HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRING BROOK VISTA #1 BLK 1 LT 10 REA, R ANCHORAGE AREA BOR(.,GH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska ggs03 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SI'rE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME ERICK JOHNSON MAILING ADDRESS PO BOX 722 EAGLE RIVER PHONE 694 ..... 9'754 LOCATION--prince of peace dr_iv_e LEGAL OESCmPTION~IOt ]0; BI,OCKi~PRING BROOK VTSTA'S/D . SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE 12'7 ' SUNSET FROM WELl MANUFACTURER_-- __ MATERIAL INSIDE LENGTH_ INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH PLASTIC NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS 1,000 LIQUID CAPACITY~ GALLONS. TILE [:)RAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL mi -- NUMBER OF LINES 1 ABSORPTION AREA 1_1z)6-4~q f'b,~ SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTH OF FILTER DEPTI4: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE 3! MATERIAL BENEATH TILE TOTAL LENGTH FOUNDATiON_~t .... NEAREST LOT LINE 3'7I .... OF LINES 79'-- DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES N/A .TRENCH WIDTH 36f '~IN. TOTAL EFFFCTIVE 1 at 79' IN. ABOVE TILE 6~ t IN. WELL: Ty pES]~JvII -PUBLIC BUILDING FOUNDATION 63 -- CESSPOOL N/A APPROVED SPRING BROOK VISTA C@~JNI~ WATER SYSTEM. _DEPTI-I CONSTRUCTION NEAREST NEAREST SEPT lC LOT LINE 13' SEWER LINE N/A TANKl~7' _REMARKS OTHER SOURCES N/A __ DISAPPROVED DISTANCE FROM: SEEPAGE SYSTEM__ 166' DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM The Municipality of Anchorage will not be held liable or guarantee adequacy of the design, materials, or construction practice employed for the construction of the on-site sewage disposal-system on lot 10, block 1, Spring Brook Vista S~division. The Mtnticipality's involvement in this system consisted of our inspector checking the system after completion as could be seen from fire surface. G.A.A.B. Form LQ-D32 GREA..R ANCHORAGE AREA BORC Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SH INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL /~'Z INSIDE LENGTH_ NUMBER OF t MANUFACTURER--..'5~'('"~' '~ ~ MATERIAL--/'''~7/II~s /'''/~ COMPARTMENTS INSIDE WIDTH_ LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY~¢¢~ GALLONS. DEPTH: NEAREST LOT LINE__ ~ ~ / TOTAL LENGTH _OF LINES £/ TRENCH WIDTH ¢. IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL /~' /FOUNDATION ~ ~, NUMBER OF LINES // ---- DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES ABSORPTION AREA--'//~;~'; SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE // ~ '~¢* TOP OF TILE TO FINISN GRADE '"~/ DEPI'H OF FILTER / /~,/'/ MATERIAL BENEATH TILE '7 IN. ABOVE TILE IN. WELL: TYPE BUILDING /¢ -~/ FOUNDATION f""' -, CESSPOOL //'/4 CONSTRUCTION DEPTH SEPTIC ~ SEEPAGE TANK ! ~'' SYSTEM. NEAREST ;' NEAREST LOT LINE I]~ SEWER LINE OTHER SOURCES _ DISTANCE FROM: / APPROVED DISAPPROVED REMARKS DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM .~'1%~.~.,,4 1 K"'-' · DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL: -- LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: -- ¢'£2-~/t' OcP;F// ¢ 7' Form EQ-032 i"-1 I.J i'-I Z C: ] F' t:~t L. Z 'lF '-,-" C, F" 27~-4~6'~ > F'IRINCE OF PEACE [;,R L..:I.C~ E',i SPRING[3F.'.Of.-]K VILZ, TFI '.'gE:, 29;78.1 SI..n, FT' T'¢F'E OF:' SO I L ABSOF:'.F'TI ON S:;'¢STEi"I... TF..'IENOH t41..JHE3, ER OF BEDROOMS Z,'. ::SOIL RATING, SIL:.!FT,.."BR THE REQUIRED SIZE 01::' THE SOIl_ ABSORPTION S'.r'STEM IS:DEPTH= ? LENGTH= 78. 75 THE I',IINIi'4UH I}EPTH OF GRAVEL BETI4EEN THE OUTFRLL PIF'EE FINE:, ]'HE EXCRVPI'T'ION BOTTOM IS.'; 4 FT , THERE IS NO SE"I' HID'I"H FOR TRENCI"'IES. F'OR DRRINF'IEL. DS, THE I-'.IIDTH IS :3 FT. THE DEP'f'H OF TRENCH OR PIT IS THE D:t:STI'-INCE BETI.4EEN THE GROUND SUI:~'.FFtC:E RND I"HE; BOTTOH OF THE EXCFIVFI'fION. THE I_ENGTH DII¥1ENSION IS THE LENGTH OF ERC:H S]:E:'E FOR R SEEPF'IGE PIT OR THE LENCTH OF THE TRENC:I'4, OR DRRINFIELD. THE REQUIRED SEPT]:C TANK SIZE IS'S 0 GALLONS F' FI ,.:.l: I-~:: Itl C'~ El F" I_. I-::11 INI 'T i~-." E ,~.