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SPRING BROOK VISTA Miscellaneous Information
sc. Mat:ch 29,. 1977 ?est Offic~ }~o:~. ~:aglo l~iver ~ Alaska 9957'7 Springbrook Vista for th~ ~eon'th of February, Ma=ch 1977. ()ur r(acords .~,n-~ti~at~ that you a~:e r~sponsfblu for turning r'.anClatory ~a~,:~?I~ in .~or ti~ ~ubjuct water ~ystem. and return %he sampi~ to the sa~ne addres~ for anaiysi~. Xf yOU a~e no longer in charg6; of the ~ubj~ct water ~ystom~ at 279-2511, ~tc~n~ion 2~4, or at the abov~ ad~Iross. you for your co-ogeration in ~h;t,s matter. Principal Env!ron~?~r~, .... Control Officer C~ CDC ,, '-~ With detNery to addressee only ........ 65~ ~ VJLR :CO ADDRESSEE OfiLY .,-u..~,..,~z.t-"-'y'-':~'":'""':'~"'-- = return receipt requested r SENDER: Complete items 1, 2, and :, Add your address i~ the "RBTURN TO" space on 1. The following service is requested (check one). [] ghow to whom and date delivered ............ 15~t [] Show to whom, date, & address of delivery.. 35~ [] RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom and date delivered ............. ~ RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Show to whom~ date, and add.ss of delivery 851 2. ARTICLE ADDEESSEO TO: Robert Johnson Post Office Box 456 Eaqle River, A~aRka 99577 3. ARTICLE DESCRI~ION: REGISTERED NO. [ CERTIFIED NO. I INSURED NO, [ 102083 (Always obtain sl~n~url of I~s~ or ~ent) I have received the a~icle d~fibed a~ve. ~ONATURE ~ Addresfee ri Authorized agent ENV L,O,I, IEN r. AL CONSERVATION October 4, 1971 Ronald L. Thiel 519 West 8th Avenue - Room 209 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: SPRING BROOt( VISTA SUBDIVIS]:ON WATER SYSTEM Dear Mr. Thiel: We have reviewed the plans and design criteria for the subject project and have the following questions and requirements regarding this submis- sion: 1. There must be more data furnished on the well. Specifically, a well log should be furnished. As this is a public water supply we will require assurance that the requirements regarding the 100 ft. and 200 ft. radii have been met. 2. From the sketch covering the well house we dra¥~ the conclusion that it is located in a ~8~' pit. This is unacceptable; Please clarify. 3. We are unable to follow your design calculations in regard to coming up with storage requirements and would appreciate it if you would contact us on this matter. 4. We will require that chemical and bacteriological analyses be fur-. nished this office before the well is put into service. If you have any questions regarding the above requirements please contact US. Yours truly, Regional Enviroiw~ental Engineer cc: GAAB-DEQ xonat~i L. Tid(~l is sci ti a I,u,~tic :;tatds u~:ll or cai~ L~ classi'Fi~xi ~5 a :;~.~mi..i.a~u'lic Cla:;s solul;ton Lo i;~i5 '[:r'obh~,i;~. 5iaccrcty; Rolf 3trJckl am~, Ghiuf Sanii;aridn n~l d cc, Kyl,: dm:try 702 W. 32nd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 R?P0RT. OF ANALYSIS and IIousehold Water Robert C, Johnson DATF: October 30, 1973 P. O. Box 456 ', Eagle River, Alaska 99577 !,o('~otJon of well: Spring ~ Brook Vista - Eagle River (semi-public well) ,~", r~,:~mp],e subm5 tted: ~¢!,mo].e //.__1049 1 gallon Date submitted: Oct. 25, 1973 :'d s fitr~tf State ........ Standards ......... . I N.D. Z50 per lO0'ml, Cyanide (CN) neg. O.,,,2,mg/! ~xceot Ground- Fluoride (F) 0.2 Nater 0 per lOOm] ~!: 50~F 1.5 ,, Iron (Ee) 0.96 0--~3" N.D. >75~, saturation M~nganese (Mn) 0.013 0.05" or 5mg/1 Nitrate (NO~) 4.5 45 " 8.2 76.5,~.8.5 Phenols ' ' neg. 0.001" 15 * Sulfate .(S04) 3,6 250" L5 Zinc (Zn) 0.25 5.0" .,~ "Bariul (Be) 0.04 1.0" N.b. ~ Cadmium (Cd) 0.002 ~:~ 01" low 60°F Chromium (Cp) <0.001 0.05" Lead (Pb) < 0.005 0.05" ' 216.4 ~ ' . /. 500rog/l, oe].enlum (Se,) 0.'002 0 01 Silt 'e0.,e State ' Silver (Ag) < 0.001 0.05" and ~tandards-Water Carbon Chlorofor~ '1 carbon )ualJ. ty Extract ~ N.D. O. 1 " aramel, er~ //7 Organic Material 8.5 Ii **~ _ , .. ~Below normal].y (tentative) (carbon) 22.4 ~detectable Color units none**~'' none' Camounts . Threshold Odor none I 0.002 ,O.05mg/1 Number '- (bee state 8.2 Radioactivit? NwD... , 0.01.5 1 .0 " Aesthetic none ~Standards . Considerations ) Quality **see Turbidity and Organics v~¢*in filtrate Filtered water is potable. Louis V. ','~ly-e:r' (Cu) ~.,,Lc .,l:~,nd;.~rds part]_y based on ?U'~5'[~c H'~al~h Service Drin~:ng Water ,.~and' '~ ~n(;2 m~(,,:V'enl;ed m~=,ximums; underlined are rejection limits and concen, tr~tions are .,.-.,-:.~.'.~:(,ct;ion test negative Z=less 'than ~=more 2hen N,b,=no2 determined ,~../.,.~?