HomeMy WebLinkAboutBROADWATER HEIGHTS S-9444 Expired 02-08-95 A. Please fill in the i 0. Case NumberrFKNOWNt. VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY OR EASEMENT APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 Anch°rage' '~ or n~umlber per ~ock. Street Address 1. Vacation Code OFFICE USE REC'D BY: VERIFY OWN: AFFIDAVIT: POSTING: Tax I.D. Number 2. Abbreviated Description of Vacation (EAST 200 FEET SOME STREET). 3. Existing Abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOT 34). 4. Petitioner's Name (Last - First), Petitioner's Representative. Address: I Zql City: E'q~p)J~ RCv~d' State: 6. Petition Area Acreage. 7. Proposed Number Lots. 10. Grid Number. 11. Zone. Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone No. 8. Existing Number Lots. 9. Written Justification. 12. FeeS ~ O C J, 13. CommunityCouncil I hereby ce~,,· that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to vacat~ it in conformance with nc alCodeofOrdinances ~understandt~atpayment~fthebasicvacati~nfeeisn~nre~undab~eandist~`v~e~th~c~s~s~ Chapt~r21°!theAnch°~ageMu ? ' sno~""~ass a roval of the vacation, l also understand hatadd ionalfees~_bi~.~[~;{~; Munic , 's cost ,o ,ocess ,h,, apphca on exceed th bast fee. I further understand that aas,g0~d he~r,ng dates are tentat,ve..~ ~e p ty I ni~ Staff Plattin Board, Plann ng o miss on or the Assen~ly due,to adm~strat~ve reasons, r I.'.~'l~4'~ , ~.,: postponed by Pan g , g -- / Signature / 1% 20-039!Rev 9192Y Front *Agents must provide wrl~en proof or a~. ) July 7, 1993 Mr, Jerry Weaver Mtmicipality of Anchorage Planning Depta tment P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Deal' Mr. Weaver, During the process of selling our home we became aware of a problem we inherited and were m~aware of until recently. Our water well is in a utility easement. We would like to have a 12 inch circle of land surrounding the well vacated. I have enclosed letters of non- objection from the utility companies involved as well as a copy of our as-built survey. Because we are tryin8 to close a sale on our home anything you can do to expedite this would be greatly appreciated. If you need any more iafonnation from me I can be reached at 694-4784. Thanles in advance for all your efforts. Sincer, ly, Kathleen B. Maekey 18241 Stillwater Dr. Eagle River, AK 99577 "----.-~ o. ~ '~ ,×.1 · . ~.. ' ~o, '~' ~?;';:'. ........ ~~_~ LOT SURVEY CERTIFICATION LEGEND Pre.red by: Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. P.O. Box 2929 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Telephone: (907) 745-3231 Fax: (907) 745-9328 June 18, 1993 Ms. Kathleen B. Mackey 18241 Stillwater Dr. Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Dear Ms. Mackey: Subject: Lot 3A, Tract A, Broadwater Heights Subdivision Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. (MEA) has no objection to the vacation of a portion of the platted 10 foot wide utility easement along the southwesterly edge of the subject lot to accommodate an existing water well, as indicated on the as-built survey of the subject lot. The vacated portion may be up to a maximum of four feet into the utility easement around the well site. Sincerely, Robert G. Ylvisaker Right of Way Agent BY.377 MEMORANDUM Ju~e 22, 1993 · 0: ~ian ~all, Public Wor~ Dep~ b,~nt F~C~: ~$nald C. Keefer, Planning Supervisor, ~ ' Engineering Division, AWWU EAS~m~T ~ Broadw~ter Heights Subdivision, Tract A, Lot 3A Refe~e June 18, 1993 request The Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility has reviewed a request f~tt ~athlee~ B. Mackey, for easement encroac/m~nt. AWWU does not have water nor sanitary sewer main lines available to the referenced lot and therefore has no objection to the encroachment of the existing ~11. Shuuld you ?ave any questions, please call Hallie Morrison at 564-2721. cc: Kathleen B. M~ckey 18241 St~llwater Drive Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Grid NW 253 [wwh~m .wp. ~9 ~e~t ] 37 PRIME June 23, 1993 Mrs. Kathleen B. Mackey 18241 Stillwater Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99577 SUBJECT: Partial Vacation of Easement Dear Mrs. Mackey: Prime Cable of Alaska has no objection to vacating up to four feet of easement surrounding the existing well that is placed in the platted utility easement on Lot 3A, Tract A, Broadwater Heights Subdivision. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 786-9305. Sincerely, System Designer /jb 5151 FAIRBANKS STREET · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503" (907) 562-2400 Matanusla Telephone Association, Thomas fl. Mlnnlch PresidentJC. E.O. pARer_AL VACAWION OF EA~I~IT AI~ R~T.I?j~SI~ ~ T.T~BTT.T~'~ DOCUI~J~t Matanuska Telephone Association, Inc., Grantor, through this document, and a compensatory alternate location agreement, when required, does not obi eot to a Paz~cta1 Vacation of a One By One Foot area, located within a x Ten (10), Fifteen (15), , Twenty (20) , Thirty (30), foot platted Electric and Telecommunications (Telephone) Easement, x , Utility Easement (Public Utility Easement), located on the South boundary, running in a West to East direction, on a parcel of property described as Lot 3At Tract AI Broadwater Heights Township