HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPENARD ACRES Block A Lot 7 3]. August 1953 Veterans ^ dmlniatration Loan C}uaranty Division 7th Avenue and Olive !¥ay Seattle l, Washington Attnl r~ryan ^llen Direct Loan ~Eent Dear Sines a ques2ion has been raised by the Anchoi-age office of the Title Insurauoe and Trust Oompany~ we are enelosin[~ copies o£ our May l~ 1953 and our July 3~ ].9~, letters concerning the veterans loan for Nr. Willard ~. E6e:[naurer~ File Ref. No. ~Oht-hBF~ Apple No. 649 ~aa. Sincerely ym~s, Calvin Winey, Jr. Regional Sanitary ,~ Lngineer C,W: ds ::;'. .... , ,'i','i' .' ,"/;"d? .' "":, "",2-, May 15, 1953 Veterans /~d~L~.t. nistra ti on Loan Guaranty Division 7th ~venue and Olive Way Seattle l, ,~ashington Attn: ~ryan Allen Direct Loan Agent ~ef. no. Appl. no. 6~9 Aaa Dear Sir: As requested by' Mr.. Steve F. Coie~zn for Willard A. Steinauer, an ins~ection ~as made of the water supply and waste disposal facilities at Lot 7 of the Subdivided Lots & and 5, i~lock A, Spenard Acres Sub- division. The property has a shallow w~ll in a pit under the house. The well is within 17 feet of the lead caulked, cast-iron sewer and %~ithin 24 feet of the orangsburg sewer. The %,~ell cannot be approved for these reasons. The om-~er, Mr. Coleman, stated 'that the property has a septic tam~: sys'g~, as is ¥'equ~red Dy our ~gultations. Very t~'u.[y ~ m~rs~ Calvin i. in~a~, ~r. Regional ~.~nita~ g~gin~er SITE REPORT'- ...... Preli.~inarY Inspec$ion · : z -' .' ./ .... " Water Supply,.& T,ot location , , / / , ~ Su~}livision , No. bedrooms, WATER SUPPLY ve~/:"7 No nearest public water main ~. feet. Vetal ~ Concrete : Concrete block Plan attached ff~y Health departrrmnt plan Ti].e line --/~Z length feet. · ' t plan to make the installation according to the plot plan and 'the i~formation submitted and to comply with ro~mlations found in 21aska Dept. o:6 He~th Document Signature: PLOT PLAN ?'rS~ z ~th' ~ /~.: /,~,~." ~.+ ~ ,~ ' /' ? . I h~ve rYviewed the -plo~ 'p'i~n' and based on ff~nerel knowledge of the are~ Pfmcu].~t~on t,ssSs L~7 Inspection of the site 1~-- , fn my opinion, tThe ins tf~llation wSll /--'~ will not Z~._function properly. Title