HomeMy WebLinkAboutLots 01 - 06, 31 - 35 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Environmental Protection Environmental Health Division Case Review Worksheet Case Nuntber Date Received CU78-28-2 October 21, 1982 Subdivision or Project Title: Comments Due By October 28, 1982 A request for final approval of a conditional use to permit a camper park in the B-3 zone. (~/Public water available (~Public sewer available (~) Comrnun%ty water available Comments: RETUP,,.'! CQ}.I~4E!;TS TO: CASE NO. MUNICIPALIIY Of ANCHORAGP34. UhzCIP?~L PLANHZ];G Dt',~ DFPT. OF,,,,:.3, ~, Zoning and Platting Division Ancho' ~( ~ Alas}'- - u~._, .~ 99502 264-4215 request to rezone-g~i[aV~Py acres from to A request to amend Title 21 to A request for ~final approval of a conditional use to permit a in the 6~_~ zone. A request for an amendment to a conditional use A site plan review for C OM,.'.iE NTS: Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing Da~: Itl z~[ ea. D!oT:',I~U fIOJ. STANDARD DISTIIIBUTIOH (Public Projects) Urban Beautification Commission --(Ordinance ;~nendments) Hunicipal Attorney's Office h'~,~l~,~, cmn ~I0~,~ Co:,~=unity Coun~ i~ PETITIONER: REQUEST: TOTAL AREA: LOCATION: CURRENT ZONE '' ~-~AILOUTS Mailed 'Favor Against Unclaimed Community Counci~ CO~IMISSION ASSEMBLY Other FINAL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 OFFICE Case File No. Date R e c.&~v e~d Fee Received by ~ Vorification ol Owno[shi~ P.C.P.H. Da e Assembly P.H. O~le Approved Denied I, The undersigned hereby applies i'D the Municipality of Anchorage for final approval of: check one ( ) new conditional use ( ) amendment to a conditional use (X) renewal of expired conditional use with modification, please see attached. II. Description: (use additional paper if necessary) Legal description of the area requested for the conditional use Lots 1 throueh 6 and 31 through 35, Block One (1), Thomas S. Sperstad Subdivision No.i, Plat No, 248; Anchorage Recording District, ~nird Judicial District, State of AlasKa. Area (square feet or acres) of the petition area approximately 5.2 a~ras Current zoning of the petition area B-3 Steve Holland: Lobs 1 - 4 and 34 and 35 Presser ownership of the petition area J' Michael Schachle: Lots 5~ 6 ~ 31, 32 and 33 III. Application Information: (use additional paper if necessary) Section or subsection of ordinance under which conditional use is authorized 21.40.180D6 Explaintheplanning objectivestobeachieved, inciudingadescriptionofthecharacterofthe proposed development and an explanation of the factors that determined the particular schemeproposed Operation of camper park for a period of five (5) years until development within other permitted uses is viable. Please see attached. Provide the starting and completion dates for construction (for each phase, if applicable) Within 60 days. Occuoancv immediately. Thc property is ~[rea~y developed as a camper park, Provideastatementofintentastofinalownership The present o~ership will remain. IV. Conditional Use Findings: (use additional paper if necessary) A resolution granding final approval may be adopted only if it includes the following findings. Explain how your proposal satisfies these findings. that the proposed construction and use of the conditional use wilt not be detrimental to the general welfare of the community The use will help alleviate the current acute housing shortage by providing a temporary place of residence for Anchorage residents. The proposed and partially completed additional improvement will provide the tenants with basic amenities and a decent, safe and s tar a e to l th~199~e c~n~l~o~al use h~St's the standards and requirements prescribed by the zoning reaulations The proposed uae would meet all standards currently prescribed. Flanning & Zoning officials have been consulted in development of the proposed use. that there are adequate existing sewage capacity, transportation facilities, energy supply and ~nter~c~one u I o~ r}p] o d~itl Del use ~e site is located at the w t rs oserv thepo osedc n ' o two major arterials aha the property has locational utility to function (and has functioned) as a camper park. thatthe conditionaluse conformstotheintentofthezoningdistrict 'the proposed conditional use compiles with the intent of the B-3 zone for co~mmercial use under the existing zoning ordinances. thattheuseorusesproposedareappropriatetothecharacteroftheareain whichtheproject willbelocated The use proposed is the use to which the property has been put since 1979. Its location within the B-3 area is compatible with existing improvements and business within the area. thatthe developmentwillnothaveasubstantialnegativeaestheticeffectonthelocaleofthe project The development is complete. Recent improvements have increased the asthatic quality of the project. Further, planned improvements (parking, soacine, amenities] will m~ain ~nmrense thm pr~jm¢[ Hes~rabffl~ty asthatically. thatthe conditionaluseisin accordance withthe Comprehensive Plan The conditional use is not inconsistent with the comprehensive plan in any manner known to the petitioners. that the proposed use will not subject surrounding properties and pedestrians to hazardous traffic conditions The ma~or artials can (and have~ easily serviced the traffic. ADD[R~SS ~"-' / '- If applicant is not owner of the property: V. At least 18 copies of a detailed site plan must be submitted with the application. The site plan must show: - vicinity map showing the proposed development in relation to surrounding