I4N , Range 2w , - Section One ~ Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District, according to Plat 77-08 ~ Book NA dated 1977 pr.R~SE NOTE: This palatial vacation is only for the area surrounding an easement encroachment described as a Only and DOES NOT CONST~TUTa ANY VACATION OF '~'~ RENAxi~D~ OF EASEHRNT_DESCRIBRD ABOVE. The property owner(s) NAY NOT encumber the remainder of the easement. Encumbrances are described aa, but not limited to, fences, septic systems, decks, or o~her objects that may encroach into the easement described. This agreement for the partial release of the platted easement on the above property is subject to the approval of the local government Platting Board in whose jurisdiction the property lies. THIS pARTIAL VACATION ~' SHA?.T. BE VOIDED IIiN~nlATELY SHOULD 1. THE LOCAL PLATTING Au'z'~ORITY DENY %'~ PARTIAL VACATION OF THE pLATTED UTILITY EASENRNT; AND/OR 2. W/TaY~I 13 WORKING DAYS OF ISSUANCE OF THIS DOCUMENT, THE PROPEI~TY OW~K FA~LS TO DEL~v~ TO TM MTA RIGHT-OF-WAY SECTION, A COPY OF AN AS-BUILT OR A PLAT REFLECTING' TBE UTIT.TTY~S AUTHORIZED DI~T~NSIONS OF 'r~ PARTIAL VACATION GRA~xaD. MT~ Par~ka~ Va~a~z~o~/Lia~lit~ Re~- Page 2 ADDITIONAL SPECIA~ CONDITIONS AN~ OR P~Q~/~T~ It has also been noted that t~gre is a Greenhouse located w~thin a 20t FOUNDATION (ANYTHING NOT H~¥ING CONCRETE FOOTINgs%. IT WILL N~ TO BK KE~0V~D FROH THE UTILITY EASemeNT. If th~ Gra,~ho,,~, sits on concrete GRA~'&'~.~-'S I{~?.~E OF GRANTOI{ r.T~BILITY The Gr~n~ (s), by his her ~ ~he~r signatures on this do~ment agree that he, her, they, their heirs, assigns, and/or su~es~, will forever Matanu~ka Telephone Association, Inc., and/or its contracTor(s) harmless from any and all responsibility and/or liability for dnmages, to the Und~rgrgund water and electric line~ from the well tn NE boundary of the 10' ~E, Any oar~ nf ~he Greenhouse Encroachmen~ which is X are no~ covered by the One by One Foot Partial Vacation area aro~nd the ~ell Casin~ or ~he ~n~f~e of the Greenhouse Encroachment · which is located in the. a~ve described pka~ted u~ility easement, sh~ said faoili~e~: acciden~ly damage~ during construction a~ivities cond~'by Matanuska Telephone Association, Inc., in the remainder area of said platted easement. THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that. on this~ day .off'w6___, the undersigned, a Not~ Public ~w/ana-or 19_~_~ =,ia the C~ ge ~ersonail~ ~oh and ~o ~e ~o~' ~o be ~e fnd~v~dul(s) described in and who ex~t~ ~e forgoing and ac~l~g~ to me that ~e~he~ey sl~ ~d seale~ ~e s~o freely and voluntarily for the uses and pu~oses therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here%~nto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in ~his cer~ificate first above written. My commission Expires~ THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that on this day of 19 , before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in State of , personally for the to me personally known and to me known described in and who executed the me that he she they freely and voluntarily for the mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I my official seal the day year in above written. to the individual(s) and acknowledged to and sealed the sa~e and puz~oses therein set my hand and affixed this certificate first NOTARY PUBLIC for My Commission Expires: Bernadette Z immerman Real Estate and Properties Supervisor Date: June 25t 1993 THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that on this 25th day of June , 1993 , before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska, personally appeared BERNADETTE ZIMMERMAN, to me personally known and to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing and acknowledged to me that she signed and sealed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, my official written. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed seal the day and year in this certificate first above Inc o GRANTOR(S) ADDRESS ~atanuska Telephone Associationt P. O. Box 3550 Palmer~ Alaska 9964~-~550 GRANTEE (S) ADDRESS Bruce D. and Kathleen B. Mmckey 18241Stillwater Drive EaRle River. Alaska 99577 NOTARY PUBLIC f6r Alaska My commission expires: ~.. ~,o~ .... ~.~z .... ~, .... .......... ~ ~t ...... ~ ~ ....... Please Return To: Bernadette Z{mmerman Real Estate and Properties Supervisor Matanuska Telephone Association, Inc. Post office Box 3550 Palmer, Alaska 99645-3550 Page BZ/C:\forms\Parvacea.for 2 of 2 LOT · LOT SURVEY CERTIFICATION LEGEND "' ENSTAR Natural Gas Company A OIVtSION OF SEAGULL ENERGY CORPORATION 3000 Spenard Road P~O. Box 190288 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0288 (g07) 277 5551 June 21,1993 Mr.and Mrs. Bruce Mackey 18241 Stillwater Drive Eagle River , Alaska 99577 Dear Mr.and Mrs.Mackey: Enstar Natural Gas Company has no objection to the vacation of the utility easement on Lot 3A Tract A Broadwater Heigths Subdivision. This easement is not needed by our Company. If you have any questions please call me at 264-3743. Very Truly Yours, Dan Westervelt Right-of-Way Agent dw ~, ~/ ' ' ~- An~ora~e Recordi~ Distr' , ~ ~at of LOT SU~ ~RTIFICATION LEGEND hff~ ~d t~t ~ ~entl .it~t~ ~ ~ .IrMa ~ ~P- 0 It~ pi~ Pre~r~ /