HomeMy WebLinkAboutBURLWOOD Block 1 Lot 3 lit. M ,A. Ounlogson P.O. Box Anchorage, Alaska t~503 D~ar Mr. Gunlogson: It has been brought to our attention that public sewer is available to Lot ~, Bilk 1, Burlwo~ T~rrac~ l~stod ~t ~6~4 Boni~ac~ Parkway. Ac~n~ to Gre~r Anchorage Ar~a ~orou~h Ordinan~a, C~apte~ 16, Artlel~ 16.45, Seeti~ IA.45.QSO: 'Septic tank-seepage system sewage disposal f~cilities shall not be inst~lled or ~!~. on any pre~ai~es whe~ s~nits~ sewer~ ar~ syllable wi~in sev~ty (~0) f~t of the nearest lot line of said premises .. ,". The Greater Anchorage Area l%rough Public W~rks Department has checked their records and coriducted ~ dye test which indicates that your structure (.~) is not connected to the sanitary s/~w~r, l~ould you pleas~ check you~' records to verify that the structure is) i-~ or is not connected and nottiy us Immcdit~tely if your r~cords indicate that a connection has been made. If we do not hear from you within seven (7) d~ys, we will assume thai our records ar~ correct, tYe, therefore, r~uest you connect ~y ~d all structures l~ated ~n the subject property to public sewer by June 15, 1975. You must .~ppl¥ for. connecti~m perr~At from the permit officer for the Greater Anchorage Ar~a Do~'ough, 3500 l.'r~st Tudor Road. ~f you have ~y questi~s ~egarding thc above, please dc not hesitate to contact the permit officer ~t 279-8586, c>~tension 259, or the Department of Environmental Quality at 274-456I, e>:t~msion 141, Sincerely, Le~ Buchholz, Il ,S. Sanitari~n LB/Iw RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~~ (plus postage) SENT TO POSTMARK OR DATE STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE RETURN RECEIPT SERVICES OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES 1, Shows to whom and date~livered ........... ~5~'  With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ 2. Shows to whom, date and where delivered .. 35¢ With delivery to addressee only ............ 85¢ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...... : .............................................. 50d SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fee required) .................................... PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDEDm (See other Apr. ].971 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ~ ~o: ]972 o- 46o-v4s GREATER ANC HORAG}- D Y~ T~$ T Tax Code.. , ~ .-:: Owner: Mailing Address: User / Tenant: Property Address: REA BOROUGH Date.. Subdivision: .. DYE TEST: [] Positive ~: Negative J ADDITIONAL Of lice: F/eld: Administered ey.. PW-062 (7-74)