development, streets and utilities - topography showing contours at tO' intervals (if applicable) ~ exact location of all buildings and structures (existing and proposed) - existing and proposed vehicular access circulation and parking, storage, service, and loading areas (if applicable) - any pedestrian circulation - any fencing, landscaping, and buffering VI. Petitioner's Agreement: I understand that payment of the fee(s) specified is to defray the costs of handling and investigation of this application and the cost of the necessary hearings by the Planning Commission; and that payment of the fee(s) does not entitle me to, nor does it assure approval of this application, and that no refund of the fee(s) will be made. I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also affirm hatlamthetrueand ega propertyowneror heauthorizedagentthereofforthepropertysubjectherein ~I~N~URE(S) OF THE OWNER(S) OF THE PHONE NO. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT" DATE ADDRESS PHONE MO. 'If more Ihan one owner or if more than one parcel is involved, aaach all signatures on separate piece of paper identilyin~ which p.arcels are owned by which persons. "Written authorization of the property owner must be submitted with this application it the applicant is other than the owner. ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE The property which is the subject matter of this Appli- cation for Conditional Use was originally developed by Ray Hole, et al., into a camper park. Other than the proposed modification the property is fully developed as a camper park and is currently occupied as such. The Hole Group purchased the property from two different sources. Financing for the development of the property into a camper park was obtained from Alaska USA Federal Credit Union. Because the Sellers of Lots 5, 6, 31, 32, and 33 to the Ray Hole Group retained a Deed of Trust on that property to secure the unpaid portion of the purchase price, the Deed of Trust in favor of Alaska USA Federal Credit Union on all the property for the financing loan fell in second place to the Deed of Trust of the former owners as to those five (5) lots. On January 15, 1979, the Ray Hole Group obtained from this Commission, through Resolution No. 4-79, final approval of a recreational vehicle camper park in a B-3 Zone, subject to com- pliance by that Group of all of the stated resolutions. Some time after January 15, 1979 the Hole Group got into financial trouble and the partnership filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Thereafter, through an appearance request, the Hole Group sought and obtained from this Commission (Resolution No. 4-79A on October 15, 1979) a Resolution amending the previous Resolution to add spaces, delete closure from November 1 to February 1, amend the tree require- ments, etc. Even with that aid from this Commission, the Ray Hole Group was unable to successfully operate the park. In order to avoid foreclosure, the partnership stayed in Chapter 11 proceed- ings in the Bankruptcy Court for the rest of 1979 and all of 1980. During the first part of 1981, the lienholders on the property finally obtained permission from the Bankruptcy Court to foreclose their liens. At the termination of the foreclosure proceedings, Lots 1 through 4, 34 and 35 were owned by Alaska USA Federal Credit Union, (the primary lienholder at the time of the foreclosure). Lots 5, 6, 31, 32 and 33 were owned by Siesta Development, the original owner of those lots who had never been paid the purchase price by the Ray Hole Group and held the primary lien on the lots. In May of 1981, the two new owners sought permission to operate the camper park to September 30, 1981 to establish a track record for the salability of the entire operation (Resolution No. 4-79B). Alaska USA Federal Credit Union and Siesta Development together operated the camper park. During the course of that operation Alaska USA Federal Credit Union and Siesta Development paved Jackass Lane, rewired much of the camp, improved the water supply to the tenants, rebuilt the fence surrounding the camper park and made other improvements. With respect to compliance with the conditions existing under the previous Resolutions, the owners did not, however, replat the property because they were unable to come to an agreement for common ownership. Similarly, the owners did not plant 200 trees, as that requirement appeared unrealistic and poorly planned in light of the land use and its layout. Neither Alaska USA Federal Credit Union nor Siesta Development was able to reach an agreement for one to sell to the other its lots so that common ownership could be obtained. As a result thereof, Alaska USA Federal Credit Union recently sold the lots it had obtained through foreclosure to Steve Holland. Although the property still remains without common ownership, Mr. Holland and Mr. Schachle (who now controls the entire interest in Siesta Development) have come to an agreement with respect to operating the camper park under a joint venture in the nature of a partnership. -1- Toward that end, Mr. Holland and Mr. Schachle have consulted with Municipal employees in Planning, Zoning Enforcement, and the Anchorage Fire Department. Using the input from such Departments and the expressed desires of the families currently residing in the camper park, the new owners have de- veloped a plan, submitted herewith, for continued operation of the camper park. Attached to this Application is a list of improve- ments in designated areas (contained on the site plan) which the new owners propose to increase amenities to the tenants and make the camper park a safer and more attractive place to reside. Without waiting for this Commission's approval of this Applica- tion, the new owners have brought in the pea gravel and placed it as designated on the site plan and on the attached list of improvements. The chain link fence to separate the play areas from other areas and avoid persons parking on the play areas has been purchased by the new owners. In addition the new owners have planted 4~ trees and commenced moving the tenants to create a minimum ten foot unobstructed interval between the tenants' improvements in order to avoid fire risks. Unlike the original developers, the new owners are financially solvent and capable of viably operating the camper park. The value of the property is inconsistent with the long- term operation of a camper park. The Application submitted is for a period of five (5) years. The owners anticipate that thereafter other uses of the property will be more beneficial to the com- munity and the owners. Operation under a Conditional Use Permit as a camper park until such time benefits the community by pro- viding some relief of the current acute housing shortage in the Anchorage area. Attached hereto is the letter dated September 17, 1982 to Mr. Joe Stimpzon outlining the proposal to operate the Huffman Camper Park under a Conditional Use Permit. The proposed improve- ments are attached to the submitted Site Plan. Originally, the owners determined to submit their request to the Planning and Zoning commission on October 11, 1982 through an appearance request. However, the Municipality of Anchorage Planning Staff has advised that a public hearing would be necessary because the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy expired in December of 1981. An extension was not sought simply through oversight. In any event, petitioners now seek a Conditional Use Permit through the public hearing process in order to avoid any legal complications. Petitioners are requesting winter occupancy with trailers not to be permitted within ten (10) feet of each other. Petitioners are further requesting that this Commission take up petitioners' application on an expedited basis in order that the approximately 100 families now residing in the Huffman Camper Park are not forced to find another place to reside in the middle of the winter and management will become able to respond to their inquires with respect to skirting and other winter preparatory activities. Thank you for your consideration. -2- HUFFMAN CAMPER PARK IMPROVEMENTS AREA #1 AREA ~2 AREA #3 AREA ~4 AREA #5 AREA ~6 AREA ~7 AREA ~8 Recreation Area A. To be covered with Pea Gravel B. Enclosed with 4 foot high chain link fence C. Will contain 4 picnic tables D. Includes 15 trees E. 1 Jungle Jim F0 1 Swing Set Recreation Area A. To be covered with Pea Gravel B. Will contain 1 picnic table Recreation Area A. To be covered with Pea Gravel B. Enclosed with 4 foot high chain link fence C. Will contain 5 picnic tables D. Includes 20 trees Eo 1 Swing Set Recreation/Sports Ares A. To be covered with Pea Gravel B. Enclosed with 4 foot high chain link fence C. Will contain 2 picnic tables D. Includes 15 trees E. Horseshoe pits F. Basketball hoop G. Volleyball court Vehicle Storage A. Enclosed with 4 foot high chain link fence Managers Building/Shower Room A. Replace formica in shower stalls B. Paint all walls C. Approximately 12 x 20 foot room to be converted into T.V. room with carpet, couches and T.Vo Shower Room A. Replace formica in shower stalls B. Paint all walls Visitor Parking A. To be covered with Pea Gravel NOTE: Winter parking to be allowed, with spacing to be no less than 10 feet between units. Huffman Camper Park 4241 B Street Suite 204 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 September 17, 1982 Mr. Joe Stimson Municipality of Anchorage Zoning & Platting Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Dear Mr. Stimson: Please find accompanying this letter a copy of the plans of the Huffman Camper Park showing the modifications that we propose, a list of our intended improvements and a copy of our court rules and regulations. We feel that the improvements we are suggesting are an upgrade from the previously agreed upon improvements. By changing the grass areas to a pea gravel covering we will be successful in creating and maintaining clean, neat recreation areas. Although fencing of these areas has not been required, we believe it necessary to avoid tenants from infringing on them with other uses. Past requirements called for two hundred trees, we wish to lower this figure to fifty only until we can: A) See if they will grow and B) see how they esthetically fit in with our other improvements. We will be happy to add more trees as they become necessary. There was no allowance in the original plans for storage or visitor parking. We feel that by designating specific areas (See plat) that it will drastically reduce the cluttered appearance of the court. The replatting that was originally agreed upon was acceptable at that time because the properties were believed to be under single ownership. Due to foreclosure, etc., the property underlying the court is now owned by 'two separate individuals, making replatting impossible at this time. We believe that the improvements that we are addressing can be accomplished within a thirty day period. Many of the proposed improvements are