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BOREALIS General Information
DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APR 4 1985 RECEIVED PWS I.D.# BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR Telephone; (907) Address: 274-2533 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG~ DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ,RECEIVED To Whom it May Concern: According to records on file in this office the ~ Water System is in compliance with the state Drinking Water Regulations Sincerely, 99507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 © 0 0 : : CHEMICAL GEOLOGICAL LABORA1..,RIES OF ALASKA, INC. TELEPHONE [,907) 279- 4014 P.O. BOX 4- 1276 4649 BUSINESS PARK BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 WATER ANALYSIS REPORT OP~RATO~ Colonial Real 1;y · rm~-L No. Number 0ne(l) FIELD COIDITY 8TAT~ A1 ask~ , · .mM~a & CONCLUSIONa:i. C1 ear Water. Fecal Coliforms, DATm Nove.mber 14, 1975 nm No. 3708 tOCATION Borealis Subdivision #1 FORMATION ~ INT]~RVAY- 8AMPLE FROM. .... coloni es/100ml .... ,.. Neqal;ive . ~ ...... 61 2.64 c~em ..... 17 6.,7 WATER ANALYSIS PATTERN ~mpls above descn%ed MEQ p~ Uait Na Mg C1 10 Na HCO, 1 Ca S04 1 Mg CO · 1 Cl HCO, S04 CO, ~O'/~: Mf/l:MfllJfJ'u~o per ~ Meq~l-~. Mb equJvdou~ per 8odfum / ~t-'--~ l)ufd~ · H~ ~ fr~m OPIRATOB W~LL NO FIILD COUNTY. STAT~ CHEMICAL ,.. TELEPHONE (`907) 279- 4014 P.O. BOX 4- 1276 4649 BUSII~S~ PARK ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 ~ ~~ Colonial Realty nA?~ Nove__mber 14, 19751 L~B NO. 3708 Number One(l) LOCATION Borealis Subdivision #1 FORMATION INTERVAT- .Alaska. 8AMPLE FRO~. __ Om.ega Circle L oOLOGICAL LABORAT R,..S OF ALASKA, INC. BLVD. RBMARE8 & CONCI, UBIONO: C1 ear Water. Fecal Co] iforms, colonies/lOOml .... ,.. Ne_qativ~ T~ C~ .... .2.4q mmea./l 0.06 O. 23 3.20 ToUd dismlv~ oonde, mr/1 ..... 1 R5 Specific r~btnc. ~ m~"F.: lq~Cl oqutv~nt, n~/l ....... --- ObeE~ - * Obseved pH ............ 6.7 ~,'.'.~t~ .... 43.5 ~ _&q WATER ANALYSI8 PATTERN ~ample above described ME(~ l~ Unit N~ Mg Cl l 0 Na HCO, 1 Ca SO, 1 Mg CO · 1 Fe Cl HCOs SO4 COs MO*lB: M~'l:MfllJ~rum~ per IJmr Moq/l= Mb eqdvdemm Iwr liter a.pp,. d earth sciences Incorporated, 7 May 1973 F. M. Lindsey & Associates 2502 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska ATTENTION: Mr. John Cannon JUN I973 Re: Soils and Foundation Investigation for 2 Five-Acre Tracts in Section 22, Township 12N, Range 3W, Seward Meridian Gentlemen: As you requested, we have conducted and completed a soils and founda- tion investigation of the above-referenced property. Our investigation was conducted in order to determine the geological and soils conditions of the site with particular attention to soil percolation conditions. The field investigation consisted of a geologic reconnaissance and the drilling and sampling of 3 test' borings. Utilizing a track-mounted Mobile Drill B-61 and 6-inch diameter solid-flight auger, the test borings were drilled and sampled and the soils were examined and classified according to the Unified Soils Classification System. The site is located on morainal deposits composed primarily of brown sandy, pebbly silts and silty, sandy gravels. These glacial soils are typical of those found in ground morainal and lateral morainal deposits and the general topography and vegetation indicates that the overall geologic and soils conditions of the :site are fairly consistent. The site is reasonably well -drained as indicated 2227SPENARD ROAD · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 - Telephone: 277-7601 277-7602 F, ~M. Lindsey & Associa,.s 7 May 1973 Page 2 by the topography which slopes gently from the southeast toward the north and northwest. Most of the vegetative cover consists of fairly large spruce trees with scattered birch trees. The test borings were drilled to a depth of 15 feet and the soils were classified as glacial till consisting of sandy silts and silty, sandy gravels. According to the Unified Soils Classification System, the soils encountered on the site are classified as follows: 1. Organic material and organic soils (Pt). 