HomeMy WebLinkAboutBRUIN PARKFIRST ADDITION BLK 5 LT 25 October ~'4, 1~74 Ralph Barnard S.R.A. Box 1765 It Anchorage, Alaska 99507 SU~ECT: Lot 25, Block 5, Brutn Park Subdivision - BuJ1dlng Permtt #5702 De~r ~r. Barnard: Thts offtce has found that although a building permit was issued for the subject property, no on-site sewer permtt has been issued. This area qutres on-stte sewage dtsposal and water supply. it will be necesaary for you to obtatn a sotl test from one of the 11censed tndtvtduals ahown on the enclosed 11st and then come tn to thts office and obtain a permtt, ! suggest you contact several people for bids on the test, This offtce has no fee for a sewer permtt. Once the system tS tnstalled, you must bare tt Inspected and approved prtor to backft111ng Please contact thts office for a permit wtthtn ten (10) d~ys. Your fatlure to comply wtth these regulations wtll result in legal action to gatn com- pliance, Sincerely, Susan E, Dtckerson, Sanitarian Enclosure: 2-soll report forms 1-soil testers SED:ko cc: Building Section, P.S. Certified No. 740396 ( ATTN: Dick Chitty ~ight of Way Director~ Juneau Williams Donald Way Agen~ ~c~or~ge Peb~u~. 28, 197.3 52A-291? Project 3Otb Av~n~e Couplet Paree! Mo. Unit ~o ~ Tenmnt Linda Harvey Agen2 Etewen Me~oom inspected a dwelling on Wi!ene Avemue tha~ .dt~plaeee I~ considering punch.lng, Contact w~= ~th ~he. ~a~e~ ~cho~ A~ea ~u~'m Dep~t~nt of ~~n$~ Qu~lty .~d ~ey sent out a S~aSa~lan to ~ke ~ inspection In ~~ to' the ~ll-septle my~tem and quarry of wa~e~. A teleph~e call was ~oeived ~om the sana~I~ ~day in ~ga~ to the need or a m~itary meal o~ t~ well ~ tha$ the State's Depa~ent of En~ron~nSal Co~e~tion, ~ e~rgeney ~Iations. requi~ the septic t~ t~ be ~ th~ 100 ~ee$ away ~om the well. d~e~i~'s sep$io tank is ~ou~ 60 feet ~om the well. A~o, the s~a~a~n h~ no~ yet ~i~d the results the exa~tlom o~ the wate~ qu~i~. The G~ aa~ta~ ~n~loned the ~on to contae~ in ~neho~ge ~ould be ~. ~le ~er~ of the State Department o~ En~me~al Conse~ion in ~ga~ to a A~n~ NcB~oo~ telephoned ~. ~aer~ and was ~f~d to ~. Je~ Re~nwend, Speoi~ Assists: tO CommisaloneP, S~ate of Alaska, ~P~n~ Of ~ro~ental Conservation, Pouch O., Juneau, ~aska, 99801. ~r. McBroom ~ked if the~ was any Wilti~ would wan~ to eontac~ ~. ~elnwend mince they are bo~h In the s~ !oeallty. The Dist~c~'s eonce~ is if the Bo~u~h app~ves the quali~y of ~he wa~e~ ~d~ according to the Bo~ug~ they are satisfied wi~h ~he set-up fo~ the well and septic tank, would the Depa~nt of Hi,ways b~ conceded ~ith the f~ct that the~ i~ less th~ 10O feet between the well and m,otio t~nk? ~]hOuld be noted aEain that the C~ater Anchorage A~a Borough Depart~n$ of En~ronmental Quality does no~ object to the seotic tank betnM 50 tO 60 fee~ from the ~ell. in conclusion, if the Boroush is satisfied with the ~ater system (I.e. sanita~ ~eal Is attached to well am~ '~ater A-OK) i;~ It necessary to obtain a variance fro:n Mr, ~c~.-~,.r~.~ o~ the o~,a~e's En~ron~ntal Conserv~tlon off~.e~ in Junes? · ,~ RIG#T OF WAY AGENT STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS CENTRAL DISTRICT 5700 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE AK. 99507 337-]511 EXT. 131