HomeMy WebLinkAboutBRUIN PARK BLK 4 LT 14  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME ~.~HONE _ __ I [] NEW MAI LI NO ADDER E~S ~ LEGAL I~ESCR IPTION I ~ NO. OF BEDROOMS 'LOCATIONp0 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Manufacturer Material ~o. of compartments ~ ~ Uq. capacitg in ~altons IF HOMEMADe: Inside Ion~th ~idth kiquid depth 0 ~ ~ Manufacturor Material Uquid capacitg 5 DISTANCE TO: /:~d~. I ~ We~ Foun~ Nearest J7~, PER~~ Lengt~f'~htline ~ ' Total ~lines Trenc~h Distance be~?~es -- inches lota~~tion area ~ NO. of lines / Q , Length Width Depth PERMIT NO. ~ ~ Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area ~ Well Building foundation Nearest lot line m DISTANCE TO: ~ Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. ~ Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) ~ DISTANCE TO: OTHER ' REMARKS [ 72-C (Rev. 3/78) R F' I:::' L I E: FI N T L Of'cl:::¢r I E N LEGF!L. HFIXIHLIH I'.,II...II',tE~E[;;: OF E~EE:,F..'OOHL.--., := ::ii: THE REg!U I RE[::, :512:E OF THE b-;O I L. RE:':.4;OF.:F'T I ON :E'i'¢?.rEH i :!~; · 'T'HE LENGTH D :[ MEN"_'51 ON I S ]"HE LENGTH ,:.' ]: N FEET) (:~i:::' 'T'I~ TI:;.tENCFI OR THE DEPTH OF R TRENCFt OF..' PIT ;.f.:5 THE DZS'TRNE:E BE-TI,.IEEN '1"FIE:'_' ::!:';I...II:;;'.F:'Rc,r':~ Oi:::' 'TF!!ii:: GF.:OLIND RI,ii) THE BOTTOH OF THE E',:4CFI","FIT!ON ':.'I.N FEET::'. THERE :I:~; NO :E;ET N:[[.'.'TH FOR TREI"4CH. E~;. THE GRF4","EL DEPTH :]:S THE f'IlNIHUH. DEF'TH OF GF.'FI'v'EL BETHEEN THE OUTF'f::!L.L. FIND T'HE BOTTOH OF' THE; E!:XE:FI',,"RT:[ON '-'.'ZN FEET::'. FEET FOR FI F'F.:t',,,:FITE FIELt....~ ! CEF.:TIF'.t THRT ±: I RM FFIHIL. IRR [,!:t:'T'H THE RE6~.UIREMEI",q"S FOR ON--.BITE FOFi:TH B'¢ 'THE t"tl..jl'.,lI E:I F'RI.. ! 'T"¢ OF RNCHORRGE. ;;il: ): HILL INSTRL. L, THE S"r'%TE?! !l"4 RCCOR[:'FINCE 14I'rH THE CODE~;. ]!i:: ;f; UNDEF.'.L:,TFtN[) THRT THE ON-.SITE ':-.'.:,EI.,.!ER %'T"F, TEH HR'T' RE6~UIRE ENLRt:;;'.(iiEf'iEiNT Ii:::' THE: RIE':}~;:I:!)ENC[< ~:.S REI',IO[:,ELE[:,_ ]"O INCL.UDE HORE TH-FtI'.~ ..... ..... / I I / .............. ' . .............. ~"~ ,~ .. s:,' .">L ;~ SOl LS LOG PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVl RONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-222~J SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST ADC Hr. Wayne Sweet DATE PERFORMED: Lot 14, Block 4, Bruin Park Subdivision PERCOLATION TEST No. 79035 5/22/79 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ~----_12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS Sod 0.3' Sandy Silt' (ML) Brown 1.0' Sandy Silt (ML) w/some cobbies Gray 7.0' Sand (SP) C/Fo w/some silt Gray T.D. 16.0' SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? N 0 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? n a Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 1 5/22/7~ 9:23 - 0.50' - 2 9:27 4 min 2.12' 1.62' 3 9:29 - 0.40' - 4 9:33 4 min 1.85' 1.45' 0! PERCOLATION RATE 1 min/inoh (minutes/inch) .,~ ~ 7 TEST RUN BETWEEN 9 FT AND 1 1 FT PERFORMED BY: S o Shrader CERTIFIED BY: S.Shrader DATE: 5/23/79 72-008 (7/76) ~ TY~OF R~8i.~ - - NUMBER OF BEDROOMS -_ . ' - ' ~' COMMUNITY - ~n~edunelg75.-For wells drilledprior t0t~a~, give Well , N~TE= THE INSPECTI~ ~E&-~ST~AC~~Y ~ACH-RE~E~BEF~R~ P~O~it~ -CA~ BE I~tYiAYEb.' TIME DATE I NSPECT0 R DIRECTIONS: THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INSPECTION APPOI NTM ENTS TIME DATE INSPECTOR DATE RECEIVED TIME DATE I NSP'ECTOR 1. i~v'P~E. O I~RE'~ I ~) EI~I C E [] SINGLE FAMILY [] MULT~IPLE.,FAM~ILY 2. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIyIDUAL ; [] COMMUNITY ~; []" PUBliC UTILITY . · Connection Verified 3. SEWAGE mSPOSAL SYSTEM [] IN DIVI DU ,AL/ON -SITE []PUBLIC U~I LITY Connection .Verified I--lSeptic Tank~or .ri Hol~ling Tank Size: If Tank is'h~m"ema(~e give dimensions: - ' TYPE OF TANK ~ TOTAL ABSORPTION ARE~, 4. DISTANCES ~ WELL TO: Absorption Area to nearest Lbt Line 5. COMMENTS PERMIT NUMBER DEPTH OF WELL DATE DRILLED LOG RECEIVED PERMIT NUMBER DATE INSTALLED INSTALLER MANUFACTURER MATERI'AL , ' Septic/H°lding~Tan k 'lAbsorption Area 1Sewer Line · i Nearest Lei Line PRO ED BE'DROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED DATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION 72-010 (R'ev. 3/78) ' ' ' ENGINEERg SURVEYORS ~I,-ANNERB 5905 OLD SEWARD HIGHWAY ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 OFFICE: (907) 344-0313 May 17, 1979 ADC No. 79035 Mr. Wayne Sweet SRA Box 1778-A Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Re.' Adequacy Test for Existing Septic System on Lot 14, Block Bruin Park Subdivision. Dear Mr. Sweet: At your request our office conducted a percolation adequacy test on your existing septic system at the above-referenced location during the period May 14 to 16, 1979. The Municipality's Department off Health and Environmental Protection (D.H.E.P.) reported that your septic system consists of a septic tank and 2 seepage pits with 32 feet off trench extending from the second pit. Since Mr. Ray Barrett reported that the system had been pumped on May 7, the adequacy test was re-scheduled to May 14 to give the system time to stabiiize.after the addition of fresh water. Further, since the 3-bedroom house had been occupied up to the time Of the test, a normal degree of saturation within the Ieach fieid is assumed. In accordance with the Anchorage Municipal Code, Chapter 15.65, Waste Water Disposal Regulations, any on-site sewage disposal system "shai1 have adequate capacity to properiy dispose of the maximum daily sewage fIow." The maximum daily fiIow is computed at 75 galions per capita-day (gcpd). Since "the popuIation of dweiiings shall be estimated at two persons per sIeeping room," the maximum daiiy sewage fiow for your 3-bedroom house is 450 gaIions per day (gpd). To test the soil absorption capacity as well as the surge capability off your system, 110 percent of the maximum daily flow or 500 gallons of clear water was added in 50-gallon increments to the seepage pit. The water was obtained from your on-site private well at its maximum sustained rate of about 5 gallons per minute (gpm). The liquid levels were monitored closely to detect any backup in the septic system. Mrs. Wayne Sweet May 17, 1979 Page '-2- ADC No. 79035 The attached Table off Test Data represents the depths of , Iiquid in the septic tank and seepage pit, and the quantities of water added. The septic tank was determined to be 8..3 feet deep (bottom of tank to ground surface) with an initiai depth of 6.2 feet in ~he tank. The seepage pit was measured to be 8.5 feet deep with an initial depth of 2.1 feet. Ground elevation at the septic tank standpipe is approximateiy 1.3 feet higher than at the seepage pit standpipe. Standpipe for the second reported seepage pit was not found. The attached Summary of Test Results indicates that the liquid levei in the seepage pit at the beginning of testing on Day 2 feiI to 0.75 feet above its initiai static Ievei on Day 1, during a recovery period of 22 hours. On Day 3, the ievel had faiien to 0.40 feet above its initiai static ievei on Day 2, during a recovery period of 25 'hours. The leveI in the seepage pit at its highest Ievei during the test (3.7 feet) was approximateIy 1.4 feet below the liquid levei in the septic tank. Based On two days of testing, a percolation rate for your existing septic system of 85 to 265 gpd is indicated. Since an on-site sewage disposal system for a 3-bedroom dwelling must be capable of disposing of 450 gallons of sewage per day, your septic system does not appear to be functioning