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In accordance with Alaska Statutes, Title 18, "Health and Safety",~hapter 0S, See. 18.0[.040, (il), (12), and rules and
ulations promulgated thereupder,~we, /
herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete pIans
for the proposed project described below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans and speci-
fications, and a Project Report (Engineering or Architectaral Report) including necessary data required for full understand-
lng of SANITARY FEATURES of,design. '
(Give complete but brief description of project)
.................... r--~ ........................................................... (~ ........... =.~:e2.~ ...............................................................................................
These plans were prepared by ~ff~.~ ~ ~. _/.~--- ~., .. ~,_~ .eL"
/ ~ -- (Name of/~es!gnlng Eng~eer, Archltec~ or Firm)
......... :.
--- -.-~: .................... and by or under the direction of the following ~ng[neor(sl or
Architect(s) duly licensed to practice in Alaska:
· ................
This project is to be financed in the following manner: (Lis~ sources of funds and amounts).
Sources of funds: Amounts:
..... ---:---'-?'"::"'
Total estimated cost of this project is $' ....... .~.._ .~__...,'~_. .....................
Thes~tansz]are being submitted to you fit least one month prior to the contemplated date of advertising for bids
(Date bids will be called)
We understand that construction shall not be started until your final approval of these plans has been received; that
no revisions in the plans at'feeling the SANITARY FEATURES el the project may be made subsequent to receipt o£ your
final approval unless such revisions be submitted and approTed; that construction will be carried out in accordance with
the approved ptans; and that unless construction on this project is started w£[hin a two-year period subsequent to your
approval, such approval will become void.
Very truly you.rs, , -~ /' '
L .....................................
(Ofilclal Title)
October 20, 197Z
Contracting Engineers and Associates
1801 Stanton Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska
Attention: Mr. Glenn Huff
Subject: Sewer and Water Plans for Br__yant Subdivision
Dear Mr. Huff:
The Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental
Quality has received and reviewed the plans for the subject
project. After review of both sets of plans, we have the follow-
ing comments:
1) We note that there will be a manhole between the 40'
and 80' radius of the well. Your plans indicate that
this manhole will have a one inch grout seal in total
on the inside of the manhole. This is acceptable to
~his Department.
2) Zn the specifications for development and construction
of the water system, we see no reference made to the
fact that we will require chemical analysis on the
water system once~-~he system is :omplete~ We would~
expect this chemtclhlL a~ly$:tl~ to be supplied once
this system is compl~.
We shall look forward to t~ receipt of?as-built engineering plans
on this project once comP~ete also.
Should you nave any ques~tons regarding our review of these plans,
please contact the under,signed.
Roll Strlckland, R.S.
Chief Sanitarian
October 30, 1973
Contracting Engineering & Associates
1401 Stanton Avenue
Anchora§e, Alaska
G1 enn Huff
Re: Bryant Subdivision Community t4ell
~oar Sir:
The "asbutlt" for the subject well was received and reviewed
by this department on October 23, 1973.
~efore this department can approve the subject ~ell, ~te must
r~ceiv~ a bacterial and chemical analysis of the water
inspect the wellhouse construction.
If you ()ave any questions regarding the above, please con~
tact this depart~en't at 274-4561, extension 13~.
Tim ~tumfelt, ~ S
T. J. Bryant
~32911/2 t. ake Otis Parkway
Anchorage, Alaska
_~h~ll ~pplff :
These rn/nirnurn d/~nc~s :rom ~he ~II ~o po;n~s
of possible contamination ah~ll 6e me~nba~ned.
~e ~EWER E~SEMENT ~r Lo~ ~ ~
-~ -