HomeMy WebLinkAboutBROOKWOOD BLK 4 LT 7Brookwood Block 4 Lot 7 #016-172-11 j.,~U. BSU RFACE EXPLORATION 6. TIME DISTRIBUTION HOURS SUMMARY COLUMN DRILLE~ .. FISHING DRILLING. SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS (ITEMIZE) 8. CASING LOG 9. SOILS LOG TOTAL ;AMPLe DEPTHS TYPE NO. LENGTH leNgTh NO. FROM TO SAMPLE MATER[ALS AND REMARKS /3L/2cK £ (~ L~)(7,~ (~ I.EGAL DESCRIFTION OF GROUlqD I.OCATION SOUTH PU~P STATION BROOI~OOD SUBDIVISION: CIRCULAR AREA HAVING A RADIUS OF 11 (ELEVEN) FEET AND L0= CATED AT INTERSECTION OF RAINBOW AVENU-E AND DOLLY VARDEN AVENUE, MORE PAPTICUI.ARLY DESCRIBED AS A CIRCLE WHOSE CEN~ TER IS LOCATED 225.9 FEET (TWO HUNDRED 'i%4ENT. Y~FIVE AND NINE TE~THS) SOUTH 52 (FIFTY=TWO) DEGREES 44 (FORTY-FOUR) MINUTES EAST OF A GREATER ANCHORAGE PI~ATTING BOARD MONU- MENT AlqD HAVING AN AREA OF 379.94 ( THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY- NINE AND NINTY~'FOUR ONE HUNDREDTHS) SQUARE FEET OR 0.0088 ACRES, MORE OR LESS° THE MONOMENT IS }IARKED "N-W-BLOCK 10 BRI6~D 1959" AND IS LOCATED AT THE lqI~ CORNER OF TNE SE% OF THE SE% OF SECTION 20~ T 12 N, R 3 W, S oMo ALL SURROUND- lNG LAND IS DEDICATED AS STREET RIGHT"OF=WAYo June 17~ ].974 Hr. Roll Striekland, RoS. Chief Sanitarian Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3330 "C" Street A~.~.chorage~ Alaska 99502 Subject: Chemical and bacNerial analysis Brook~.~ood well #3 Dear Mr. Strickland: This letter transmits to your office a copy of the "~TER ANALYSIS P~PORT" made by the Chemical & Geolog~ ical LaboraDories of Alaska, Inc., Lab. NOo 1825. .~.s analysis was ordered per your request in letter of June 3, 1974. The engineer's repor~ ou items 1 6:2 request- ed in that letter have not yet been made available to Sincerely, AJH/jm Enc!o Water Analysis Report taken June 4~ 1974 cc Mr. Ky!e Jo Cherry, Regional Sanitary Engineer 279-4014 RO. BOX 4-1.'176 2603 ARCTIC ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 June 4, 1974 ~ ~ ~o 1825 ~A?lo~ Brookwood Sub. ,B~ro~o.~kw_~~ Servia( '~.y~o~ Potab'e Water Supp y ~MA_~ -~ eONCL~IO~'~ Cl ear Water. Mineral content meets American Public Health S_)ec~~r~man consump m-~T6'~-. 1 0.03 2./43 l0 Nn '' ............ , ....... 1 Ca 1 '~ I/CO, CO, Hay 29, 1974 Veteran's Adr,~d nt stration 429 'P~ S'~reet ^nchorage, A1 ast,~a 99U01 SU~ECT: ~a~er approvals for ]o~n approva~ ~ Brookwood Sub<tivis~on Gentlemen ~ This })epartK~ent canno~ approve the water gy~%~ ~n Drook~ood Subdivision until further notice, Another ~,,etl has been 4tilled an4 added to the ~;ater ~y~tem without ~ ,hi., ')eopardize~; .,h~. entire w~ter ~ystem. proper enUineer]ng a,~d review. ~ ¢ If you h~we any questions regerdi~g the abow~ please do not hesitate ~o contact this off~ce at 274-4561, extemsfon 143. S~ncerely, Lynn Coad, Sanitarian LC/ko CC · First National Dank Gene's R~.alty Don Ptasko~$ki, Property owner i~) Srookwood Subd. Jack Lu~den, Property o~er in Or~okwood Subd, Kyle CherKy, State Dept, of £uv. Conserv. Al (larris, Owner of Brook~od Suhd. !,~ells Ju~e ~5, Mr. Allan 2. Harris Brookwood Utility Service 944 W. ll~h Avenue Anci~orage, Alaska ggSO] This letter acknowledgas receipt and app~val of both chemical and bacterial analysis for the B~okwood Well #3. /ts stated in your letter, we expect to receive both item 6'1 and #2 in our p)~evious tet:ter dated June 3, 197,3. Should we be able to provide f,~'~i)er assistance in this ma~.ter, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, P, elf Strickland, ~(.S. Chief Sanitarian lw ~Iro Allm'~ Jo liarrls 914 Il, 11 th Avemle ~,lc~orage, ^laska SUDJECT: Third Semi-Public Clas.