adequately at this time. Hany factors affect the operation of a soil absorption type of sewage disposai system. Soil type, groundwater depth, age and history of maintenance of the system, and types of waste are a few. This test has been performed in an attempt to modei actuaI soiI absorption capabiIities of your septic system under normaI useage by considering'the degree of saturation of the ieach fieid fieId and surge ioads that might be imposed on the system. This test can oniy evaiuate apparent performance at a given point in time, and cannot determine either the condition of the leach fieid, seepage pit or other components of the septic system, or the depth of the water tabie. We appreciate the opportunity given to perform this adequacy test. If you have any questions regarding this test, piease contact this office. Very truly yours, ALASKA DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS Stephen D. Shrader, P.E. Project Manager Mr.~Wayne Sweet May 17 , 1979 Page -3- Wtr Added, 'Seepage Pit Rise in Seepage Pit Rise in Septic Tank Callons Wtr Added per Ft of Rise (gal/ft) SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Day 1 D 2 0.9' 0.85' 0.0' 0.0' 555 588 ADC No. 79035 Day0 3 Recovery Time between Test (Hours) Drop in Pit during Recovery Average Rate of Fall (ft/hr) Average Absorption Rate (gal/day) 22 0.'15' 0.01 ' 85 25 0.45' 0.02' 265 · Adequacy Test for E[isting Septic System O~ner: Mr. Wayne Sweet Project No. 79035 Address:~ .... SEA Bo.x' 1778-A~ A.nchorage~ Alaska 99507 ~g~l'~,~giP~ton~ Lot ~ Block 4~ BrUSh ~ar.k Subdivision' Co~onente of ~tic.'s~em~Septic tank; 2 seepage..pits w/32' of trench from Number' 'of ~rooms: .. ~ ~cupted prior to test~ Yes XX No Now long vacant: Test performed by.. S. Shrader Initial Static Levels: · Septic Tank 6.2 ' Last pumped: May 7, 1979 · Water meter/S.N.5/8"i ~t22812186 ; Seepage Pit 2.1' ... TE~T DATA Time Septic Tank Seepage Pit. Added, gal Reading, gal Remarks 5/B/79 ,. 1:40 Empty 1.7' 0 - 5114179 9:05 3.6' 2.1' - 9159 Check levels 9:09 9159 Begin Test 9:17, 3.6' 2.3' 50 9209 9:28 3.6' 2.3' 50 9259 9:39 3.6' 2.5, 50 9309 9:51 3.6' 2.6' 50 9359 10:01 3.6' 2.65' 50 9409 10:11 3.6' 2.80' 50 9459 10:20 3.6' 2.90' 50 9509 10:30 3.6' 2.90' 50 9559 10:40 3.6' 3.00' 50 9609 End Test 10:51 ' 3.6' 3.00' 50. 9659 Day 1 500 gal 500 gal Owner.: Mr. Wayne Sweet Project kk). 79035 Legal Description: Lot 14, Block 4, Bruin Park Subdivision · -~., .i'.` ..'..' ~ST DATA (Oont'd) . ,.. · Liquid DeFt_h, ft' Water Meter '' '~ Tin~ . SePtic` Tank. Seepage Pit Added, gal Reading, gal Remarks - Check levels s :'48 ~3:6, 2. ss, - - 5/15/79 8:54 0 9667 Begin Test 9:03 3.6' 2.85' 50 9717 9:12 3.6' 2.95' 50 9767 9:22 3.6' 3.05' 50 9817 9:32 3.6' 3.13' 50 9867 9:42 3.6' 3.23' 50 9917 9:52 3.6' 3.32' 50 9967 10:02 3.6' 3.40' 50 10017 10:13 3.6' 3.50' 50 10067 10:23 3.6' 3.60' 50 10117 End test t0:33 3.6' 3.70' 50 10167 Day 2 500 500 5/16/79 11:34 3.6' 3.25' - - Check levels E~NGINE£Rg SURVE¥OR~I PLANNERS 5905 OLD SEWARD HIGHWAY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 oFFIcE: (907) 344-0313 May 17, 1979 Mr. Wayne Sweet SPA Box 1778-A Anchorage, Alaska Re: ADC No. 79035 99507 Adequacy Test for Existing Septic System on Lot 14, Block Bruin Park Subdivision. Dear Mr. Sweet: This letter is our invoice for the above-referenced project: INVOICE NO. 79035 Professional Services Engineering Technician (field - perform test) 5.4 hrs ® $25.00 Registered Engineer(office - prepare letter report) 0.6 hr ® $40.00 Subtotal Professional Services TOTAL INVOICE NO. 79035 Please note our invoice number on your remittance. any questions, please contact this office. Very truly yours, ALASKA DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS Stephen D. Shrader, P.E. Project Manager $ 135.00 24.00 $ 