in fact, already under way. We feel they will make the Huffman Camper Park a safe and sanitary place to live. Mr. Joe StJ. mson Municipality of Anchorage Zoning & Platting Page 2 off 2 We are also requesting winter occupancy with trailers not to be permitted within 10 feet of each other. Said 10 foot area will not be obstructed by vehicles, storage sheds, etc. We are requesting an occupancy permit for a period of five years, as due to the commercial zoning of the ground, development according to the zoning will be viable by that time. Sincerely, HUFF~6N CAMPER PARK HUFFMAIi CAMPER PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS For the mutual benefit nf the Lessor and Tenants, certain rules and regulations snail remain ~n e,rect al all times which shall be posted on the premises: l. NO Tenant shall use any more than one electric heater per unit. 2. All dogs must be kept on leashes. All Tenants with dogs must clean up after their dogs. NO dogs shall be allowed without written permission. No dogs will be allowed in the shower rooms or laundry area. 3. All Tenants must keep their respective areas clean. Oumpsters are provided for your convenience. 4. Children are not permitted to play in shower room or restrooms at any time. 5, Bikes are not permitted inside of the laundry room or around the office area. 6. No sleeping bags are allowed to be washed in the washing machines. ?. Vandalism of any nature and to any extent will NO__~T ~e tolerated. L%~ited electrical power !s available for each unit. Information regarding e ec:r~a, power is availaole at the office. Should additional electrical vower be :lesired at ,~ny unit, consult the management. Lessor will not be responsibl,? for loss or damage due to a loss of electrical power as a result of an overload or for any other cause. 9. Armings, shelters, sheds, etc. of any kind are not to be erected without first obtaining the consent of the landlord, 10. Speed limited will be rigioly enforced at ten (10) miles per hour. Cars are not to be parked so as to block the ability of other tenants to get in and out of their spaces. Any damage done to any lot or street will be repaired at Tenants expense. No loud mufflers are allowed~ Il. Residents of this park shall be responsible for all guests and their guests conduct while in the park. Guest parking is restrict to the area designated for that purpose. 12. Any damage or stoppage to sewer lines caused by Tenants dumping unacceptable materials therein will be repaired at Tenants expense. 13. NO selling or soliciting in the park shall occur without first receiving consent of the landlord. 14. Huffman Camper Park will not be responsible for injuries to person or property (or for property lost) by Tenants, invitees, guests, whether the cause is by negligence of other guests, fire, windstorm or other casualty. The Tenants have card, fully inspected the park and assume the risks or hazards which may be created by its condition or by other occupants of the park, 15. Each Tenan~ shall furnish the mobile park reasonable notice prior to departure and check in with management prior to departure. A Tenant who desires to transfer his space to a new Tenant must have the new Tenant approved by the office prior to moving in. Otherwise, the lot must be vacated. Tenant agrees tho6 no camper, mobile home, or other structure owned by Tenant will be rented by the Tenant to anyone else. All Tenants must be owners. 16. Tenants, their families and guests shall have due regard for the comfort and enjoyment o'~ other tenants, their families and quests° No musical instruments, radio, television or record players shall be played after ll:O0 p.m. in such a manner as to create an annoyance or disturbance. 17. Lessor shall not i)e liable for any damage to Tenants property arising from a loss or overload of power, from the leaking or overflowing of plumbing installed in the units or buildings, from the acts of negligence of other occupants or tenants of any lots or from the theft of any personal property, whether stolen from the lot or the buildings available for use by all tenants. 18. During winter months (November through March) a minimum of ten il0) feet must separate units. Under NO circumstances shall there be any obstruction in that area. (Vehicles, Sheds~--etc.) 19. Skirting shall be approved by management prior to installation and is only to be in place October I through March 31. Skirting must ba removed for the balance of the xear. 20. Propane tanks must be chained down. 21. There shall be only one il) vehicle parked by each unit, Any excess ~ehicles including visicors vehicles shall be parked in the area designated. HUFFS,lAN CA~,IPER PAP,},' RULES ,q;;D REGULA[~O!IS PAGE 2 OF 2 22. Tenants sl~ail abide by any additional r~lies or regulations which may be shown in a conspicuous place in the camper park and which may, in the opinion of the management be necessary in the operation of the camper park so that The same may be a desirable, a:tractive place to live, 23, The above rules and regulations are a combination effort of the court owners and the Municipality of Anchorage in order to maintain safe and sanitary conditions, VIOLATIONS Of THE ABOVE RULES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Any tenant found Go be in violation of any rules will be evicted i~ediately, TWANK YOU FOR '~OUR COOPERATION IN HELPING US MAINTAIN A SAFE AND CLEAN CAMPER PARK. C D FR E TRF TR G ?R ! TR J TR ~ Sf TR C 2 OCEANVIEW DRIV '~"~ 3 ~BEN Crt TR 6 TR IJ o o£ HINOi -- 1 q