[,~';: efilters easily through 5 micron filter THIEL & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS 519 WEST EIGHTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99§0! (907) 279-6B08 October 26, 1973 Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian Department of Environmental Quality GAAB 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska [)OT ~ u 1973 GREATER ANCh'©RAO/f AREA BOR~U~I'I Subject: Spring Brook Vista Subdivision Water System Dear Mr. Strickland: In reference to your letter dated October 23, 1973, I have contacted Mr. Johnson the owner and developer concerning all of the items. 1. Mr. Johnson will bring you the results of a chemical analysis in the near future. 2. This system will not be extended to include the last three lots of this subdivision; Lots 1 & 2, Block 3 and Lot 1, Block 1, thereby restricting the total number of lots to be served at 24. If there are any further questions don't hesitate to contact tke undersigned. Sincerely, Ronald L. Thiel, P.E. c. Robert C. Johnson / / / ~ "~" : ; ROO/,t 222 - - 35'~ I)HhEI .S 7RE[-T- AfiCI,'Oh~7;L 5J9 !,~e,'.~t: 8th /;vem~e~ lEGGin 290 Anchor~g::~.~ /:i..':~s'w. 99501 SPRING Dear b~. ,. Ph~ 1 I am wz'iting to provide you with information regardin5 our requirements in our ].ct:te~- of October: 4, 1971 which az'a pertinent to the subject project and wer~ discussed wi. th you in this o~.f~.ce aarl5.c): in the year~ Ua consider i:h.".~; wel! aud f;yst:c:m 1;o 1)a a public suppJ.y and the 100 ft, and 200 i't, radii are app).ic~xbqe, It is our requirement that the well house be dayl:Lghtcd to p:covidc po~:;.tive d)yo./.!ictg(~, The storage require:~ent design cal-- cuJ.~tions are acccpCabic, A ch,:,mical, and bacte:p:;..oiogica! at:~lysis must be furnished this office, Yours truly~. l(yl.c,G, Ct(Jr~:y Regional Envi~:onmental F, nginaer I~ECEIVED : i97i" GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA ~OROUGH DEPL ©~ ENVIRONMENTAL Q~AMT¥ DEPT. OF ~N¥1RONMENTAL CONSERVAT[ON SOUTH£ENTRAL REGIONAL OFF/CE ffl LLIAM A. EGAN, GOVERNOR / / 3?SDENALISTREET ./ MACKAY£UILDING-ROOM850 ANGI-IORAGE 99501 March 28, 1974 Mr. Rolf Strickland, Chief Sanitarian Dept. of Enviornmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3330 C St. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT: Springbrook Vista Subdivision Water System Dear Mr. Strickland: As we have discussed in the past this office has no objec'l'ions allowing all 27 lots of the subject project to be served by the original planned semi-public water system. This constitutes a change in the original approval which would have required a separate well for three lots. cc: Robert C. Johnson Yours truly, e~c--.Fy, P.E. ~ Regional Enviornmental Engineer Wall To Serve Si}ringb~ook VisLa Subdivision, l_aboraaor7 'locaLud at ~J27 E. 4U1 Avenue. t(ol'f Strici;laml, ' (' C, i~.~ SaniLarian Robert C. Johnson P.O. Bo>c 456 l~agle {/liver, Alaska 99577 81Jt~JECT: Springbrook Vista Subdivision ;~ater Supply on January 15, 19'15 this depart,aent responded to a eomplah~t of tile water bolng "black" in Sprlngbrook Vista SubdiviSion. Observation of the wate~ by a ~nember of this depart~aent corffir,nea that the water indeed was highly turbid, A review of the files indicates that a water analysis wss. pea, formed for you by Lcmis ¥..v(al tiveybig, P .E. on October 30, 197a and he found fifteen (15) Zaekson Tarbidtty UnRs in the water. The State Or Alaska ;qatar Quality Standsrds sct~, a~, a lin,it for all class "A~' wails less than five (5) Jackson Tm,bi(Hty Unitu. The wntep appears to be kw in e~;cess of even the al'teen (15) .]aekso.n Turbidity Units at this time. }~egardlcas of tho number of Jackson Turbidity Units it is obvlou~ to this department ttv~t aesthetically the water is impaired by the Mght of so much di~.4eolorat'ion in tile wt~ter. Dritaking, cooking, and elothaswashing are ~11 undoubtedly affected b~ the color. On April 29, !974 a loiter was flout to you by Roll Strtckland of thi~ department indicating that you w()re wo~,ktng on e~lor pr~l(m~a with tile water. It is appartmt nothing has 'bean done to tills date. For this reason we mt,;t request that within thirty (30) days from the receipt of this letter a phmned schedule of ~batera,:mt be submitted by you to this department bfJ~-;ed on the recommendations of a civil engineer ~,e~dstered in the uf Alaska. The re~;ult must be a water supply that water quality Sincerely, Aohn it. L,~a, ll.S. Eagle 'River District Snnitarian JRL/Iw OcLober 23, ,],.,,... ,:ul in<ll(;,~¢~ 'in fir. ky lc Cherry's letter, Si~ould you i}ave qti(]sLion5 regarding our review of this maL**ria't, please 9~L I, O01.I.C! _? -7¢:1.-_Y/:/ 09L I, O01/Cl \ \ \ \ \ J~