HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPENARD ACRES Block A Lot 2-BLo '
DATE ......
SUBJECT___ _¥A__Laan___~_o_.r___/$_,__.C_+,__ ~_r a_:.n__~_m ......
Thank you for your memora, ndmn reminder of July 10, 1953 rege. rdtng your memorandu~a of
Nay 14. I had hoped it would be possible for me to discuss this q~estion with you in
Anchorage and if possible to work out ~. satisf~ntory solution with the people involved.
However, my trip has been delayed another week and it is evident it will be sometime
before we ha,ye an opportm~ity to discuss your problem.
As you know, we h~,.ve been very hesitant in allowing Joint use of any water source in~
connection with FHA or VA loans. In most cases such a pr~mtice is not allowed by the
lendinE or insuring agency because of a question of ownership. ~f ~(r. Branham can
produce a document showing that joint ownership of the well is aceept~ble to the
Veter~ns Administration, then we wo~ld have no grmmds other than compliance with
Ninimm~ Requirements for non-acceptance of the installation.
It is ap?~,xent from yottr d.rm,;tn6 that the proposed well site is loca, ted ~.s fa.r as
possible from 'any knm. m cesspools in the area giving It the maxiram possible protection.
~e feel, a,s you do. that ~ch wo'~ld be gained in the use of ~), deep drilled well rather
than a shallow dug well.. If the well is properly constructed ~nd placed at the gre~%test
possible distance from all sources of contamination and the question of joint ownership
is cleared throuEh the lo~nin~ ~Mency, we wo%~ld recormnend tk~.t the well be (-~.ccepted
~. s~.tisfe~ctory source of w~,ter. Before issuing such on accurate, I wo~d s~ge~;t t~t
you study the dem~,nd placed %~on this well ~nd be asmn'ed in your own mind that s~%tisfactory
~.;~:~ protection is aw%i].s])le. Responsibility :for cleari~g the joint owner~hip (~e~tion
'~f course rmest with the tnter~sted pa~rtie~ as yo%% ha~e no time to become' involved in
~such rao, tters.
~e will, as we hs,ve in the past, follow yo~ recommends,rich in these matters if you
l continue to e. ssm"e us th~t the best possible install~.tions are effected.
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ooul. d pzmbab].y 'b~; iris-hal!od ~-,o ~'.e~5 ,)'ul' r~,.:u~r'~i~,;nt,~' For a ~::.~'iv~;-[,e
Po?~onn]. ' a,uitr.,?¥ Uup-:iri~;o~' c..*,)oaar.,'l !x.,a~ 'i-,'?
Mr. Calvin Winey, Jr.
Reg. San. Engr. Section of
Sanitation & Engr.
Alaska Department of Health
P. O. Box 960
Anchorage, Alaska
~rch 11, 1953
BRANHA~, Estill G.
Anchorage, Alaska
App. #632
Dear Nr. Wiuey:
Mr. E. G. Branham, better known as Bud Branham, is attempting to purchase
a house located on Lot 2-B, of the Herbert Addition, a re-subdivision of
Lot 2 and 3, of Block A, of Spenard Acres Subdivision.
Mr. Branham was in this office yesterday and stated that in order for this
property to qualify under your reg~ulations, it would be necessary to install
a new drilled well, which would cost approximately $2,000.00. In his opin-
ion, this would be a prohibited cost from the overall value of the property
when the well[ is completed. Nr. Branham also advised that city water will
be available sometime during the year of 1953.
We, of course, are not familiar with the requirements ~nd ask that you
please forward this office a letter, setting forth your requirements for
the water supply ~nd the sewage disposal system of the above described
We are informed bye. Branham that Mr. Morley made the original inspection
and recommended that a new drilled well be put down on this property in order
to comply with your regulations.
At your convenience, we would appreciate receiving your reco~nendations,
v~ich we will follow in connection with the purchase of the subject pro-
perty on a direct loan basis.
Very~ truly yours,
Staff Appraiser
Loan Guaranty Division
E. G. Branham, P. O. Box 651, Anchorage, Alaska
Ernest Lincoln, Territorial Director of VA, Juneau
Amos J. Alter, Chief, Sanitation, US Public Health Service, Juneau
An inqulxy by o~ concerning an ex-se~ice man or woman should, i~ po~ible, ~ve veteran's name and ~ilo number, whether
O, XO, K, N, V, or H. I£ suoh ~ile number is unknown, service or serial number should be ~ven.
D/L App i(TO~ Aaa
This will acknowledge receipt of' the copy of yom. letter dated ~{arch
,!.9.~3~ addressed to ~.h'. O~rge Dash~ ,.,pom~rd Eealty Oom0~my, Spena~4
I wifsh to take m¢c~ptinns to 'brio st[%tements in your letter v~cioh ara not
true° In th~, first paragraph you state that you and ~r. Ilenney visited
%his ofzico. !~nis is nob true and i I~ave never had any convm.sa'6ion vd:th
?,~r. Dem~e~' to ~ best knowledge and belie£,
in yom:. third paragraph you state¢4 "~. du~ well *k!mt is properitF caged
and capped aud which oontain~ pure water, according to },h.~. Allen~ should
bo adequate and should pas:~." I r~mde no such statement to you and I kept
insisting ~hat beforo ~ lo~ would be approved, it wou~ be neeessa~W ~
dbtaln ~he approval of the ~ocal ~oalth Authorities for water s~ply and
sewage dim)osal sywb~n, 'J?ht~ office has no control over a report of
the Health Autl'lorltieo~ and I have no ~lowledge %~mther or not they will
accept a dug ~,oii that is propor]~ cased and capped which conta'in~ pure
water, ~his is outside z~p~ j'~risdiction and I cannot pass on it and ~rlll
not give an o~)ression,
TbJ. I~ letter lB addrmmed to you for tho purpose of keeping th~ rcmords
Yours veiny
[Jlmnard, Alaslm
Health Authoritie~
Direct l~an Agen%