HomeMy WebLinkAboutBRUCE #1 BLK 1 LT 3  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT MAILING ADDRES~t ~OI ~ ~'~1 } LEGAL D~SCRIPTION LOCATION ~ ~ UU~ ~ NO. OF BEDROOM~ ~q~ ~ Manufacturor ~ fi~ Material ~o. of compartments Liq. capacity in gallons IF HOMEmDE: ~s~ le~gt~ Width Liquid depth ~OZ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: Well ~ ~ ~ Dwelling ~ ~~ PERMITNO.~ Q Well Foundation Nearest lot line PERMIT NO. ~ = DISTANCE TO: ~ ~ ~ No. of lines Length of each line Total length of lines Trench width Distance between lines ~ ~ ~ inches ~ Top tile to grade Material beneath tile Total effective absorption area of finish Q inches Length Width Depth PERMIT NO.  Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area m Well Building foundation Nearest lot line ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. ~ DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) OTHER SOl L TEST RATING ' ....  DATE LEGAL 72- (Rev: 3~78) ON--$ I TE PERMIT NO. ( 700~3 ) APPLICANT LOCATION LEGAL ~IU~-~ I IS I ~ FILIT'T' CIF 8~IC:Hu~:AI]E DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 8ND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 ~L' STREET, ANCHORAGE, AK. 99501 2~4-4720 SEb~ER IJF'GRR[)E GARY SKAGGS DELLA ST L~ Bi BRUCE S/D 1800 DELL8 LOT SI~ 22275 SQUARE FEET TYPE OF SOIL ABSORBTION SYSTEM IS: DRAINFIELD MAXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS SOIL RATING <SQ FT?BR)= 0 THE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS: DEF"-['H= £~ LE~GTH= 0 GRR%~EL DEF'TH= E~ THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRAINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF A TRENC:H OR PIT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SURFACE OF' THE GROUND AND THE BOTTOM OF THE E~,CAVATION (IN FEET). '~HE TRENC:H L~IDTH IS O. D~DE~ FEET THE GRAVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF ~RHVEL BETHEEN THE OUTF8LL PIPE HN[:, THE BOTTOM OF T, HE E~CHV8TION (IN FEET). PERMIT RPPLICRNT HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THIS DEPARTMENT DURING THE INSTALLRTION INSPECTIONS OF RNY WELLS ADJACENT TO THIS PROPERTY 8ND THE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES THAT THE WELL WILL SERVE. TN,) (2) I NSPECTIO~$ ARE EE~.LII ~:F:[~ BRCKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION AND RPPROVRL BY THIS DEPARTMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN A WELL AND ANY ON-SITE SEWRGE DISPOSRL SYSTEM IS 100 FEET FOR R PRIVATE WELL~ OR 150 TO 200 FEET FROM R PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC WELL. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MAY APPLY. SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAMS RRE AVAILABLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. PEa:r1 I T E}CP I RES DEC:Er. IBER I CERTIFY THAT l: I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AND WELLS RS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE. 2: I WILL iNSTALL THE SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CODES. ~: I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM MAY REQUIRE ENLARGEMENT IF THE x/ ....... V3. 2 Gr~'ATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK: ADDRESS UQU~D CAPACITY n..q'~GALLONS. ~NS~DE LENGT. ~'' NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS SEEPAGE SYSTEM: SEEPAGE PIT: LINING~ __ ~.~~..,,..,.~,._~,,.,'""~'1~ T H , BUILDING FOUNDATION NEAREST LOT LINE TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) SQ. FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL FOUNDATION ~ ~' NEAREST LOT LINE NUMBER OF LINES / .DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES ~' TRENCH WIDTH ABSORPTION AREA ~t~/'~ SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE 15"'O# TOTAL LENGTH /~0' , OF LINES IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE DEPTH OF FILTER 'MATERIAL BENEATH TILE. IN. ABOVE TILE WELL: TYPE ~/'/[~4 , DEPTH ~"~' DISTANCE FROM ~'~t , BUILDING FOUNDATION, LOT LiNE ~j~.~" NEAREST SEPTIC /i~O' SEEPAGEI1 ' SEWER LINE , TANK ~ SYSTEM WATER SAMPLE , CESSPOOL NEAREST OTHER , SOURCES__ DISTANCES: DATE DIAGRAM&OF SYSTEM APPROVED GAAB-H D-2 GREATEI. ANCHORAGE AREA. HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 Eagle St. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 )ROUGH 279-2511 Case No. ~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT ~,/--OY/) RESIDENCE ADDRESS ~'~'~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~~ J SEEPA E PIT APPLICATION TO ~ SEPTIC TANK , G TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY ~.~_.~ ) MAILING AODRESS/~'OO ~/-J-J~ LOCATION OF INSTALLATION ~)~' 3 , DRAIN FIELD . PHONE NO. OTHER FINANCED THROUGH PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS TO BE INSTALLED BY ,--~.