2. Silts and sandy, pebbly silts (ML-SM). 3. Silts (ML). 4. Silty, sandy gravels (GP-GM). 5. Silty gravels (GM). Groundwater was not encountered in any of the test borings and the soils are consistent of low moisture content. Based on our investigation, we are submitting the following conclusions and recommendations: 1. Sewage disposal on the site is feasible and can be based on seepage rates of 150 to 225 square feet per bedroom, or an average of 175 square feet. The soil stratum consist primarily of silty, sandy gravels which are found at shallow depths and are fairly consistent over the entire site. 2. Planning for water supply to be developed from water wells can be done on the basis of the previous history of water development for the general area. The morainal deposits are capable of yielding water from sand and gravel strata, if F. M. Lindsey ex Associat,,-a :Page 3 7May 1973 present in these types of deposits, but the overall silty nature of the majority of these soils is generally not conducive for large yields. 3. The general soils and foundation conditions are adequate for sub- division development providing that all footings are placed below the seasonal frost penetration depth of 4.5 feet below the surface. The silty soils encountered on the site are frost-susceptible and all footings should be placed below seasonal frost penetration depth to prevent frost heaving. It has been a pleasure conducting this study for your office. Please call us if you have any questions or comments about the report. JAH:d Respectfully submitted, ALASKA GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 7 May 1973 applied earth sciences F. M. Lindsey & Associates 2502 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska ATTENTION: Mr. John Cannon Re: Soils and Foundation Investigation for 2 Five-Acre Tracts in Section 22, Township 12N, Range 3W, Seward Meridian Gentl omen: As you requested, we have conducted and completed a soils and founda- tion investigation of the above-referenced proper~y. ()ur investigation was conducted in order to determine the geological and soils conditions of thc site with particular attention to soil percolation ctmdi!ions. The field investigation c. onsi:sted of a geolt)yic reconnaissance and drilling and sampling of 3 test borings. Utilizing a track-mounted Mobile !)ri~l B-61 and 6-ind~ diameter so]id-flight t~uge:r, the test borings were drilled and sampled and the soils were examined and classified according to the Unified Soils Classification System. The site is located or~ morainal deposit~ composed primarily of brown silts, sandy, pebbly silts and silty, sandy gravels. These glacial soils are lypical of those found in ground morainal and lateral morainal deposits and the genera] topography and vegetation indicates that the overall geologic and soils conditions of the site are fairly consistent. The site is reasonably well-drained as indicated 2227 SPENARD ROAD ,, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 = Telephone: 277-7601 277-7602 F. M. Lindsey & Associates Page 2 7 May 1.973 by the topography which slopes gently from the southeast toward the north and northwest. Most of the vegetative cover consists of fairly large spruce trees wilh scattered birch trees. The test borings were drilled to a depth of i5 fec. t and the soils we're classified as glacial till consisting of sandy silts and silty, sandy gravels. According to the Unified Soils Classification System, the soils encountered on the site are classified as follows: 1. Organic material and organic soils (Pt). 