~ A $~elt Serving )Jrookwood Subdivision aear ar. Narris; The Depar~men~ of Environl~N~)tal Oua]t~y ha~ received and reviewe'J ~i~e da~a supplied '~ ~,y ,your land surveyor l~ regards ~o ~he ~htrd well. Ti~e da~ as submitted to dat~ si)ows that ~he ~hird ~ell is properly located aud intertied to ~he system. We would advise you, however, that additio,al d~ta must supplied through your ragis~r~d (mgiaeer ~JeaJ'ing ~i~ stamp and seat. T~iis d~Ca is as follows; t. A¢curaCe well 1o9 for this ~hird'well. Productio)l ~es~s m~d data as provided by yo~)r v~lt driller when ti~e ~:esC was drilled. 3. Che~dca1 and 6a¢~erial analysis of tiffs third welt. ~fe appreciaCe your quick respo)~se to tills matter a~d look forward to receivi;)9 tile above daCa ~'~ your earliest co))vu~Fience. Should yok~ have aJ)y quos&to,is regardi~)g ~))is )~tCCer, pleose c()J)&ac~ ti~u understgued. Sincerely, Rolf S~rickland, Chief Sanitariaa cc: F.It.A. First iiagt o;)al ~ne's Realty Do, Plaskowski Jack Lu,den Kyle Cherry Ye~eran's AJmiaistration April 5, lg7~ Brookwood Subdivision c/o ~!r. Allen Harris 94~ llth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Sub.~ect: ~later Samnling. Dear Sir: It has been brought to my attention that the monthly water samples sent to you have not been returned. ~Io~ld you please check into this matter and return the samples on a regular basis, Please feel free to call this Department if there are any questions. Sincere&y, Les ~uchholz Environmental Control s~ Officer ~lu~e 15. 1971 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJ[C'f: Brook~ood Subdivision water System This Depart~ent w~ appr°achbY.~' Allan Harris with his idea to drill a new wet) within the ~ radius'et the intersections of Dolly yardee Avenue and ~ainbo~ Avenue. ~e advised ~r. ~rrts that prior'to his drilling the well, he ~ould have to obtained site approval from this ~epartment as ~ell as the State )lealth Depart~nent, of the se~er systems . checked all s ll' radius ~.~e.~.~ to t, ts, ~o h~It,' of the well .tth~.?t~.nd ~hat the arou~u ~"~+h~ ~lat ~r. liarr~ u--- cared on the lots is on as sno~n ~,, -- ~ n se~er system lo located 160.$ feet ~'+~ 11' ~adtus ov ~=.~a for well sl~e lacatJonS corded on ~ F~'' b ecttons to a well being t we have no o J 11 be no CO~pO- lncated an hure w~tht .~-. ~nn ltC~ Wl~. ~y~ -- .__ -*-::-_~ ns~er systems ~nd~.i:-f~SS A, water SyS~m, by State la~ Tot o ~ ~ m~nd granting approval of this particular area as a We would r~co _~ ro osed well. site locatlon for e newly P P I~le & ~lune 15, Page Two have also thronged Mr. Harris and his engineer, Dickinson- Oswald, that site approval for this well does not nean that he will not haw to sub~dt co~pletedengtnee~tn~ on the ~ate~ system after ~i~e ~11 i~as be~n'4rilte~. Roll Ro Stricklm~d, R.S. Assistant Director cc; Allan ~Jarris ~/~E WILLIAMA. EGAN, OOVEROR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH aND WELFARE / OIVI~ION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~EALT~ / ROOM 222 -- MACKAY BUILDIN~ 338 DENAU STgEET ~ ANCHORAGE 9~501 June 16, 1971 Mr. Roll Strickland, R.S. Assistant Director Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subj: BROOKWOOD SUBDIVISION WATER SYSTEM - GAAB. Dear Mr. Strickland: Based on the information furnished in your letter of June 15, 1971 the well location within the 11' radius is approved. We shall look forward to the receipt of the engineering package on the water system when it is developed° Yours truly, Regional Sanitary Engineer KJC/r~¢ cc: Richard Britt Allan Harris B. EC~IVED JU, 8 1971 PM GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA (30ROUGH DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEP, ARTMENT OF COMMERCE · ALASKA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIBII KEITH H. MILLER, GOVERNOR / 700 MACKAY 9UILOING 339 DEIIALI STREET- AIICHORAG£ 99501 No~ember 17, 1969 Pafang Corporation 3107 Eureka Avenue Anchorage, Alaskaj Ref: . U-69-6 Gentlemen: :- ~' · Re Certificate Of Public convenience and NeceSsity ~1 ~~:ISubdi~util~ty Service - .