-~ , ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT THIS IS TO SERVE AS _ , PERMIT TO I~'~A AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNIT TO BE SERVED · SEPTIC TANK SIZE STST-E'n,- DISTANCES: TYPE SEEPAGE AR EA TYPE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM Health Authority (.15'0' igc Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 I certify that I am familiar with the rcquI above described system is in accordance with said code. DATE ~'/~ /~ APPLICANTS SIGNATUt RECEIPT FOR C. ERTiFIF[~ N!~!i. 20~,~, = , May 9, 1975 W.O. %17308 Mrs. Gracie Dawson c/o Denali Drilling, Inc. 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ATTENTION: Mr. Hal Ingalls PROJECT: Lot 3, Block 1, Bruce Subdivision SUBJECT: Subsurface Soils Exploration on above project property Gentlemen: Transmitted herein are the results of a test boring placed in the project property at the specified location and depth. The test hole log maybe found on Sheet 1 of 4, attached. .Standard explanatory data may be found on Sheets 2 through 4 of 4 attached. The test holes were drilled by Denali Drilling, Inc., super- vision, 'testing and report by Alaska Testlab~ .... .~ The test hole was placed by means of a trUck mounted Mobile B-50 drill fitted with hollow stem continuous flight auger. Standard penetration samples were taken through the hollow stem. Grab samples were taken from the cuttings and from the auger bit as needed. The penetration data is recorded in terms of blows of a 140 pound weight, free falling 30". Each test generally in- cluded a total driven distance of 18". The "Standard Pene- tration'', by definition, is the number of blows required to advance the split spoon 12". The test hole was placed on the 5th of May, 1975, supervised, logged and sampled by Peter Herstek, technician of our staff. The test hole was located from Della Street and the property line by taping as follows: 110 feet east of the west property line and 80 feet south of the south edge of Della Street. The soils in the vicinity of the test hole were found to be predominantly frost susceptible, except for the layer of sand from 3.5 feet to 6.0 feet. Mrs. Gracie Dawson Page 2 May 9, 1975 The free water level was encountered at 3.5 feet while dril- ling, however, after completion of the hole the water level had risen to within 6 inches of the ground surface. The Greater Anchorage Area Borough has established the amount of seepage area per bedroom required for a particular seepage pit based on the unified classification of the soil. We understand this criteria to be as follows: Unified Soils Classification Se.epa~e Area Required GW-GP GM SW SP SM CL-CH 85 sq. ft./bedroom 225 sq. ft./bedroom 125 sq. ft./bedroom 150 sq. ft./bedroom 250 sq. ft./bedroom 275 sq. ft./bedroom 350 sq. ft./bedroom Soils with a seepage area value of greater than 250 square feet per bedroom are generally considered not sufficiently permeable to accept effluent. Additionally, the bottom of any seepage pit is required to be 4.0 feet above the free water level. The Unified Soils Classification of each soil type encountered and the free water level observed at the time of exploration is contained on the test hole log, should proportioning a specific seepage pit in the area defined by a sepcific test hole be required. An item of extreme significance encountered in the test hole was the deep seated ice found from 20.0 feet to the bottom (22.0 feet). We suggest that prior to beginning any construction in the vicinity of the test hole, that a foundation engineer be con- sulted with regard to additional test hole placement and pos- sibly to a greater depth than 22.0 feet in order to determine the lateral as well as the vertical extent of the frozen mat- erial beneath this property. The effect of thawing of the deep seated frozen soil and/or ice on the integrity of a supported structure can be very damaging and expensive. If there should be any questions on the above or if we may be Mrs. Gracie Dawson Page 3 May 9, 1975 of further service in this regard, please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Laboratory Supervisor KWB/vms Test Hole No. 1 Elevation: Existing Ground Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 0.5' 0.5' 3.5' 3.5' 6.0' 6.0' 7.0' 7.0' 20.0' 2~0.0' 22.0' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level.: Sample Depth 1 2.0' 2A 5.0'-6.0' 2B 6.0'-6.5' 3 10.0'-11.5' 4 15.0'-16.5' 5 20.0'-22.0' W.O. 917308 Soil De s. crip.ti, on NFS/F-2, silty gravelly sand, SP/SM, brown F-4, organic silt, Pt, brown, sat- urated, frozen NFS, slightly silty sand, SP, gray, saturated, medium density, random gravels F-l, silty sandy ~ravel, GM, gray, saturated, medium density F-4, silk, ML, gray, wet, plastic, becoming non-plastic at 11 0' stiff some fine sand lenses to 14.0' F-4, silt, ML, gray, wet to saturated, stiff, ice lenses 1/8" to ½" thick every 6" throughout the 2.0' of sample 22.0' 0.5' to 3.0' 0.5' Type of Dry Blows/6" ~ample Strength Temp.9~ G H SP N 8/9/10 SP N 7/9/15 SP ~{-H 38 16/15/18 SP M-L 38 8/12/17/22 SP H 33 @ 20.0' Remarks: Type of Sample, G = Grab; SP = Standard Penetration Dry Strength, N = None, L = Low, M = Med., H = High Free water level was 3.5' while drilling and 0.5' after drilling 4040 "13" STREET, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE: 907.279.2581 May 9, 1975 W.O. 917308 Mrs. Gracie Dawson c/o Denali Drilling, Inc. 