2. Silts and sandy, pebbly silts (ML-SM). 3. Silts (ML). 4. Silty, sandy gravels (GP-GM). 5..Silty gravels (GM). Groundwater was not encountered in any of the test borings and the soils are consistent of 10w moisture content. Based on our investigation, we are submitting the following conclusions and recommendations: 1. Sewage disposal on the site is feasible and can be based on seepage rates of 150 to 225 square feet per bedroom, or an average of 175 square feet. The soil stratum consist primarily of silty, sandy gTavels which are found at shallow depths and are fairly consistent' over the entire site. 2. Planning for water supply to be developed from water wells can be done on the basis of the previous history of water development for the general area. The morainal deposits are capable of yielding water from sand and gravel strata, if F. M. Lindsey & Associates 7 May 1973 Page 3 p~'eSer~it"i~' ~hesetype~ of deposits, but the overall silty nature of the majority of these soils',i8 generally not conducive for large yields. 3. The general soils and foundation conditions are adequate :for sub- diVisi[on development provi'ding that all footings are placed below the seasonal frost penetration, depth of 4.5 feet below the surface. The silty soils encountered 'on the site are frost-susceptible and all footings should be placed below seasonal frost penetration depth to prevent frost heaving. It has been a pleasure conducting this study for your office. Please call us if you have any questions or comments about the report. JAH:d Respect fully submitted, ALASKA GEOLOGICAL (,ONSUL I ~ NTS, INC. September 11, 1974 ~r. Btll Beck Stack Steel Co. any 2505. Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ~ar ~r. Beck; On September 9, 1974 one of our Inspectors found that the Inlet-outlet markings were reversed on two septtc tanks betng Installed In Bomalls ~Subdtvtston. Further discussions with Hr. Jones and subsequent Inspection of tanks In your yard on Arctlc Boulev&rcl confirmed the fact that the tanks were mislabeled. I understand that there lsa posslbfltty that between 15 and 20 of these tanks may have been installed. If Installed In the backward posttton a raptd faflure of the dratn fteld or leach pft could be expected from the car~y-over of soltds. Therefore, one should proceed wfth haste to fdenttfy and correctly ~elnstall the tanks to prevent further damage to the seepage systems. ' Wtthin aftve day pertod,! would appreciate knowtng your plan of action to identtfy and correctly reinstall those systems. !f thts '~epartmen~ can be of assistance, please call me at 274-4561. Sincerely, Leroy C. Retd, ~r., PhD, P.E. Otrector LCIVIw cc: Kyle Cherry BOREALIS SUBDIVISION Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 16 Lot 17 Lot 18 Lot 19 Lot 20 Soil Actual Req. Inst. Classi- Tank Tank Absorption fication Size Size Capacity . 250 sq,ft./bdrm, 1250 gal, 2 bdrms, 250 sq,ft,/bdrm, 1250 gal, 2 bdrms, vacant lot 225 sq,ft,/bdrm, 1000 gal, 1000 gal. 2 bdrms, vacant lot 225 sq,ft,/bdrm, 1250 gal, 1250 gal, 2 bdrms, 225 sq,ft,/bdrm, 1250 gal, 1250 gal. 2 bdrms, 225 sq,ft,/bdrm, 1250 gal, 2 bdrms, 250 sq,ft,/bdrm, 1000 gal~ 2 bdrms, 250 sq,ft,/bdrm, 1250 gal, 1250 gal, 2 bdrms, Req, Absorpti on Max, poss, bdrn no reply o,k, 4 bdrms, 4 bdrms, 4 bdrms, ,.~-r I~: , i ~ . !" ~ ~II/H/II!IiI/I/II ,, I ~ " '!~' ' /!! ~ i~Hi ~ll~;ill!'!li! Iliil~/llHl'l !111'illi111 ~, i _ ~ ~ i~ii~i :,ii i',' , , I, ~ ~ ' , ',~ , , ',14 ~H i I~, iii ,, ' : - - ~i il: "i :i:,, :' ! ~ :: :' :il I'~, : ~ II ' , ~' ~ N ~ ...... T ~ .......O~A~A~ns mom ~o00 I AIO0°~'OS"~' ~o.~o' L -4