~ LJ il[ I1~ E~ EITHER A CLFISS I OR'. II NSF' RPPROVE[:, PLANT HR'-¢ BE INE;TRL.LEE:,. FI CONTINUOUS I','IAINI"ENANCE RI3F.:EEHENT IS REg!UIRED. Il::' A I',IAINTENANCE AEiR'EEHENT IS NOT KFPT CURRENT '¢OU I',IR'¢ BE REE!UIRED "FO ENLRRGE THE SOIL FIBSORPTION StP%~"EM AND,>OR 'T'OU HA'-r' BE SLIBJ'ECT TO PROSECUTION. R Cl..ASS II S'¢STEH IFJ, U'SED, THE LENCil"H IS 78 FEET IF IR C[..RSS I S'¥'S'FEM IS USED., '¥HE LENGTH IS 55 FEET BRCKF:[LL. ZNC~ OF RN'T' S'¢S"FEH !.4ITHOUT F'INRL INSPEE:T'rON B'T' THIS [.~EPRRTI"IENT 14IL. L BE SUB,:rECT 'fO PROSECLITION. HII'.,IIHUH DIS'f'RNCE FROM 14ELL TO Rlqt'r' SEPT'rC 'TANK,)PRCKRGE PLRI'.Ef' OR SOIL RE:SORF'TION S'.r'STEH IS '188 FT FOR RPR, ZVRTE NELL AND 200 F"f' FOR R PIJBLIC NELL SPECIFICFITION.S RND CONSTRUI.".':TIOI'.,I I)IRGRRHS RRE RVR];LRBLE TO INSURE PROPER I NST'RLLRT I ON. Z C.'ERTIF".r' THFIT I RI"1 FRHILIFIR 1.4ITH THE REI'.~UIREr,IENf'S FOR ON-SITE SE!.,.IERS RND I.,.IEL. LS AS SET FORTH B'¢ THE i',IUNICIPRLZT'.r' OF RNCHORRGE AND 1.4ILL INSTRLL IN RCCORr)RNCE 14ITH T'HE (:.'ODE:. ............ O 8' E GEO', flussell Oyster 694-2774 Soils ~t Foundations Performed for: Legal Description: D_~g~th (feet)_ 0 ~2HNICAL 8' DEVEL.__ MENT Box 90, Davis St,, Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 er 688-2280 Name: Mailing Address= CO. E~rl E/lis 688-2280 Land Development Soil Ch~r~cteris~lcs :1 (~ / Yes~ Ground Water Encountered: No Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit__=~ Drain Fte~d____.. P~r'¢o~ned by:_ . ~ ~,~.,~ If yes, what depth. ,nicipality of Anch .rage MEMORANDUM DATE: December 'LS, 1975 TO~ Douglas Weiford, Manager FROM' Joel DeVore~ Ombudsman SUB3ECT: Johnson Complaint; On-Site Sewer Violation Assemblyman Brannon referred Mr. Johnson's problem ~zo me on December 11, and since that .time I've been reconstructing events involved. In hopes it might be of help to you tomorrow I'm attaching a copy of my complaint, form '[:hat should detail what I've learned so far~ Since this particular ombudsman ventures cautiously into matters entering the legal arena, I was glad to hear of your interest and involvement° In the end you are far more capable of doing something about Mr. Johnson's problem than I. hope 'this will help: Name Address Greater Anchorage Area Borough OFFICE OF CITIZEN INFORMATION ACTION RECORD Robert C. Johnson Box 456 (re: Spring Brook Vista) Eagle River Contact Via Phone ~ Visit Problem Date Phone Dec° 11, 1975 wk: 694-.2543 Section 2 Letter ~ , Referral ~_-~ Other ~_~ Mr. Johnson complained that h.e was being unreasonably cited for installing an on-site sewer system without a permit. He explains that he made ~ good faith effort to secure the prope:c permit, was given the wrong kind [a hook~up permit), and is threatened now with punishment for errors, tn which the Mun.][c.tpality assisted. He and his excavator Dick Woods have been cited. Mr. Johnson also complains tha'h he is being forced to comply with regualtions not in effect at the t~me he sought an on-sit~ sewer permit. --- Department Health & Environmental Protection; Public Works. Assisting Response The ombudsman has been able to verify ±mportant facts in Mr. John- son's account of events. Until July :[975 an off,ce was maintained in Eagle River where peo~ ple seeking either on-site sewer permits o~ permits to hoo~ up to public sewer could obtain both in one office. In July the office closed, and Eagle River people now had to go to the main Borough building for hook-up permits or to DEQ's C Street office for on- site sewer permits. While at the main Borough building on Planning business, Mr. John- son asked directions to the place to get a sewer permit (September 29, 1975). The ombudsman has frequently witnessed the receptionist in the entryway of the building discriminating between persons seeking one or the other type of permit and making appropriate referrals (i.e., either DEQ or Customer Service). Mr. Johnson asked the person(s) in Planning where he was instead of the receptionist. He reports being directed simply to the other end of the counter where Customer Service was. Johnson Violation Complaint Action Record