159.00 $ 159.00 If you have  ' GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality · "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received April 19, 1976 Time of Inspection Date of Inspection 4-20-76 - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF Les INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR 9:30 a.m. Tuesday Cony. Approval requested by: Mailing Address: Property Owner: Mailing Address: Legal Description: Location: Alaska Mutual Savings Bank Post Office Box 1120, Phone: Lorin V. Flanders Phone: Lot 14 Block 4 Bruin Park Subdivision Polar Drive Type of facility to be inspected Single Family No. of bedrooms 4 Well Data: A. Type Individual C. Construction ~--~, Sewage Disposal System: B. Depth 110' D. Bacterial Analysis On-site system A. Installed B. Installer C. Septic Tank: 1. Size 2. Manufacturer D. Seepage Pit: 1. Absorption Area 2. Material E. Disposal Field: Total length of lines 8. Distances: A. Well to: Septic tank , Absorption area , Sewer Lines Nearest lot line , Other contamination B. Foundation to septic tank , Absorption area C. Absorption area to nearest lot line EQ-034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOP. AG[~ DEPT. OF H,.2t~,LTH ,?t .MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ,ENVIRONMENTAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2510 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99504 276-2221 APR g 197'6 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF .R~ C E J VE INDIVIDUAL SEWER and WATER FACILITIES = .... 1. Type of Inspection: CMRO VA FHA CONV. 2. PropertyOwner: Lo~/'.N. D'. tt'-/~.~. ~. ~-,~,~.. Mailing Address: ?,? ,~,~7,~-~,/ //~,d . 3. Name of Buyer:..~o.~7.4/[' 7'- Mailing Address: ?D, c ,~ . 4. Name of Lending Institution: .~. Mailing Address: ,~ f~' ~ · 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: /~,~ A! Day Phone: ~7./-,/ Day Phone: Phone: Mailing Address: Phone:. 6.Legal Description: Location: Type of Facility to be Inspected: ~,~T~..-° - ~'-~/~,?, Water Supply Type of Supply: Public Utility. If Individual, number of dwellings presently served If Individual, depth of well Sewage Disposal System Type of System: No. Bdrms. ~- Individual X Public Utility Individual (on-site) ~' 72-003(3/76) Page ,2 of two pages - Re~ , for Approval of Individual , · & Water Faciliti'es Le. gal Description Lot 14 Block 4 Bruin Park Subdivision Comments Approved Disapproved Date Approval Valid for one year from date signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED ~z~-~ ~ !~ ~ Date ~-~~7~' £Q-O34 (1/74) ~,/6-2221 1120 ALa.~ 99510 approve the eab~emt lot. re~ ~. i~rin V. Fla~ders prope~o GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 , Date Received ..... ~--f~ e 3. 4. 5. Time of Inspection. Date of Inspection REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR g~proval Requested By: ~f~,~. ~ ~__/2~.~<~ -- . . Leg,l Description: ,~ /V ~ ~ ~.~~ ~', ,, Number of Bedrooms: ,.-- ~- ~ell Data:~~~ Constructi on <~/~ C ~ D Depth //~'"C3 / 'Bacterial Analysis 7. -Sewage Dts,~osal System: A. Installed ..,./.~,f~ ~ .. B. ¢.~<J'~'eptic Tank: 1. Size '2. D. Seepage Pi%: 1. Size 2. Material Installer ' Manufacturer E. Disposal Field: Total. Length of Lines Distances: / A. Well To: Septic Tank 73 ! , Absorption Area /~ ~' , Sewer Lines , Nearest Lot Line Foundation to Septic T,n · Other Con%amination ",, Ab~orption Area C. Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line Re~]es, t for Approval of Ir Page Two dual Sewer & Water Facilities Aonroved ~/~.4~ sapproved Date Approval Valid for One Year From Date Signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of ~-nvironmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTBM I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities located at: