3601 C STREET, SUITE 322 APR 2 6 19~1
Mr. Tobben Spurkland, P.E.
6751 W. Dimond
Anchorage, AK 99502-3904
Municipality of Anchorage
Dept. Health & Human Services
April 24, 1991
Certificate to Operate, Buckner Porter S/D, Lot 3 & Your Letter, Same Subject dtd
March 1, 1991
Dear Mr. Spurkland:
This is in response to your submittal, received in this office on March 1, 1991, in which
you requested certification of the Class C public water system for the tri-plex located on
the referenced lot. I have completed my review of the submitted information and this
office's file on this project. The package has been discussed with the District Engineer
and the following comments are offered.
Subject source well has probably been in service since 1967 per the data you submitted.
As such, the separation distance limits are as stated in your letter. In the event of future
modification, alteration, or major repair, upgrade to meet current distances will probably
be required or be waived (via a formal waiver request).
The Department takes exception to the amount of storage capacity provided (you did not
list any). The fifth edition of "Community Water Systems Source Book" cites a need for
eight gallons per minute per residence for twenty minutes to meet instantaneous demand
requirements. In this case a total of 480 gallons of water is required. The well produces
120 gallons in 20 minutes leaving a difference of 360 gallons which should be in usable
storage. As there are no complaints in the Department files concerning the amount of
water, the Certificate to Operate can be approved based upon historical sufficiency.
Based on the information provided by you and the data certified by ~7our stamp, "Approval
to Operate" can be granted. Although the well does not deliver the "book" volumes, your
testimony verifies the ability of the source well to provide water to the users of Public
Water System Id # 217055 (PWSlD# 217055); a Class C public water system.
Any future expansion of the water system will require plan review in accordance with 18
Alaska Administrative Code 80.400. In all likelihood expanded storage capacity would be
required to meet instantaneous demand. Please advise your clients of the regulation
requirements for plan review for future alterations of the public water system.
In accordance with 18 Administrative Code (A/kC) 80.900 this system is a Class C Public
Water System.
It has been assigned a Public Water System Identification Number (PWSID#) of 217047.
Bacterial and nitrate sample analyses were within acceptable limits set in 18 AAC 80.050
as reported by Chemical & Geological Labs of Alaska.
Enclosed is the current Certificate to Operate. Approval to operate is based on your
professional recommendation and certified as-built drawings.
This approval does not imply the granting of any additional authorizations nor obligate any
state, federal, or local regulatory body to grant re,quired authorizations.
Thank you for your cooperation with this Department. If you have any questions, please
do not hesitate to contact Keven Kleweno.
Environmental Engineer
cc: John Smith, DHHS w/o enc.