~ ' - On September 23,'-1969, t~e Commissi0~ brought to your attention by letter the fact that ~ts Order ~pprovin~. Transfer of Certificate, dated August 1], 1969, required Pafang Corporation to submit certain information not later than October 1R, 1969. ' Paragraph 8 of the aforesaid Order reads as'follows: "In the event that Pafang Corporation does not furnish the information described in (2) through -(5) above, and within the specified time limits, this order shall be null and void and of no effect, provided, however~ that the time limits so specified may be extended by the Commission · for good cause shown, in writing, by the Corpora- tion.'' - - ~he Commission did not receive the information 'requested in Paragraphs (2) through (5) of the Order, and Pafang Corpora- ' tton did not file a request fbr.an extension of time as provided in the referenced Paragraph (8). According, as · ' is Set forth above, by its own terms the Order Approving Transfer of Certificate dated August 13, 1969, is null and ~ void and of no' .effect. -As directed by the Commission at Pafang Corporation -2- November~lT, 1969 its meeting on November 6-8, 196~, this letter is to be regarded as notice to the parties that the transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 93 from Allan J. Harris to Pafang Corporation has been voided. Very truly yours, JLJ: bas CC: ALASKA PUBLIC SERVICE C0~ISSION J'. Lowell Jense~ Deputy Director Allan J. Harris Greater Anchorage Area Borough ~eal:~h Dept. Sept. 19, 1969 Dickinson-Oswald ~ Associates P~O. Bex 826 ^nohorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECTs Brookwood Watem Supply · e~vlewed and appPovcd by th~ Alaska Department of Health and Welfare on August 25~ ].969, Unfo~tunetely~ we dId not receive s copy of tho report until September 17, 1959, Thfs le, tte~ f:~ to infoe you that ~he plans and speei- ffcatfon~ are approved as pee Mr. Brttt'~q me~,o~.andum of Auf~lst 25th which wag copied ~0 youP office, DAVID R. L* DUNCAN, M. D. Medical Director CPJ:rn~ BY: MEMORANDUM State of Alaska TO: F-C. P. Judkins, R. S. Environmental Heal th Director, GAAB FROM: Richard H. Britt, Sanitary Engineer Branch of Environmental Health ~ DATE : SUBJECT: September 15, 1969 Brookwood Subdivision As per our conversation of 15 September 1969, enclosed is a copy of our 25 August 1969 memo concerning Brookwood. RHB:btg Enclosure Sept, 2~ Dickinson-Oswald & Associates Box 326 Anchorage, Ako 99501 SUBJECT: Brookwood Subdivision, System Plans and specifications for the sl~ject project have been zmviewed by this office and the AlaSka Department of Health and Welfare and are hereby approved as speci- fied in Mr. Britt~s memorandum of August 25th ~hich was Sincerely~ DAVID No L. DUNCAN~ ~. ~edical Director copied to your office. CPJ:rn BY: + Environmental Health "MI MORANDUM TO:~--C. P. Judkins, R. S. Environmental Health Director, GAAB State of Alaska FROM: Richard H. Britt, Sanitary Engineer Branch of Environmental Health ~ DATE : August 25, 1969 SUBJECT, ~/tqB - Brookwood Subdivision, Water System 1. This acknowledges receipt of plans for the subject system, which plans are dated'9/14/59. Refer also to our letter of 20 May 1969. 2. The modifications shown op. the plan of 2/20/69 make this system acceptable as regards sanit~ti6h-6f t~'well itself and the modifications are approved by this Department. RHB:btg cc: Dickinson-Oswald AU~ 27 1969 September 1, 1969 Mr. D~vtd R. L. Duncan, M.D. Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department 327 Eagle Street - P. O. Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska 9~501 SUBJECT: Brook~oed Subdivision Water Supply, Lot 7 Block 4 Your letter July 23, 196~ Dear I~o D~llcan: This letter is confirmation of phone conversation ~rith your office last week relative to subject letter of July 23rd requiring engineering plans and specifications be sub- mitted, show~ng the necessary corrections for your review be- fore September 1. In the phone conversation withyour office last v~ek I advised that Dotten Drilling Co. was preparing to move onto the well site to assist in the corrections. However, until this time I was not aware that your office does not have the modified engineering plans and specifications from the Dickin- son-OSwaldEngineering fir~. W~e~,~.~hav...e~c~of:~let~e~;!of~rans- mittal.(With~he:~gsbuilt and proposed modification to extend the facilities above ground sho~m as attached to letter) dated May 6, 1~69 addressed to Mr. Clifford Judkins of your office. This letter was written byLewis E. Dickinson of the engineer- ing firm. Please advise if the modified plans were received by your office. If they have ?~11 appreciate your review and hope- ful~approval. Sincerely, Mr. Rolf R. Strickland, Sanitarian Mr. Clifford Judkins~ Borough Sanitar'J-an~'-'~"*'~'~ 't?'~ ~ Il SEP 8 1969 GREA'f£R ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGIi--HEALTH DEPARTMENT ~sy 6, 1969 Mm, Clifford Judkins Borough Sanitarian · Greatem Anchorage Area Borough Dept, of Health 327 Eagle Street Anchorage., Alaska D~ookwood Subdivision - Well #2 Submitted herewith are ~hres (3) prints'of subject well, These prints allow the as built condition of subject well facility and the proposed modification to extend the facilities above groun~d level. We t~ust and the State any questie~s, ttlese modifications will mee~ with youm eppmoval of Alaska's apppoval. Please advise if you have The owne~ is very intemested to get.this well on the system so as to supplement the existin~ well, Your coope~ation is greatly appreciated. ,~,Vemy t~uly yours, DICKINSON-OSWALD & ASSOC, LED~ew attaohmmnts as noted ce/ Mr. Allan Dickinson, Partnem SU~J£CT: ~rook~od Subdivision, Water SupFly~ Lot 7, Block ~;; Your [m'tter of S~ptembo~ 1, 1969. I~av M~. }tavviaI LooktnE thl, ough elm £iles 1 find the foltowtsg: 1o Latter ~o yea of ~ov~b~;~ 5~ 1968, ~equ6s~lng plan submission and waiving legal action on failur~ ~o s%lbmit plans prio~ to eonst~uctio~. 2. L~tte~' to yon of Januamy 23, 1969, again ~'equasting plan submission ~d advising of lugat consequences. 3. ~t~er of ?tay 6th f~om DIckinson, tmans.~,l~tng plans fo~. meview. This lette~ was copied to Dlck~n~on. JuLy 23vd to you, advising of plan aubmi,sion requi.~ameats 6. Letter of Augus't 19th from Dickiason, ~ubmitting plans and d~'~aits in reply ~o !a~t~v of May 20~b (~ above). 7. ~.fmmo of Augu~ 13th, tr~%namitting plans to Juneau, Presently wa al~ awaiting tbs pla~ ~ovla~ report fpom the Juneau office. the State tleal~h Department does rheim boat to o~pedi.%a mevi~ws, they Sept, 9, 1969 Pag~ Two wl~h the laws requt~ing plan ~evlew ~nd approval p~io~, to con~t~uc~ion~ you would also save you~'~elf ~on~lderable financial outlay and ~he btlity of legal action. Slnce~ely~ DAVID CPJ ~ mn l~wis Dickinson Ro Ho ~i~itt Envi~on~mn~al Health Dil, ecto~ DATE; August 15s 1969 GRE, "ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOR~.,~GH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 217 E. STREET P. O. BOX 968 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FROM: Clifford P. Judkins~ R. S. Environmental Health Director R. Ho Britt, Sanitary Engineer Environ~aentat Health~ Juneau SUBJ~T: Brookwood Subdivision, Water System (Dickinson-Oswald) Tr~msmitted here with for your review and commen'~s are t~To prints of the subject water system installed in 1968 as previously requested. CPJ:rn enos. DICKINSON-OSWALD & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS August 12, lq69 Mr. Cliff Judkins Greater Anchorage Area Borough Dept. of Health 327 Eagle Street Anchorage~ Alaska Re: Brookwood Subdlvision Gentlemen: Submitted herewith ars two (2) prints of subject water system installed