HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPLAWN Lots 11-B & 11-C S-7107 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: 5-7107 June 2, ].983 SUBDIVISIC¢~ OR PRC~JECT TITLE: Lot~ ii-B, ll-C Splawn Subdivision COMMENTS DUI: BY: June 17, 1983 PUBLIC WATER AVAILAB, ,,~f,-") COMMUNITY WATER. (~II'ABLE COMMEN~S:: ~/' ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE PERMIT I,ILIN ] [,: ][ F::"I::tL_ I "i-'¢ Emi:~ I:~INE~.Hr_:)RI~IOE DEPFIR'¥MENT '"~: HEFILTH AND EI',IVIRONMENTF q~OTECTION 825 STREET, Ai'4CHCIRFIGE., FIK. 264-4728 ~3~..I ---S ][ -Fi SEWER PER/,I I T ( 830239 ) APPLICANT1 MARY E. SPLAWN LOCATION LEGAL LOT lib T15N R2W SE6 25 BOX ~i35 HILLCREST DR. -688-9145 LOT SIZE ~BB~BB ~QURRE~"L~ET TYPE OF SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS: TRENCH MR~;IMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS SOiL RATING (SQ FT?BR>= 28? THE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM IS: DEPTH= ~ LENGTH= "1_04 13RFtVEL DEPTH= THE LENOTH DIMENSION IS THE LENOTH (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRHINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF A TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SURFHC£ OF THE GROUND AND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXCAVATION (IN FEET). THERE IS NO SET WIDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE GRAVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRAVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFALL PIPE 8ND THE BOTTOM OF THE E×CRVATION (IN FEET). REg!LII RE[:, SEPT I C- TANK SIZE= i080 131~LLON$ PERMIT APPLICANT MRS 'THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THIS DEPARTMENT DURING THE INSTALLATION INSPECTIONS OF ANY WELLS ADJACENT TO THIS PROPERTY AND THE ~.~t]lqEE~'. OF RESIDENCES TPI~T THE WELL WILL SERVE. TWC~ ( 2 ) I F4SPEC:T IONS ARE REQU I RED BACKFILLING OF 8NM SMSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION 8N~ APPROVAL BY THI~ DEPARTMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. I,II~4:[MUf'I DISTANCE BETWEEN A WELL ~ND ~NM ON-~ITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SMSTEM I~ 1~0 FEET FOR R PRIVATE WELL OR t5C~ TO 200 FEET FROM R PUBLIC ~LL DEPENDING UPO~.~ THE T'¢Pe Of PUBLIC: 14ELL. MINIMUI'1 DISTANCE FROM ~ PRIV8TE WELL TO 8 PRIVBTE SEWER LINE IS-25 FEET-8ND TO R COMMUNITY SEWER LINE IS ~5 FEET. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MRY RPPL~. SPECIFICATIONS RND CONSTRUCTION-DIAORAMS ARE 8V~ILAE:k.E TO INSURE PROPER IN~T~LLATION. PERM I'F E>(F' I RES C. EC~P1BER 3i. 198~ I C. ERTIF'¢ THFIT 1. I Rl'l FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREP1ENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS Rf4D WELLS RS SET FORTH B~' THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 2 I 14ILL INSTALL THE SYS'rEM IN 8C:CORD~NCE WITH THE CODES. ] I UN[>ERST~N[, THaT THE ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM M8¥ REQUIRE ENLARGEMENT IF THE ~:ESI[.,Ef. ICE IS PEr,lOC, ELBE, TCm INCLUDE I',IORE THAN ~ BEDROOMS ... - V4. 0 Rua,,oll bg4-2774 rh~x 90, F).vln SI., [!n{,)lo Illww, Ahmk' Ug,t-277.1 or BBS-W,'IIO SOIL LOG Earl Ellie ,888-2280 Performed for: Name;. Ms. Mar,Y Spln'.m c/o Mr, Robert ~bhnson Mailing Address: LegaIDescription:-L9t llB o£ BLM Lot 11, T15N,.~W[. SM Deplh (feel) Soil Characteristics ML- Silt topsoil with roots &/'orgmic$.., . 275 sq. rt./ lPorcolatiun SH - Silty Orawlly 5ard ~ith cobbles ~n'i boulders [o ~ inches. Materials ~nifc.~ throughout pit. 250 sq. ft./ 2.50 11 W'$. vvha: 3 1980 .., P crtC.'r m,.;d ky ...... itd: ~, t..y:;t.~: ." Juiy z~. 1980 STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION OPERATION CERTIFICATE PUBLIC WA'rEA SYSTE~iS APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT Plans for the construction or modification of._ ~__~..z ...... ~ ' : [-~ approved. public water system located , Alaska, submitted in accordance with 18 AAC 80.'100 ,~' ~,,. , _._have been reviewed and are [~ conditionally approved (see attached conditions). BY 'rErLE DATE If construction has not started within two years of the approval date, this certificate is void and new plans and specifications must be submitted for review and approval before construction. B. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS Change (contCact order no. or descriptive reference) Approved I)y Date C. APPROVAL TO OPERATE The "APPROVAL TO OPERATE" section must be cf)mploted and signed by the Department before any water is rnade available to the public. The construction of the ........................................................ public water system was completed on ........................... (date). The system is t~ereby granted interim approval to operate for 90 days following the completion date. BY ~'i~ L E~ ............ DATE As-built plans submitted during the interim approval period, or an inspection by the Oepartrnent, has confin-ned the system was constructed according to the approved plans. The system is hereby granted final approval to operate. TITLE DATE 18-0407 (Rev. t 1183) DISTRIBUTION: 1. WHITE - ENGINEER (Complete Section C) 2. YELLOW · WATEF] SYSTEM FILE (Complete Section C) 3. PINK - ENGINEER/MUNI.BOROUGH (Complete Section C) 4, GOLDENROP . MUNI.BOROUGH (Complete Sectioll A) CON,S RUCTION ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL. CONS[R~TION'~ , :- ' ' '',' . "~' ' '"' ~F" .' . "~. ' .' )''~'~ .% '~' ;'~ ', Plans for the construction = yL)' .:' ':K~ a pph',,ved. If ,con ' "': 'plans and ~,PPROVEDCHANGE oRDE~S : '""'" ~ ' · . Cha'nge (contr.'et order no. o~ daJcflptlve reference)' ' ,,,:,-."=Fha "~APpROVAL TO OPERATE" se(~tion must be completed *ht~ ',,~I~lif, ' ' · .~4 !' '~,:i.,~-' ,,' ;'" , ., · : · ', . : ,.publiC': ..... water system was completed on ¢ ;~(date):'~ ~m.'~ ne~('~" 7 ';, ' ,; int,'r;r,J a,mrc v: ~ to operate for 90 days following ll~e cpmpletion date. ~ ......... TITL I DATE .. ':., .,,..., .,~ ,. ,~ .,~ .-, ~-~e,~j~, >~.,~'.~ :&¢~..,?.,, /.., .' ;: ~,~n,,, s,,hrnittcd during the interim approval ~nod, or an Insp~tlon by the Depa~m~~";: c ,r,{t,'r:.P,, ~hc 5~ ,.lf:m was constructed according to the approved plans. The ~stem is hereby grantee~ April 13, 1983 Mrs. Mary Splawn SR 1 Box 3135 Hillcrest Chugiak, AK 99567 Re: Onsite wastewater facilities for Lot 11B Sec. 25, T15N, R2W Dear Mrs. Splawn: This letter is to confirm our conversation made with you on April 12, 1983 concerning DEC approval of the subject facilities. According to our con- versation, DEC would grant a waiver of the 150 foot limit between the well and the septic system area as shown on our site plan if the drainfield could be located a minimum distance of 20 feet from the edge of the bluff. This would reduce the septic system area to 22' × 65' which is still adequate area to install the needed facilities. The Municipality of Anchorage requires the bottom of the trench to be a minimum distance aw~v from any sloping hill equal to the depth of the drain- field at the toe of the slope. This requirement will be exceeded with DEC additional condition. If there are any further questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, P.O. BOX 1302 EAGLE RIVER,. AK 99S] Re: Request of Waiver from l)epartmen['of"Environmental~ Dear Mrs. Splawn: - '.-' · · Prior to'submitting a formal proposal to provid~ on-site developmen~:~ posed three bedroom duplex we suggest you request a waive~' of the distance on a Class C well to a distahce of 100. feet. With this that the proposed housing unit;~ could be constructed on the lot and better septic system design. Our reasons are as followe~ 1.' If the septic system is located on top of the bluff, it wou potential surface run-off infiltrating the drainfield if the d~ was located in the flat area. 2. We suspect a high groundwater table in the flat area. 3. Excavation over the bluff could cause"future erosion. 4. Based on the soils percolation test performed by Mr. Oystei: 1980, the percolation rate is 30 min/in'. This.~: would require feet of absorption area for the three bedroom structure. The the test hole was 15 feet and therefore the drainfield would be mately 72 feet long. With the waiver~ there would be adequa~ room. a replacement drainfield. 5. With the relatively high percolation rate, this reduces th~ potential contamination of the existing wells from the proposed, s~ sys tern. ' Enclosed are the existing soils log and a site. drawing of your 10t. whii: the existing and proposed facilities of which DEC will request pri6f the waiver.