December 15, 1975 Page 2 The only type of sewer permit issued there is the hook-up permit. Mr. Johnson allegedly supplied the soils information needed for on-site sewer° Unquestionably he did supply an address and legal descript±on that clearly indicated the site was nowhere near any public sewer, yet a new, less experienced secretary in Customer Service'gave Mro Johnson a hook-up permit. (She'd been in the office only a month or two°) Customer Service should have been tipped off something was wrong by the legal description, 'the address, 'the alleged soils informa- tion (not normally required for hook-up permits), or by completing the permit form° The form (attached) asks in one space for the trunk improvement district and for the lateral improvement district in another~ Had the office comDle~ed its own ~orm~ none of the events that followed would have By the same token Mr. Johnson's experience in land development should have tipped him off that something was awry. The secretary would not have asked the s~ne questions asked when applying for on-site sewer, and the permit clearly read "Sewer Connection Application and Permit~" Mr. Johnson apparently assumed the permit to be the proper one~ He then contracted to have the work done. When contractor Dick Woods called for the customary inspection, all parties involved d~scovered the permit in hand was the wrong sort. B~h M~, Johnson and Mr. Woods have been issued citations for ~~ng sewer systems without a permit. ,C~m~ent The ombudsman's investigation is not yet complete, yet at this point he would suspect that there is no deliberate effort involved to cir.~ cumvent the law. It is believed 'that an individual seeking-to avoid legal requirements certainly would not seek out the place that issues sewer permits, offer accurate legal descriptions, or call for an inspection. The ombudsman tentatively believes Mr. Johnson made a good faith effort to comply with the.law and now stands as an alleged violator of that law through mistakes as much governmental as his own. No comment included herein is intended to reflect upon the judicial question of guilt or innocence. No investigation has yet been done concerning the secondary question of conformance to a new set of regulations. Noted; December 15, 1975 · MuniciPc iity of Anchorage FROM' Municipal Manager eo~ee~ ~o~e [e~ ~ob}ems e~co~eze8 b~ Mr. Johnson informed me that he wished to obtain a permit on September 29 for the installation of a private sewer system at a building being, constructecl by Eric Johnson. Apparently, Air. Johnson was inadvertently given a wrong type of permit which would have allowed him to make a connection to a public sewer. This was an :[nadver~ence inasmuch as no public sewer was in the irnrnediate vicinit~r. According to Mr. Johnson, he did not notice the way in which the pern~i% was issued, and proceeded to install the private system. Subsequently, the error was noted and the matter was brought to the attention of your d~parl.~aent wherein it was directed that a citation be issued. It is my understanding that a trial on this case will be held early in January. I would like to discuss this with you and the Municipal Attorney and request that you meet withme on Friday, December 19, at ?~:00 p.m. DGW:AFI~ cc: Municipal Attorney Ombudsman Douglas G. Weiford Municipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE; December 22, 1975 ?O: Ken Norman, Department of Law FROM, Joel DeVore, Ombudsman SUBJECT: Robert Johnson; On-Site Sewer Violation The ombudsman would like to ask the Department of Law whether or not the citation issued Robert Johnson for installation of on.