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ATTENTION: Mr. Hal Ingalls PROJECT: Lot 3, Block 1, Bruce Subdivision SUBJECT: Subsurface Soils Exploration on above project property Gentlemen: Transmitted herein are the results of a test boring placed in the project property at the specified location and depth. The test hole log may be found on Sheet 1 of 4, attached. Standard explanatory data may be found on Sheets 2 through 4 of 4 attached. The test holes were drilled by Denali Drilling, Inc., super- vision, testing and report by Alaska Testlab. The test hole was placed by means of a trUck mounted Mobile B-50 drill fitted with hollow stem continuous flight auger. Standard penetration samples were taken through the hollow stem. Grab samples were taken from the cuttings and from the auger bit as needed. The penetration data is recorded in terms of blows of a 140 pound weight, free falling 30". Each test generally in- cluded a total driven distance of 18". The "Standard Pene- tration'', by definition, is the number of blows required to advance the split spoon 12". The test hole was placed on the 5th of May, 1975, supervised, logged and sampled by Peter Herstek, technician of our staff. The test hole was located from Della Street and the property line by taping as follows: 110 feet east of the west property line and 80 feet south of the south edge of Della Street. The soils in the vicinity of the test hole were found to be predominantly frost susceptible, except for the layer of sand from 3.5 feet to 6.0 feet. Mrs. Gracie Dawson Page 2 May 9, 1975 The free water level was encountered at 3.5 feet while dril- ling, however, after completion of the hole the water level had risen to within 6 inches of the ground surface. The Greater Anchorage Area Borough has established the amount of seepage area per bedroom required for a particular seepage pit based on the unified classification of the soil. We understand this criteria to be as follows: Unified Soils Classification Seepage Area Required GW-GP GM SW SP SM ML CL-CH 85 sq. ft./bedroom 225 sq. ft./bedroom 125 sq. ft./bedroom 150 sq. ft./bedroom 250 sq. ft./bedroom 275 sq. ft./bedroom 350 sq. ft./bedroom Soils with a seepage area value of greater than 250 square .feet per bedroom are generally considered not sufficiently permeable to accept effluent. Additionally, the bottom of any seepage pit is required to be 4.0 feet above the free water level. The Unified Soils Classification of each soil type encountered and the free water level observed at the time of exploration is contained on the test hole log, should proportioning a specific seepage pit in the area defined by a sepcific test hole be required. An item of extreme significance encountered in the test hole was the deep seated ice found from 20.0 feet to the bottom (22.0 feet). We suggest that prior to beginning any construction in the vicinity of the test hole, that a foundation engineer be con- sulted with regard to additional test hole placement and pos- sibly to a greater depth than 22.0 feet in order to determine the lateral as well as the vertical extent of the frozen mat- erial beneath this property. The effect of thawing of the deep seated frozen soil and/or ice on the integrity of a supported structure can be very damaging and expensive. If there should be any questions on the above or if we may be Mrs. Gracie Dawson Page 3 May 9, 1975 of further service in this regard, please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Laboratory Supervisor KWB/vms Test Hole No. 1 Elevation: Existing Ground Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 0.5' 0.5' 3.5' 3.5' 6.0' 6.0' 7.0' 7.0' 20.0' 2.0.0' 22.0' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: ~mple Depth 1 2.0' 2A 5.0'-6.0' 2B 6.0'-6.5' 3 10.0'-11.5' 4 15.0'-16.5' 5 20.0'-22.0' W.O. 917308 S.~il Description NFS/F-2, ~ilty gr~ve.ll¥ sand, SP/SM, brown F-4, organic silt, Pt, brown, sat- urated, fro.zen NFS, slightly silty sand, SP, gray, saturatea, mealum aensl=y, random gravels F-l, silty sandy gravel, GM, gray, saturated, medium density F-4, silt, ML, gray, wet, plastic, becoming non-plastic at 11..0', stiff, some fine sand lenses to 14.0' F-4, silt, ML, gray, wet to saturated, stiff, ice lenses 1/8" to ½" thick every 6" throughout the 2.0' of sample 22.0' 0..5' to 3.0' 0.5~ Type of Dry Blows/6" Sample Stren~%h Temp.9~ G H SP N 8/9/10 SP N 7/9/15 SP M-}! 38 16/15/18 SP M-L 38 8/12/17/22 SP H 33 @ 20.0' Remarks: Type of Sample, G = Grab; SP = Standard Penetration Dry Strength, N = None, L = Low, M = Med., H = High Free water level w~ 3.5' while drilling ~ after drilling ......................... ~