HomeMy WebLinkAboutBROADWATER HEIGHTS BLK 3 LT 18 GRE ,.,'R ANCHORAGE AREA BOF, Department of Environmental Qualitv 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 n INSPECTJON REPORT ON-SIT.E SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM, NAME IJ]/~/-~ .' ._.I.-- /,~ ,-, I ~ I SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE ~'),r'~ NUMBER OF FROM WELL~1v ~ ~ MANUFACTURER¢~'~'¢'/L""~"~¢"~ MATERIAL - COMPARTMENTS icc INSIDE LENGTH * ~ INSIDE WIDTH . LIQUID DEPTH .... LIQUID CAPACITY ALLONS. TILE DRAIN FIELD: NUMBER OF LINES ~ DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES ABSORPTION AREA DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE NEAREST LOT LINE ,,2~~ (' TOTALoF LINEsLENGTH"7~ 7I TRENCH WIDTH¢ ~':~ TOTAL EFFECTIVE ¢.~¢~' ~ S~, FT, LENGTH OF EACH LINE '~ ~ ( ~ ~ ~ / ~/ DEPTH OF FILTER I~ WELL: TYPE _ BUILDING FOUNDATION__ CESSPOOL APPROVED _ CONSTRUCTION DEPTH NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE LOT LINE__ SEWER LINE , TANK , SYSTEM , OTHER SOURCES DISAPPROVED REMARKS DISTANCE FROM: DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: Form EQ-032 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM FIF'F't....:[CFIN"f' I...E:'.E; E:URTI'4EF.:,,"ROE:EF4.tT BE;t....I .... E:O:,.:; :;I_E1-.S'::.E:::L :.E;OL.Fr'H '.E;"FF:1T']:C'd'.,t I_OC:Fll" :[ O1'.4 E. LJEC:iFII._ L..:LE: B.E.': BF.:OR[::,HFITEF.: l-lC:iT'S; I....CFI" 'T"¢F'Ii.E OF S3II .... RE:SORE:TI("I1'-4:5'-r'STEM MF:I::-:,' .)i MI_IH 1'4 _ f IE, E F. OF E:.F..;E:,F.:OObl'.E; E: "I"HE; L. ENC'<T'H [:,IME1'.4$ION IS THE L. E1'.4C~iTH (]:N FEET.':, OF THE TF.:ENC':H O1:;.'. Df;.:FIINF];I.:.'!]_[:,. THE [:,EPTH OF FI TF.:EENC':H O1-",.': PIT :1::'.--., THE D]::E';TR1'qCE B[..ETHEEN THE '.E;UF.:FI:;:I(.".;E (])1:::' THE C:iF;~'.OUND R1'.,I[:, THE BOTTOM OF "I"HE E::.:iCR',/FtTION <IN FI.'EE-f'). THE TRENCH I.,.I I [:,'T'H FOR [:,RFI I [.,IF I E[...DS I S; .L:i: FEET. :::::::::::::::::::::: I L..L.. I t'.,IG Of"' FIN"r' E; "r' :E; -I" E: M I.,l ]: THOUTI" F' I NFtI... I NE;F'EC:T ]: O1"4 FII'-,IE:, RF'F:'I(:O',,,'F:II .... E:"r' 't"1...I I:)E:F:'FIRTME:NT I.,.I :[ L..I_ E:E :SUIF"-:3EC:T 'T'O F:'F;..tCJE;ECIJT ]: I"'111'.41 Mt...IFI [:, ]: E;'I"FINC:E BE'I"HEEN I'q I.,.IEL..I .... ANI:.':, A1",t'¢ OI'4-:E: I TE ':_:;EI.,.IR(.'..iE: [::, I SI::'Cr.:SFtL.. E;"r'E;'I"E:M I S ::D;.'".16~ FEET FOR R PF..'I'v'RT'E I.,.IE:I....I .... OF;.: ;;E'E.t(.-".l I::'EET FOF..' I::t PI...IBL..IC I.,.IEL..I ..... 14El_I_ I....CJC?.:!.': 1::1RE RE:6!I...Ij[I'q:EE." FIN[:, MUE;T li.:.:E; F.'.E'I"UF.'.1",IE[:' TO 'T'I-~E [:,E:I='F:1R'T'MEI'4T I.,.t]:"I"HI1",I ::!!:E:.l I"-:,F:1"r'Ei; OF:: THE: I,.IEL. L. C:C'II'qF'LE'TIC'II",I. E;F'""EC: ]: F' :[ C:F:ll"I (31'4'.:.; FIN[::' COI",IE;TI~:UC:'T' t O1"4 [:' I RQF.':1::11"lS I::1RE Ft',,,'R ]: L. FIBI...E TO ]: N:SUF..:E: f':'RCd::'tEF;.: ]: I",1:i.'.'"; T'1:::IL. L. R T ]: O N. 4040 "B" STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE: 907-279-2581 May 3, 1977 W.O. ~18024 Stallion Builders P.O. Box 10-381 South Station Anchorage, AK Attention: Mr. Les Burtner .Subject: Percolation Tests Gentlemen: Transmitted herein are the results of the exploration accom- plished on 2 May 1977 at the subject site. The exploration includes the placement of four test pits with a backhoe provided by the Contractor. The test pits generally encountered bedrock at a shallow depth usually underlying silty sandy gravels. On the left hand side of the lot facing the house site from the street is a mild depression which was found to have a deeper layer of rock and to include several feet of very clean sands and gravels. Those materials are rated as GP and SW. The depression is approximately 30 feet wide and 65--70 feet long. It was noted during exploration that surface water from melting snow and shallow frozen soil was entering the excavation and e_~capin~ throuq~ the fractured bedrock. (Note: Throughout the site bedrock is co~mon and considered to be fractured from the observations during the development of the ~s. ) Based on the foregoing, it is our opinion that the most economic disposal site explored is the depression. We suggest that the surface silts be removed and the depression examined for continuity of the sand-gravel layer. Should the sand-gravel layer exceed a perimeter of 80 lineal feet and a thickness in excess of 2 feet we suggest that it be used as a natural drain field with a perforated pipe distri- bution system rather than the conventional leeching pit. You will note that the total depth in the area of the depres- sion explored was 8 feet and that 2-4 feet of that depth is expected to be sands and gravels providing about 4 feet of soil cover over the leeching bed. We suggest that after development of the drain field the depression be overlain with materials from the house excavation to improve insulation of the drain field and also to improve the ability of the earth to contain affluent during peak flow. You will note Stallion Builders May 3, 1977 Page 2 that the fall of the site is rather steep down slope being on the order of something on the order of 10-15% by visual observation. In summary, it appears that a permeable deposit exists on- site which is presently accepting water at a rapid rate and disposing of it into the ground at much less than its total capacity. The deposit is apparently isolated to an approxi- mate area of 1800 square feet which should prove to be suitable and easily developed as an on-site drain field. The depression should be filled and mounded after construction of the drain field. The use of .drain tile as opposed to the development of a leeching pit is only a suggestion and is not a requirement. We trust the foregoing is sufficient to your immediate needs and presents our thoughts in this regard to both you and the Municipality in order that a system suited to this site may be developed mutually between the Municipality and yourselves. Should there be questions do not hesitate to contact the writer. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLA~x w. Partner Enclosure HRL:gle circuiting. Invert of the overllow pipe in Ihe tirst relief line must be at least ivchts hn~,c.r than thc invert of Scl)tic tank outlet, Figure 7. ~ FROM SEPIIC ~ANK -~~ A~ ~.a~ ~ox ~moo AS s. OWN ~N r~ ~" ~ [- ...... iNVERT OF 3HE OV[RFkOW PP[ 6' /~INIMIJM -J (ALTERNATE CONSTRUCIION, DIFFERING GROUND SLOPES OVER SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL ~IELO ~AY REQUIRE USE OF VARIOUS COMBINATIONS OF FITTINGS. Figure 7.--A relief line arrangement ~or seKial dJllrjbutJon.