~site sewer without a permit is, in your opinion, likely to stand up in court. Normally Z defer judicial questions to the judicial bodies designed to weigh the arguments. Some cases however are so noteworthy on/~) their face that they demand second thoughts about prosecution. ~jj/ This is such a case. The reason I'm compelled to ask your consideration.is 'that 'the ~cts seem to indicate the heart of this matter J-s a government~ bungle. Mr. Johnson now stands vulnerable to prosecution more a result of municipal error than his own. ' You'll find most of 'the facts described in the attached complaint form. My question is whether or not the Department of Law actually wishes to prosecute the case in light the attached information. cc: Douglas Weiford Municipal Manager Ernie Brannon Assemblyman Richard Garnett Municipal Attorney Allen Bailey Prosecutor William Reeves Asst. ~{unicipal Attorney Greater Anchorage Area Borough OFFICE OF CITIZEN INFORMATION ACTION RECORD Name Address Robert C. Johnson Box 456 (re: Spring Brook Vista) Date Dec, 11, 1975 Phone wk: 694-~2543 Eagle River Section 2 Contact Via Phone ~ Visit [] Letter ~2 Rofen'a! [~ Other ~-_~ Problem Mr. Johnson complained that he was being unreasonably cited for J.n- stalling an on-site sewer system without a permit° t{e explains that he made a good faith effort to secure the proper permit, was given the wrong kind (a permit to connect with public sewer), and is threafi-~ ened now with punishment for errors in which the Nunicipality assisted~ He elaborates by saying that he asked directions of persons in the Planning Department on September 29th for the office that issues sewer permits. He says he was directed "to the other end of the counter (Customer Service)." He reports supplying soils informa- tion necessary for on-site sewer, supplying addresses clearly indi- cating the location far from public sewer, and receiving unknown to him a permit to hook-up to public sewer rather the proper permit he was seeking. Approximately one month later his excavator called in for the cus- tomary inspection. At that time all parties discovered the erron- eous permit, and Mr. Johnson and his excavator were issued c:[tations. Mr. Johnson also complains that'he is being forced to comply with regulations not in effect at the time he sought an on~.site sewer permit. Department Healt~ &F~nv~ronmental' Protection; Public Works. Assisting Response ~partment's View: Mr. Johnson is not new to the whole permit process or to DEQ's work. He is a land surveyor responsible for a larg~ major- ity of the subdivision work in Eagle River. He has had frequent con- tact with DEQ on C Street. He knows he must apply for an on-site per.- mit, and he knows what they look like. He is aware of what information is needed to fill out the form and the type of custom built requirements that DEQ (HEP) places on every system in order to meet particuiar soil situations. The Department feels Mr. Johnson may have known where to get the r~ght sort of permit. He's signed his name to many plats which displayed on them the requirement for either Health Department or DEQ aDDroval for on-site sewer. In fact, according to the Department, he's"~he man who physically wrote those paragraphs on the plats. On-Site Sewer Violation December 11, ].975 Action Record Page 2 D_e_partment's View (Cont.): Even if Mr~ Johnson did not know which office issued on-site sewer permits, he knew what they looked like. The erroneous permit he received clearly read"Sewer Connection Appli-- cation and Permit." The receptionist issuing the wrong permit wo~lld not have asked the same questions Mr. Johnson was used to hearing in connection with on-site sewer. The Department believes fault for picking up the wrong permit rests with Mr. Johnson who should have known better, Blame for working without the proper permit rests with Mr~ Johnson and the excavator. The Department wishes to prosecute. Ombudsman's View: The ombudsman usually doe~ not pick sides in an argument but' instead attempts to mediate from all objective point of view. He may advocate a position after the facts are : ~arched and rest', one side or the other warrants advocacy. The ombudsman has researched the facts with the generous help of officials involved and does Dow seek a review of the Department position. * Findings I. Mr. Johnson's case is prejudiced by his past dealings with Muni.- cipal offices on subdivision matters. 1. Derrogatory comments (or facts) reflecting on his profes sional character have been mentioned by several officials.. 