in 1950. These drawings were requested by Mr. Britt as back-up information on the revisions submitted several months ago. LED:cw Very truly yours, Lewis E. Dickinson, P.E. January 23, 1969 Mr. Allen J. Harris 9~ llth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Brookwood Subdivision Water Supply Dear Mr, Harris: The Greater Anchomage Area Borough Health Department has not received the necessary data as requested in our previous letter dated November 1968~ (copy enclosed), You are hereby notified that 'the information as previously requested to be submitted within 15 days after receipt of this Failure to comply with this notice may result in legal action and can affect the current approval of the original water system. Sincerely, DAVID R. L, DUNCAN, M0 D. Medical Director BY: ko~f R."~trickla'nd~ R. ~.- Sanitarian RRS/srr Enclosure GAAB-HD- I GPr6.TER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT :327 EAGLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 INSPECTION REPORT ON-,~ITE~VA~GE DISPO.SAL SY. STEM. SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL--MATERIAL NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS LIQUID LIQUID CAPACITY GALLONS. INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH DEPTH S k~"f~.,g,~,~T E M: SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS ~ LINING MATERIAL ~ OR WIDTH LENGTH , DEPTH DISTANCE FROM WELL -~ FOUNDATION__ '~'"'~. FT. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL NUMBER OF LINES ABSORPTION AREA IS'J.. ' FOUNDAT,ON DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE TOTAL LENGTH/.~,~, ~, , NEAREST LOT LINE OF LINES ~' ,~"',,~" TRENCH WIDTH IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ,Yfr' ,Y 2 :z ' X 22' X' ~ ~ J Z 2~ ' DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE WELL: ~~) ~DEi~~ NEAREST SEPTIC LOT LINE SEWER LINE , TANK DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE. IN. ABOVE TILE__ DISTANCE FROM WATER BUILDING FOUNDATION . SAMPLE , NEAREST SEEPAGE OTHER SYSTEM , CESSPOOL , SOURCES__ DISTANCES: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM 'L ~~ ~r R O V mE~ ~~ DATE ~ - HEALTH AUTHORITY GAAB-H D-2" GREATEI. ANCHORAGE AREA HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 Eagle St. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 _ OROUGH Ca.,eNo. 279-2511 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT RESIDENCE ADDRESS go -e LEGAL DESCRIPTION APPLICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS /"7/z~ MAILING ADDRESS ~'~J~ 7"~C'~'~PHONE "0. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION '-~ tO0 ~ ~/..)OlOt~/ LoT 7 ~ .,SEEPAGE PIT ~ , DRAIN FIELD , OTHER TO BE INSTALLED BY ~(~- ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION THIS IS TO SERVE AS BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT , PERMIT TO INSTALL A AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNIT TO BE SERVED .SEPTIC TANK SIZE/Ot~ TYP~~/~-..~(E~REA DISTANCES: TYPE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM ,~ Health Authority I certify that I am familiar with the requirements of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance with said code. APPLICANTS SIGNATU -. Jul~ 23e 1969 H~. ALLen J. Har, r, is 9~# - 11th Avenue Ancho~ap, Ak. 99501 SUBJECT~ Brook~ood Subdivision, Water Supply, Lot ?~ Blook q. This let~eP will serve aa a reulnder of the verbal aL~eemont you gave this Deper~nent regarding the z~aqulred improveuents and modift~ations to the well lo~atod on the sub~oc'c lot, ere robe submitted~ahoving ~ho neuesaaz,y eom',ection,ln suf- Ficient tine fo~ review and coL~rection before Septenbe~ 1, 1969. Failure ~o comply ma~ result in loss of approval of the en~il~e water system, Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAI;, Fl, D. · Medical Dlt. ecto~ eol - ............. Sanitarian RRS ~lm