6 as a %autt ob the upgrade ob the septic system serving thi.6 property. ENGINEERING STUDIES AND REPORTS we beet the proposed septic design is the best bor this property and w,itt .impact adjacent properties the tea6t because ob the bottowing reasons: WELL INSPECTION 1. The proposed 2ocat.ion ob.! the septic system .is oven. 75' away &FLOW TEST Brom the cto6est septic system and 20' Brom the property tine and witt not abbect any ob the ne.ighboning reserve areas. 2. The proposed septic system .i6 not located within 200' ob any SITE PLANS creeks or any scopes greater than 25% attev.iating potentiat bor creek contamination. 3. The propo6ed trench is Located on Stopes less than 5% and aver ROAD DESIGN 1001 Brom the nearest weft. 4. The area drainage w.itt remain v.irtua t y unchanged. The proposed system .is aver 50' burther away Brom the weft on the reberenced property than the existing system. we have bound no SOILTEST evidence the existing 6ystem has contaminated the weft. PERCOLATION TEST Inrely, RT A. SHAFER, P.E. STRUCTURAL & / gm MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS ON SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN 17034 EAGLE RIVER LOOP, SUITE 204, EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 AD 3lVOS - ° ••e yp ad ®c ° " TM W YLu ANf• 1�... O �� gar N N _ _ <: cr 0 Q • ;� N t- -' 4- Q o � Y U Z Q tl1 � J � Alt .�4 w 3lVOS - ° -- „ d Y U ' Q•a ov t*y���aFva c � h J P � • ��ygy • i. ] q�/3 R9 �.. 4 • Q •N !u. l� f�I)j d Y U / `!L' np . Avg �n- C) el v s J� I � . n I f � `Q h J l� f�I)j a / `!L' np . Avg �n- C) el v s J� I � . n I f � J � f�I)j -l= v s� � / I I� � s cs- \ � I Qj j A�j Qj 14 Kl U II J Q "h 31tl9OS " J Municipality of Anchorage � � ys at" "e4 eer,so sa�wsnw�,00 e DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 �� �° •~ Me a!"," SOILS LOG — PERCOLATION TEST gyp. i any-5� "• �'� , (� tib �'�'p;:�S;1,���r�r�p PERFORMED FOR: A t k4'0 �..� S ,QLruICDATE PERFORMED:;'` LEGAL DESCRIPTION:L.of .3 ;,62.Aj,�dj S.L. Township, Range, Section: DEPTH SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 3 (FEET) A_ A- A- A- 0 D 4 0 / 5 6 ., 7 � 810 v 9 17 81920 18- 19- 20 COMMENTS tsfl H WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S IF YES, AT WHAT L O DEPTH? P E Depth to Watar After Monitoring? — Date: th to -:.. � =Mml • • ... PERCOLATION RATE _'-7 Q (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN �FT AND 1,0 FT S & S ENcjI,rdrGRa"" PERFORMED BY70'2 4 EAgie River Loop Road No. 204 ver Alaska 99577 ACCORDANC OILL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELIO 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST W S PERFORMED IN FECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: �6 �� A ox o � ° J 0 33 1 w o SAtNE ST W ob�iy mere<w W W W 30 33 N 0 o7'w_sao_zq _ _ P 7 3 0 • C ° � 8 C � I zv ies oo I Z s BRANDL sr. 3o Xo sa•a��3O.� 300.:0 4 a° 35 1.3,3 fts Sl a • 2I2 o- n. �- d n -�, o b -• G� wT °C P _ z 3 � c a v o s _ n � + C 0° � v A S° T n x P � Er 2 o- O o rz o 0 �. n OS N Q 7' m ' 0 O; c Q � n o,� W N Z a a w a _ o O 23 a. (o n Z 3 N a a Q p a~ m D a T N 7 PC w fD a n c m 3 ren �o �o O £ 9 o, £ D c 0 U W a > o m N1011 o 3 �- - o``. O j a a m g C arp @ o °o 47- 1 p a-£ O - N Y .� c �y pd d � W ry d n �d � O ro b 35 G� • °C W z ® o _ n W + C 0° C v v A O T P � 2 W N r 1� by 33 � SABI NEpEla111 BEAR NAl . a 661.56 4 wo o w w w D ?� o O t Z ni m z ov C iTl r O v p ? A7 u mmp n e M m c m m o � c CL y p m Z � � O Y r Z- r s so.Ys � — s,Y :: a Ao-so 0 m 9 m u} co to m vZ r m nO D v c m ca ° ` `•. = r m -I & m 1>z <N q mW �G w 3 N m N D m O ,r m c a Z � O O D X < O W N r 1� by 33 � SABI NEpEla111 BEAR NAl . a 661.56 4 wo o w w I D r 1 Z ni m z C iTl r F? 0- A7 u mmp n m m m 0 CL - p m - r Z- : _ cn :: OD ITD 0 n i o O 1 vZ r m nO D d N0-07'Vl 1>z <N q mW �G w o v N m N D m c< m E> p W 3 Z Z v^ n 1 O D X < O W N R W r ? N u T _ 11 u W W Z N Z W SQ � N m v W 16S.Y9 1Ea_00 50 0 beep y'i0 lbO.Y6 133 58 e C r 1� by 33 � SABI NEpEla111 BEAR NAl . a 661.56 4 wo o w w I 133.00 r 1 C 9 0 w N r 1� by 33 � SABI NEpEla111 BEAR NAl . a 661.56 4 wo o w w IBS.YB 133.00 C 9 0 w N A7 u mmp z m Po #9r I CL - p m - r Z- :: ' v - O 1 i rea.00 - d N0-07'Vl i 3 N J D d S = w 9 Z d 0 H V J T SQ 0 d o 'a a m v o, 16S.Y9 1Ea_00 50 0 beep y'i0 lbO.Y6 133 58 e C 3 l 1 m - -° ° tD � � S K Q m ,a q- £ s � z H m C 9 0 w N z Po IL CL p m oe v - O ti - d i 3 N J D d S = w 9 Z d 0 H V J T SQ 0 d o 'a a m v o, r.3 M N 3 1 m - -° ° tD � � S K Q I q- £ m 3 I J m i