2. Most clearly the Municipality seeks to hold him to a higher standard than other citizens because Mr. Johnson is con- sidered a "professional" in the business of land develop-- ment. DEQ tells the ombudsman an ordinary citizen might not be prosecuted for Mr. Johnson's offense. Profess, ionals seemingly are not allowed the same benefit of the doubt accorded the average citizen. II0 The facts support Mr. Johnson's complaJ, nt and show a deliberate effort to co___nform to the law -- not an effort to evade the law. 1. The man's experience told him that there was one office~ at which sewer permits were obtained. Until July 1975 an officer of DEQ (HEP) was stationed in Eagle River to issue both on-site permits and hook-up per- mits from one office. Sometime in June the man resigned. Eagle River residents then had to come into town and seek out either one of two offices. Hook-up permits were han- dled by Customer Service in the main Borough building, while on-site permits were issued at DEQ on C Street. DEQ researched twelve years of records in order to prove that Mr. Johnson did receive an on-site permit from the C Street office and did know where to get the proper per- mit, but no evidence of the sort could be found. As a On-Site Sawer Violation Action Record December 11, 1975 Page 3 e result it's safe to conclude in all his dealings with sewer permits Mr. Johnson used the .Eagle River office. Mr. Johnson did appear at a Municipal office asking direc-i tions for a sewer permit and was given a bum steer. The Planning Department confirms Mr. Johnson had at least two plats in the works and that he dropped them off at about that time of the month. The Planning secretary who Mr. Johnson names as giving him directions reported that she may well have directed the gentleman to Customer S~rvice. She explained she was aware that DEQ was involved with on--site permits, but she wasn't sure how. She was however certain that Cusotmer Service did give out some sort of sewer permit. Mr. Johnson sought to comply with the law requiring him to get an on--site sewer permit. He supplied soils test data from a reputable, O&E Engineering. (The firm is deemed reputable by DEQ). The tests are dated September 27, two days before his visit. ' b. He offered an accurate address and legal description both which indicated an area not on public sewer. c. His excavator properly called for an inspection a month later. ' 4. The secretary in Customer Service failed to notice Mr. Johnson was attempting to apply for an on-site permit'. /The soils t~S~tS- inot required for hook-~up permits), t~--' /address, and the legal description were glaring warning /signs he was in the wrong off~ce~ The hook-up permit, ~normally filled out by Customer Service, asked {or L~£D land TID numbers. Had the form been filled out, Custo- m,er Servl~e could not have found such numbers and would k~ nave caught the error in the making. Conclusion: The ombudsman concludes that Mr. Bob Johnson did make a sincere effort to comply with the law. Mr. Johnson got a steer. He supplied the right information for the wrong permit, and the wrong office didn't catch it. Had Mr. Johnson sought to violate the law he would not have applied for a permit, would not have spent the money for a reputable soils test, would not have offered accurate addresses, and certainly would not call for an inspection. On-Site Sewer Violation Action Record December 11, 1975 Page 4 Mr. Johnson is a clear victim of a simple governmental error in sending him to the wrong place and then in not catching the very obvious mistake. The ombudsman recommends the charges against Mro Johnson be dropped and that the Department of Law consider whether regulations not in effect at the time of 'the erroneous application can be waived~ Noted: December 23~ 1975 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE /SEWER CONNECTION APPLICATION & PERSOn~ ~ ~f~ ' -'~" ~500 TUDOR ~OAD .Rr~ of P~ce D~, . E~gle.:R~v~..' ~,.~o.~ .~c.~ ~,.,~.~,~7~. ~OPER~ OWNER ~E ....... ' ........ R~er[ C.' ~oh~son Box 456 ~ &~.~_~- .... gERVICE STATUS .... - ....... _TRUNK SERVICE PROVIDED BY (AGENCY): ~E~ ~. ~' '~' ~-- I ~ ~d~"~( - / fl19'3/~~ ' ' D ' ~ ~ ,. 04 , ~PER~{ 24 ~ ~ce c~ll 279-86~ ~t. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 274-4561 Date Received July 16, 1976 Time of Inspection 1:30 p.m. Date of Inspection ?-19-76 Neale REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF Monday INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACILITIES FOR Approval requested by: Mailing Address:. (o~%/] Conv, _ National Bank of Alaska ~xhl~ Phone: 2. Property Owner: Robert C. Johnson Phone: 694-2543 Mailing Address:, BQX 456 Eagle River, 99577 Legal Description: Lot 10 Block i Springbrook Vista #1 Location: Eaqle River, See.~map 5. Type of 'facility to be inspected Single Family 6. Public Utility Well Data: A. Type C. Construction Sewage Disposal System: A. Installed 1975 C. Septic Tank: 1. D. Seepage Pit: 1. E. Disposal Field: No. of bedrooms 2 B. Depth D. Bacterial Analysis On-site system B. Installer Size 2. Manufacturer Absorption Area 2. Material Total length of lines , Absorption area , Other contamination , Absorption area , Sewer Lines __ Distances: A. Well to: Septic tank Nearest lot line B. Foundation to septic tank C. Absorption area to nearest lot line EQ-034 (1/74) Page 1 of two pages Pa~' 2 of two pages - ReqL t for Approval of Individual S( - & Water Facilities Legal Description Lot 10 Block 1 SpringBrook Vista Comments Approved sapproved Date Approval~Valid for one year from date signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Department of Environmental Quality DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subject sewer and water facilities and these facilities are operating satisfactorily. SIGNED Date EQ-034 (1/74) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2510 East 'ruder Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99504 276-2221 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER and WATER FACILITIES 1. Type of Inspection: CMRO 2. Property Owner: .~. ~)~-¢.r--~-J Mailing Address: ~ 3. Name of Buyer'. ¢.~D~-L Mailing Address'. (/g ('~, ~¢,~/- t)~.~ ~";~_.~(.L.)~;~_ V d~Day Phone: 4. Name of Lending Institution: J)~'i', bk) q t . %~,O 12~ 0%- Mailing Address:__ Phone: Name of Realtor or Agent:_ l~,i ~ ,~', .. Mailing Address: k:, , .~2v, '~ ?-'-~. ~..R~/.~b~-J~hone: 6. Legal Description: /-~'~- lb ~-p~,¢~ / Location: .. ~ M-., ~ *-~'~;-'~ 7. Type of Facility to be Inspec'ted: 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: Public Utility, No. Bdrms. Individual If Individual, number of dwellings presently served If Individual, depth of well Sewage Disposal System Type of System: Public Utility If Individual, date of installation ~;::)(-'"~'l Individual (on-site). ?2-003(3/76) AT National Bank of Alas],:~a TO Sitir].ey Jones 630 ~.,a~ 5th Avenue 99501 / Lot 10 Block 1 Springbrook " ...... '' ' { ] · Vz.,~a Subdlvls_on ~%]. DATE July 30, Johnson catle~ '~hls afternoon and asked to have a copy of the water sample t~lken on Lot 9A Block 1 Springbrook Vista Subdivision "~' public system so this sm~ple can be used for this house also~ If you have any f.'u~hher questions, plea{{e contact me at 276~--~,221~ extension 2~3 SIGNED Laura Harrison, Secretary Sewer & Water DATE J SIGNED RediQorm ® SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 WITH CARBON INTACq' - 4S 469 PolyPek(50sels)4P469 PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP SO UTHCEN [RA L REGIONAL OFF/CE February 10, 1983 Municipal Department of Health, Environmental Protection ATTN: Bob Pratt 825 L. Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR 437 E. Street SECOND FLOOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 274-2533 P.O. BOX 515 KODIAK, ALASKA 99615 (907) 486-3350 P.O. BOX 1207 SOLDO TNA, ALASKA 99669 (907) 262-5210 P.O BOX 1709 VALDEZ, ALASKA 99686 (907) 835 4698 P.O BOX 1064 WASILLA, ALASKA 99687 (907) 376 5038 Dear Mr. Pratt: Due to barium levels in excess of the MCL the Springbrook Vista Subdivision Water System is not itt complaince with the State Drink:Lng Water Regulation. Sincerely, MM/msm Mike Ma thews t',4UNIC!PA[ Environmental Field Officer ~/~,~